Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-09-25 Thread Joshua D. Drake

logging of the commit is done after the WAL operation, it must be 
assured that WAL replay during crash recovery also causes 
replication log journal to be recovered or repeated. In short, the 
replication log must be covered by the same redo mechanism the crash 
recovery system uses.

This I will have to verify with our programmers as to exactly "when" 
the replication occurs.

you never followed up to this one.
As of 1.3.1 (the current version) we also perform wal processing to 
insure that the transaction is correctly replicated in case of a crash.

Joshua D. Drake


Command Prompt, Inc., home of Mammoth PostgreSQL - S/ODBC and S/JDBC
Postgresql support, programming shared hosting and dedicated hosting.
+1-503-667-4564 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
PostgreSQL Replicator -- production quality replication for PostgreSQL
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-09-25 Thread Jan Wieck
On 8/12/2004 12:02 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
To make a transaction durable, the changes first have to be recorded in 
PostgreSQL's crash recovery WAL. Only after that data is flushed to the 
disk it can be assumed that the transaction will be redone in the case 
of an immediately following crash. If a replication system now logs the 
commit event before the WAL operation happens, it is possible that the 
transaction does not commit on the master due to a crash, but it will be 
replayed and committed on the slaves. On the other side if the 
replication logging of the commit is done after the WAL operation, it 
must be assured that WAL replay during crash recovery also causes 
replication log journal to be recovered or repeated. In short, the 
replication log must be covered by the same redo mechanism the crash 
recovery system uses.
This I will have to verify with our programmers as to exactly "when" the 
replication occurs.
you never followed up to this one.
# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.  #
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-15 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Aug 11, 2004 at 12:02:07PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Now erServer did work for them, but it required significant amounts of
> tuning and constant babysitting by the DBA.  (If Andrew Sullivan is
> paying attention to this thread, he can offer lots of gory details.)
> I can also personally testify that getting erServer set up is a major
> pain in the rear.  I haven't messed with Slony, but all reports are that
> it's a substantially better piece of code.

I can indeed provide gory details.  Erserver worked for us, and was
able to handle the load we gave it (at times pretty substantial). 
But it had a number of flaws.  Some of these were mere matters of
implementation, and some were (in my view) fundamental.  Since I've
been observing radio silence on the list lately, I feel entitled to
blather on at length now.  So, below is the gore, and the reasons we
finally decided to abandon erserver.  This is very similar to the
negative part of what I had to say at OSCON, so if you were bored by
me there, you'll find this equally boring.

A.  First, the implementation faults.  As Vivek Khera pointed out,
the failover and set up support is not strong.

1.  Setting up erserver on a system which is not already replicated
is a major pain.  (We didn't have this problem because we always
launched with erserver support in place.)  On a database of a few gig,
you could easily have to take 24 hours downtime to get it set up. 
Some of that was just faulty implementation, and if you have a single
not null unique column on every table, the problem is more to do with
poorly conceived setup scripts.  But finding this out turns out to
depend on having available an expert in the system (and as far as I
know, almost all the experts on it actually work here at Afilias.  I
did put together some notes on this topic for the BSD version of
erserver.  They're at

or .)

2.  Switchover is also a pain (we don't like to talk about failover:
erserver is, like Slony-I, async, and failover more or less
automatically risks stranding data on the dead master).  There are
some automation scripts which make it a little easier, but the basic
problem is getting your slave into a condition where it can actually
take over from the master.  The slaves in erserver really don't know
enough about the master to be in a position to do this.  It _is_
possible: I've done it.  It's not fun.  (Failing back is even less
fun, and essentially requires you to build a new slave.  See A1, above. 
If you're going to use erserver as a disaster-avoidance system, you
need two identical servers, so that any one can play the role of

3.  The engine was written in Java.  Java is a nice language, but the
JDK from Sun imposes a 3 G limit on the size of the JVM.  If you get
far enough behind, the VM just blows up, and then you have no hope of
recovering.  This is a _very_ serious limitation for high traffic
sites.  It also turned out to be completely fatal for certain users
who wanted to replicate large objects: one object would be enough to
make the system fail (for reasons that are too incredible to go into,
the process actually has two copies of the data at one time during a
part of processing.  This is just a bug, though a dangerous one).

4.  The logging code was deliberately obfuscatory.  For some reason,
the person who originally wrote the Java code (note _not_ the original
code from PostgreSQL, Inc.) decided to wrap all the error handling in
an outer layer which returned the line number of the error handler
every time it threw an exception.  This meant that, from looking at
the logs, every case of a bug looks like it happened at the same
place.  You can imagine how much fun it was to fix things.  Every
person I've ever known who looked at the logging code suffered
retinal damange -- it was that bad.  (This is acutally fixed in the
PostgreSQL-commercial version of the software, BTW.)

