I had this same problem.  Thanks to a suggestion from Bruce Momjian, I
noticed that the configure script was not finding the readline
libraries.  I checked, and found that though I did have the readline
package installed, I did not have the readline-devel package installed. 
Once I installed that package, the configure script found readline and
after recompiling everything works fine.

Erich wrote:
> I've just installed PostgreSQL 7.02 on my OpenBSD box.  Everything is
> working fine.  I made sure to link in gnu readline in psql.  It seems
> to be working, because I can edit a line.  For instance, Ctl-A takes
> me to the beginning of a line, Ctl-K kills it, etc.  However, Ctl-P
> doesn't go up a line, so I can't access previous lines, and lines are
> not saved in the .psql_history file which is mentioned on the man
> page.
> Any idea what to do?  Line editing is so handy to have in something
> like this.
> Thanks,
> e

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