
I'm trying to implement row level security using PostgreSQL.  I envision
having column on each and every table in the database that will contain a
discriminating value that determines if a given user is able to see that row
or not.  Users do not directly access the database; they get at it only
through client applications.

Is there a way to initially configure PostgreSQL such that each and every
time a 'create table foo....' command is executed that, something else would
happen instead?

For example,

CREATE TABLE weather (
    city        varchar(80),
    lo        int,
    hi        int,
    prcp    real,
    date    date

would result in the following being executed automatically:

CREATE TABLE t_weather (
    city        varchar(80),
    lo        int,
    hi        int,
    prcp    real,
    date    date,
    hidden_column    int

    SELECT city, lo, hi, prcp, date
    FROM t_weather;

How the view gets populated is another discussion entirely.

But is there a way to set things up initially such that each 'create table'
command will exhibit the behavior described above?




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