Re: [HACKERS] Tips/advice for implementing integrated RESTful HTTP API

2014-09-01 Thread Dobes Vandermeer
Hmm yes I am learning that the BG worker system isn't as helpful as I had
hoped due to the single database restriction.

As for a writing a frontend this might be the best solution.

A java frontend would be easy but pointless because the whole point here is
to provide a lightweight access method to the database for environments
that don't have the ability to use the jdbc or libpq libraries.  Deploying
a java setup would be too much trouble.

I do see now that PG uses one worker per connection rather than a worker
pool as I had thought before. So there's nothing already in there to help
me dispatch requests and making my own worker pool that distributes
requests using sockets wouldn't be any better than connecting back using

A C frontend using libevent would be easy enough to make and deploy for
this I guess.

But... Maybe nobody really wants this thing anyway, there seem to be some
other options out there already.

Thanks for the feedback.
On Aug 31, 2014 8:46 PM, Craig Ringer wrote:

 On 08/31/2014 12:40 PM, Dobes Vandermeer wrote:
  1. Connecting to multiple databases
  The background workers can apparently only connect to a single database
  at a time, but I want to expose all the databases via the API.

 bgworkers are assigned a database at launch time (if SPI is enabled),
 and this database may not change during the worker's lifetime, same as a
 normal backend.

 Sometimes frustrating, but that's how it is.

  I think I could use libpq to connect to PostgreSQL on localhost but this
  might have weird side-effects in terms of authentication, pid use, stuff
  like that.

 If you're going to do that, why use a bgworker at all?

 In general, what do you gain from trying to do this within the database
 server its self, not as an app in front of the DB?

  I could probably manage a pool of dynamic workers (as of 9.4), one per
  user/database combination or something along those lines.  Even one per
  request?  Is there some kind of IPC system in place to help shuttle the
  requests and responses between dynamic workers?  Or do I need to come up
  with my own?

 The dynamic shmem code apparently has some queuing functionality. I
 haven't used it yet.

  It seems like PostgreSQL itself has a way to shuttle requests out to
  workers, is it possible to tap into that system instead?  Basically some
  way to send the requests to a PostgreSQL backend from the background

 It does?

 It's not the SPI, that executes work directly within the bgworker,
 making it behave like a normal backend for the purpose of query execution.

  Or perhaps I shouldn't do this as a worker but rather modify PostgreSQL
  itself and do it in a more integrated/destructive manner?

 Or just write a front-end.

 The problem you'd have attempting to modify PostgreSQL its self for this
 is that connection dispatch occurs via the postmaster, which is a
 single-threaded process that already needs to do a bit of work to keep
 an eye on how things are running. You don't want it constantly busy
 processing and dispatching millions of tiny HTTP requests. It can't just
 hand a connection off to a back-end immediately after accepting it,
 either; it'd have to read the HTTP headers to determine what database to
 connect to. Then launch a new backend for the connection, which is
 horribly inefficient when doing tiny short-lived connections. The
 postmaster has no concept of a pool of backends (unfortunately, IMO) to

 I imagine (it's not something I've investigated, really) that you'd want
 a connection accepter process that watched the listening http request
 socket. It'd hand connections off to dispatcher processes that read the
 message content to get the target DB and dispatch the request to a
 worker backend for the appropriate user/db combo, then collect the
 results and return them on the connection. Hopefully at this point
 you're thinking that sounds a lot like a connection pool... because it
 is. An awfully complicated one, probably, as you'd have to manage
 everything using shared memory segments and latches.

 In my view it's unwise to try to do this in the DB with PostgreSQL's
 architecture. Hack PgBouncer or PgPool to do what you want. Or write a
 server with Tomcat/Jetty using JAX-RS and PgJDBC and the built in
 connection pool facilities - you won't *believe* how easy it is.

