[GENERAL] row-level security (Dynamically rewrite queries)

2008-11-20 Thread Jonatan Evald Buus
Hi there,
Is it possible to dynamically rewrite an SQL query for all operations
It seems that using RULES it's possible to replace one query with another,
but can the actual query that was executed by retrieved so it can be
dynamically modified?
I.e. I'd like to create a rule along the lines of:
SELECT TO Transaction_Tbl
DO INSTEAD replace('WHERE', 'INNER JOIN User_Tbl ON Transaction_Tbl.userid =
User_Tbl.id WHERE User_Tbl.name = \'CURRENT_USER\'', $SQL)
Where $SQL represents the actual SQL query that was executed on the table
and the table has a column: userid which indicates the owner of the row.

Essentially what I'd like to do is implement row-level security (what Oracle
calls "Virtual Private Database") but as far as I can find the last time
this was discussed is several years ago and the general consensus ended up
being "use veil".
Veil seems overly like an complicated approach for something that (in
theroy) should be possible with a dynamic query rewrite using search and
replace prior to execution.
Oracle's implementation seems quiete elegant for this, please see
http://www.oracle.com/technology/pub/articles/10gdba/week14_10gdba.html or

One other approach that I could think of, would be to create a view for
every table and use the view for accessing the data:
CREATE VIEW Transaction_Vw AS
SELECT * FROM Transaction_Tbl Txn
INNER JOIN User_Tbl U ON Txn.userid = U.id
However, can usage this view be enforced by the database by removing SELECT
priviliges from Transaction_Tbl?
Also, I suspect that performance would go down the drain if complex joins
are used? There could potentially be a lot of unnecessary joins to User_Tbl
if multiple "secure view" where joined together.
Is the planner capable of taking this into account and auto-magically
optimize the query?

Are there any other alternatives to implementing row-level security that can
be enforced at the database level?

Appreciate the input


Re: [GENERAL] row-level security (Dynamically rewrite queries)

2008-11-20 Thread Richard Huxton
Jonatan Evald Buus wrote:
> Essentially what I'd like to do is implement row-level security (what Oracle
> calls "Virtual Private Database") but as far as I can find the last time
> this was discussed is several years ago and the general consensus ended up
> being "use veil".
> Veil seems overly like an complicated approach for something that (in
> theroy) should be possible with a dynamic query rewrite using search and
> replace prior to execution.

I've never used veil myself, but I can't believe it's less effort to
re-invent the wheel on this. The query-rewrite is what the views are doing.

> Oracle's implementation seems quiete elegant for this, please see
> http://www.oracle.com/technology/pub/articles/10gdba/week14_10gdba.html or
> http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Oracle/RowLevel-Security-with-Virtual-Private-Database/for
> examples.
> One other approach that I could think of, would be to create a view for
> every table and use the view for accessing the data:
> CREATE VIEW Transaction_Vw AS
> SELECT * FROM Transaction_Tbl Txn
> INNER JOIN User_Tbl U ON Txn.userid = U.id
> However, can usage this view be enforced by the database by removing SELECT
> priviliges from Transaction_Tbl?

Yes, of course. This also seems to be what veil does for you. Beware -
views are basically macros that rewrite your query and you can get
unexpected results when e.g. inserting multiple rows at once. See
mailing-list archives for examples.

> Also, I suspect that performance would go down the drain if complex joins
> are used? There could potentially be a lot of unnecessary joins to User_Tbl
> if multiple "secure view" where joined together.
> Is the planner capable of taking this into account and auto-magically
> optimize the query?

There's some overhead associated with rewriting the query, but the
planner should cope just fine then. Which isn't to say there aren't
cases where you couldn't write a better query from scratch, but the
planner optimises rewritten queries as well as any other.

> Are there any other alternatives to implementing row-level security that can
> be enforced at the database level?

Use veil. Someone else has gone to the trouble to think this through. If
you write your own solution you'll only have 1 user (you). Even if veil
is only used by its author there will at least be 2 of you.

I frequently use a "my" schema with views that map to the relevant base
tables ("my.clients" etc). However, that's not for applications that
require some guarantee of security database-wide, it's as much about
simplifying my queries.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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