B.  Second, the fundamental errors.

1.  The first big problem came from something we thought was an
advantage: erserver replicates only the latest version of the row. 
This reduces the replication overhead considerably, and for a long
time I was a great proponent of this approach.  I was wrong, because
the performance overhead that it imposes under certain perverse kinds
of loads is well and truly awful.  Even in the normal circumstance,
the performance penalty is noticable; but it's not a problem if you
have enough excess capacity.  When that capacity is squeezed, you
run into a lot of pain.  In such cases, the replication application
starts to slow down.  Get under really heavy load, and you start to
have to worry about the JVM limits outlined in A3.  This can be
dealt with, but you absolutely need to hold its hand when things are
bad.  Your DBAs have better things to do, I assume.

The decision to send only the last row also cost some functionality,
because you can't b

Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-12 Thread Liam Lesboch
Thank you for your overviews and responses. Much appreciation. Where might 
one find reviews or testimonials of your product and priceing?


From: "Joshua D. Drake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 09:02:34 -0700
 > As far as I know (Joshua please clearify here) Mammoth Replicator 
its own, binary journal containing the changes that need to be applied to 
the replica.

Yes that is correct.
On a first look inserting into database tables might look more expensive. 
But there are some fine details that make it worth taking a second look. 
One side effect of doing this is that collecting the replication log 
together with changing the data on the origin (master) is automatically 
covered by the exact same ACID properties the database provides. I am not 
sure if or how Replicator guarantees that under all possible circumstances 
and server crash situations the replication log journal will contain 
exacly all committed transactions, and only those.
Replicator does not replicate until the transaction is committed.
To make a transaction durable, the changes first have to be recorded in 
PostgreSQL's crash recovery WAL. Only after that data is flushed to the 
disk it can be assumed that the transaction will be redone in the case of 
an immediately following crash. If a replication system now logs the 
commit event before the WAL operation happens, it is possible that the 
transaction does not commit on the master due to a crash, but it will be 
replayed and committed on the slaves. On the other side if the replication 
logging of the commit is done after the WAL operation, it must be assured 
that WAL replay during crash recovery also causes replication log journal 
to be recovered or repeated. In short, the replication log must be covered 
by the same redo mechanism the crash recovery system uses.
This I will have to verify with our programmers as to exactly "when" the 
replication occurs.

This all is only important for the case that one does not immediately slam 
on the big red panic button and issues a full failover when the main 
server crashes, but rather tries to bring the main server back. If it can 
That is correct. It is important to remember that one should not just 
"failover". You need to know why... what happen, happen. If you take two
minutes bring that master back up it is often apparent what needs to be 
done quickly to get the machine in operational condition.

has no FS inconsistencies and PostgreSQL's crash recovery succeeds too, 
there is no need to fail over any more and one will want to resume normal 
operation. If now the strict synchronization between what PostgreSQL's 
crash recovery mechanism does restore and what will be applied to the 
slave systems cannot be guaranteed, then there is the possibility of loss 
of synchronization between master and slaves. You just lost the data 
integrity of your backup server.
If Replicator looses synchronization, it will attempt to resync. If it
can not, it will completely wipe a slave and perform a full dump to make 
sure the slave in question is in sync.

Slony-I has the replication log journal covered by PostgreSQL's native 
ACID properties. I assume Joshua can explain how Mammoth Replicator solves 
this problem.

Another important difference is automatic replication of schema changes. 
This is a feature often asked for, and I have no idea where that wish 
comes from. Certainly it does not stem from too much thinking about the 
problem. Slony-I does not attempt to go into that direction. A trigger 
based solution like Slony-I cannot do it anyway. Again, Joshua, what's the 
plans or status with Replicator on that?
We will not as it would be on many levels of crazy :) replicate schema 

The reason why I consider automatic schema replication a subintelligent 
idea is simply that it makes special purpose configurations impossible. If 
one only needs a full backup server for failover, it sure is usefull.
I don't even know if I agree with that. A database schema should be 
relatively static once it goes into production. If you have to make a 
database schema change then one should test, test, test on dev machines
and then schedule an outage for the schema changes.

Also even if we were to replicate schema changes it would almost guarantee 
a full dump on every change you made.

Does the Slony-I replications operation on BSD? Is there a reviews of the 
Mammoth online?

BSD is a platform that is coming for Replicator. The majority (95%) of our 
demand has been on Linux and thus is obviously our most supported platform.

