Re: [GENERAL] What is your favorite front end for user interaction to postgresql databases?

2006-05-15 Thread Jim C. Nasby
On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 04:17:53PM -0700, Casey Duncan wrote:
> From personal experience (and others will disagree), I find putting  
> logic in the database to be a bad idea. I only use stored procedures  
> for triggers and the like, and I try to avoid those whenever possible.
> Here are my reasons why:
> - I don't like the PL/pgSQL language (yes there are alternatives, but  
> they have their own drawbacks)

Huh? Just use whatever language you're already writing in.

> - It's complex to test and upgrade (we actually wrote non-trivial  
> infrastructure to automate both)

Uhm... CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION. Unless you're changing parameters it
works fine.

As for testing, I fail to see how it's more difficult than testing the
same thing using external code. I will grant that unit testing is harder
though, since you don't have as many opportunities to hook into the
code, but if you create a set of known test data it's not all that

> - It's difficult to debug (compared to external languages like python  
> or java)
> - It's difficult to profile, therefore getting good performance can  
> be difficult

Actually, I think there's a commercial product that allows you to do
both, but I'm not sure. It would certanly be nice if it was built in.

> I had a very complex system coded in stored procedures that performed  
> poorly and was hard to maintain. It's now refactored into java/ 
> hibernate code that's simpler to understand, performs much better and  
> is easy to extend and maintain. Of course that's just my particular  
> case and obviously YMMV.

If hibernate is performing better it's due to application design. A lot
of times people try and approach database development the same way you'd
approach procedural coding, which is a bad idea. Hibernate and other
products go to great lengths (ie: caching) to try and make procedural
coding techniques work well on databases.

> Stored procs could make a lot of sense if you have many different  
> clients accessing the db in different ways and you want to strictly  
> enforce business rules across all of them. I had no such requirements  
> in my case.

You sure there won't every be any other apps hitting that database? :)
Part of how Pervasive makes money is dealing with exactly that kind of
attitude... "nothing else will ever have to communicate with this

> In any case I would strongly recommend doing the simplest thing that  
> you can get away with. If your business rules can be fulfilled with  
> grants, views and constraints alone, use them.

Or maybe more accurately, do what you have the expertise for. If you've
got a good database developer on staff there's a lot to be said for
putting stuff into procedures, especially if it's database-intensive.
Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pervasive Software  http://pervasive.comwork: 512-231-6117
vcard:   cell: 512-569-9461

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Re: [GENERAL] What is your favorite front end for user interaction to postgresql databases?

2006-05-09 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 09.05.2006, at 16:31 Uhr, Steve Atkins wrote:

Is that actually true? My understanding was that under the most recent
license changes it was not possible to deploy it to any platform other
than XServe.

Wrong. You are allowed to deploy on any platform you like, but only  
Mac OS X Server is officially supported by Apple.

Please note that this is for 5.3.1 - there was a bad license  
formulation in 5.3 which actually did not allow the deployment. For  
5.3.1 this was corrected. The issue came up when WebObjects was  
released free as part of the Xcode tools and a new license was  
necessary which wasn't well written.

Technically possible, sure, but a violation of the license.

Nope. Cliff Tuel of Apple clarified this on the WO mailing lists.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] What is your favorite front end for user interaction to postgresql databases?

2006-05-09 Thread Steve Atkins

On May 8, 2006, at 11:05 PM, Guido Neitzer wrote:

On 09.05.2006, at 0:33 Uhr, Karen Hill wrote:

What is your favorite front end for end users to interact with your
postgresql db?  Is it java, .net, web apache + php, MS-Access,  
ruby on

rails?  Why is it your favorite?  Which would you recommend for end
users on multiple OSes?

You mean what technology to use to build business logic?

It just depends on your needs. I prefer to use Apple WebObjects for  
building web frontends to the db.

