Re: Detoasting optionally to make Explain-Analyze less misleading

2024-04-10 Thread stepan rutz

First of all thanks for bringing this Feature to PostgreSQL. From a
regular-user perspective (not everyone is a Pro) it is very misleading
that ANALYZE doesn't do what it suggests it does. To run the query into
some kind of /dev/null type of destination is feasible and that is what
people end up doing after they have fallen into the "de-toasting" trap.

Having SERIALIZE is a great improvement for certain. When I said that
SERIALIZE should be the default, then this came mostly out of very
surprising subjective experiences in the past. Turning it on certainly
alters some existing benchmarks and timings. That is destructive in a
way and would destroy some existing work and measures. I lack the
overall understanding of the consequences, so please don't follow this
(emotional) advice.

So thanks again! and this will really help a lot of people. The people
actually bothering with EXPLAIN options are likely to explore the
documentation and now have a hint about this pitfall. The EXPLAIN part
of PostgreSQL "feels" a lot better now.

I appreciate all of your work on this issue, which came up without being
on some kind of plan and of course for the overall work on PostgreSQL.


On 4/10/24 15:57, Tom Lane wrote:

Matthias van de Meent  writes:

Upthread at [0], Stepan mentioned that we should default to SERIALIZE
when ANALYZE is enabled. I suspect a patch in that direction would
primarily contain updates in the test plan outputs, but I've not yet
worked on that.
Does anyone else have a strong opinion for or against adding SERIALIZE
to the default set of explain features enabled with ANALYZE?

I am 100% dead set against that, because it would silently render
EXPLAIN outputs from different versions quite non-comparable.

regards, tom lane

Re: Detoasting optionally to make Explain-Analyze less misleading

2024-02-26 Thread stepan rutz

Hi Matthias, thanks for picking it up. I still believe this is valuable
to a lot of people out there. Thanks for dealing with my proposal.
Matthias, Tom, Tomas everyone.

Two (more or less) controversial remarks from side.

1. Actually serialization should be the default for "analyze" in
explain, as current analyze doesn't detoast and thus distorts the result
in extreme (but common) cases easily by many order of magnitude (see my
original video on that one). So current "explain analyze" only works for
some queries and since detoasting is really transparent, it is quite
something to leave detoasting out of explain analyze. This surprises
people all the time, since explain analyze suggests it "runs" the query
more realistically.

2. The bandwidth I computed in one of the previous versions of the patch
was certainly cluttering up the explain output and it is misleading yes,
but then again it performs a calculation people will now do in their
head. The "bandwidth" here is how much data your query gets out of
backend by means of the query and the deserialization. So of course if
you do id-lookups you get a single row and such querries do have a lower
data-retrieval bandwidth compared to bulk querries. However having some
measure of how fast data is delivered from the backend especially on
larger joins is still a good indicator of one aspect of a query.

Sorry for the remarks. Both are not really important, just restating my
points here. I understand the objections and reasons that speak against
both points and believe the current scope is just right.


On 26.02.24 20:30, Matthias van de Meent wrote:


I've taken the liberty to update this patch, and register it in the
commitfest app to not lose track of progress [0].

The attached v8 patch measures scratch memory allocations (with MEMORY
option), total time spent in serialization (with TIMING on, measures
are inclusive of unseparated memcpy to the message buffer), and a
count of produced bytes plus the output format used (text or binary).
It's a light rework of the earlier 0007 patch, I've reused tests and
some infrastructure, while the implementation details and comments
have been updated significantly.

I think we can bikeshed on format and names, but overall I think the
patch is in a very decent shape.

Stepan, thank you for your earlier work, and feel free to check it out
or pick it up again if you want to; else I'll try to get this done.

Kind regards,

Matthias van de Meent


Re: Detoasting optionally to make Explain-Analyze less misleading

2023-11-02 Thread stepan rutz

Hi Thomas,

indeed by doing less the code also becomes trivial and
ExplainPropertyInteger can be used as a oneliner.

