Re: MySQL's (false?) claims... (was: Re: [GENERAL] PL/java?)

2001-08-31 Thread Denis A. Doroshenko

how that can come, that table locking is faster than versioning? from
how i understand versioning it can't be slower. and saying that possible
access problems with table can be avoided be specially designing
application. God! i must design specially for mysql, being locking whole

this page shows that they are low-end even in the mind. they
didn't implemet constraints/subselects/views/triggers/full joins, but
they've got packed bases and compressed client/server protocol! wow.
must be cool.

personally, when i tried 7.0.2, with triggers/constraints/views and
other cool stuff (transactions!) i said to myself yep, that's the
db you need. and now, whatever they say, when i hear somebody doing
billing system (!) on mysql, i just shrug my shoulders. in russian
it called everybody goes insane his own way.

btw, what's related to in-memory quick db, what prevents you from
creating memory filesystem and put postgres dbs there? in *bsd it's not
a problem, on linux i believe too...

On Sun, Aug 26, 2001 at 02:29:55PM +1000, Justin Clift wrote:
 We can always ask them to change things.  The thing which strike me as
 Sean Chittenden wrote:
   Has anyone seen this page on comparing PostgreSQL to MySQL:
  Yeah, I've had a few developers show it to me... the best part

Denis A. Doroshenko  [GPRS engineer]   .-._|_  |
[Omnitel Ltd., T.Sevcenkos st. 25, Vilnius, Lithuania] | | _ _  _ .| _ |
[Phone: +370 9863486 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]] |_|| | || |||(/_|_

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TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: MySQL's (false?) claims... (was: Re: [GENERAL] PL/java?)

2001-08-31 Thread Denis A. Doroshenko

yeah, by the way, doing dump/restore not such a bad thing, as mysql may
say. supporting old stuff is sometimes horrible. look at micro$oft,
which carries all the sh.t through its OSs...

Denis A. Doroshenko  [GPRS engineer]   .-._|_  |
[Omnitel Ltd., T.Sevcenkos st. 25, Vilnius, Lithuania] | | _ _  _ .| _ |
[Phone: +370 9863486 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]] |_|| | || |||(/_|_

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TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

RE: MySQL's (false?) claims... (was: Re: [GENERAL] PL/java?)

2001-08-27 Thread Glen Parker

My favorite part of the artical was way way down at the end, where it
briefly lists a few areas where postgres is still superior, minor little
details such as full joins, sub-selects, views, unions, triggers,
constraints, cursors...  silly stuff like that :-)


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Re: MySQL's (false?) claims... (was: Re: [GENERAL] PL/java?)

2001-08-27 Thread Shaun Thomas

 = In MySQL you have to repair your tables manually if corruption occurs.
 PostgreSQL is coded so that corruption cannot occur.

Unless you're running pre-7.1, in which doing any of the following
may corrupt an entire database so badly that pg_dumpall crashes on it.

 * Table A.  Create mirror table B.  Insert into B.  Drop A.  Rename B
   to A.  Watch backend crash randomly, corrupting said table to
   unrecognizable form - hence corrupting entire database.  This may only
   happen once every 1000 times the process is repeated, but *will*
   occur eventually.  This happened more in 6.5.
 * Select, insert, update, whatever.  Eventually, postgrees will
   report that the back end has exited unexpectedly.  This is
   easier to repeat on an installation serving many simultaneous
   connections, especially if any database has been affected by:
 * Inserting any row with a total column length of 8k or higher, minus
   row/column overhead.  For even more fun, insert a row of arbitrary
   length, or use multiple text columns.
 * Selecting, updating, or even remotely touching any table which has
   an example of the above.  Yes, this means that you can't even
   delete the offending row, or pg_dump the database to remove it

What about pg_dump, you say?  Sure, that'll work.  Get the tables that
aren't corrupted, like you know which ones they are.  Then all you have
to do is not give a rat's ass about the data in the table that *is*
corrupted.  Sounds easy, right?

All of this vanished like smoke when 7.1 came out.  In my opinion, 7.1 is
the first real release of postgres, and hence Mysql is fully justified in
most of its accusations/comparisons.  Until 7.1, postgres didn't have a
snowball's chance in hell at beating mysql on the stability front, now the
odds are a little more even.

