Re: [GENERAL] Convert data into horizontal from vertical form

2011-05-20 Thread Adarsh Sharma

Emanuel Calvo wrote:

2011/5/19 Adarsh Sharma :

Dear all,

I am not able to insert data into a table in horizontal form.

The data is in below form :

A show a small set of data :-

c_id   f_name   f_value
2 k1  v1
2 k2  v2
2 k3  v3
2 k4   v4
3 a1b1
3 a2b2
3 a3b3
3 a4b4
3 a5b5
1 c1d1
1 c2d2
3 a1e1
3  a2   e2
3 a3e3
3 a4e4
3 a5e5

Now i want to show the above data in horizontal form as per c_id , fore.g if
a user enters c_id 3  then output is :

c_id   a1a2 a3   a4   a5
3 b1b2b3   b4 b5
3e1e2  e3e4

i.e f_name entries became the columns of the table & f_value become the rows

I research on crosstab function but i don'e think it is useful because we
have to give column names in the command.
I want to show it dynamically . I try to create a procedure & also attach

A user enters only c_id & output is shown fore.g if a user enters c_id 1
then output is

c_id   c1   c2
1 d1   d2

I show the data in simple way bt there r 1 of rows & 100 of c_id's.

Please let me know if it is possible or any information is required.

Something like this?
I am able to understand the  2nd procedure as but have some conflicts 
with it :

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pivoty(query text) RETURNS void AS $pivot$
num_cols int;
num_rows int;
table_pivoted text;
columna text;

EXECUTE 'CREATE TEMP TABLE pivot_ AS ' || query ;

SELECT count(*) INTO num_cols FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_name 
= 'pivot_';
SELECT count(*) INTO num_rows FROM pivot_;

table_pivoted := 'CREATE TABLE pivoted (';
FOR i IN 1 .. num_rows 

  IF ( i = num_rows )  

SELECT table_pivoted || 'col' || i || ' text ' INTO table_pivoted;
SELECT table_pivoted || 'col' || i || ' text ,' INTO table_pivoted;

SELECT table_pivoted || ')' INTO table_pivoted;

EXECUTE table_pivoted;

/**The above if-else condition will create the columns 
(col1,col2,col3and so on ) depending upon the rows of original table but I 
want the column names depend upon f_name column and category_id input by user*/

/* It may be 10,12,11,15 columns**/

FOR columna IN SELECT column_name::Text FROM  information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE 
table_name = 'pivot_'
  EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO pivoted SELECT  ((translate(array_agg(' ||  columna || 
')::text,''{}'',''()'' ))::pivoted).*  FROM pivot_';


/*How to call the procedure  * pivoty(query text)
/and how it insert data in new table***/ 

$pivot$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;



Re: [GENERAL] Convert data into horizontal from vertical form

2011-05-20 Thread Emanuel Calvo
2011/5/19 Adarsh Sharma :
> Dear all,
> I am not able to insert data into a table in horizontal form.
> The data is in below form :
> A show a small set of data :-
> c_id               f_name           f_value
> 2                     k1                      v1
> 2                     k2                      v2
> 2                     k3                      v3
> 2                     k4                   v4
> 3                     a1                        b1
> 3                     a2                        b2
> 3                     a3                        b3
> 3                     a4                        b4
> 3                     a5                        b5
> 1                     c1                        d1
> 1                     c2                        d2
> 3                     a1                        e1
> 3                      a2                       e2
> 3                     a3                        e3
> 3                     a4                        e4
> 3                     a5                        e5
> Now i want to show the above data in horizontal form as per c_id , fore.g if
> a user enters c_id 3  then output is :
> c_id               a1            a2             a3           a4           a5
> 3                     b1            b2            b3       b4         b5
> 3                    e1            e2          e3            e4
>   e5
> i.e f_name entries became the columns of the table & f_value become the rows
> I research on crosstab function but i don'e think it is useful because we
> have to give column names in the command.
> I want to show it dynamically . I try to create a procedure & also attach
> it.
> A user enters only c_id & output is shown fore.g if a user enters c_id 1
> then output is
> c_id               c1               c2
> 1                     d1               d2
> I show the data in simple way bt there r 1 of rows & 100 of c_id's.
> Please let me know if it is possible or any information is required.