My intention was to actually get the realistic payload-bytes from the
wire-protocol counted by the serialization option. I am also adding the
protocol bits and the length of the data that is generated by
serialization output-functions. So it should (hopefully) be the real

Attached is a new revision of the patch that prints kB (floor'ed by
integer-division by 1024). Maybe that is also misleading and bytes would
be nicer (though harder to read).

The output is now as follows:

db1=# explain (analyze, serialize) select * from test;
 Seq Scan on test  (cost=0.00..22.00 rows=1200 width=40) (actual
time=0.014..0.017 rows=1 loops=1)
 Planning Time: 0.245 ms
 Execution Time: 292.983 ms
 Serialized Bytes: 77039 kB
(4 rows)

Definately a lot nicer and controlled by  ExplainPropertyInteger in
terms of formatting.

The main motivation was to actually get a correct feeling for the
execution time. Actually counting the bytes gives an impression of what
would go over the wire. Only the big numbers matter here of course.

Regards, Stepan

On 02.11.23 20:32, Tomas Vondra wrote:

On 11/2/23 20:09, stepan rutz wrote:

Hi Thomas,

you are right of course. Thanks!

I have attached a new version of the patch that supports the syntax like
suggested. The previous patch was insonsistent in style indeed.

explain (analyze, serialize)


explain (analyze, serialize binary)

That doesn't make too much of a difference for most scenarios I am
certain. However the the seralize option itself does. Mostly because it
performs the detoasting and that was a trap for me in the past with just
plain analyze.

Eg this scenario really is not too far fetched in a world where people
have large JSONB values.

db1=# create table test(id bigint, val text);

db1=# insert into test(val) select string_agg(s::text, ',') from (select
generate_series(1, 10_000_000) as s) as a1;

now we have a cell that has roughly 80Mb in it. A large detoasting that
will happen in reallife but in explain(analyze).

and then...

db1=# explain (analyze) select * from test;
  Seq Scan on test  (cost=0.00..22.00 rows=1200 width=40) (actual
time=0.018..0.020 rows=1 loops=1)
  Planning Time: 0.085 ms
  Execution Time: 0.044 ms
(3 rows)

db1=# explain (analyze, serialize) select * from test;
  Seq Scan on test  (cost=0.00..22.00 rows=1200 width=40) (actual
time=0.023..0.027 rows=1 loops=1)
  Planning Time: 0.077 ms
  Execution Time: 303.281 ms
  Serialized Bytes: 7953 Bytes. Mode Text. Bandwidth 248.068 MB/sec
(4 rows)


So the explain(analyze) does not process the ~80 MB in 0.044ms in any
way of course.

Honestly, I see absolutely no point in printing this. I have little idea
what to do with the "bytes". We have to transfer this over network, but
surely there's other data not included in this sum, right?

But the bandwidth seems pretty bogus/useless, as it's calculated from
execution time, which includes everything else, not just serialization.
So what does it say? It certainly does not include the network transfer.

IMO we should either print nothing or just the bytes. I don't see the
point in printing the mode, which is determined by the command.

Actually I could print the serialized bytes using 1. grouping-separators
(eg 78_888_953) or 2. in the way pg_size_pretty does it.

If doing it the pg_size_pretty way I am uncertain if it would be ok to
query the actual pg_size_pretty function via its (certainly frozen) oid
of 3166 and do OidFunctionCall1(3166...) to invoke it. Otherwise I'd say
it would be nice if the code from that function would be made available
as a utility function for all c-code.  Any suggestions on this topic?

I'm rather skeptical about this proposal, mostly because it makes it
harder to process the explain output in scripts etc.

But more importantly, it's a completely separate matter from what this
patch does, so if you want to pursue this, I suggest you start a
separate thread. If you want to introduce separators, surely this is not
the only place that should do it (e.g. why not to do that for "rows" or
"cost" estimates)?

BTW if you really want to print amount of memory, maybe print it in
kilobytes, like every other place in explain.c? Also, explain generally
prints stuff in "key: value" style (in text format).


diff --git a/src/backend/commands/explain.c b/src/backend/commands/explain.c
index f1d71bc

Re: Detoasting optionally to make Explain-Analyze less misleading

2023-11-02 Thread stepan rutz

Hi Thomas,

you are right of course. Thanks!

I have attached a new version of the patch that supports the syntax like
suggested. The previous patch was insonsistent in style indeed.

explain (analyze, serialize)


explain (analyze, serialize binary)

That doesn't make too much of a difference for most scenarios I am
certain. However the the seralize option itself does. Mostly because it
performs the detoasting and that was a trap for me in the past with just
plain analyze.

Eg this scenario really is not too far fetched in a world where people
have large JSONB values.

db1=# create table test(id bigint, val text);

db1=# insert into test(val) select string_agg(s::text, ',') from (select
generate_series(1, 10_000_000) as s) as a1;

now we have a cell that has roughly 80Mb in it. A large detoasting that
will happen in reallife but in explain(analyze).

and then...

db1=# explain (analyze) select * from test;
 Seq Scan on test  (cost=0.00..22.00 rows=1200 width=40) (actual
time=0.018..0.020 rows=1 loops=1)
 Planning Time: 0.085 ms
 Execution Time: 0.044 ms
(3 rows)

db1=# explain (analyze, serialize) select * from test;
 Seq Scan on test  (cost=0.00..22.00 rows=1200 width=40) (actual
time=0.023..0.027 rows=1 loops=1)
 Planning Time: 0.077 ms
 Execution Time: 303.281 ms
 Serialized Bytes: 7953 Bytes. Mode Text. Bandwidth 248.068 MB/sec
(4 rows)


So the explain(analyze) does not process the ~80 MB in 0.044ms in any
way of course.

Actually I could print the serialized bytes using 1. grouping-separators
(eg 78_888_953) or 2. in the way pg_size_pretty does it.

If doing it the pg_size_pretty way I am uncertain if it would be ok to
query the actual pg_size_pretty function via its (certainly frozen) oid
of 3166 and do OidFunctionCall1(3166...) to invoke it. Otherwise I'd say
it would be nice if the code from that function would be made available
as a utility function for all c-code.  Any suggestions on this topic?



On 02.11.23 18:49, Tomas Vondra wrote:


On 9/15/23 22:09, stepan rutz wrote:


please see a revised version yesterday's mail. The patch attached now
provides the following:




I haven't looked at the patch in detail yet, but this option name looks
a bit strange/inconsistent. Either it should be SERIALIZE_BINARY (to
match other multi-word options), or maybe there should be just SERIALIZE
with a parameter to determine text/binary (like FORMAT, for example).

So we'd do either


to get serialization to text (which I guess 99% of people will do), or


to get binary.


diff --git a/src/backend/commands/explain.c b/src/backend/commands/explain.c
index f1d71bc54e..bb75ac0b73 100644
--- a/src/backend/commands/explain.c
+++ b/src/backend/commands/explain.c
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
 #include "parser/analyze.h"
 #include "parser/parsetree.h"
+#include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
 #include "rewrite/rewriteHandler.h"
 #include "storage/bufmgr.h"
 #include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
 #include "utils/guc_tables.h"
 #include "utils/json.h"
 #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
+#include "utils/numeric.h"
 #include "utils/rel.h"
 #include "utils/ruleutils.h"
 #include "utils/snapmgr.h"
@@ -47,7 +49,6 @@ ExplainOneQuery_hook_type ExplainOneQuery_hook = NULL;
 /* Hook for plugins to get control in explain_get_index_name() */
 explain_get_index_name_hook_type explain_get_index_name_hook = NULL;
 /* OR-able flags for ExplainXMLTag() */
 #define X_OPENING 0
 #define X_CLOSING 1
@@ -154,7 +155,8 @@ static void ExplainJSONLineEnding(ExplainState *es);
 static void ExplainYAMLLineStarting(ExplainState *es);
 static void escape_yaml(StringInfo buf, const char *str);
+static DestReceiver *CreateSerializeDestReceiver(int16 format);
+static uint64 GetNumberOfSerializedBytes(DestReceiver *dest);
  * ExplainQuery -
@@ -192,6 +194,23 @@ ExplainQuery(ParseState *pstate, ExplainStmt *stmt,
 			es->settings = defGetBoolean(opt);
 		else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "generic_plan") == 0)
 			es->generic = defGetBoolean(opt);
+		else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "serialize") == 0)
+		{
+			es->serialize = true;
+			/* optionally check for BINARY as argument */
+			if (opt->arg)
+			{
+char *p = defGetString(opt);
+if (strcmp(p, "binary") == 0)
+	es->serialize = es->serializebinary = true;
+	er

Re: Detoasting optionally to make Explain-Analyze less misleading

2023-09-15 Thread stepan rutz


please see a revised version yesterday's mail. The patch attached now
provides the following:




and timing output.

Both options perform the serialization during analyze and provide an
additional output in the plan like this:

template1=# explain (analyze,serialize) select * from t12 limit 1;


 Serialized Bytes: 36 bytes
 Execution Time: 0.035 ms
(5 rows)

or also this

template1=# explain (analyze,serialize) select * from t1;
 Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..1.02 rows=2 width=19) (actual
time=0.101..0.111 rows=5 loops=1)
 Planning Time: 0.850 ms
 Serialized Bytes: 85777978 bytes
 Execution Time: 354.284 ms
(4 rows)

Its tempting to divide Serialized-Bytes by Execution-Time to get an idea
of the serialization bandwidth. This is /dev/null serialization though.
The results are length-counted and then discarded.

Since detoasting happens implicitly during serialization, the number of
bytes becomes huge in this case and accounts for the detoasted lengths
as well. I tried to get the number of bytes send for the protocol's
messages and the attribute headers correctly. For the actual values I am
quite sure I get the correct measures, as one can really tell by sending
more values across. Null is 4 bytes on the wire interestingly. I didn't
know that, but it makes sense, since its using the same prefix
length-field as all values do.

I have checked the JBDC driver and it uses binary and text formats
depending on an attribute's type oid. So having the SERIALIZEBINARY
option is not accurate, as in reality both formats can be occur for the
same tuple.

Please provide some feedback on the new patch and let me know if this
makes sense. In general this kind of option for EXPLAIN is a good thing
for sure.



On 14.09.23 21:27, stepan rutz wrote:

Hi Tom, Hi Matthias,

you are right of course. I have looked at the code from printtup.c and
made a new version of the patch.

Thanks for the MemoryContextReset hint too (@Matthias)

This time is called  EXPLAIN(ANALYZE,SERIALIZE) (hey, it also sounds
nicer phonetically)

If the option SERIALIZE is active, the output functions are called and
they perform the detoasting, which I have even checked.

So things are better this way, however I hardcoded the output option
"Text" (format=0). In printtup.c there is an incoming array which
applies Text (format=0) or Binary (format=1) for each column
individually. I am not sure whether this is even needed. I left in the
if-statement from printtup.c which calls the binary output method of a
given type. The result of the output is ignored and apparently free'd
because of the memory-context-reset at the end.

Please also note, that I added a call to DestReceiver's rDestroy hook,
which was missing from explain.c before altogether.

Feedback is appreciated.


On 12.09.23 17:26, Tom Lane wrote:

Matthias van de Meent  writes:

Hmm, maybe we should measure the overhead of serializing the tuples
The difference between your patch and "serializing the tuples, but not
sending them" is that serializing also does the detoasting, but also
includes any time spent in the serialization functions of the type. So
an option "SERIALIZE" which measures all the time the server spent on
the query (except the final step of sending the bytes to the client)
would likely be more useful than "just" detoasting.

+1, that was my immediate reaction to the proposal as well. Some
output functions are far from cheap.  Doing only the detoast part
seems like it's still misleading.

Do we need to go as far as offering both text-output and binary-output

    regards, tom lane
diff --git a/src/backend/commands/explain.c b/src/backend/commands/explain.c
index 8570b14f62..9090e0f114 100644
--- a/src/backend/commands/explain.c
+++ b/src/backend/commands/explain.c
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
 #include "parser/analyze.h"
 #include "parser/parsetree.h"
+#include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
 #include "rewrite/rewriteHandler.h"
 #include "storage/bufmgr.h"
 #include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
@@ -47,7 +48,6 @@ ExplainOneQuery_hook_type ExplainOneQuery_hook = NULL;
 /* Hook for plugins to get control in explain_get_index_name() */
 explain_get_index_name_hook_type explain_get_index_name_hook = NULL;
 /* OR-able flags for ExplainXMLTag() */
 #define X_OPENING 0
 #define X_CLOSING 1
@@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ static void ExplainJSONLineEnding(ExplainState *es);
 static void ExplainYAMLLineStarting(ExplainState *es);
 static void escape_yaml(StringI

Re: Detoasting optionally to make Explain-Analyze less misleading

2023-09-14 Thread stepan rutz

Hi Tom, Hi Matthias,

you are right of course. I have looked at the code from printtup.c and
made a new version of the patch.

Thanks for the MemoryContextReset hint too (@Matthias)

This time is called  EXPLAIN(ANALYZE,SERIALIZE) (hey, it also sounds
nicer phonetically)

If the option SERIALIZE is active, the output functions are called and
they perform the detoasting, which I have even checked.

So things are better this way, however I hardcoded the output option
"Text" (format=0). In printtup.c there is an incoming array which
applies Text (format=0) or Binary (format=1) for each column
individually. I am not sure whether this is even needed. I left in the
if-statement from printtup.c which calls the binary output method of a
given type. The result of the output is ignored and apparently free'd
because of the memory-context-reset at the end.

Please also note, that I added a call to DestReceiver's rDestroy hook,
which was missing from explain.c before altogether.

Feedback is appreciated.


On 12.09.23 17:26, Tom Lane wrote:

Matthias van de Meent  writes:

Hmm, maybe we should measure the overhead of serializing the tuples instead.
The difference between your patch and "serializing the tuples, but not
sending them" is that serializing also does the detoasting, but also
includes any time spent in the serialization functions of the type. So
an option "SERIALIZE" which measures all the time the server spent on
the query (except the final step of sending the bytes to the client)
would likely be more useful than "just" detoasting.

+1, that was my immediate reaction to the proposal as well.  Some
output functions are far from cheap.  Doing only the detoast part
seems like it's still misleading.

Do we need to go as far as offering both text-output and binary-output

regards, tom lane
diff --git a/src/backend/commands/explain.c b/src/backend/commands/explain.c
index 8570b14f62..dc52019a3e 100644
--- a/src/backend/commands/explain.c
+++ b/src/backend/commands/explain.c
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ ExplainOneQuery_hook_type ExplainOneQuery_hook = NULL;
 /* Hook for plugins to get control in explain_get_index_name() */
 explain_get_index_name_hook_type explain_get_index_name_hook = NULL;
 /* OR-able flags for ExplainXMLTag() */
 #define X_OPENING 0
 #define X_CLOSING 1
@@ -155,6 +154,8 @@ static void ExplainYAMLLineStarting(ExplainState *es);
 static void escape_yaml(StringInfo buf, const char *str);
+static DestReceiver *CreateSerializeDestReceiver(void);
  * ExplainQuery -
@@ -192,6 +193,8 @@ ExplainQuery(ParseState *pstate, ExplainStmt *stmt,
 			es->settings = defGetBoolean(opt);
 		else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "generic_plan") == 0)
 			es->generic = defGetBoolean(opt);
+		else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "serialize") == 0)
+			es->serialize = defGetBoolean(opt);
 		else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "timing") == 0)
 			timing_set = true;
@@ -244,6 +247,12 @@ ExplainQuery(ParseState *pstate, ExplainStmt *stmt,
  errmsg("EXPLAIN option TIMING requires ANALYZE")));
+	/* check that serialize is used with EXPLAIN ANALYZE */
+	if (es->serialize && !es->analyze)
+		ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("EXPLAIN option SERIALIZE requires ANALYZE")));
 	/* check that GENERIC_PLAN is not used with EXPLAIN ANALYZE */
 	if (es->generic && es->analyze)
@@ -565,9 +574,16 @@ ExplainOnePlan(PlannedStmt *plannedstmt, IntoClause *into, ExplainState *es,
 	 * Normally we discard the query's output, but if explaining CREATE TABLE
 	 * AS, we'd better use the appropriate tuple receiver.
+	 * Also if we choose to serialize during explain, we need to send the
+	 * tuples to a receiver that performs the serializing
+	 * which includes detoasting and the conversion of the attributes
+	 * into the protocol receiving format. The latter can also be costly
+	 * for some types
 	if (into)
 		dest = CreateIntoRelDestReceiver(into);
+	else if (es->analyze && es->serialize)
+		dest = CreateSerializeDestReceiver();
 		dest = None_Receiver;
@@ -606,6 +622,9 @@ ExplainOnePlan(PlannedStmt *plannedstmt, IntoClause *into, ExplainState *es,
 		/* run cleanup too */
+		/* call the dest receiver's destroy method even during explain */
+		dest->rDestroy(dest);
 		/* We can't run ExecutorEnd 'till we're done printing the stats... */
 		totaltime += elapsed_time();
@@ -5052,3 +5071,193 @@ escape_yaml(StringInfo buf, const char *str)
 	escape_json(buf, str);
+/* Serializing DestReceiver functions
+ *
+ * the idea is that running  EXPLAIN (ANALYZE)  sometimes gives results that
+ * are way unrealistic, since during explain there is no detoasting of
+ * values. That means you get no idea what your actual query time is going
+ * to be, nor what the actual overhead of detoasting is.
+ * 
+ * Also the output/send functions of some 

Re: Detoasting optionally to make Explain-Analyze less misleading

2023-09-12 Thread stepan rutz

Hi Matthias,

thanks for your feedback.

I wasn't sure on the memory-contexts. I was actually also unsure on
whether the array


is also set up correctly by the previous call to slot_getallattrs(slot).
This would allow to get rid of even more code from this patch, which is
in the loop and determines whether a field is null or not. I switched to
using tts_isnull from TupleTableSlot now, seems to be ok and the docs
say it is save to use.

Also I reuse the MemoryContext throughout the livetime of the receiver.
Not sure if that makes a difference. One more thing I noticed. During
explain.c the DestReceiver's destroy callback was never invoked. I added
a line to do that, however I am unsure whether this is the right place
or a good idea in the first place. This potentially affects plain
analyze calls as well, though seems to behave nicely. Even when I
explain (analyze) select * into 

This is the call I am talking about, which was missing from explain.c


Attached a new patch. Hoping for feedback,

Greetings, Stepan

On 12.09.23 14:25, Matthias van de Meent wrote:

On Tue, 12 Sept 2023 at 12:56, stepan rutz  wrote:


I have fallen into this trap and others have too. If you run
EXPLAIN(ANALYZE) no de-toasting happens. This makes query-runtimes
differ a lot. The bigger point is that the average user expects more
from EXPLAIN(ANALYZE) than what it provides. This can be suprising. You
can force detoasting during explain with explicit calls to length(), but
that is tedious. Those of us who are forced to work using java stacks,
orms and still store mostly documents fall into this trap sooner or
later. I have already received some good feedback on this one, so this
is an issue that bother quite a few people out there.

Yes, the lack of being able to see the impact of detoasting (amongst
others) in EXPLAIN (ANALYZE) can hide performance issues.

It would be great to get some feedback on the subject and how to address
this, maybe in totally different ways.

Hmm, maybe we should measure the overhead of serializing the tuples instead.
The difference between your patch and "serializing the tuples, but not
sending them" is that serializing also does the detoasting, but also
includes any time spent in the serialization functions of the type. So
an option "SERIALIZE" which measures all the time the server spent on
the query (except the final step of sending the bytes to the client)
would likely be more useful than "just" detoasting.


I notice that this patch creates and destroys a memory context for
every tuple that the DestReceiver receives. I think that's quite
wasteful, as you should be able to create only one memory context and
reset it before (or after) each processed tuple. That also reduces the
differences in measurements between EXPLAIN and normal query
processing of the tuples - after all, we don't create new memory
contexts for every tuple in the normal DestRemote receiver either,

Kind regards,

Matthias van de Meent
diff --git a/src/backend/commands/explain.c b/src/backend/commands/explain.c
index 8570b14f62..95a09dd4cb 100644
--- a/src/backend/commands/explain.c
+++ b/src/backend/commands/explain.c
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ ExplainOneQuery_hook_type ExplainOneQuery_hook = NULL;
 /* Hook for plugins to get control in explain_get_index_name() */
 explain_get_index_name_hook_type explain_get_index_name_hook = NULL;
 /* OR-able flags for ExplainXMLTag() */
 #define X_OPENING 0
 #define X_CLOSING 1
@@ -155,6 +154,8 @@ static void ExplainYAMLLineStarting(ExplainState *es);
 static void escape_yaml(StringInfo buf, const char *str);
+static DestReceiver *CreateDetoastDestReceiver(void);
  * ExplainQuery -
@@ -192,6 +193,8 @@ ExplainQuery(ParseState *pstate, ExplainStmt *stmt,
 			es->settings = defGetBoolean(opt);
 		else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "generic_plan") == 0)
 			es->generic = defGetBoolean(opt);
+		else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "detoast") == 0)
+			es->detoast = defGetBoolean(opt);
 		else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "timing") == 0)
 			timing_set = true;
@@ -244,6 +247,12 @@ ExplainQuery(ParseState *pstate, ExplainStmt *stmt,
  errmsg("EXPLAIN option TIMING requires ANALYZE")));
+	/* check that detoast is used with EXPLAIN ANALYZE */
+	if (es->detoast && !es->analyze)
+		ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("EXPLAIN option DETOAST requires ANALYZE")));
 	/* check that GENERIC_PLAN is not used with EXPLAIN ANALYZE */
 	if (es->generic && es->analyze)
@@ -565,9 +574,13 @@ ExplainOnePlan(PlannedStmt *plannedstmt, IntoClause *into, ExplainState *es,
 	 * Normally we discard the query's output, but if explaining CREATE TABLE
 	 * AS, we'd better us

Detoasting optionally to make Explain-Analyze less misleading

2023-09-12 Thread stepan rutz


I have fallen into this trap and others have too. If you run
EXPLAIN(ANALYZE) no de-toasting happens. This makes query-runtimes
differ a lot. The bigger point is that the average user expects more
from EXPLAIN(ANALYZE) than what it provides. This can be suprising. You
can force detoasting during explain with explicit calls to length(), but
that is tedious. Those of us who are forced to work using java stacks,
orms and still store mostly documents fall into this trap sooner or
later. I have already received some good feedback on this one, so this
is an issue that bother quite a few people out there.

