On Thursday 15 January 2009 09:54:50 Kirk Strauser wrote:
> I have a PostgreSQL 8.3.5 server with max_connections = 400.  At this
> moment, I have 223 open connections, including 64 from a bunch of
> webserver processes and about 100 from desktop machines running a
> particular application.  The rest are from various scheduled processes
> and other assorted things.  Now, I know there are projects like pgpool-
> II that can serve to pool connections to the server.  Why would I want
> to do that, though?

After installing and configuring PgBouncer and then pointing all of our clients 
at it, our average number of database connections has dropped from 250+ to 17.  
Query times are also much better, and more RAM is going to caching than to 
holding processes.  Count me as a new fan.
Kirk Strauser

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