[GENERAL] Using AND in query

2010-08-07 Thread aravind chandu
Hello every one, 

I have encountered a problem while working .I have a sample table with the 
following data

TID Date Item 
T100 8/1/2010 Laptop 
T100 8/1/2010 Desktop 
T101 8/1/2010 Laptop 
T102 8/1/2010 Desktop 
T103 8/2/2010 Laptop 
T103 8/2/2010 Desktop 
T104 8/2/2010 Laptop 
need the data when a person bought laptop  desktop on the sameday.I 
used a condition in where clause but its not working,it is returning no 
any one please help me to resolve this issue ?

condition in where clause :
table.date in date() to date() and table.item = laptop and table.item = 


[GENERAL] Query to find list of dates between two dates

2010-02-05 Thread aravind chandu
Hello guys,

can you please help me with the following query

I need a query that displays all the dates in between two dates say i give two 
dates 12/1/2009 and 12/31/2009 The result should be like this



Note : Assume that there is no table



[GENERAL] Error while including PQXX library

2009-05-19 Thread aravind chandu

  I wrote a small
program in cpp which uses pqxx API.The file that i included are


      #include pqxx/connection

  #include pqxx/transaction


 After compiling i got the following error :

    prog29.cpp:5:21: pqxx/connection: No such file or directory

    prog29.cpp:5:21: pqxx/transaction: No such file or directory

    I checked the include
directory and all these files were there,but i don't know why i got
these errors.Can you guys please help me to solve this problem.




[GENERAL] Data in a table to a csv file

2009-05-18 Thread aravind chandu

   I have a small problem,I need to export data from a table into a csv 
file.For this i am using pqxx library to work on it.I can able to retrieve the 
data from the database but the only problem is I am unable to store it in a csv 
file.Can you guys please help me how to do that.



[GENERAL] Problem with pgpool-II tool

2009-04-19 Thread aravind chandu

  I have encountered a problem while configuring pgpool-II,I 
encountered a problem while executing the following command.

 pgpool -n 
[1] 2796
[achand...@localhost ~]$ pool_config: could not open configuration file 
pool_config: using default values...
pid file found but it seems bogus. Trying to start pgpool anyway...
2009-04-19 12:39:24 ERROR: pid 2796: could not open pid file as 
/var/run/pgpool/pgpool.pid. reason: Permission denied

 Following were the default paths in  pgpool.conf file 

# Logging directory
logdir = '/tmp'

# pid file name
pid_file_name = '/var/run/pgpool/pgpool.pid'

since there is no pgpool/pgpool.pid file in run folder i created pgpool 
directory and pgpool.pid file in that directory and gave a value 2678 in 
pgpool.pid file then i got the above message.Can you guys please help me in 



[GENERAL] In memory Database for postgres

2009-04-13 Thread aravind chandu


   Thanks for your reply,but what I am actually looking for is 
database should be an in-memory database and at the same i want to store that 
data into disk so that data won't be lost when the system restarts or in case 
of power failure. Can you guys tell me the procedure how to do this? your help 
will he greatly appreciated.


From: Emanuel Calvo Franco postgres@gmail.com
To: John R Pierce pie...@hogranch.com
Cc: postgresql Forums pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 11:54:45 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] In memory Database for postgres

2009/4/12 John R Pierce pie...@hogranch.com:
 aravind chandu wrote:

I created in-memory database but the problem is all the data
 will be accessed from main memory .when ever the system is restarted the
 entire data that is in the tables will lost.Is there any way to dump all the
 data in to local hard disk before restarting the system or any similar
 method to save the data in to a permanent storage.

 memory is volatile, disk is persistent.

 if you want persistent databases, I recommend storing them on disk.

ubuntu=# create table test_ram (i integer, name text) tablespace ram_space;
ubuntu=# create temp table test_ram_temp (i integer, name text)
tablespace ram_space;
ubuntu=# create temp table test_disk_temp (i integer, name text);
ubuntu=# create table test_disk (i integer, name text);

ubuntu=# explain analyze insert into test_ram values
Result  (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.019..9354.014
rows=100 loops=1)
Total runtime: 22836.532 ms
(2 rows)

ubuntu=# explain analyze insert into test_ram_temp values
Result  (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.025..7507.349
rows=100 loops=1)
Total runtime: 12773.371 ms
(2 rows)

ubuntu=# explain analyze insert into test_disk values
Result  (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.025..7948.205
rows=100 loops=1)
Total runtime: 16902.042 ms
(2 rows)

ubuntu=# explain analyze insert into test_disk_temp values
Result  (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.018..8135.287
rows=100 loops=1)
Total runtime: 13716.049 ms
(2 rows)

