         I have an issue going on with PGBOUNCER which is slowing down the site

PGBOUNCER VERSION:  pgbouncer-1.5.4-2.el6 (Hosted on separate machine) (16 cpu) 
DATABASE VERION:         postgresql 9.3

When the total client connections to pgbouncer are close to 1000, site 
application works fine but when  the total client connections crosses 1150 site 
application starts showing slowness.

Here is an example of output

postgres@symds-pg:~ $ netstat -atnp | grep 5432  | wc
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
    960    6720  104640

As you can see total connections are like 960 right now my site application is 
working fine. When connections crosses 1150  and even though I see lot of 
available connections coz my  default_pool_size is set high to 250  but still 
the application gets slow. Database performance  on the other end is great with 
no slow running queries or anything. So the only place I can think the issue is 

pgbouncer=# show config;
            key            |              value               | changeable
job_name                  | pgbouncer                        | no
conffile                  | /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini     | yes
logfile                   | /var/log/pgbouncer.log    | yes
pidfile                   | /var/run/pgbouncer/ | no
listen_addr               | *                                | no
listen_port               | 5432                             | no
listen_backlog            | 128                              | no
unix_socket_dir           | /tmp                             | no
unix_socket_mode          | 511                              | no
unix_socket_group         |                                  | no
auth_type                 | md5                              | yes
auth_file                 | /etc/pgbouncer/userlist.txt      | yes
pool_mode                 | transaction                      | yes
max_client_conn           | 3000                             | yes
default_pool_size         | 250                              | yes
min_pool_size             | 0                                | yes
reserve_pool_size         | 0                                | yes
reserve_pool_timeout      | 5                                | yes
syslog                    | 0                                | yes
syslog_facility           | daemon                           | yes
syslog_ident              | pgbouncer                        | yes
user                      |                                  | no
autodb_idle_timeout       | 3600                             | yes
server_reset_query        |                                  | yes
server_check_query        | select 1                         | yes
server_check_delay        | 30                               | yes
query_timeout             | 0                                | yes
query_wait_timeout        | 0                                | yes
client_idle_timeout       | 0                                | yes
client_login_timeout      | 60                               | yes
idle_transaction_timeout  | 0                                | yes
server_lifetime           | 3600                             | yes
server_idle_timeout       | 600                              | yes
server_connect_timeout    | 15                               | yes
server_login_retry        | 15                               | yes
server_round_robin        | 0                                | yes
suspend_timeout           | 10                               | yes
ignore_startup_parameters | extra_float_digits               | yes
disable_pqexec            | 0                                | no
dns_max_ttl               | 15                               | yes
dns_zone_check_period     | 0                                | yes
max_packet_size           | 2147483647                       | yes
pkt_buf                   | 2048                             | no
sbuf_loopcnt              | 5                                | yes
tcp_defer_accept          | 1                                | yes
tcp_socket_buffer         | 0                                | yes
tcp_keepalive             | 1                                | yes
tcp_keepcnt               | 0                                | yes
tcp_keepidle              | 0                                | yes
tcp_keepintvl             | 0                                | yes
verbose                   | 0                                | yes
admin_users               | postgres                         | yes
stats_users               | stats, postgres                  | yes
stats_period              | 60                               | yes
log_connections           | 1                                | yes
log_disconnections        | 1                                | yes
log_pooler_errors         | 1                                | yes


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