[GENERAL] To: He Weiping Laser Henry

2000-09-04 Thread cuke

Thank you very much!!


2000-09-04 Thread cuke

thank you very much!
But I can tar the old database ,if there is another way to move the datebase , please 
tell me or please tell me about your way detailed,thank you !
- Original Message - 
From: He Weiping (Laser Henry) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2000 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL]

 JinMing Qiu wrote:
  Hello everyone! How to move a postgresql database to another
 I think the procedure below would work:
 1, create the new directory and assign the read write previlege to
 postgres  superuser;
 2, shut down all your postmaster using command like (assume you are
 using bash on linux):
 postgres@db$ killall -SIGTERM postmaster
 3, move the totally data base to the new directory using command like:
  postgres@db$   tar cvf - /the_old_db_location | tar  -C
 /the_new_db_location xvf -
 4, remove the file in old location: (of course, make a backup is a good
 postgres@db$ rm -r /the_old_db_location
 5, make a symbol link to the new location, thus avoid the environment
 variable changes:
 postgres@db$ln -s /the_new_db_location /the_old_db_location
 6, restart your postmaster:
 postgres@db$ (something you've used before)
 that's it