> Some time ago I saw the someone give an example of how to combine a
> query result with test using sql.
> What i have is a table with f_name varchar l_name varchar and I want the
> result to say [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Is this possible I will redirect the output to a textfile using the \o
> option.

The only way I could come up with to do this is :

test=> \d test 
Table    = test
|              Field               |              Type                | Length|
| text1                            | varchar()                        |   255 |
| text2                            | varchar()                        |   255 |

test=> select textcat( textcat( textcat( text1, '.' ), text2 ), '@domain.com' ) as 
result from test;
(3 rows)

Perhaps somebody has a better way? :)

Hope this helps! :)

Sincerely, Warren

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