So, let's see in a brief:

standard table on ram: 22836.532
standard table on disk: 16902.042

temp table on ram: 12773.371
temp table on disk: 13716.049

  Emanuel Calvo Franco
Sumate al ARPUG !
  (www.postgres-arg.org -
ArPUG / AOSUG Member
   Postgresql Support  Admin

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Re: [GENERAL] In memory Database for postgres

2009-04-12 Thread aravind chandu

I created in-memory database but the problem is all the data will 
be accessed from main memory .when ever the system is restarted the entire data 
that is in the tables will lost.Is there any way to dump all the data in to 
local hard disk before restarting the system or any similar method to save the 
data in to a permanent storage.


From: Blazej bl.oleszkiew...@gmail.com
To: avin_frie...@yahoo.com
Cc: postgresql Forums pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 4:26:46 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] In memory Database for postgres

Sorry I forgot about create tablespace script - this is the SQL script:

CREATE TABLESPACE ram_space LOCATION '/mnt/ram0/pgspace';

And then:


and table is in memory.


2008/11/17 Blazej bl.oleszkiew...@gmail.com:
 In my opinion very nice solution is building part of PostgreSQL
 database in memory - below it is instruction how to build PostgreSQL
 schema in memory in Linux. I tested this with my ROLAP solution for
 recalculation MOLAP cubes in memory and then join with master cube
 (this speeds up proces about 10 times!!! - but in other solution may
 be different).

 In grub (or other bootloader) you must declare ramdisk and then in OS:

 mke2fs /dev/ram0
 mkdir /mnt/ram0
 mount /dev/ram0 /mnt/ram0
 mkdir /mnt/ram0/pgspace

 chown postgres:postgres /mnt/ram0/pgsapce

 The /mnt/ram0/pgsapce folder must be empty (ERROR:  directory
 /mnt/ram0 is not empty)

 And  then you may create tables (in this schema of course) and write to them.

 Of course you must delete schema before shutdown PostgreSQL and OS - I
 dont't now how resolve problem with error when the schema was not
 deleted? - I have no time to think about it maybe anybody know how to
 restore db when the in memory schema was damaged?


 2008/11/17 aravind chandu avin_frie...@yahoo.com:

   I guess most of you guys heard about In Memory Database.I have
 a small question regarding it.I need to create an In Memory Database for
 postgresql through which I have to perform various operations on postgresql
 database(queries,procedures,programs using pqxx API etc...).I didn't have
 any idea of how to start and where to start this issue.Please comment on
 this issue,so that it will be really helpful to me .



[GENERAL] Parallel DB architechture

2009-03-30 Thread aravind chandu

   I would like to implement parallel DB Architecture in postgres.I 
came across various parallel architectures shared memory,shared disk,shared 
nothing,hierarchical.But I am unaware of how to implement one of these in real 
time system.Can you guys help me in this aspect? 


[GENERAL] Parallel Query Processing

2009-03-30 Thread aravind chandu

Thanks for your reply guys.My aim is to run multiple queries.Will joins come 
under multiple queries? or it just mean two or more different queries like one 
select statement and another select statement? Does postgresql itself supports 
to run multiple queries or we have to use pgpool-II tool?

From: Scott Marlowe scott.marl...@gmail.com
To: aravind chandu avin_frie...@yahoo.com
Cc: postgresql Forums pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 4:52:43 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Parallel Query Processing

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 2:24 PM, aravind chandu avin_frie...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I have a few questions related to the parallel query
 processing.Can you guys tell me how to implement parallel query processing
 in postgresql database.

Do you mean one query being parallelized, or multiple queries running at once?

PostgreSQL provides no capability to parallelize one query into
multiple processes.

Multiple Queries run in parallel automatically


[GENERAL] Parallel Query Processing

2009-03-25 Thread aravind chandu

I have a few questions related to the parallel query processing.Can 
you guys tell me how to implement parallel query processing in postgresql 



Re: [GENERAL] Syntax error with select statement

2008-12-18 Thread aravind chandu


Thanks for your help,but i still have some
problem.While executing it i encountered an error something like this:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'pqxx::syntax_error'

  what():  ERROR:  unterminated dollar-quoted string at or near $Password$ 

LINE 1: ... = $Username$ achandana $Username$ and password = $Password$...


I just give the query as it is in your previous mail.But still i got some 
problem can you please tell me.

