
The question (a short version): is it possible for a client to send two
selects in the same transaction using the extended query protocol (without
declaring cursors) and pull rows simultaneously by means of interleaving
portal names and restricting fetch size in Execute commands.

The question (a long version with a motivation):

A Postgresql backend is capable of operating multiple portals within a
transaction and switching between them on and off. For instance the
following sequence (issued from a kotlin application via r2dbc-driver not
from psql)


*// The table *users_Fetch *contains users with ids between 1 and 20*


DECLARE fetch_test1 SCROLL CURSOR FOR SELECT userId FROM users_Fetch;

DECLARE fetch_test2 SCROLL CURSOR FOR SELECT userId FROM users_Fetch;

MOVE FORWARD 3 FROM fetch_test1;

FETCH FORWARD 5 FROM fetch_test1;

FETCH FORWARD 5 FROM fetch_test2;

select userId from users_Fetch;

FETCH BACKWARD 5 FROM fetch_test1;

FETCH FORWARD 5 FROM fetch_test2;



results in an expected outcome:


        4, 5, 6, 7, 8, *// MOVE FORWARD 3 FROM fetch_test1; FETCH FORWARD 5
FROM fetch_test1;*

        1, 2, 3, 4, 5, *// FETCH FORWARD 5 FROM fetch_test2;*

        1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, *// select userId from users_Fetch;*

        7, 6, 5, 4, 3, *// FETCH BACKWARD 5 FROM fetch_test1;*

        6, 7, 8, 9, 10, *// FETCH FORWARD 5 FROM fetch_test2;*


Is the same possible for conventional selects issued with extended query
protocol? From the protocol perspective it would result in the following


231 53111 5432 PGSQL 109 >Q ———> BEGIN

232 5432 53111 TCP 56 5432 → 53111 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=54 Win=6371 Len=0
TSval=2819351776 TSecr=589492423

237 5432 53111 PGSQL 73 <C/Z

238 53111 5432 TCP 56 53111 → 5432 [ACK] Seq=54 Ack=18 Win=6366 Len=0
TSval=589492435 TSecr=2819351788

// A client issues a select

239 53111 5432 PGSQL 276 >P/B/D/E/H ———> select * from …; bind B_1; execute
B_1, fetch 2 rows; flush

240 5432 53111 TCP 56 5432 → 53111 [ACK] Seq=18 Ack=274 Win=6368 Len=0
TSval=2819351793 TSecr=589492440

245 5432 53111 PGSQL 552 <1/2/T/D/D/s ———> Data, Data, Portal suspended


// Then the same sequence for another prepared statement and portal (lets
say B_2) but without a limit in the Execute command and sync at the end.


// Then the client proceeds with B_1 till the completion

270 53111 5432 PGSQL 69 > E ———> execute B_1, fetch 2 rows,

271 5432 53111 TCP 56 5432 → 53111 [ACK] Seq=925 Ack=323 Win=6367 Len=0
TSval=2819351846 TSecr=589492493

272 53111 5432 PGSQL 61 >H ———> Flush

274 5432 53111 TCP 56 5432 → 53111 [ACK] Seq=925 Ack=328 Win=6367 Len=0
TSval=2819351846 TSecr=589492493

282 5432 53111 PGSQL 144 <D/C ———> Command completion

283 53111 5432 TCP 56 53111 → 5432 [ACK] Seq=328 Ack=1013 Win=6351 Len=0
TSval=589492496 TSecr=2819351849

284 53111 5432 PGSQL 66 >C ———> Close B_1

285 5432 53111 TCP 56 5432 → 53111 [ACK] Seq=1013 Ack=338 Win=6367 Len=0
TSval=2819351849 TSecr=589492496

286 53111 5432 PGSQL 61 >S ———> Sync

287 5432 53111 TCP 56 5432 → 53111 [ACK] Seq=1013 Ack=343 Win=6366 Len=0
TSval=2819351849 TSecr=589492496

293 5432 53111 PGSQL 67 <3/Z

294 53111 5432 TCP 56 53111 → 5432 [ACK] Seq=343 Ack=1024 Win=6351 Len=0
TSval=589492498 TSecr=2819351851

295 53111 5432 PGSQL 68 >Q ———> COMMIT


I’m interested because such a communication is intrinsic to r2dbc scenarios
like this


val usersWithAccouns = Flux.defer *{*

    *// Select all users*

    databaseClient.sql("select * from users where userId >= $1 and userId
<= $2")

        .bind("$1", 1)

        .bind("$2", 255)

        .flatMap *{ *r *-> * *{ *row, meta *-> *… *} }*

         .flatMap *{ *user *->*

            *// For each user select all its accounts*

            databaseClient.sql("select login from accounts where userId=$1
limit 1")


                .flatMap *{ *r *-> * *{ *row, meta *-> *… *} }*

                .reduce …

*        }*



which results in a failure owing to inner requests building up a queue
inside the driver (due to inability to suspend a limitless Execute for
"select * from users…" ).


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