Either way, don't dare sit there and tell me postgres doesn't corrupt
tables.  I would actually prefer a utility to integrity check/repair a
corrupted table into something that the database could read, rather than
give the data up for a loss and run for our backups, as we have been doing.

| Shaun M. ThomasINN Database Programmer  |
| Phone: (309) 743-0812  Fax  : (309) 743-0830|
| Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]AIM  : trifthen  |
| Web  :  |
| |
| Most of our lives are about proving something, either to   |
|  ourselves or to someone else. |
|   -- Anonymous  |

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

WAL and Re: MySQL's (false?) claims... (was: Re: [GENERAL] PL/java?)

2001-08-26 Thread Dr. Evil

You guys shouldn't even be worrying about this.  Five years from now,
MySQL will be a much more mature product, but the way I see it now is

MySQL: Great for message boards (Slashdot), information retrieval (an
on-line phone directory that's mostly static), or other lightweight

PG7.1: Great for doing more commercial type things: inventories,
accounting, and business in general, but it does lack some of the
high-end DB features, particularly replication and clustering, and
also some performance optimizations, which make it not quite in the
big-leagues yet.

Oracle: Great for everything beyond PG7.1.

MS-SQL: Use this one if you desperately need Western currency and want
to lose some plutonium!

PG7.2: It finally has replication!  This makes it a strong competitor
to Oracle for most applications.

Why is replication so important?  If the data you are dealing with are
valuable, you simply cannot trust them to one machine.  Machines catch
on fire, buildings burn down, earthquakes happen, lightning strikes.
A disaster can happen any time, anywhere.  The only solution to this
is replication.  Until PG has it, it can't be trusted with really
valuable data.

One thing which I would like to see in addition to replication is an
enhanced WAL mechanism.  Right now WAL only writes to a log file.
That's fine, but I can see two other things that WAL could do very
easily, which would be great for financial users, or others who deal
with valuable data: One is sending the tuple, as a string, off to
another server somewhere to be logged, perhaps in another DB of some
kind.  That way, when Server #1 gets struck by lightning, no problem,
not a single transaction has been lost.  This wouldn't take any major
mods to the WAL system; if someone would tell me where to look in the
code, I'll do it myself.  The second WAL change would be to allow WAL
to send output to a plain old dot matrix printer.  Yes, it's a
primitive thing to do, but again, if you are dealing with financial
transactions, sometimes it's a wonderful thing to be able to have them
in a human-readable read-only format.  No amount of elite hacking can
undo something which has been printed.  This technique, as primitive
as it sounds, is used all over the place.  Ever notice that when you
put your ATM card in the machine, you often hear a printer going?
Everything is logged the old-fashioned way.

Again, if someone will point me to the place in the WAL code where it
has the tuple and it wants to write it out, I'll make these mods

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: MySQL's (false?) claims... (was: Re: [GENERAL] PL/java?)

2001-08-26 Thread Trond Eivind Glomsrød

Peter Eisentraut [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Justin Clift writes:
  If anyone else can see things blatantly wrong on that page, email me
  about them and I'll ask Monty (the MySQL guy) to please
  change/remove/fix them.
 Many of these advantages can easily interpreted as disadvantages.  For
 * MySQL has more API to other languages and is supported by more programs
 than PostgreSQL. See section D Contributed Programs.
 = MySQL has 6 Perl modules, 5 ODBC drivers, and 4 C++ interfaces.
 PostgreSQL concentrates its efforts on making one driver work best for all

For interfaces, it's best to have only one, and a good one (like one
DBD module for perl, one JDBC interface for Java, one python module
implementing the Python DB API (there are several Pg ones available
here)). But this didn't just focus on APIs.
 * There are far moore books in print on MySQL than on PostgreSQL.
 O'Reilly, Sams, Que, and New Riders are all major publishers with books
 about MySQL.
 = MySQL is so hard to understand and poorly documented, a plethora of
 books had to come out before anyone could use it.

That is a ridiculous claim. More documentation is good - like how to
apply the different scenarios and by different authors. From Foo in
24 hours to Data mining with bar. 

 * All MySQL features is also documented in the MySQL on-line manual
 because when a feature is implemented, the MySQL developers are required
 to document it before it's included in the source.
 = blah... :-)

The MySQL documentation is actually rather nice (not saying that the
PostgreSQL isn't).

 * MySQL has support for tables without transactions for applications that
 need all speed they can get.
 = MySQL is not a fully transactional database system.

It defaults to this as well, AFAIR.
 * MySQL has internal support for text search. See section 6.8 MySQL
 Full-text Search.
 = PostgreSQL has a number of different full text search solutions
 available, or users can plug in their own.

