[GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] Internet is putting lot of competition fire heat under Microsoft SQL Server

2001-05-18 Thread Roberto Mello

On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 07:19:01AM -0400, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:

  Everybody is asking What is the equivalent of Linux in SQL databases
  The answer is PostgreSQL RDBMS server.
 Oh please.  Can we stop trying to tie everything to the current front
 runner.  I mean, PostgreSQL uses the BSD style license, development

It uses _the_ BSD license. 

 is done under the BSD (cathedral) model and hey, it was invented at
 Berkeley in the first place.  How is it the equivalent of Linux
 other than that it has the same price tag more or less.

I'm not defending the comparison/analogy, just saying that it makes
sense to lay people who have heard of Linux when they are explained
about PostgreSQL.

+| http://fslc.usu.edu USU Free Software  GNU/Linux Club |--+
  Roberto Mello - Computer Science, USU - http://www.brasileiro.net 
   http://www.sdl.usu.edu - Space Dynamics Lab, Developer
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[GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] Internet is putting lot of competition fire heat under Microsoft SQL Server

2001-05-16 Thread Oliver Seidel


This sort of post is giving open source software a bad name.

I am glad that this post has only reached a small number of people who
are already pro-PostgreSQL and has not reached the crowd who needs
convincing that their time, attention, enthusiasm, and money is better
spent on PostgreSQL than on MS SQL Server (in the long run, due to the
business model.  I know that Microsoft bought Jim Gray and a number
of other people who are in a position to build amazing things; well,
we have Stonebraker ... or at least had him).

If anybody wishes to do good, they better start off by reading one of
the advocacy documents.  Many of the advocacy arguments that apply to
Linux can equally well be used in the context of PostgreSQL.  One
might start reading here:


The gist of the matter is, a post that contains expletives, excessive
use of the word boss, derisive mockings of large companies (M$ would
be such a mocking), or other unqualified drivel without informational
content, will make people think that the whole crowd around PostgreSQL
is stupid.

An argued comparison of standards compliance with a list of 5
intentional deviations by a Microsoft product might be more

So please stop posting ignorant, but enthusiastic messages that give
the development team a bad name.

Thank you,

Oliver Seidel

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