  3. Parallelism
  The regular PostgreSQL server can run many queries in parallel

 Well, one PostgreSQL instance (postmaster) may have many backends, each
 of which may run queries in series but not in parallel. Any given
 process may only run one query at once.

  but it
  seems like if I am using SPI I could only run one query at a time - it's
  not an asynchronous API.


  Any help, sage advice, tips, and suggestions how to move forward in
  these areas would be muchly appreciated!

 Don't do it with bgworkers.

  Craig Ringer

Re: [HACKERS] Tips/advice for implementing integrated RESTful HTTP API

2014-09-01 Thread Dobes Vandermeer
On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Craig Ringer wrote:

 On 09/02/2014 12:50 AM, Dobes Vandermeer wrote:
  Hmm yes I am learning that the BG worker system isn't as helpful as I
  had hoped due to the single database restriction.
  As for a writing a frontend this might be the best solution.
  A java frontend would be easy but pointless because the whole point here
  is to provide a lightweight access method to the database for
  environments that don't have the ability to use the jdbc or libpq
  libraries.  Deploying a java setup would be too much trouble.

 If you can't run libpq, you can't run *anything* really, it's very
 lightweight. I think you misunderstood what I was saying; I'm talking
 about it acting as a proxy for HTTP-based requests, running on or in
 front of the PostgreSQL server like a server-side connection pool would.

I was just referring to an environment that doesn't have a binding to libpq
or JSBC, for example node.js for a long time had no postgresql client so I
didn't use PostgreSQL when I used node.js.

 Same idea as PgBouncer or PgPool. The advantage over hacking
 PgBouncer/PgPool for the job is that Tomcat can already do a lot of what
 you want using built-in, pre-existing functionality. Connection pool
 management, low level REST-style HTTP processing, JSON handling etc are
 all done for you.

Yeah, those are nice conveniences but I still think installing Java and
getting something to run on startup is a bit more of a hurdle.  Better maek
life easier up front by having a simple standalone proxy you can compile
and run with just whatever is already available on a typical AWS ubuntu

  A C frontend using libevent would be easy enough to make and deploy for
  this I guess.
  But... Maybe nobody really wants this thing anyway, there seem to be
  some other options out there already.

 It's something I think would be interesting to have, but IMO to be
 really useful it'd need to support composing object graphs as json, a
 json query format, etc. So you can say get me this customer with all
 their addresses and contact records without having to issue a bunch of
 queries (round trips) or use ORM-style left-join-and-deduplicate hacks
 that waste bandwidth and are messy and annoying.

If the SQL outputs rows with ARRAY and JSON type columns in them then that
may be sufficient to construct whatever kind of JSON structure you want for
the query result.  I'm not sure why ORMs don't take better advantage of
this; maybe they're just too cross-DB or maybe this feature isn't as
powerful as I think it is?

PostgreSQL also allows you to query and index fields inside of a json
value, so at least initially you can get all this power without inventing
any new query language.

But later a translator could be made, like an ORM-ish thingy, that might
have less clutter than the SQL one because some shorthand could be used for
peeking inside the JSON structures.

 Close care to security and auth would also need to be taken. You don't
 want to be sending a username/password with each request; you need a
 reasonable authentication token system, request signing to prevent
 replay attacks, idempotent requests, etc.

Well, these would be needed for use cases where the DB is exposed to
untrusted parties, which has never been the case on projects I've worked
on.  I wouldn't be against these sorts of improvements if people want to
make them, but wouldn't matter much to me.  I was hoping to re-use postgres
built-in password/ident security system.



[HACKERS] Tips/advice for implementing integrated RESTful HTTP API

2014-08-30 Thread Dobes Vandermeer
A while back I was working on a little proposal to create a RESTful HTTP
front-end for PostgreSQL and recently I had the inspiration to work on
this.  So I successfully created a background worker for PostgreSQL 9.3
that can use the SPI to list off the databases in a JSON response.

