Re: [GENERAL] Searching for Duplicates and Hosed the System

2007-08-23 Thread Decibel!

On Aug 21, 2007, at 12:04 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

If you need to deal with very large result sets, the standard advice
is to use a cursor so you can pull a few hundred or thousand rows
at a time via FETCH.

In case it's not obvious... in this case you might want to dump the  
output of that query into another table; perhaps a temp table...

Decibel!, aka Jim Nasby[EMAIL PROTECTED]
EnterpriseDB  512.569.9461 (cell)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Searching for Duplicates and Hosed the System

2007-08-20 Thread Tom Lane
Bill Thoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I ran VACUUM ANALYZE just before I launched this and there were no other 
> postgress jobs running. I'm the only user as well. I also ran EXPLAIN 
> prior to the run and got this:

> Nested Loop  (cost=11.71..28800.34 rows=7219 width=584)
>->  Seq Scan on ers_regions e  (cost=0.00..71.90 rows=16 width=28)
>  Filter: (region = 1)
>->  Bitmap Heap Scan on compliance_2006 a  (cost=11.71..1788.76 
> rows=451 width=584)
>  Recheck Cond: ((a.fips_st_cd = "outer".fips_st) AND 
> (a.fips_cnty_cd = "outer".fips_cou))
>  ->  Bitmap Index Scan on key_tract  (cost=0.00..11.71 rows=451 
> width=0)
>Index Cond: ((a.fips_st_cd = "outer".fips_st) AND 
> (a.fips_cnty_cd = "outer".fips_cou))
> (7 rows)

Do those estimated row counts look sane to you --- in particular the
estimate of 7219 rows out of the whole query?

AFAICS a plan of this shape simply cannot consume a huge amount of
memory on the server, no matter how badly off the rowcount estimates
are.  However, if it sends enough rows to the client, the *client* side
could be having a problem absorbing the data.  libpq is designed to
try to absorb the full result rowset --- the API it provides is not
amenable to partial result sets.

> I looked in the log and saw this:
> LOG:  transaction ID wrap limit is 1073746500, limited by database 
> "postgres"
> LOG:  transaction ID wrap limit is 1073746500, limited by database 
> "postgres"
> LOG:  could not send data to client: Broken pipe

Those first two messages are unrelated --- they are just routine
autovacuum output.  The third one says that a client process crashed.
So now I'm thinking that the memory-overrun problem was on the client

If you need to deal with very large result sets, the standard advice
is to use a cursor so you can pull a few hundred or thousand rows
at a time via FETCH.

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] Searching for Duplicates and Hosed the System

2007-08-20 Thread Bill Thoen
Something is really screwy here. I tried what looked like a simpler task 
than I tried when I started this message thread. The only unusual issue 
here is that the table compliance_2006 is rather big (over 18 million 
records). The table ers_regions is pretty small (about 3100 records) and 
all the WHERE fields are indexed (except e.region). Here's the 
not-too-complicated SQL:

SELECT a.* FROM compliance_2006 a, ers_regions e
 WHERE a.fips_st_cd=e.fips_st
   AND a.fips_cnty_cd=e.fips_cou
   AND e.region=1;

I ran VACUUM ANALYZE just before I launched this and there were no other 
postgress jobs running. I'm the only user as well. I also ran EXPLAIN 
prior to the run and got this:

Nested Loop  (cost=11.71..28800.34 rows=7219 width=584)
  ->  Seq Scan on ers_regions e  (cost=0.00..71.90 rows=16 width=28)
Filter: (region = 1)
  ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on compliance_2006 a  (cost=11.71..1788.76 
rows=451 width=584)
Recheck Cond: ((a.fips_st_cd = "outer".fips_st) AND 
(a.fips_cnty_cd = "outer".fips_cou))
->  Bitmap Index Scan on key_tract  (cost=0.00..11.71 rows=451 
  Index Cond: ((a.fips_st_cd = "outer".fips_st) AND 
(a.fips_cnty_cd = "outer".fips_cou))

(7 rows)

So I launched it to see what would happen. This resulted in a very busy 
disk drive for about an hour, and one by one things started dying on my 
FC6 Linux machine. First the mouse disappeared, then the cursor in the 
terminal window where I was running psql vanished, the clock stopped, 
and the keyboard stopped responding. Meanwhile, the disk drive thrashed 
on. Finally the screen saver kicked in and shortly thereafter I logged 
back in only to see the word "Killed" sitting there on the last line and 
all my machine's services were running again. Just no data output.

I looked in the log and saw this:
LOG:  transaction ID wrap limit is 1073746500, limited by database 
LOG:  transaction ID wrap limit is 1073746500, limited by database 

LOG:  could not send data to client: Broken pipe

I guess this is what killed it, but does it make sense that such a 
simple request wrapped around the transaction limit? Is the bad behavior 
of my machine while running this query consistent with an error like 
this or is the machine broken and that's what caused Postgresql to 
crater? What should I set the wrap limit to? What suggestions would you 
make for tracking down the exact problem and fixing it?

