Gregory Williamson wrote:

Peter Childs caused electrons to shape a message:
> > On 11/12/2007, Obe, Regina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Well said Greg. I have the same problem too of having a crippled mail > > reader :) Really I find mid posting hard to follow especially if I'm the > > one that posted the question. I hope we aren't going to hit people with > > hammers over this minor infraction. It really makes one feel unwelcome.
> >
> > I guess we have beaten this horse enough though.
> >
>  ------------------------------
> Hmm Can't stop laughing I think you managed to break every rule in the book
> with that post.
> Peter.

And as they say where I come from, there is _no_ point to beating a dead horse, aside from the sheer joy of the thing.

Seriously -- "top posting bad, bottom posting good" also misses all kinds of points -- intelligent quoting and interspersing comments / answers where they belong is the ticket, when it can be done. Well, off to top post on some other forums ... ;-)

Greg W.
yadda yadda

<Mr. Picky Mode> Should that not be "Well, off to post on some other fora"? </Mr. Picky Mode> 8¬>


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