WIP on github:

Now I'm getting into murkier waters and I'm wonder if I can get some
helpful tips to guide my RD here.

1. Connecting to multiple databases

The background workers can apparently only connect to a single database at
a time, but I want to expose all the databases via the API.

I think I could use libpq to connect to PostgreSQL on localhost but this
might have weird side-effects in terms of authentication, pid use, stuff
like that.

I could probably manage a pool of dynamic workers (as of 9.4), one per
user/database combination or something along those lines.  Even one per
request?  Is there some kind of IPC system in place to help shuttle the
requests and responses between dynamic workers?  Or do I need to come up
with my own?

It seems like PostgreSQL itself has a way to shuttle requests out to
workers, is it possible to tap into that system instead?  Basically some
way to send the requests to a PostgreSQL backend from the background worker?

Or perhaps I shouldn't do this as a worker but rather modify PostgreSQL
itself and do it in a more integrated/destructive manner?

2. Authentication

I was trying to use a function md5_crypt_verify to authenticate the user
using their password, and I believe I am providing the right password but
it's not being accepted.

Any tips on authenticating users in a background worker?   Where should I
be looking for examples?

3. Parallelism

The regular PostgreSQL server can run many queries in parallel, but it
seems like if I am using SPI I could only run one query at a time - it's
not an asynchronous API.

This seems related to the multiple databases issue - either I could use
libpq to translate/forward requests onto PostgreSQL's own worker system or
setup my own little worker pool to run the requests in parallel and have a
way to send the request/response data to/from those workers.

Any help, sage advice, tips, and suggestions how to move forward in these
areas would be muchly appreciated!



Re: [HACKERS] HTTP Frontend? (and a brief thought on materialized views)

2012-04-04 Thread Dobes Vandermeer
On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 6:26 AM, Josh Berkus wrote:

  While I was doing this I always thought this would have been a better
  approach for my previous project, an accounting application.  If I could
  just have stored entities like invoice  customer as a single document
  is inserted, updated, etc. atomically it would be a lot simpler and
  than having to break things out into columns and rows spread over various

 Actually, an accounting application is the *worst* candidate for
 document-oriented storage.

I guess I didn't go enough into detail.  As it's a small business
bookkeeping system the records are added after the fact.  Constraint
checking isn't a priority; we would allow someone to enter sales before
purchases and things like that which means the constraint checking has to
be more about flagging issues (we didn't get around to that yet, either).
 It wasn't an ERP and didn't support inventory so there's no worry about
searching for inventory counts in particular locations.  The idea is to
input source documents like invoices  receipts and generate reports for

I think there is something to be gained by having a first-class concept of
a document in the database.  It might save some trouble managing
parent/child relations, versioning, things like that.

I hand-craft some materialized views back then, too, since the conversion
from a document (like an invoice) to the actual impact of that on account
ledgers and balances was non-trivial and evolving as the feature set
expanded, so it wasn't something you wanted to try and build into your
reporting queries.

Yes, having documents *in addition* to relational data gives you the
 best of both worlds.  You can use relational structures to store data
 which is well-defined and business-critical, and document structures to
 store data which is undefined and not critical.

Well that's exactly what I was trying to get at in the first place :-).
 I'd love to see this kind of functionality in PostgreSQL and I think
materialized views are a pretty powerful way to do that when you are
automatically pulling fields out of the document to make the relational

  So I kind of think the document database kind of bridges the gap between
  OODBMS and the RDBMS because the document is like a little cluster of

 OODBMS != DocumentDB

Yes, I know.  I was just saying that a document DB is a bit more OO because
the document itself is stored as an object graph rather than just tuples.
 Thus it fits in between RDBMS and OODBMS in a way.  It makes sense in my
head somehow, no need to agree with me on this one.



[HACKERS] Http Frontend implemented using pgsql?