Next would be Solaris, and then about half a dozen requests for BSD.
Joshua D. Drake

I use FreeBSD 4.9 for most of the development. In general Slony-I should 
run on every Postgr

Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-12 Thread Joshua D. Drake
 > As far as I know (Joshua please clearify here) Mammoth Replicator 
its own, binary journal containing the changes that need to be applied 
to the replica.

Yes that is correct.
On a first look inserting into database tables might look more 
expensive. But there are some fine details that make it worth taking a 
second look. One side effect of doing this is that collecting the 
replication log together with changing the data on the origin (master) 
is automatically covered by the exact same ACID properties the database 
provides. I am not sure if or how Replicator guarantees that under all 
possible circumstances and server crash situations the replication log 
journal will contain exacly all committed transactions, and only those. 
Replicator does not replicate until the transaction is committed.
To make a transaction durable, the changes first have to be recorded in 
PostgreSQL's crash recovery WAL. Only after that data is flushed to the 
disk it can be assumed that the transaction will be redone in the case 
of an immediately following crash. If a replication system now logs the 
commit event before the WAL operation happens, it is possible that the 
transaction does not commit on the master due to a crash, but it will be 
replayed and committed on the slaves. On the other side if the 
replication logging of the commit is done after the WAL operation, it 
must be assured that WAL replay during crash recovery also causes 
replication log journal to be recovered or repeated. In short, the 
replication log must be covered by the same redo mechanism the crash 
recovery system uses.
This I will have to verify with our programmers as to exactly "when" the 
replication occurs.

This all is only important for the case that one does not immediately 
slam on the big red panic button and issues a full failover when the 
main server crashes, but rather tries to bring the main server back. If 
it can boot, 
That is correct. It is important to remember that one should not just 
"failover". You need to know why... what happen, happen. If you take two
minutes bring that master back up it is often apparent what needs to be 
done quickly to get the machine in operational condition.

has no FS inconsistencies and PostgreSQL's crash recovery 
succeeds too, there is no need to fail over any more and one will want 
to resume normal operation. If now the strict synchronization between 
what PostgreSQL's crash recovery mechanism does restore and what will be 
applied to the slave systems cannot be guaranteed, then there is the 
possibility of loss of synchronization between master and slaves. You 
just lost the data integrity of your backup server.
If Replicator looses synchronization, it will attempt to resync. If it
can not, it will completely wipe a slave and perform a full dump to make 
sure the slave in question is in sync.

Slony-I has the replication log journal covered by PostgreSQL's native 
ACID properties. I assume Joshua can explain how Mammoth Replicator 
solves this problem.

Another important difference is automatic replication of schema changes. 
This is a feature often asked for, and I have no idea where that wish 
comes from. Certainly it does not stem from too much thinking about the 
problem. Slony-I does not attempt to go into that direction. A trigger 
based solution like Slony-I cannot do it anyway. Again, Joshua, what's 
the plans or status with Replicator on that?
We will not as it would be on many levels of crazy :) replicate schema 

The reason why I consider automatic schema replication a subintelligent 
idea is simply that it makes special purpose configurations impossible. 
If one only needs a full backup server for failover, it sure is usefull. 
I don't even know if I agree with that. A database schema should be 
relatively static once it goes into production. If you have to make a 
database schema change then one should test, test, test on dev machines
and then schedule an outage for the schema changes.

Also even if we were to replicate schema changes it would almost 
guarantee a full dump on every change you made.

Does the Slony-I replications operation on BSD? Is there a reviews of 
the Mammoth online?

BSD is a platform that is coming for Replicator. The majority (95%) of 
our demand has been on Linux and thus is obviously our most supported 

Next would be Solaris, and then about half a dozen requests for BSD.
Joshua D. Drake

I use FreeBSD 4.9 for most of the development. In general Slony-I should 
run on every PostgreSQL supported Unix platform that provides pthreads.


Command Prompt, Inc., home of Mammoth PostgreSQL - S/ODBC and S/JDBC
Postgresql support, programming shared hosting and dedicated hosting.
+1-503-667-4564 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Mammoth PostgreSQL Replicator. Integrated Replication for PostgreSQL
fn:Joshua D. Drake
n:Drake;Joshua D.
org:Command Prompt, Inc.
adr:;;PO Box 215;Cascade Loc

Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-12 Thread Andrew Sullivan
I'll try this again, since it doesn't seem to have made it to the

On Wed, Aug 11, 2004 at 12:02:07PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Now erServer did work for them, but it required significant amounts of
> tuning and constant babysitting by the DBA.  (If Andrew Sullivan is
> paying attention to this thread, he can offer lots of gory details.)
> I can also personally testify that getting erServer set up is a major
> pain in the rear.  I haven't messed with Slony, but all reports are that
> it's a substantially better piece of code.