Weren't you the one preaching the wonders of one way to do it
(API-wise) above?  
 * You can access many databases from the same connection (depending of
 course on your privileges).
 = PostgreSQL does not allow you to access more than one database per
 connection.  This makes the system much safer and allows for more robust

Sometimes, you'd like to anyway ;) The person doing the bugzilla port
would even like to have multi-DB operations (and split tables, with
parts of the query running on each one).

 = PostgreSQL is coded from the start with multi-processing while MySQL
 uses threads.  Threads have historically led to much more bug-prone
 programs and are poorly supported on many operating systems.  If one
 thread crashes your whole server goes down.
 * MySQL has a much more sophisticated privilege system than PostgreSQL.
 = MySQL has a much more complicated privilege system than

There is a difference between what must be done and what can be
done. E.g. you can use Emacs quite comofortably as a very powerful
editor without knowing much lisp. You can do anything you want if you
need to.
 * MySQL employs the table handler concept and is the only relational
 database we know of built around this concept.
 = MySQL employs a table handler concept, which makes your code much less
 SQL compliant and makes MySQL harder to learn.

Do you have to use it, or is it something you can choose to take
advantage of?
 * Tools to repair and optimize MyISAM tables (the most common MySQL table
 = In MySQL you have to repair your tables manually if corruption occurs.
 PostgreSQL is coded so that corruption cannot occur.

You sound like H.R. That's not a compliment.

Trond Eivind Glomsrød
Red Hat, Inc.

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Re: MySQL's (false?) claims... (was: Re: [GENERAL] PL/java?)

2001-08-26 Thread Peter Eisentraut

Me writes:

 Many of these advantages can easily interpreted as disadvantages.  For

I hope people aren't taking that feature comparison page as seriously as
they took my parody of it.

Peter Eisentraut   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: MySQL's (false?) claims... (was: Re: [GENERAL] PL/java?)

2001-08-26 Thread Sam Tregar

On Sun, 26 Aug 2001, Peter Eisentraut wrote:

 Many of these advantages can easily interpreted as disadvantages.  For

Have you ever considered a career in marketting?

 = In MySQL you have to repair your tables manually if corruption occurs.
 PostgreSQL is coded so that corruption cannot occur.

Ho ho.  This one is my favorite.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: MySQL's (false?) claims... (was: Re: [GENERAL] PL/java?)

2001-08-25 Thread Justin Clift

Hi Sean,

We can always ask them to change things.  The thing which strike me as
wrong the most is the stability issue with PostgreSQL.  I've only very
rarely heard reports by anyone saying MySQL was more stable than
PostgreSQL for them.

Most of the rest I think can be justified in one way or another.

If anyone else can see things blatantly wrong on that page, email me
about them and I'll ask Monty (the MySQL guy) to please
change/remove/fix them.


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Sean Chittenden wrote:
  Has anyone seen this page on comparing PostgreSQL to MySQL:
 Yeah, I've had a few developers show it to me... the best part
 of this is though, when I tried to post a comment, I got a MySQL
 database error.  ::grin::  At anyrate, it looks like a load of FUD from
 a bad marketing department (at least Microsoft lies well).  -sc
 Sean Chittenden
Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature
 ---(end of broadcast)---
 TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there.
   - Indira Gandhi

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RE: MySQL's (false?) claims... (was: Re: [GENERAL] PL/java?)

2001-08-25 Thread Andrew Snow

 We can always ask them to change things.  The thing which 
 strike me as wrong the most is the stability issue with 
 PostgreSQL.  I've only very rarely heard reports by anyone 
 saying MySQL was more stable than PostgreSQL for them.

Yeah, saying mysql is more stable than postgres is a complete joke from
my own experiences and those around me.

Also, I think people move from mysql to postgres, rarely the other way

- Andrew

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: MySQL's (false?) claims... (was: Re: [GENERAL] PL/java?)

2001-08-25 Thread David Ford

Sean Chittenden wrote:

Has anyone seen this page on comparing PostgreSQL to MySQL:

   Yeah, I've had a few developers show it to me... the best part
of this is though, when I tried to post a comment, I got a MySQL
database error.  ::grin::  At anyrate, it looks like a load of FUD from
a bad marketing department (at least Microsoft lies well).  -sc

One might also add as a 'con' for mysql...spelling.  As horribly 
frequent the spelling errors are on this page, one might reasonable 
assume that you could...

selected * frm tabloid wear valued be 'huh?';


I may have the information you need and I may choose only HTML.  It's up to you.

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