2012-03-31 Thread Dobes Vandermeer
I had a thought that it might be interesting to have a simple C fronted
that converts HTTP to and from some pgsql friendly structure and delegates
all the core logic to a stored procedure in the database.

This might make it easier to hack on the API without worrying about memory
management and buffer overflow vulnerabilities.

Is this a brain wave or a brain fart?

Re: [HACKERS] HTTP Frontend? (and a brief thought on materialized views)

2012-03-31 Thread Dobes Vandermeer
On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 1:44 AM, Daniel Farina wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 10:21 AM, Daniel Farina wrote:
  Any enhancement here that can't be used with libpq via, say, drop-in
  .so seems unworkable to me, and that's why any solution that is
  basically proxying to the database is basically a non-starter outside
  the very earliest prototyping stages.  The tuple scanning and protocol
  semantics can and even should remain the same, especially at first.

 I should add: proxying could work well if libpq had all the right
 hooks. The server could remain ignorant.  Regardless, upstream changes

Just to be clear, what you are saying that writing a process that accepts
requests by HTTP and translates them into requests using the existing
protocol to send to the server would have unacceptable performance?  Or is
there something else about it that is a non-starter?

Re: [HACKERS] HTTP Frontend? (and a brief thought on materialized views)

2012-03-30 Thread Dobes Vandermeer
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 4:30 PM, Daniel Farina wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 10:55 PM, Dobes Vandermeer
  Virtual hosts. Same port. I think SPDY or like-protocols [...] give a
 crisp treatment to
  interactive, stateful workloads involving
  back-and-forth between client and server with multiplexing, fixing
  some problems with the hacks in HTTP-land from before.
  It sounds like at some level you're really talking about replacing the
  built-in protocol with SPDY because SPDY is possibly a better baseline
  updating the existing protocol.  That's an interesting idea, I think this
  project could evolve in that direction if there's demand for it.

 If only so there is a smaller set of arbitrary decisions to make about
 how to delimit messages...but if SPDY doesn't get widely deployed, or
 exacts an unacceptable performance penalty, it is game over.

Well, in our case HTTP is a clear win (but not replacement) and SPDY a
potential one (even as a replacement).  Even if SPDY is not widely adopted
it could still replace FEBE if there's a clear advantage to using it, I
don't know enough to make the call right now.

Re: [HACKERS] HTTP Frontend? (and a brief thought on materialized views)

2012-03-30 Thread Dobes Vandermeer
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 9:57 PM, Merlin Moncure wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Andrew Dunstan
  1. I've been in discussion with some people about adding simple JSON
  functions. We already have some (i.e. xpath()) for XML.

 Your json work is a great start in marrying document level database
 features with a relational backend.  My take is that storing rich data
 inside the database in json format, while tempting, is generally a
 mistake.  Unless the document is black box it should be decomposed and
 stored relationally and marked back up into a document as it goes out
 the door.

I found storing documents (with no schema) in CouchDB very sexy.  For
analytics purposes it's very handy to throw whatever data you've got into a
document and save it to the database and sort out the schema later, when
you have a need for it.  It could be you want to allow hundreds of
different fields in the document, and the document has a hierarchal
structure, and so on ... and yet there's no interest in spending time
figuring out how to map all that effectively into a SQL schema.  Some
things might start out a black box but become interesting for reporting
purposes later.

While I was doing this I always thought this would have been a better
approach for my previous project, an accounting application.  If I could
just have stored entities like invoice  customer as a single document that
is inserted, updated, etc. atomically it would be a lot simpler and faster
than having to break things out into columns and rows spread over various
tables.  Some fields are just information that isn't searched for or used
relationally but ends up getting a field (or a whole bunch of fields, like
your address) in the DB schema anyway.  Adding, removing, and changing
columns is always scary to me in the SQL database - when there's no schema
you can fix these things as part of the definition of your view instead.

So I kind of think the document database kind of bridges the gap between an
OODBMS and the RDBMS because the document is like a little cluster of
objects and then you populate your relations by mapping a view of those
documents and use that for analysis and search.