Something like this?

              Emanuel Calvo

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Re: [GENERAL] Convert data into horizontal from vertical form

2011-05-20 Thread Phil Couling
Hi Adarsh

You say you need this to be done dynamically.
I assume that by this you're looking for a way to have 1 query produce
an increasing number of columns as you increase the number of rows in
your table.

This really isn't possible and doesn't fit with the model SQL was designed for.
The concept of tables is that each table represents a set of items of
a single type with a set of known properties (the possible properties
are known before the item itself).
An item is represented by a row and a property is represented by a column.

You are trying to create a query with an unknown set of properties.

If the data must be represented as you've shown then you will need to
get your front end application to transform the data for you.


On 19 May 2011 11:15, Adarsh Sharma  wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am not able to insert data into a table in horizontal form.
> The data is in below form :
> A show a small set of data :-
> c_id               f_name           f_value
> 2                     k1                      v1
> 2                     k2                      v2
> 2                     k3                      v3
> 2                     k4                   v4
> 3                     a1                        b1
> 3                     a2                        b2
> 3                     a3                        b3
> 3                     a4                        b4
> 3                     a5                        b5
> 1                     c1                        d1
> 1                     c2                        d2
> 3                     a1                        e1
> 3                      a2                       e2
> 3                     a3                        e3
> 3                     a4                        e4
> 3                     a5                        e5
> Now i want to show the above data in horizontal form as per c_id , fore.g if
> a user enters c_id 3  then output is :
> c_id               a1            a2             a3           a4           a5
> 3                     b1            b2            b3       b4         b5
> 3                    e1            e2          e3            e4
>   e5
> i.e f_name entries became the columns of the table & f_value become the rows
> I research on crosstab function but i don'e think it is useful because we
> have to give column names in the command.
> I want to show it dynamically . I try to create a procedure & also attach
> it.
> A user enters only c_id & output is shown fore.g if a user enters c_id 1
> then output is
> c_id               c1               c2
> 1                     d1               d2
> I show the data in simple way bt there r 1 of rows & 100 of c_id's.
> Please let me know if it is possible or any information is required.
> Thanks
> create function user_news_new(text) returns void as $$
> declare
> name text;
> cat_name alias for $1;
> begin
> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temptest(category_id INTEGER,category_name text);
> /* create a temp table to hold all the dynamic schemas*/
> for name in select label_name from category_new where category_id = (select
> category_id from category where category_name=cat_name) loop
> execute 'alter table temptest add column ' || name || ' text';
> end loop;
> end;
> $$ language plpgsql;

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[GENERAL] Convert data into horizontal from vertical form

2011-05-19 Thread Adarsh Sharma

Dear all,

I am not able to insert data into a table in horizontal form.

The data is in below form :

A show a small set of data :-

*c_id   f_name   f_value*
2 k1  v1
2 k2  v2
2 k3  v3
2 k4   v4
3 a1b1
3 a2b2
3 a3b3
3 a4b4
3 a5b5
1 c1d1
1 c2d2
3 a1e1
3  a2   e2  
3 a3e3
3 a4e4  
3 a5e5

Now i want to show the above data in horizontal form as per c_id , 
fore.g if a user enters c_id 3  then output is :

*c_id   a1a2 a3   a4

3 b1b2b3   b4 b5
**3e1e2  e3e4   

*i.e f_name entries became the columns of the table & f_value become the 

I research on crosstab function but i don'e think it is useful because 
we have to give column names in the command.
I want to show it dynamically . I try to create a procedure & also 
attach it.

A user enters only c_id & output is shown fore.g if a user enters c_id 1 
then output is

*c_id   c1   c2*
1 d1   d2

I show the data in simple way bt there r 1 of rows & 100 of c_id's.

Please let me know if it is possible or any information is required.


create function user_news_new(text) returns void as $$
name text;
cat_name alias for $1;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temptest(category_id INTEGER,category_name 
text);/* create a temp table to hold all the dynamic schemas*/
for name in select label_name from category_new where category_id = 
(select category_id from category where category_name=cat_name) loop

execute 'alter table temptest add column ' || name || ' text';
end loop;
$$ language plpgsql;