On Thu, Jun 29, 2006 at 12:02:40PM +0200, Alban Hertroys wrote:

> This kind of reeks like a begin/end date and an accuracy quantifier, 
> though that wouldn't account for option 6.
> Your cases 0 to 5 and 7 would be transformed into something like:
> Where I defined '5' as being accurate, and lower values less accurate. 
> You may want to use values with a wider spread, it'll allow more 
> fuzziness about how sure you are about a certain date.

Just for your information:

In our Python implementation of a fuzzy timestamp type we
used accuracy values ranging from 1 to 7 denoting the
"precision" of a complete timestamp definition:

7 - full subsecond accuracy (7 "digits" precision)
6 - seconds
5 - minutes
4 - hours
3 - days
2 - months
1 - years

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