I can indeed provide gory details.  Erserver worked for us, and was
able to handle the load we gave it (at times pretty substantial). 
But it had a number of flaws.  Some of these were mere matters of
implementation, and some were (in my view) fundamental.  Since I've
been observing radio silence on the list lately, I feel entitled to
blather on at length now.  So, below is the gore, and the reasons we
finally decided to abandon erserver.  This is very similar to the
negative part of what I had to say at OSCON, so if you were bored by
me there, you'll find this equally boring.

A.  First, the implementation faults.  As Vivek Khera pointed out,
the failover and set up support is not strong.

1.  Setting up erserver on a system which is not already replicated
is a major pain.  (We didn't have this problem because we always
launched with erserver support in place.)  On a database of a few gig,
you could easily have to take 24 hours downtime to get it set up. 
Some of that was just faulty implementation, and if you have a single
not null unique column on every table, the problem is more to do with
poorly conceived setup scripts.  But finding this out turns out to
depend on having available an expert in the system (and as far as I
know, almost all the experts on it actually work here at Afilias.  I
did put together some notes on this topic for the BSD version of
erserver.  They're at

or .)

2.  Switchover is also a pain (we don't like to talk about failover:
erserver is, like Slony-I, async, and failover more or less
automatically risks stranding data on the dead master).  There are
some automation scripts which make it a little easier, but the basic
problem is getting your slave into a condition where it can actually
take over from the master.  The slaves in erserver really don't know
enough about the master to be in a position to do this.  It _is_
possible: I've done it.  It's not fun.  (Failing back is even less
fun, and essentially requires you to build a new slave.  See A1, above. 
If you're going to use erserver as a disaster-avoidance system, you
need two identical servers, so that any one can play the role of

3.  The engine was written in Java.  Java is a nice language, but the
JDK from Sun imposes a 3 G limit on the size of the JVM.  If you get
far enough behind, the VM just blows up, and then you have no hope of
recovering.  This is a _very_ serious limitation for high traffic
sites.  It also turned out to be completely fatal for certain users
who wanted to replicate large objects: one object would be enough to
make the system fail (for reasons that are too incredible to go into,
the process actually has two copies of the data at one time during a
part of processing.  This is just a bug, though a dangerous one).

4.  The logging code was deliberately obfuscatory.  For some reason,
the person who originally wrote the Java code (note _not_ the original
code from PostgreSQL, Inc.) decided to wrap all the error handling in
an outer layer which returned the line number of the error handler
every time it threw an exception.  This meant that, from looking at
the logs, every case of a bug looks like it happened at the same
place.  You can imagine how much fun it was to fix things.  Every
person I've ever known who looked at the logging code suffered
retinal damange -- it was that bad.  (This is acutally fixed in the
PostgreSQL-commercial version of the software, BTW.)

B.  Second, the fundamental errors.

1.  The first big problem came from something we thought was an
advantage: erserver replicates only the latest version of the row. 
This reduces the replication overhead considerably, and for a long
time I was a great proponent of this approach.  I was wrong, because
the performance overhead that it imposes under certain perverse kinds
of loads is well and truly awful.  Even in the normal circumstance,
the performance penalty is noticable; but it's not a problem if you
have enough excess capacity.  When that capacity is squeezed, you
run into a lot of pain.  In such cases, the replication application
starts to slow down.  Get under really heavy load, and you start to
have to worry about the JVM limits outlined in A3.  This can be
dealt with, but you absolutely need to hold its hand when things are
bad.  Your DBAs have better things to do, I assume.

The decision t

Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-11 Thread Andrew Rawnsley
On Aug 11, 2004, at 12:02 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Jeff Eckermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
That probably won't impress your bosses.  If you need
a track record, then erServer might be what you need.
erServer is a commercially produced product that was
(is still?) used by Afilias, the provider of registry
services for the .info and .org domains.  That's
serious testing; very large databases and lots of

Note that Afilias paid for the development of Slony-I;
... because they were quite unhappy with erServer ...
Now erServer did work for them, but it required significant amounts of
tuning and constant babysitting by the DBA.  (If Andrew Sullivan is
paying attention to this thread, he can offer lots of gory details.)
I can also personally testify that getting erServer set up is a major
pain in the rear.  I haven't messed with Slony, but all reports are 
it's a substantially better piece of code.

regards, tom lane
---(end of 
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

As the last person to do any significant work on the eRServer code (at 
least the
open-source version), I would have to agree that Slony is the direction 
take looking forward. I would like to think we managed to fix a lot of 
problems, and
improved the usability of it quite a bit, but Andrew Sullivan and I 
agreed that its a dead
end - there will be a final packaging of what's in CVS and that will be 
it, unless someone else
wants to pick it up.