Why? Because it is extremely powerful, free if you are able to  
develop on Mac OS X (it comes with the developer tools) and even if  
you have to buy a couple of Powerbooks and Xserves it may be  
cheaper then only the software license for one of the other big  
Java application server technologies. You can deploy it to every  
Java plattform because it's just a Java application

Is that actually true? My understanding was that under the most recent
license changes it was not possible to deploy it to any platform other
than XServe. Technically possible, sure, but a violation of the license.
That's the main reason I stopped considering it a viable development


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] What is your favorite front end for user interaction to postgresql databases?

2006-05-08 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 09.05.2006, at 0:33 Uhr, Karen Hill wrote:

What is your favorite front end for end users to interact with your
postgresql db?  Is it java, .net, web apache + php, MS-Access, ruby on
rails?  Why is it your favorite?  Which would you recommend for end
users on multiple OSes?

You mean what technology to use to build business logic?

It just depends on your needs. I prefer to use Apple WebObjects for  
building web frontends to the db.

Why? Because it is extremely powerful, free if you are able to  
develop on Mac OS X (it comes with the developer tools) and even if  
you have to buy a couple of Powerbooks and Xserves it may be cheaper  
then only the software license for one of the other big Java  
application server technologies. You can deploy it to every Java  
plattform because it's just a Java application, but it's build on and  
for Mac OS X. It completely frees you from thinking in tables, joins,  
selects and other sql stuff, well, at least nearly completely. I can  
switch my whole application including a couple of hundred MB database  
content in half a day (mostly the time to transfer the data) - I have  
done this two months ago from another dbms to PostgreSQL.

It's just as "cool" as Ruby on Rails right now, not as fat and slow  
in development as most J2EE servers, you can deploy everywhere, I can  
develop on Mac OS X (yes, that's a reason for me, because it speeds  
up my work by a good percentage), it is extremely fast for  
development once you have the concepts and a good set of your own  
components in stock which you are used to. It's pure Java, so I can  
easily include third party tools like Lucene or others. It does one  
connection per application instance which keeps concurrent db tasks  
low. Also it has more than one working approach for multi language /  
internationalized applications.

And, most important, it has a tool, which enables me to do things  
alone in days, other teams do in weeks with other J2EE tools:  
DirectToWeb - a rule and template driven dev plattform. You write the  
db schema, lots of "rules" how list, inspect, edit and search pages  
should look like and some basic html for wrappers and you can create  
an administration application faster as with everything I've seen so  
far. Including Ruby on Rails, PHP and other Java tools. But, to make  
this clear: the starting point to use it is VERY high. I had  a  
couple of years doing WebObjects development when I started using D2W  
and it was good to have this background.

Also you can build WebServices, rich Java client apps, can use Ajax  
for rich web applications and I have a tool that proved it's  
scalability, reliability and ease of use in a real high volume  
environment: the iTunes Music Store.

For more information, send me an email and/or go to>. (I hope the url is correct, I'm not online  
right now - sitting in the train to work  ;-))

Ah, and if you download it for testing: go to one of the WO mailing  
lists and ask for some good tips for starters. It will help.

Also, what do you think of having the database management system do  

work (business logic etc) with the front end as a user interface vs.
having N-tier with an application server handling business logic, and
the db just accepting data.

I prefer the second approach because it frees me from one specific  
database. I can use Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, FrontBase, OpenBase,  
Sybase, MSSQL without changing one line of code (if I have avoided  
using custom SQL, which I mostly do) by just switching one framework.  
Okay, right, there are always some problems you have to solve, but  
they are nothing compared to what a PHP developer has to do to use  
different dbms as the one he develops on.

This comes from having to re-invent the wheel every time a
new user app needs to  be created.

You do something wrong if you don't build libraries of your basic and  
generic work over the time. This has nothing to do with the tool you  
use or the underlying dbms - it's just bad coding style if you have  
to re-invent the wheel for every app.

For me and our customers it's more important to be able to switch the  
dbms than the application server.

But, as with everything: YMMV.

Ah, and for curiosity I'm just evaluating Ruby on Rails: it has  
interesting ideas and places itself somewhere between the fat J2EE  
app servers and the scripting languages PHP and Perl. It is more  
closely placed to WebObjects then I have thought on the first look,  
but is a bit easier to learn and not the big 800 pound gorilla of web  
development, with hooks, tool, templates, ideas and concepts for  
nearly every case.