Thank You,


--- On Thu, 12/18/08, Joshua J. Kugler jos...@eeinternet.com wrote:
From: Joshua J. Kugler jos...@eeinternet.com
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Syntax error with select statement
To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008, 1:51 AM

On Wednesday 17 December 2008, justin said something like:
 aravind chandu wrote:
I have problem with select statement in c++ program I am
  using pqxx library to connect to postgresql database.My query is
result R(T.exec( select * from dbtable where username
  ' +user+ ' and password = ' +st+
' ));
   here st is in encrypted format and the string is st =
  M^fuo|`sjyo|`so|-?z  this is the string i stored in the table .
  The error I was encountered is terminate called after
  throwing an instance of 'pqxx::syntax_error'
what():  ERROR:  unterminated quoted string at or near
  LINE 1: ...table where username = 'achandana' and password =
   I am not able to identify what the actual problem is can you guys
  please help to solve this problem?Your help is greatly appreciated.
  Thank You,

 Well its telling you in the error the quotes are flaky.  It apears
 that the password portion contains another sing quote.

 I would move to double dollar quoting when dealing with strings that
 contain special characters

 R(T.exec( select * from dbtable where username =  $UserName$ 
 user +  $Username$ and password = $Password$  + st + 

 see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/sql-syntax-lexical.html
 on dollar quoting

Better yet, use placeholders and let the driver do the quoting.


Joshua Kugler
Part-Time System Admin/Programmer
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu/  ID 0xDB26D7CE

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[GENERAL] Syntax error with select statement

2008-12-17 Thread aravind chandu
I have problem with select statement in c++ program I am using pqxx 
library to connect to postgresql database.My query is

result R(T.exec( select * from dbtable where username =  ' 
+user+ ' and password = ' +st+ ' ));

 here st is in encrypted format and the string is st = 
M^fuo|`sjyo|`so|-?z  this is the string i stored in the table .

The error I was encountered is terminate called after throwing an 
instance of 'pqxx::syntax_error'
  what():  ERROR:  unterminated quoted string at or near 'M^fuo|`sjyo|`so|-?z
LINE 1: ...table where username = 'achandana' and password = 'M^fuo|`sj...


 I am not able to identify what the actual problem is can you guys please help 
to solve this problem?Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thank You,


[GENERAL] Problem Related to storing the field value in a String

2008-12-08 Thread aravind chandu
Hello Guys,

The following is my sample program

 result R(T.exec(select * from emp));
string L;
 stringstream S;
 vectorstring v;
 int z,i;
 z = R.size();

for (i = 0;iz ;i++){
// Write field's string into S
 S  R[i][0];

// Parse contents of S into L
 S  L;

 There is a table emp with single column,while I am working on this module I 
encountered a problem,I can able to get the first
 row of the table only,I am not able to get the other row values.

 Lets say column values are abc,def,ghi.jkl etc There is no problem with 
R[i][0] its getting the correct values,
 but the problem is while reading field values into 'S' I am able to get only 
the table's field value of first row only and the rest as zero's.
 I don't know what's the problem.Can you guys please help me to solve this 

 If there is another way to store field value into a string please let me know.



[GENERAL] In memory Database for postgres

2008-11-17 Thread aravind chandu

I guess most of you guys heard about In Memory Database.I have a small
question regarding it.I need to create an In Memory Database for
postgresql through which I have to perform various operations on
postgresql  database(queries,procedures,programs using pqxx API
etc...).I didn't have any idea of how to start and where to start this
issue.Please comment on this issue,so that it will be really helpful to
me .




[GENERAL] Need Help for a query

2008-10-31 Thread aravind chandu

    I am
using this pqxx library for postgresql to run programs.The following is
the query which i gave to store the data,here data.speed,data.heading
are float values and data.ttime is timestamp .If i try to run this
statement I end up with an error below this query.Please help me to
solve this problem.

 result R1(T1.exec(insert into saveodtdata values( +data.speed+ ,  
+data.heading+ , ' +data.ttime+ ' ) ));

 invalid operands of types `const char[33]' and `float' to binary 
`operator+'make: *** [main2.o] Error 1

Thank You,



[GENERAL] Username and Password authentication using pqxx library.

2008-10-28 Thread aravind chandu

I am using pqxx API for postgresql.The following is the part of my 
code.The problem is in the query I am selecting the number of rows from the 
table since there is only one user name and password row it should return 1 and 
if there is no match then it should return 0.But here Even though I give wrong 
username or password its getting authenticated.please help me,what should I put 
in the if () statement inorder to solve this issue .

result R(T.exec(select count(*) from dbtable where username=+username+ and 

if (R.empty()) 
throw logic_error(No tables found);
*shm = '5';

Thank You,


[GENERAL] size of a table on postgresql

2008-08-12 Thread aravind chandu

The following is the procedure to calculate the disk space occupied by
postgresql from a flat file.

