HELP WANTED: Open Source Consultant Programmer wanted for quick project

We are in need of someone to quickly develop a new web project.  You will
need to be an expert on setting up Apache Web Server on a Linux system and
in designing an online data base using Postgresql or MySQL. HTML required,
PHP probably required, Java & Java Script may or may not be required.

You will be totally responsible for taking this rough idea and implementing
a working, fully scalable website.

Initial design will be two load shared Linux boxes running Apache on the
front end and one Linux box running Postgresql or MySQL on the back end.

The site will be co-located at a broadband ISP's facility so complete remote
admin will be required, including a daily data dump from the web server to
the admin system.

This is not a giant bucks project but we have some cash to pay for this

We are located in central Florida and would prefer someone in this area but
it is not an absolute requirement.

All code will be our property meaning we can not pay for code to be
developed and licensed to us.

Development cycle is 8 to 12 weeks, so you need to know your stuff. No time
for learning curve on this one.

This is a very interesting project.

If you are a serious candidate with the required skill set, please send your
complete resume and contact information to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


PS, If you are a shop and your rates are salary + overhead + margin you are
probably not what we are looking for.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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