Dear All,
     I got error message 'ERROR: column "ctid" does not exist; Error while executing the query'  when I try to query SELECT on my VIEW as 'rsSystem.Open "SELECT * FROM v_memocatlist ORDER BY memocategory", connSystem, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic'.
     I found some information on internet about the PostgreSQL does not support updateable cursors so I change my code to be read only cursors as  'rsSystem.Open "SELECT * FROM v_memocatlist ORDER BY memocategory", connSystem, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly' then it work fine. However, I need to use this query for make data ready to be updated on some record.
     How can I fix this problem?
More Information about my system.
Database: PostgreSQL 8.3
ODBC: psqlODBC 08.03.0100
Language: MS Visual Basic 6.0

NETsolutions Asia Limited

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