In this I didn't understood some terms  

   24 bytes: each row header (approximate)
24 bytes: one int field and one text field
   + 4 bytes: pointer on page to tuple

here row header is taken as 24 bytes and in some sites it is given
row header as 40 bytes and in some 32 bytes

Is the row header value is constant or it is variable?If so what could be the 
maximun value?
what is that additional +4bytes as pointer on page to tuple.

Should all these were fixed or is there any command to find the values for 
these fields?

 Please post your comments on it.

Thank You,


[GENERAL] How to calculate number of rows per page in postgresql

2008-08-11 Thread aravind chandu

The following is the procedure to calculate the disk space occupied by
postgresql from a flat file.


In this I didn't understood some terms  

   24 bytes: each row header (approximate)
24 bytes: one int field and one text field
   + 4 bytes: pointer on page to tuple
what is that first 24 bytes and last 4 bytes represents?

I did practically but for a  table with two integer columns it
takes 185 rows for a page size of 8192 for 186th it changes to
16384.But when I applied this procedure...


 8 bytes: each row header

 8 bytes : two int fields  

   + 4 bytes: pointer on page to tuple    

  total 20 bytes

  8192/20 =410 rows per page (approx.) 

 Can you please tell me how to caluculate number of rows per page size.

Thank You,




[GENERAL] Disk space occupied by a table in postgresql

2008-08-09 Thread aravind chandu

I installed postgresql on linux system, I create a table 
and inserted a large data into the table what I would like to know is how to 
calculate the disk space occupied by the table .Is there any procedure to find 
it out or simply a command .Please give me some suggestion.

Thank You,


[GENERAL] should i need to install xml library in postgresql inorder to work on xml file?

2008-07-28 Thread aravind chandu

installed postgresql on my sytem,I need to parse an xml file.When I am
working on xpath() it is showing an error that function is notfound and
i tried almost all xml functions in postgresql but it is giving me the
same result.why so ? should I have to install any xml library inorder
to avoid this?Please tell me its very important for me.




[GENERAL] errors while working on xml functions in postgresql

2008-07-28 Thread aravind chandu


installed postgresql on my sytem,I need to parse an xml file.When I am
working on xpath() it is showing an error that function is notfound and
i tried almost all xml functions in postgresql but it is giving me the
same result.why so ? should I have to install any xml library inorder
to avoid this?Please tell me its very important for me.

   these were the errors which i got

SELECT xpath('/my:a/text()', 'my:a
xmlns:my=http://example.com;test/my:a', ARRAY[ARRAY['my',

ERROR:  function xpath(unknown, unknown, text[]) does not exist at 
character 8

HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need to 
add explicit type casts.

STATEMENT:  SELECT xpath('/my:a/text()', 'my:a
xmlns:my=http://example.com;test/my:a', ARRAY[ARRAY['my',

ERROR:  function xpath(unknown, unknown, text[]) does not exist

LINE 1: SELECT xpath('/my:a/text()', 'my:a xmlns:my=http://example...


HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need to 
add explicit type casts.





[GENERAL] How to give input a file for a stored procedure

2008-07-28 Thread aravind chandu

 I am writing a stored procedure where the input to it is a 
file.I did not have any idea of how to give input as a  file for a stored 
procedure.could you please help me.

Thank You,


[GENERAL] Getting data from Xml to Postgresql database

2008-07-27 Thread aravind chandu

I have some data  in XML format and i need to upload in postgresql database 
using stored procedure. Can someone tell
me the step by step procedure of the same as i will be doing it for the
first time.

Thank You,


[GENERAL] procedure to load xml file data in postgesql

2008-07-26 Thread aravind chandu

I have to load xml file data into postgresql database table using a 
stored procedure,but I didn't have any idea how to start it.Can you please help 
me how to do this.Your suggestion is greatly appreciated.Its very important to 