But in my opinion it lacks a couple of things, two of the most  
important for me are complete abstraction from the db (you may reach  
this with easy schemas and generic sql but not enough) and a working  
internationalization approach. It is lightweight and it would be  
interesting to build 

Re: [GENERAL] What is your favorite front end for user interaction to postgresql databases?

2006-05-08 Thread Michael Schmidt

I agonized over this decision when I migrated my application to 
PostgreSQL.  I know Tony Caduto likes Delphi and he can give some good 
reasons for this (are you out there, Tony?).  There has also been a good 
article recently about Ruby on Rails.  For my purposes, I wanted to 
maximize cross-platform compatibility and decided on Java.  I was advised 
(correctly, I think) to opt for SWT rather than standard Java Swing and 
ended up with Eclipse.  I must say that Eclipse has not been particularly 
easy to learn - the documentation is quite uneven and the mail lists aren't 
nearly as helpful as with the PostgreSQL community.  Also, Eclipse is 
changing so quickly that books have a hard time keeping up.  Nevertheless, 
it is powerful and I've found it rewarding.  To make things easier for 
others, I uploaded a basic Eclipse front end (without editors, views, and 
reports) to pgFoundry (Komo PostgreSQL Client).
On the second question, I also like to have the database do as much of the 
work as possible.  
Michael Schmidt

Re: [GENERAL] What is your favorite front end for user interaction to postgresql databases?

2006-05-08 Thread Casey Duncan

On May 8, 2006, at 3:33 PM, Karen Hill wrote:

What is your favorite front end for end users to interact with your
postgresql db?  Is it java, .net, web apache + php, MS-Access, ruby on
rails?  Why is it your favorite?  Which would you recommend for end
users on multiple OSes?

This is totally dependent on the individual user's preference:

- Many users comfortable with command line shells prefer psql (this  
is my choice).

- Others who like a gui might use pgAdmin (or miriad others)
- If interoperability with MSOffice is your main concern, I could see  
Access/ODBC being useful. As a general front-end, probably not.

When you start talking about java v. .net v. php vs. ruby, that's a  
whole other ball of wax. That's a lot less about interaction, or even  
about databases and a lot more about programmer preference.  
Personally, I would recommend:

Python + psycopg (highly interactive, great for complex scripts or  
even apps)
Java + JDBC + Hibernate (I think JDBC sucks, but Hibernate totally  
rocks and more or less hides it from you)
Shell + psql (great for simple reporting, automating dba tasks, etc.  

Also, what do you think of having the database management system do  

work (business logic etc) with the front end as a user interface vs.
having N-tier with an application server handling business logic, and
the db just accepting data.  I currently have the opinion that N-tier
is not as good as having the db contain the business logic via stored
procedures.  This comes from having to re-invent the wheel every  
time a

new user app needs to  be created.

From personal experience (and others will disagree), I find putting  
logic in the database to be a bad idea. I only use stored procedures  
for triggers and the like, and I try to avoid those whenever possible.

Here are my reasons why:

- I don't like the PL/pgSQL language (yes there are alternatives, but  
they have their own drawbacks)
- It's complex to test and upgrade (we actually wrote non-trivial  
infrastructure to automate both)
- It's difficult to debug (compared to external languages like python  
or java)
- It's difficult to profile, therefore getting good performance can  
be difficult

I had a very complex system coded in stored procedures that performed  
poorly and was hard to maintain. It's now refactored into java/ 
hibernate code that's simpler to understand, performs much better and  
is easy to extend and maintain. Of course that's just my particular  
case and obviously YMMV.

Stored procs could make a lot of sense if you have many different  
clients accessing the db in different ways and you want to strictly  
enforce business rules across all of them. I had no such requirements  
in my case.

In any case I would strongly recommend doing the simplest thing that  
you can get away with. If your business rules can be fulfilled with  
grants, views and constraints alone, use them.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not