Andrew Rawnsley
The Ravensfield Digital Resource Group, Ltd.
(740) 587-0114
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
   (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-11 Thread Liam Lesboch

From: Jeff Eckermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Replication options? Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 12:38:34 
-0700 (PDT)

--- Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeff Eckermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > That probably won't impress your bosses.  If you
> need
> > a track record, then erServer might be what you
> need.
> > erServer is a commercially produced product that
> was
> > (is still?) used by Afilias, the provider of
> registry
> > services for the .info and .org domains.  That's
> > serious testing; very large databases and lots of
> > traffic.
> > Note that Afilias paid for the development of
> Slony-I;
> ... because they were quite unhappy with erServer
> ...
> Now erServer did work for them, but it required
> significant amounts of
> tuning and constant babysitting by the DBA.  (If
> Andrew Sullivan is
> paying attention to this thread, he can offer lots
> of gory details.)
> I can also personally testify that getting erServer
> set up is a major
> pain in the rear.  I haven't messed with Slony, but
> all reports are that
> it's a substantially better piece of code.
>regards, tom lane
Liam's bosses want something with a history of
successful use in a serious production situation, and
erServer at least has that.  Slony has been around for
too short a time to make that claim, yet.
Thank you. You understand my position. I am the advocate for using Open 
Source technologies in our productions environment. My boss, as they say has 
the foot out the door and one inside or is the putting the toes in the 
waters not jumping in top first. He reads the magazines and shows me the 
reviews in them and it takes much work to show him the other stories that 
are not wrote yet.

The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-11 Thread Liam Lesboch

From: Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 21:54:28 +0200
Liam Lesboch wrote:
> Thes slashdots post today about the beta releases of 8.0 caught the
> attention of my boss and I. Many comments about the replicator issue
> and saw many posts about Slony-I in particular. Maybe this is the
> only viable option in PostgreSQL? There are others that cost money
> but no where did we surface a article that spoke of them in any form
> of critique or tutorial (good or bad) and thats a concern for my
> boss. What large companies use replicators for PostgreSQL?
Slony-I and eRServer give you an asynchronous master/slave replication
system that allows you to setup load balancing or data warehouse type
things, or even failover with some replication gap.  In my experience,
most people don't need the load balancing part.  If all you're after is
securing your database system against hardware failures (which most
people are after), I suggest you set up two machines with a shared
storage (talk to your hardware vendor) or a replicating file system
(like DRBD) and make the two machines monitor each other so that only
one machine has the database mounted at any time.
The boss is seeking a system located in 5 countries and they have own copy 
of master servers in real time.  Master->SubMaster(s) (each country) - 
>slaves(1-3 each country)

Make sense?
The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
 joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-11 Thread Liam Lesboch
From: "Joshua D. Drake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jeff Eckermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 13:38:54 -0700

Liam's bosses want something with a history of
successful use in a serious production situation, and
erServer at least has that.  Slony has been around for
too short a time to make that claim, yet.
There is also Mammoth Replicator which is an integrated replication 
approach that does not require any triggers. It is a commercial product 

Thank you for your info. Are there any differences of the trigger versus non 
trigger systems? We are a commercial companie that has no products 
(software) but have many servers. There is no BSD version of mamoth on the 
website and we have many servers on BSD and the linux servers.

Does the Slony-I replications operation on BSD? Is there a reviews of the 
Mammoth online?

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-11 Thread Joshua D. Drake

Liam's bosses want something with a history of
successful use in a serious production situation, and
erServer at least has that.  Slony has been around for
too short a time to make that claim, yet.
There is also Mammoth Replicator which is an integrated replication 
approach that does not require any triggers. It is a commercial product 