Thanks in advance,

  ?xml version=1.0?
   book id=bk101
  authorGambardella, Matthew/author
  titleXML Developer's Guide/title
  descriptionAn in-depth look at creating applications 
  with XML./description
   book id=bk102
  authorRalls, Kim/author
  titleMidnight Rain/title
  descriptionA former architect battles corporate zombies, 
  an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen 
  of the world./description
   book id=bk103
  authorCorets, Eva/author
  titleMaeve Ascendant/title
  descriptionAfter the collapse of a nanotechnology 
  society in England, the young survivors lay the 
  foundation for a new society./description
   book id=bk104
  authorCorets, Eva/author
  titleOberon's Legacy/title
  descriptionIn post-apocalypse England, the mysterious 
  agent known only as Oberon helps to create a new life 
  for the inhabitants of London. Sequel to Maeve 
   book id=bk105
  authorCorets, Eva/author
  titleThe Sundered Grail/title
  descriptionThe two daughters of Maeve, half-sisters, 
  battle one another for control of England. Sequel to 
  Oberon's Legacy./description
   book id=bk106
  authorRandall, Cynthia/author
  titleLover Birds/title
  descriptionWhen Carla meets Paul at an ornithology 
  conference, tempers fly as feathers get ruffled./description
   book id=bk107
  authorThurman, Paula/author
  titleSplish Splash/title
  descriptionA deep sea diver finds true love twenty 
  thousand leagues beneath the sea./description
   book id=bk108
  authorKnorr, Stefan/author
  titleCreepy Crawlies/title
  descriptionAn anthology of horror stories about roaches,
  centipedes, scorpions  and other insects./description
   book id=bk109
  authorKress, Peter/author
  titleParadox Lost/title
  genreScience Fiction/genre
  descriptionAfter an inadvertant trip through a Heisenberg
  Uncertainty Device, James Salway discovers the problems 
  of being quantum./description
   book id=bk110
  authorO'Brien, Tim/author
  titleMicrosoft .NET: The Programming Bible/title
  descriptionMicrosoft's .NET initiative is explored in 
  detail in this deep programmer's reference./description
   book id=bk111
  authorO'Brien, Tim/author
  titleMSXML3: A Comprehensive Guide/title
  descriptionThe Microsoft MSXML3 parser is covered in 
  detail, with attention to XML DOM interfaces, XSLT processing, 
  SAX and more./description
   book id=bk112
  authorGalos, Mike/author
  titleVisual Studio 7: A Comprehensive Guide/title
  descriptionMicrosoft Visual Studio 7 is explored in depth,
  looking at how Visual Basic, Visual C++, C#, and ASP+ are 
  integrated into a comprehensive development 
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2008-07-13 Thread aravind chandu

 I just need the information related to the requirements of 
postgresql database like how much size it occupies on the disk (when it is 
installed) irrespective of tables size and how much RAM is needed for better 
performance of the database say, I have 4gb ram will it use all the 4gb ram or 
2gb is sufficient in terms of usage and performance issues.

Thank You,



2008-07-10 Thread aravind chandu

you please how much space does postgresql database occupies?

Thank You,



[GENERAL] information related to blobs

2008-07-09 Thread aravind chandu

  Blobs stores
large amount can you please tell me what is the limit i.e hw many kb of
data can it store ? say 4000k like that.

 For suppose if a
4000kb data can be stored using blob and the data stored in blob is
3600k what about the remaining data? will it allocates all the 4000kb
data or will it allocates only 3600kb data? Like char(100) it will
allocates all 100 bytes in memory and  varchar(100) which is
variable memory?


[GENERAL] predefined animation and pre-recorded sounds in postgresql

2008-07-08 Thread aravind chandu

just need to load pre-defined animations and pre-recorded sounds in
postgresql.Can you please tell how to do this.I appreciate your help.

Thank You,



[GENERAL] To store and retrive image data in postgresql

2008-07-07 Thread aravind chandu

  I need to store
an image in postgresql database and after that i need to retrive the
image back.Can you please help me how to do this?

Thank You,



[GENERAL] xml and postgresql

2008-07-03 Thread aravind chandu
Hi folks,

I need to load xml data in to database can you tell me they way how do
I import xml data into postgresql database.

lets dat this is the xml file

book category=CHILDREN
  titleHarry Potter/title 
  authorJ K. Rowling/author 
book category=WEB
  titleLearning XML/title 
  authorErik T. Ray/author 

so finally the table name should be bookstore and column names are 
author,year,price and all the information in the xml file should be ported to 
the table 
can you please tell me how to do this its a bit confusing to me as i am just a 
beginner to 

Thanks in advance,


[GENERAL] does postgresql works on distributed systems?

2008-06-03 Thread aravind chandu

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; My question is

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Microsoft sql server 2005
cannot be shared on multiple systems i,e in a network environment when
it is installed in one system it cannot be accessed one other
systems.One can access only from a system where it is already installed
but not on the system where there is no sqlserver.Is postgresql similar
to sql server or does it supports network sharing i,e one one can
access postgresql from any system irrespective on which system it is

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; If there is any
weblink for this kindly provide that also.

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Thank You,

nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; Avinash nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;