Re: [GENERAL] Feistel cipher, shorter string and hex to int

2009-07-07 Thread Daniel Verite

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:

I don't get the 1366.0 and the 714025.0.
Writing 1366.0 isn't going to use float arithmetic?

Yes, that's on purpose. Now that you mention it, I think that 1366.0 
could be an integer instead, but the division by 714025 and 
multiplication by 32767 have to be floating point operations.

I'm going to see if using bigint is going to make any difference in

If you're after more speed, using  the C language may be the solution.

Finally... if I were (and I'm not) interested in using 30 bit,
should I turn that *32767 into a *16383?
For shift and bit mask it looks more obvious.

To generate a 31 bits (positive) result  from a 30 bits input, I would 
modify the initialisation of the 16 bits blocks so that each of them 
has the most significant bit set to 0, but without loosing any of the 
30 bits. The MSB bits have to be kept at 0 throughout the algorithm.

So I'd to that:

l1:= ((value >> 16) & 16383) | (value&32768);
r1:= value&32767;

and indeed reduce the output range of the function:

r2:=l1 # 1366.0*r1+150889)%714025)/714025.0)*16383)::int;

the rest being identical excepts that it could now return int (and it 
would be unsigned) instead of bigint.

I haven't tested that variant, though.

Do you remember the name of this particular F?

Not sure it has a specific name, but you'll find related stuff by 
searching for "linear congruential generator".

Everything else seems to need more processing at no real added value.
Turning the int into base 32 [0-9A-N] with plpgsql looks expensive
just to shorten the string to 4 char.

Note that 4 chars would cover a range of 32^4, which is only about one 
million different values.
I think you'd need 7 chars to express up to 2^31 in base 32, because 
32^7  <  2^31  <  32^6

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PostgreSQL-powered mail user agent and storage:

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Re: [GENERAL] Feistel cipher, shorter string and hex to int

2009-07-07 Thread Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
On Tue, 07 Jul 2009 12:07:48 +0200
"Daniel Verite"  wrote:

>   Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:
> > r2:=l1 # 1366.0*r1+150889)%714025)/714025.0)*32767)::int;
> > -- but what about this? where does it come from?
> This function:
> (1366.0*r1+150889)%714025
> implements a known method to get random numbers. I think it comes
> from "Numerical recipes" by William Press.
> Note that the algorithm is not tied to that function, it could be 
> replaced by something else (especially one that involves a private 
> key), but it has to be carefully chosen or the end result won't
> look so random.

I don't get the 1366.0 and the 714025.0.
Writing 1366.0 isn't going to use float arithmetic?
Is it there just to avoid an overflow?
I'm going to see if using bigint is going to make any difference in

Finally... if I were (and I'm not) interested in using 30 bit,
should I turn that *32767 into a *16383?
For shift and bit mask it looks more obvious.
Do you remember the name of this particular F?

Since I don't see anything other than to_hex that could "shorten" an
int to a string easily and quickly... it seems that returning a
signed integer is OK.

Everything else seems to need more processing at no real added value.
Turning the int into base 32 [0-9A-N] with plpgsql looks expensive
just to shorten the string to 4 char.


Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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Re: [GENERAL] Feistel cipher, shorter string and hex to int

2009-07-07 Thread Daniel Verite

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:

r2:=l1 # 1366.0*r1+150889)%714025)/714025.0)*32767)::int;
-- but what about this? where does it come from?

This function:
implements a known method to get random numbers. I think it comes from 
"Numerical recipes" by William Press.
Note that the algorithm is not tied to that function, it could be 
replaced by something else (especially one that involves a private 
key), but it has to be carefully chosen or the end result won't look so 

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PostgreSQL-powered mail user agent and storage:

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Re: [GENERAL] Feistel cipher, shorter string and hex to int

2009-07-07 Thread Daniel Verite

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:

I need shorter values (because they should be easier to type.
To be sure to modify the function in a sensible way I really would
appreciate some pointer.
Still if it return 

What exactly is your desired range of output values?

Best regards,
PostgreSQL-powered mail user agent and storage:

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[GENERAL] Feistel cipher, shorter string and hex to int

2009-07-06 Thread Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
On Sat, 02 May 2009 11:26:28 +0200
"Daniel Verite"  wrote:

> Note that it returns a bigint because we don't have unsigned
> integers in PG. If you're OK with getting negative values, the
> return type can be changed to int.
> Otherwise if you need a positive result that fits in 32 bits, it's 
> possible to tweak the code to use 15 bits blocks instead of 16,
> but then the input will have to be less than 2^30.

I need shorter values (because they should be easier to type.
To be sure to modify the function in a sensible way I really would
appreciate some pointer.
Still if it return 

To further shrink the length of the result I was planning to to_hex
(actually it would be nice to have a fast to_35base [0-9a-z])... but
I wasn't able to find a way to convert back an hex string to an int.
x'fff' seems to work just for literals.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pseudo_encrypt(value int) returns
bigint AS $$
 l1 int;
 l2 int;
 r1 int;
 r2 int;
 i int:=0;
  l1:= (value >> 16) & 65535;
-- modifying here seems trivial
  r1:= value&65535;
--  l1:= (value >> 15) & B'111'::int;
--  r1:= value & B'111'::int;
r2:=l1 # 1366.0*r1+150889)%714025)/714025.0)*32767)::int;
-- but what about this? where does it come from?
   r2:=l1 #
*/ -- ??
   l1:=l2; r1:=r2; i:=i+1;
  return ((l1::bigint<<16) + r1);
-- modifying here seems trivial
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql strict immutable;

Anything else to suggest or copy from?

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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