What I'm saying is that jsonpath probably isn't the whole story:
 another way of bulk moving json into native backend structures without
 parsing would also be very helpful.  For example, being able to cast a
 json document into a record or a record array would be just amazing.

Hmm whatever that exactly is, it does sound cool!

[HACKERS] HTTP Frontend? (and a brief thought on materialized views)

2012-03-29 Thread Dobes Vandermeer
Hi guys,

Something from Josh's recent blog post about summer of code clicked with me
- the HTTP / SQL concept.

It was something I'd been thinking about earlier, how people really like
HTTP APIs and this is one of the drivers behind adoption of  some NoSQL
databases out there.

Some things that I think are great about NoSQL that are missing in
PostgreSQL are:

   1. The reduce function which could be modeled as a kind of
   materialized view with an index on it.  With materialized views and the
   ability to pull fields from JSON and XML data structures you could easily
   do a NoSQL database inside of PostgreSQL by saving the document as a big
   string and then using materialized views to have all kinds of derived data
   from those documents.  Sounds cool on paper, anyway.
   2. HTTP RESTful API.  This is obviously not as useful as a good admin
   tool like pgAdmin or a fast binary protocol like we have now but it's way
   more buzzword compliant and would come in handy sometimes.  With CouchDB I
   was able to allow public data in the database to be accessed directly
   from the browser using JSONP and/or a simple HTTP proxy in the server
   instead of doing any of that work within the app server.  So, that saves a
   step somewhere.  With some basic support for stored procedures and serving
   files directly via this HTTP thing you could potentially eliminate the app
   server for public, read-only parts of a site/application.
   3. The perception of extremely low latency and/or high throughput - like
   fetching a row in less than 1ms or whatever.  I don't know the exact
   numbers I just know they have to be insanely low (latency) or impressively
   high (throughput).  We could use PostgreSQL as a query cache to accelerate
   your MySQL!  Something like that :-P.
   4. Rebelliousness against the man.  In our case SQL can't be the
   man, but we can find something PostgreSQL isn't and position against that.

Anyway, 12 seem inspiring to me and I'd love to help out with both.  34
seem more like marketing tasks of some sort...

I think I could probably start hacking up an HTTP API of some sort, I
wasn't able to log into the PostgreSQL Wiki so I created a page with some
notes here:

For materialized views I think that can be a bit of a can of worms,
especially if you want to do incremental updates of some sort because you
have to figure out what rows need to be recalculated when you update a row
in a source table, and how best to update them.  But if someone thinks
they know how I can assist in implementation.

Anyway, I hope I can help AND that I posted this in the correct mailing



Re: [HACKERS] HTTP Frontend? (and a brief thought on materialized views)

2012-03-29 Thread Dobes Vandermeer
On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 11:04 PM, Andrew Dunstan and...@dunslane.netwrote:

 On 03/29/2012 10:37 AM, Dobes Vandermeer wrote:

 Hi guys,

 Something from Josh's recent blog post about summer of code clicked with
 me - the HTTP / SQL concept.

  1. I've been in discussion with some people about adding simple JSON
 extract functions. We already have some (i.e. xpath()) for XML.

 2. You might find htsql interesting.

As a reference, or should we just bundle / integrate that with PostgreSQL

Re: [HACKERS] HTTP Frontend? (and a brief thought on materialized views)

2012-03-29 Thread Dobes Vandermeer
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 3:59 AM, Daniel Farina wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Daniel Farina

More technical concerns:
  * Protocol compression -- but a bit of sand in the gears is *which*
  compression -- for database workloads, the performance of zlib can be
  a meaningful bottleneck.

I think if performance is the issue, people should use the native protocol.
 This HTTP thing should be more of a RAD / prototyping thing, I think.  So
people can be in their comfort zone when talking to the server.

