Can anyone see from the below sample of my make error
what could be wrong???

First I would point out v. 7.0.3  is compiled and working
fine on all

I had one success and two failures for 7.1.2
on Make .....
The success on Caldera 2.4 w/ Kernal 2.2.13
Due to either the  libc difference
or GNU Make difference
If I am right is it worth the
trouble to upgrade the libc.?????????????.
I haven't done that chore in years
and can't remember how???

Below are my results ... PLease

             Failed MAKE
Caldera linux 2.3 kernal 2.2.10    Caldera linux 2.4 kernal 2.2.13       vs.
    GNU make 3.77                  vs   GNU Make   3.78.1

Postgresql 7.1.2 make errors

In function
undefined reference to
make[3]: *** []
Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [all] Error 2
[root postgresql-7.1.2]#   vs.
and GNU make 3.77  vs  3.78.1I did this on three machines.. I
have compile many other working
  One of the Postgres FAQs note
that you can not use the RPM
binary on a the Caldera Desktop Install..
The FAQ was correct the rpm fails..
SO I  must Complie ..
   I tried the binary and it fails
even on v. 7.0.3...

You must compile for Caldera.. Has
to do with the fact that Red Hat
places some items in non GNU
locations.. And Everbody prepares
for Red Hat..

     I have too much invested in
time and apps and upgrades to
abandon four Caldera installations...
    Any help is appreciated, I
would like to stick with

 Installed and working fine
    PostgeSQL 7.0.3
    DB2 v 7.1
    Sybase Server 11
    MySQL 3.22.32
    VA for Java v.2.0
    Perl v 5.003
    JDK 1.18

Bob T

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