Joshua D. Drake

Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - 100MB free storage!
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Command Prompt, Inc., home of Mammoth PostgreSQL - S/ODBC and S/JDBC
Postgresql support, programming shared hosting and dedicated hosting.
+1-503-667-4564 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Mammoth PostgreSQL Replicator. Integrated Replication for PostgreSQL
fn:Joshua D. Drake
n:Drake;Joshua D.
org:Command Prompt, Inc.
adr:;;PO Box 215;Cascade Locks;Oregon;97014;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:Command Prompt, Inc. is the largest and oldest US based commercial PostgreSQL support provider. We  provide the only commercially viable integrated PostgreSQL replication solution, but also custom programming, and support. We authored  the book Practical PostgreSQL, the procedural language plPHP, and adding trigger capability to plPerl.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-11 Thread Peter Eisentraut
Liam Lesboch wrote:
> Thes slashdots post today about the beta releases of 8.0 caught the
> attention of my boss and I. Many comments about the replicator issue
> and saw many posts about Slony-I in particular. Maybe this is the
> only viable option in PostgreSQL? There are others that cost money
> but no where did we surface a article that spoke of them in any form
> of critique or tutorial (good or bad) and thats a concern for my
> boss. What large companies use replicators for PostgreSQL?

Slony-I and eRServer give you an asynchronous master/slave replication 
system that allows you to setup load balancing or data warehouse type 
things, or even failover with some replication gap.  In my experience, 
most people don't need the load balancing part.  If all you're after is 
securing your database system against hardware failures (which most 
people are after), I suggest you set up two machines with a shared 
storage (talk to your hardware vendor) or a replicating file system 
(like DRBD) and make the two machines monitor each other so that only 
one machine has the database mounted at any time.

Peter Eisentraut

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-11 Thread Jeff Eckermann
--- Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jeff Eckermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > That probably won't impress your bosses.  If you
> need
> > a track record, then erServer might be what you
> need. 
> > erServer is a commercially produced product that
> was
> > (is still?) used by Afilias, the provider of
> registry
> > services for the .info and .org domains.  That's
> > serious testing; very large databases and lots of
> > traffic.
> > Note that Afilias paid for the development of
> Slony-I;
> ... because they were quite unhappy with erServer
> ...
> Now erServer did work for them, but it required
> significant amounts of
> tuning and constant babysitting by the DBA.  (If
> Andrew Sullivan is
> paying attention to this thread, he can offer lots
> of gory details.)
> I can also personally testify that getting erServer
> set up is a major
> pain in the rear.  I haven't messed with Slony, but
> all reports are that
> it's a substantially better piece of code.
>   regards, tom lane

Liam's bosses want something with a history of
successful use in a serious production situation, and
erServer at least has that.  Slony has been around for
too short a time to make that claim, yet.

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Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-11 Thread Vivek Khera
> "TL" == Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> serious testing; very large databases and lots of
>> traffic.

>> Note that Afilias paid for the development of Slony-I;

TL> ... because they were quite unhappy with erServer ...

The major point Jan brings up when you talk about this is that
eRServer offers a nice failover model.  But then what?  How do you get
back to your production server?  Swapping master/slave to do
maintenance on the master using eRServer is not really something a
mere mortal can do, either.  I paid for a license to use eRServer.  I
wouldn't ever do that again...  It was unable to solve my main problem
with multi-million row tables, but it did work on a small production
database with a few hundred rows just fine (albeit with 200MB+ memory

Vivek Khera, Ph.D.Khera Communications, Inc.
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Rockville, MD  +1-301-869-4449 x806
AIM: vivekkhera Y!: vivek_khera

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Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-10 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Tue, 2004-08-10 at 16:53, Liam Lesboch wrote:
> Thes slashdots post today about the beta releases of 8.0 caught the 
> attention of my boss and I. Many comments about the replicator issue and saw 
> many posts about Slony-I in particular. Maybe this is the only viable option 
> in PostgreSQL? There are others that cost money but no where did we surface 
> a article that spoke of them in any form of critique or tutorial (good or 
> bad) and thats a concern for my boss. What large companies use replicators 
> for PostgreSQL?

Back in the days of 6.5.3 when we were looking at using it at the last
company I was at, I built my own test suite to make sure postgresql
could handle the load we were going to throw at it.

No matter what the guys in the nice suits from big companies tell you to
sell their product, you owe it to yourself and your company to prove /
disprove the THEORY that a particular piece of software will do what you

Who knows, maybe you could be the one writing the article on Slony-I
that someone else reads before they try it.

---(end of broadcast)---
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Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-10 Thread Liam Lesboch
Thes slashdots post today about the beta releases of 8.0 caught the 
attention of my boss and I. Many comments about the replicator issue and saw 
many posts about Slony-I in particular. Maybe this is the only viable option 
in PostgreSQL? There are others that cost money but no where did we surface 
a article that spoke of them in any form of critique or tutorial (good or 
bad) and thats a concern for my boss. What large companies use replicators 
for PostgreSQL?