Any help would be appreciated

- Bill Thoen

Tom Lane wrote:

Bill Thoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Tom, here's the "explain" results: Does this help explain what went wrong?
(And yes, I think there will be a *lot* of groups.)


explain select count(*) as count,fips_st_cd, fips_cnty_cd, farm_nbr,
tract_nbr, field_nbr,crop_cd,crop_status_cd,practice_cd,seq_nbr from
compliance_2006 group by fips_st_cd, fips_cnty_cd, farm_nbr, tract_nbr,
field_nbr,crop_cd,crop_status_cd,practice_cd,seq_nbr order by 1 desc;


 Sort  (cost=15119390.46..15123902.54 rows=1804832 width=160)
   Sort Key: count(*)
   ->  GroupAggregate  (cost=13782933.29..14301822.43 rows=1804832
 ->  Sort  (cost=13782933.29..13828054.08 rows=18048318 width=160)
   Sort Key: fips_st_cd, fips_cnty_cd, farm_nbr, tract_nbr,
field_nbr, crop_cd, crop_status_cd, practice_cd, seq_nbr
   ->  Seq Scan on compliance_2006  (cost=0.00..1039927.18
rows=18048318 width=160)
(6 rows)

Hmm ... no, actually, that shows the planner doing the right thing for
lotsa groups: picking GroupAggregate instead of HashAggregate.  The
estimated number of groups is 1804832, which might or might not have
much to do with reality but in any case seems enough to keep it away
from HashAggregate.

Do you have autovacuum running, or a scheduled cronjob that runs ANALYZE
or VACUUM ANALYZE?  The only theory I can think of at this point is that
your database statistics are more correct now than they were when you
had the problem.

If you try the query again, does it behave more sanely?

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Searching for Duplicates and Hosed the System

2007-08-19 Thread Tom Lane
Bill Thoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tom, here's the "explain" results: Does this help explain what went wrong?
> (And yes, I think there will be a *lot* of groups.)

> explain select count(*) as count,fips_st_cd, fips_cnty_cd, farm_nbr,
> tract_nbr, field_nbr,crop_cd,crop_status_cd,practice_cd,seq_nbr from
> compliance_2006 group by fips_st_cd, fips_cnty_cd, farm_nbr, tract_nbr,
> field_nbr,crop_cd,crop_status_cd,practice_cd,seq_nbr order by 1 desc;

>  Sort  (cost=15119390.46..15123902.54 rows=1804832 width=160)
>Sort Key: count(*)
>->  GroupAggregate  (cost=13782933.29..14301822.43 rows=1804832
> width=160)
>  ->  Sort  (cost=13782933.29..13828054.08 rows=18048318 width=160)
>Sort Key: fips_st_cd, fips_cnty_cd, farm_nbr, tract_nbr,
> field_nbr, crop_cd, crop_status_cd, practice_cd, seq_nbr
>->  Seq Scan on compliance_2006  (cost=0.00..1039927.18
> rows=18048318 width=160)
> (6 rows)

Hmm ... no, actually, that shows the planner doing the right thing for
lotsa groups: picking GroupAggregate instead of HashAggregate.  The
estimated number of groups is 1804832, which might or might not have
much to do with reality but in any case seems enough to keep it away
from HashAggregate.

Do you have autovacuum running, or a scheduled cronjob that runs ANALYZE
or VACUUM ANALYZE?  The only theory I can think of at this point is that
your database statistics are more correct now than they were when you
had the problem.

If you try the query again, does it behave more sanely?

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] Searching for Duplicates and Hosed the System

2007-08-19 Thread Bill Thoen
Tom, here's the "explain" results: Does this help explain what went wrong?
(And yes, I think there will be a *lot* of groups.)

explain select count(*) as count,fips_st_cd, fips_cnty_cd, farm_nbr,
tract_nbr, field_nbr,crop_cd,crop_status_cd,practice_cd,seq_nbr from
compliance_2006 group by fips_st_cd, fips_cnty_cd, farm_nbr, tract_nbr,
field_nbr,crop_cd,crop_status_cd,practice_cd,seq_nbr order by 1 desc;


 Sort  (cost=15119390.46..15123902.54 rows=1804832 width=160)
   Sort Key: count(*)
   ->  GroupAggregate  (cost=13782933.29..14301822.43 rows=1804832
 ->  Sort  (cost=13782933.29..13828054.08 rows=18048318 width=160)
   Sort Key: fips_st_cd, fips_cnty_cd, farm_nbr, tract_nbr,
field_nbr, crop_cd, crop_status_cd, practice_cd, seq_nbr
   ->  Seq Scan on compliance_2006  (cost=0.00..1039927.18
rows=18048318 width=160)
(6 rows)

On Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 01:19:51PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Bill Thoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I knew this would take some time, but what I didn't expect was that about
> > an hour into the select, my mouse and keyboard locked up and also I
> > couldn't log in from another computer via SSH. This is a Linux machine
> > running Fedora Core 6 and PostgresQL is 8.1.4. There's about 50GB free on
> > the disc too.
> > I finally had to shut the power off and reboot to regain control of my
> > computer (that wasn't good idea, either, but eventually I got everything
> > working again.)
> I've seen Fedora go nuts like that when it ran out of memory.  Once it
> starts to swap heavily, performance goes into the tank; and once the
> kernel realizes it's in memory trouble, it starts to kill processes
> more or less at random.  That might explain why ssh stopped working.
> One thing to do to make it more robust is to disable memory overcommit.
> I suspect also that configuring it with lots of swap space is
> counterproductive, because that just encourages the kernel to allow lots
> of swapping.  I haven't actually experimented with that part though.
> As for why PG ran the system out of memory, I suspect that the planner
> drastically underestimated the number of groups to be created by your
> GROUP BY, and thought it could get away with a hash aggregation.  We
> don't currently have any provision for spilling hash aggregation to
> disk, so if there's a very large number of groups the table just gets
> very big :-(.  The planner is not supposed to choose hash agg if the
> estimated table size exceeds work_mem ... but if it had out-of-date
> statistics to work with it might have gotten the wrong answer.  Have
> you ANALYZEd this table recently?  What does EXPLAIN show as the
> estimated number of result rows?
>   regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Searching for Duplicates and Hosed the System

2007-08-19 Thread Tom Lane
Bill Thoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I knew this would take some time, but what I didn't expect was that about
> an hour into the select, my mouse and keyboard locked up and also I
> couldn't log in from another computer via SSH. This is a Linux machine
> running Fedora Core 6 and PostgresQL is 8.1.4. There's about 50GB free on
> the disc too.

> I finally had to shut the power off and reboot to regain control of my
> computer (that wasn't good idea, either, but eventually I got everything
> working again.)

I've seen Fedora go nuts like that when it ran out of memory.  Once it
starts to swap heavily, performance goes into the tank; and once the
kernel realizes it's in memory trouble, it starts to kill processes
more or less at random.  That might explain why ssh stopped working.

One thing to do to make it more robust is to disable memory overcommit.
I suspect also that configuring it with lots of swap space is
counterproductive, because that just encourages the kernel to allow lots
of swapping.  I haven't actually experimented with that part though.

As for why PG ran the system out of memory, I suspect that the planner
drastically underestimated the number of groups to be created by your
GROUP BY, and thought it could get away with a hash aggregation.  We
don't currently have any provision for spilling hash aggregation to
disk, so if there's a very large number of groups the table just gets
very big :-(.  The planner is not supposed to choose hash agg if the
estimated table size exceeds work_mem ... but if it had out-of-date
statistics to work with it might have gotten the wrong answer.  Have
you ANALYZEd this table recently?  What does EXPLAIN show as the
estimated number of result rows?

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] Searching for Duplicates and Hosed the System

2007-08-19 Thread Bill Moran
Bill Thoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm new to PostgreSQL and I ran into problem I don't want to repeat. I have
> a database with a little more than 18 million records that takes up about
> 3GB. I need to check to see if there are duplicate records, so I tried a
> command like this:
> SELECT count(*) AS count, fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4 FROM MyTable 
>   GROUP BY fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4
> I knew this would take some time, but what I didn't expect was that about
> an hour into the select, my mouse and keyboard locked up and also I
> couldn't log in from another computer via SSH. This is a Linux machine
> running Fedora Core 6 and PostgresQL is 8.1.4. There's about 50GB free on
> the disc too.
> I finally had to shut the power off and reboot to regain control of my
> computer (that wasn't good idea, either, but eventually I got everything
> working again.)
> Is this normal behavior by PG with large databases?

No.  Something is wrong.

> Did I misconfigure
> something? Does anyone know what might be wrong?

Possibly, but I would be more inclined to guess that your hardware is
faulty and you encountered a RAM error, or the CPU overheated or
something along those lines.  I'm not familiar with Linux systems
hard-locking like that unless there is a hardware issue.

Bill Moran

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

[GENERAL] Searching for Duplicates and Hosed the System

2007-08-19 Thread Bill Thoen
I'm new to PostgreSQL and I ran into problem I don't want to repeat. I have
a database with a little more than 18 million records that takes up about
3GB. I need to check to see if there are duplicate records, so I tried a
command like this:

SELECT count(*) AS count, fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4 FROM MyTable 
  GROUP BY fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4

I knew this would take some time, but what I didn't expect was that about
an hour into the select, my mouse and keyboard locked up and also I
couldn't log in from another computer via SSH. This is a Linux machine
running Fedora Core 6 and PostgresQL is 8.1.4. There's about 50GB free on
the disc too.

I finally had to shut the power off and reboot to regain control of my
computer (that wasn't good idea, either, but eventually I got everything
working again.)

Is this normal behavior by PG with large databases? Did I misconfigure
something? Does anyone know what might be wrong?

- Bill Thoen

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings