The new upsert feature is a great addition, but in some cases is not
as usable as
I and seems lots of others would like it to be, take an example with
circular references:

create table foo (
  id serial references bar(foo_id) on delete cascade,
  i int

create table bar (
  foo_id integer references foo(id) on delete cascade,
  i int

A insert here would be:

with _foo as (
  insert into foo(i) values(1) returning id
) insert into bar(foo_id,i)
  select id,2 from _foo;

But with upsert/do nothing, this will not work as "needed".

Would it be possible to introduce a "ON CONFLICT SELECT" argument:

with _foo as (
  insert into foo(i) values(1)
  on conflict select returning id
) insert into bar(foo_id,i)
  select id,2 from _foo;


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