From: "Liam Lesboch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 20:29:08 +
Thank you much,
When I perform the google search:
I do not find reviews and critiques of slony-i. Are there many companies 
using for their enterprise level database systems? Without reviews in the 
magazines, my bosses uncomfort with PostgreSQL will not be remedied with 
just project maintainers word of mouth.


From: Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Liam Lesboch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 13:12:39 -0400 (EDT)
Most people are using Sloney for master/slave replication.  You can
search for it easily.
Liam Lesboch wrote:
> Greetings,
> Yesterday theres was a brief discuissions about replications software 
> PostgreSQL. My boss and I saw only two replications for PostgreSQL that 
> spoken of. We found no reviews on the internet that spoke of either or
> compared them and we are considering PostgreSQL as an options for a 
> from our present platform of Microsoft SQL Server that has replications 
> stored procedures. Can peoples direct me towards third-party reviews 
> of the replications so that we can use as examples for consideration of
> products and make migration?
> Thank you,
> Liam
> _
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  Bruce Momjian|
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Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-10 Thread Bruce Momjian

Most people are using Sloney for master/slave replication.  You can
search for it easily.


Liam Lesboch wrote:
> Greetings,
> Yesterday theres was a brief discuissions about replications software for 
> PostgreSQL. My boss and I saw only two replications for PostgreSQL that was 
> spoken of. We found no reviews on the internet that spoke of either or 
> compared them and we are considering PostgreSQL as an options for a movement 
> from our present platform of Microsoft SQL Server that has replications and 
> stored procedures. Can peoples direct me towards third-party reviews online 
> of the replications so that we can use as examples for consideration of 
> products and make migration?
> Thank you,
> Liam
> _
> Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. 
> ---(end of broadcast)---
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-10 Thread Liam Lesboch
Thank you much,
When I perform the google search:
I do not find reviews and critiques of slony-i. Are there many companies 
using for their enterprise level database systems? Without reviews in the 
magazines, my bosses uncomfort with PostgreSQL will not be remedied with 
just project maintainers word of mouth.


From: Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Liam Lesboch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Replication options?
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 13:12:39 -0400 (EDT)
Most people are using Sloney for master/slave replication.  You can
search for it easily.
Liam Lesboch wrote:
> Greetings,
> Yesterday theres was a brief discuissions about replications software 
> PostgreSQL. My boss and I saw only two replications for PostgreSQL that 
> spoken of. We found no reviews on the internet that spoke of either or
> compared them and we are considering PostgreSQL as an options for a 
> from our present platform of Microsoft SQL Server that has replications 
> stored procedures. Can peoples direct me towards third-party reviews 
> of the replications so that we can use as examples for consideration of
> products and make migration?
> Thank you,
> Liam
> _
> Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.
> ---(end of broadcast)---
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 
STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[GENERAL] Replication options?

2004-08-09 Thread Liam Lesboch
Investigating many options of pgsql replication softwares. Theres are two 
thats come up in discussions earliers today which are Mamoth Replicator and 
Slony-I. Is there anybodies who has reviewed them and or compared them in 
corporate environment? My companys is moving from Microsoft Sequel Server 
this coming months and am not finding much on reviews or testimonials of 
Postgresql replications.

Please advise,
The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] Replication options

2004-02-20 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Feb 18, 2004 at 08:58:28PM -, Simon Windsor wrote:


None.  Postgres-R is intended to offer it, but it requires work

> and MASTER-SLAVE(Multiple) replication.

All the rest, except for contrib/rserv, which does only one slave.  I
have used the erserver on gborg and none of the rest, so I cannot
comment on their relative merits.


Andrew Sullivan  

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

[GENERAL] Replication options

2004-02-20 Thread Simon Windsor



I am fairly news to Postgres, but have spent many years
using Oracle (15) and MySQL(5).


Whilst I find Postgres very easy to ‘pickup’, the
number of replication options are puzzling.


There are a number of replication options available to
Postgres. Can anyone on this list advise suitable methods (ie Replicator,
dbexperts, GBORG etc) for MASTER-MASTER and MASTER-SLAVE(Multiple) replication.


Many thanx




Simon Windsor


Tel: 01454 617689

Mob: 07960 321599


Re: [GENERAL] Replication options

2004-02-19 Thread Andrew Rawnsley
On Feb 19, 2004, at 1:24 PM, Simon Windsor wrote:



I am used to using Oracle (15 years) and MySQL(5 years), but I am 
planning to move an existing application from MySQL to Postgres. The 
reasons are very simple,

	• 	New requirements means we need views, or a significant re-write
	• 	Better query/index performance essential.
	• 	Postgres and MySQL share a very common implementation of SQL-92, 
and what is missing can easily be implanted in functions


The only negative issue is replication. I have checked several 
Postgres Replication options and unsure which way to go. Can anyone 
recommend a replication option that meets the following:

	• 	Does not use triggers. Usually slow, and one action that modifies 
several records, can trigger many actions on slaves/peers.
	• 	Does use WAL, or other log, so that SQL DDL/DML is copied to 
slave/peer, rather than the result of the DDL/DML.
I think only Mammoth's ships WAL logs. Josh?