Attached is a patch for addressing the issue in form of adding another
parameter to explain. I don't know if that is a good idea, but I got
some feedback that a solution to this problem would be appreciated by
some people out there. It would also be nice to reflect the detoasting
in the "buffers" option of explain as well. The change for detoasting is
only a few lines though.

So the idea was to allow this


and perform the detoasting step additionally during the explain. This
just gives a more realistic runtime and by playing around with the
parameter and comparing the execution-times of the query one even gets
an impression about the detoasting cost involved in a query. Since the
parameter is purely optional, it would not affect any existing measures.

It is not uncommon that the runtime of explain-analyze is way
unrealistic in the real world, where people use PostgreSQL to store
larger and larger documents inside tables and not using Large-Objects.

Here is a video of the effect (in an exagerated form):

It would be great to get some feedback on the subject and how to address
this, maybe in totally different ways.

Greetings from cologne, Stepan

Stepan Rutz - IT Consultant, Cologne Germany, stepan.rutz AT
diff --git a/src/backend/commands/explain.c b/src/backend/commands/explain.c
index 8570b14f62..50859e6a1e 100644
--- a/src/backend/commands/explain.c
+++ b/src/backend/commands/explain.c
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ ExplainOneQuery_hook_type ExplainOneQuery_hook = NULL;
 /* Hook for plugins to get control in explain_get_index_name() */
 explain_get_index_name_hook_type explain_get_index_name_hook = NULL;
+/* Forward decl for detoasting analyze */
+static const DestReceiver detoastAnalyzeDR;
 /* OR-able flags for ExplainXMLTag() */
 #define X_OPENING 0
@@ -192,6 +194,8 @@ ExplainQuery(ParseState *pstate, ExplainStmt *stmt,
 			es->settings = defGetBoolean(opt);
 		else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "generic_plan") == 0)
 			es->generic = defGetBoolean(opt);
+		else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "detoast") == 0)
+			es->detoast = defGetBoolean(opt);
 		else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "timing") == 0)
 			timing_set = true;
@@ -244,6 +248,12 @@ ExplainQuery(ParseState *pstate, ExplainStmt *stmt,
  errmsg("EXPLAIN option TIMING requires ANALYZE")));
+	/* check that detoast is used with EXPLAIN ANALYZE */
+	if (es->detoast && !es->analyze)
+		ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("EXPLAIN option DETOAST requires ANALYZE")));
 	/* check that GENERIC_PLAN is not used with EXPLAIN ANALYZE */
 	if (es->generic && es->analyze)
@@ -565,9 +575,13 @@ ExplainOnePlan(PlannedStmt *plannedstmt, IntoClause *into, ExplainState *es,
 	 * Normally we discard the query's output, but if explaining CREATE TABLE
 	 * AS, we'd better use the appropriate tuple receiver.
+	 * Also if we choose to detoast during explain, we need to send the 
+	 * tuples to a receiver that performs the detoasting
 	if (into)
 		dest = CreateIntoRelDestReceiver(into);
+	else if (es->analyze && es->detoast)
+		dest = 
 		dest = None_Receiver;
@@ -5052,3 +5066,98 @@ escape_yaml(StringInfo buf, const char *str)
 	escape_json(buf, str);
+ *		detoasting DestReceiver functions
+ * 
+ */
+/* the idea is that running  EXPLAIN (ANALYZE)  sometimes gives results that 
+ * are way unrealistic, since during explain there is no detoasting of 
+ * values. That means you get no idea what your actual query time is going
+ * to be, nor what the actual overhead of detoasting is.
+ * 
+ * if you run EXPLAIN (ANAYLZE, DETOAST) then you get an impression of
+ * what is actually happening when you use postgresql as a document-database
+ * or have large values for some other reason.
+ */
+/* this method receives the tuples/records during explain (analyze, detoast)
+ * and detoasts them.
+ * this method is otherwise not called and its purpose is to detoast to
+ * make analyze optionally more realistic
+ */
+static bool
+detoastAnalyzeReceive(TupleTableSlot *slot, DestRecei