2006-12-28 Thread ice
   I have a couple of tables.  The client tables and the contacted
I am not sure how to start on this, what I need is a way to query  all
my clients
then show any client that the last visit  and or called day is greater
than 30 days.
Now it gets confusing, Suppose the client was visited more than 30 days
but was called only 10 days ago, I really would like to have this
appear on the same
So the report would look similar to this below (based on info given
Client ID   Visit Date Called Date
1   ---   ---
6  2006-11-03

Fields (Simplified)
Clients:  Name, Address, Phone.
Contacted:  Name, Date, Visit, Call.
I need to query all names, but I only need the last visit and last
phone call(which could be the same record in the contacted table).
Then determine if either  date is greater than 30 days  if
so, display the last date of each type of contact. And if there is
nothing for the client in the contacted table this needs to show also,
Any tips, ideas would be greatly appreciated

CREATE TABLE contacted (
"key" serial NOT NULL,
"Date" date NOT NULL,
"Phone" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"Visit" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
"Reason" character varying(255),
"Results" character varying(255),
"Comments" character varying(255),
id integer NOT NULL,
"Enumber" integer NOT NULL,
fup boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
fupdate date

CREATE TABLE clients (
lname character varying(30),
fname character varying(30),
company character varying(40),
address1 character varying(30),
address2 character varying(30),
city character varying(30),
state character(2),
zip character(10),
active boolean DEFAULT true,
id integer DEFAULT nextval('id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL

COPY clients (lname, fname, company, address1, address2, city, state,
zip, active, id) FROM stdin;
Smith   Joe Small CoSmallville Rd   Bigton  NY
12234   t   1
Doe JaneDust Grabber Inc10 Dirt Drive   Dustin
PA  12345-1222  t   2
Smacher Frank   Woodwerkers Inc 100 Forest
LaneOakland CA  12346-  t   3
Zimbob  Roger   Drywallz Inc1 Gympsum Place Quarryville
NY  12347
t   4
Deckem  WillPorches are us  2 Backyard Lane Gazeboton
CO  12348   t   5
Crimp   GregKidocker2 Tenfly Rd Metropolis
NY  10002   t   6


COPY contacted ("key", "Date", "Phone", "Visit", "Reason", "Results",
"Comments", id, "Enumber", fup, fupdate) FROM stdin;
1   2006-11-01  t   f   Promote new filters Would
like a sample Sounds very
interested  2   602 t   2006-11-15
2   2006-11-01  t   f   Promote new filter  Send
Sample Sounds very
interested  3   602 t   2006-11-15
3   2006-11-02  f   t   Demo new air purifier   Glitch
in servo motor, would not
rotate the exhaust fan. Smoke coming from inside.   Demo bombed,
due to a
faulty oscilator motor.  \nThey will call us.\nDiscussed with
engineers.  4   602 f   \N
4   2006-11-03  t   f   Setup appointment   Setup
appointment for
11/28/2006  need to remind the day before   5   603 t
5   2006-11-03  f   t   Demo Puro-203   Demo went
flawless.  William seemed to
be very impressed   Left several pamphlets on other models for home
business.   6   605 t   2006-11-17
6   2006-12-10  t   f   Just to see if they would like
to have 30 day eval of
the Puro-206d   Seemed interested they needed to talk with their
facilities manager  Need this sale after last
disaster4   605 t   2006-12-15
7   2006-12-15  t   f   Follow up   Have
appointment to install 2 30 day evals
of the Puro-206d 12/20/2006 Need to appease 4   605 t

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] static compilation error

2000-11-07 Thread Ice Planet


I would like to compile my simple test program, but I need to use static

I'm using postgres 7.0.2 on debian 2.2 .

Enviroment settings:

The whole install was done following readme in sources downloaded from

I compile this attached source using:

gcc admin.c -static -L/usr/local/pgsql/lib -lpq -lcrypt -Wall -o admin

And I get error message like this:

/usr/local/pgsql/lib/libpq.a(fe-connect.o): In function `defaultNoticeProcessor':
fe-connect.o(.text+0x21ad): undefined reference to `_IO_stderr_'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Thanks for any help

      Ice Planet

#include "libpq-fe.h"  
char *dbname = "foo";
char *dbhost = "";
char *dbport = "";
char *dbuser = "adminfoo";
char *dboptions = "";
char *dbtty = "";
char *dbpass = "";

PGconn* db;

int a_uncon ()
/* Connect function. */
 db = PQsetdbLogin (dbhost,dbport,dboptions,dbtty,dbname,dbuser,dbpass);
 return (0);

int a_undcon ()
/* Disconnect database function. */
 PQfinish (db);
 return (0);

/* ! * MAIN * ! */

int main ()
 a_uncon ();
 sleep (1);
 return (0);

[GENERAL] Memory trouble

2000-03-19 Thread ice . planet


I have some problem with memory leak using postgres 6.5 (?) on debian linux 2.1.
I have writen following C program:

#include "libpq-fe.h"

PGconn* db;
char d[1001];
char c[5000];
signed long r1,r2,r3,r4,r5;
int i,p,q;
PGresult* dbout;

unsigned long er (unsigned long from,unsigned long to)
{return (from+(to-from)*(float)rand()/RAND_MAX);};

int genchr (void)
{do {p=(int)(40+82*(float)rand()/RAND_MAX);}
 while (((p>41)&&(p<48))||((p>58)&&(p<65))||((p>90)&&(p<97)));
 return (p);};

void main ()
{db = PQsetdb ("","","","","Ttts");
 for (q=1;q<1000;q++)
  r1 = er (1,30);
  for (i=1;i<=r1;i++) {d[i-1]=genchr();};
  sprintf (c,"select * from t1 where lower(c) ~~ lower ('%%%s%%') order by n1",d);
  dbout = PQexec (db,"BEGIN");
  PQclear (dbout);
  dbout = PQexec (db,c);
  PQclear (dbout);
  dbout = PQexec (db,"END");
  PQclear (dbout);
 PQfinish (db);

This program generates querys into db. This program is compiled with following 

gcc test.c -I /usr/include/postgresql -lpq -lcrypt -o test -Wall

Then I run postmaster (from postgres account):

./postmaster -i -p  -D /var/postgres/data/

Then i run top and see that in system is 223308Kb of memory free, then i run test ... 
after test ends top indicates 103328Kb free, then i end the postmaster with CTRL C, 
top indicates 104132Kb free, then i end top disconnect from all consoles and again 
connect and run top the number is unchanged (+-50Kb).
After reboot i have try it again, with the same result. I supposed that it is cache, 
but when i then start some stupid program which only want to allocate 20Kb this 
program fail on not enought memory. For this reason i think that it is not cache. But 
what is it then???

Where i'm making a mystake ???

Thanks for help.
Ice Planet