	• 	Must provide master-master and master-slave replication
I don't think any of the solutions will do master-master.

	• 	Simple to configure and maintain


Many Thanx


Simon Windsor


Tel: 01454 617689

Mob: 07960 321599


 This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.
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Andrew Rawnsley
The Ravensfield Digital Resource Group, Ltd.
(740) 587-0114
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] Replication options

2004-02-19 Thread Simon Windsor



I am used to using Oracle (15 years) and MySQL(5 years), but
I am planning to move an existing application from MySQL to Postgres. The
reasons are very simple,


 New requirements means we need
 views, or a significant re-write
 Better query/index performance
 Postgres and MySQL share a very
 common implementation of SQL-92, and what is missing can easily be implanted
 in functions


The only negative issue is replication. I have checked
several Postgres Replication options and unsure which way to go. Can anyone
recommend a replication option that meets the following:


 Does not use triggers. Usually
 slow, and one action that modifies several records, can trigger many actions
 on slaves/peers.
 Does use WAL, or other log, so
 that SQL DDL/DML is copied to slave/peer, rather than the result of the
 Must provide master-master and
 master-slave replication
 Simple to configure and


Many Thanx


Simon Windsor


Tel: 01454 617689

Mob: 07960 321599


This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by
MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.
Mailscanner thanks transtec Computers for their support.

Re: [GENERAL] Replication options in Postgres

2000-07-31 Thread Ian Turner

Hash: SHA1

> 1. In my PHP code, I have functions like
> inserttransaction(values...).  I could just modify inserttransaction()
> so that it runs the same query (the INSERT) on two or more DB
> servers.  This would probably work ok.

Why not have a proxy server that your clients talk to, which replicates
the transaction across the other (independent) backend servers, and only
returns OK if all the backends return OK.

Then, theoretically, your databases should always remain concurrant. You
could dump & diff them periodically to make sure.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [GENERAL] Replication options in Postgres

2000-07-31 Thread Chris Bitmead

I guess if you don't do deletes then something like selecting all the 
records with an oid greater than the last replication cycle would 
find the most recent additions.

Erich wrote:
> I am setting up a system that processes transactions, and it needs to
> be highly reliable.  Once a transaction happens, it can never be
> lost.  This means that there needs to be real-time off-site
> replication of data.  I'm wondering what's the best way to do this.
> One thing that might simplify this system is that I _never_ use UPDATE
> or DELETE.  The only thing I ever do with the database is INSERT.  So
> this might make replication a little easier.
> I think I have a few possibilities:
> 1. In my PHP code, I have functions like
> inserttransaction(values...).  I could just modify inserttransaction()
> so that it runs the same query (the INSERT) on two or more DB
> servers.  This would probably work ok.
> 2. I could write triggers for all my tables, so that when there is an
> INSERT, the trigger does the same INSERT on the other server.  Any
> ideas for an efficient way to do this?
> 3. Any other tricks?
> I don't need mirroring.  There will be one master and one or more
> slaves, and the only thing the slaves will do is store backup data.
> The most important thing is that I can't lose a single transaction.
> Thanks,
> e

[GENERAL] Replication options in Postgres

2000-07-31 Thread Erich

I am setting up a system that processes transactions, and it needs to
be highly reliable.  Once a transaction happens, it can never be
lost.  This means that there needs to be real-time off-site
replication of data.  I'm wondering what's the best way to do this.

One thing that might simplify this system is that I _never_ use UPDATE
or DELETE.  The only thing I ever do with the database is INSERT.  So
this might make replication a little easier.

I think I have a few possibilities:

1. In my PHP code, I have functions like
inserttransaction(values...).  I could just modify inserttransaction()
so that it runs the same query (the INSERT) on two or more DB
servers.  This would probably work ok.

2. I could write triggers for all my tables, so that when there is an
INSERT, the trigger does the same INSERT on the other server.  Any
ideas for an efficient way to do this?

3. Any other tricks?

I don't need mirroring.  There will be one master and one or more
slaves, and the only thing the slaves will do is store backup data.
The most important thing is that I can't lose a single transaction.