 * Something similar to the HTTP Host header, so that one can route
  to databases without having to conflate database identity with the
  actual port being connected to.  Yes, theoretically it can be done
  with weird startup packet gyrations, but that is firmly in the weird

Isn't the URL good enough (/databases/dbname) or are you talking about
having some some of virtual host setup where you have multiple sets of
databases available on the same port?

Socialish (but no less important):

  * A standard frame extension format.  For example, last I checked
  Postgres-XC, it required snapshot information to be passed, and it'd
  be nice that instead of having to hack the protocol that they could
  attach an X-Snapshot-Info header, or whatever. This could also be a
  nice way to pass out-of-band hint information of all sorts.

I am sorry to admit I don't understand the terms frame extension format
or Postgres-XC in this paragraph ... help?

  * HTTP -- and *probably* its hypothetical progeny -- are more common
   than FEBE packets, and a lot of incidental complexity of writing
  routers is reduced by the commonality of routing HTTP traffic.

This is an interesting comment.  I'm not sure how to test whether an HTTP
based protocol will be better supported than a proprietary one, but I think
we have enough other reasons that we can move forward.  Well we have the
reason that there's some kind of love affair with HTTP based protocols
going on out there ... might as well ride the wave while it's still rising
(I hope).

As for SPDY I can see how it may be helpful but as it is basically a
different way to send HTTP requests (from what I understand) the migration
to SPDY is mainly a matter of adding support for it to whatever HTTP
library is used.

Anyone have a thought on whether, for the HTTP server itself, it should be
integrated right into the PostgreSQL server itself?  Or would it be better
to have a separate process that proxies requests to PostgreSQL using the
existing protocol?  Is there an API that can be used in both cases
semi-transparently (i.e. the functions have the same name when linked right
in, or when calling via a socket)?



Re: [HACKERS] HTTP Frontend? (and a brief thought on materialized views)

2012-03-29 Thread Dobes Vandermeer
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 3:57 AM, Daniel Farina wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Andrew Dunstan

 Lastly, a case that can not as easily be fixed without some more
 thinking is leveraging caching semantics of HTTP.   think people would
 really, really like that, if they could get away from having to
 hand-roll their own cache regeneration in common cases.

I think this could be an interesting possibility.  I wonder if the cost of
a round-trip makes the cost of sending the actual data (vs a 304 response)
irrelevant - as long as PostgreSQL is caching effectively internally it's
possible it can send back the actual content as fast as it can calculate
the ETag for it, so doing an extra query to check for changes could
possibly slow things down, or at least eliminate the benefit.  Probably
worth trying, though.

Supporting this automagically would require some kind of generic
algorithm for calculating the Last-Modifed time or ETag for a given query.
 As a default we may be able to just fall back on some internal global
value that is guaranteed to change if the database has changed (I think the
WAL files have some kind of serial number system we might use) so at the
very least you could send back a 304 Not Modified if literally nothing in
the database has changed.  Narrowing that down to specific table timestamps
might be possible, too, for simple queries.  It depends what data is
already available, I wouldn't want to add any extra book keeping for it.

A more pragmatic may be to have the HTTP request include SQL code to
generate an ETag or Last-Modified value to test with; the app could run
that first and it would be used for caching.  Something like
calcLastModified=max(modified_date) on the query string.

Re: [HACKERS] HTTP Frontend? (and a brief thought on materialized views)

2012-03-29 Thread Dobes Vandermeer
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Daniel Farina wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 6:37 PM, Dobes Vandermeer
  On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 3:59 AM, Daniel Farina
  On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Daniel Farina
  More technical concerns:
   * Protocol compression -- but a bit of sand in the gears is *which*
   compression -- for database workloads, the performance of zlib can be
   a meaningful bottleneck.
  I think if performance is the issue, people should use the native

 No. I do not think so. I think a reasonable solution (part of what MS
 is actually proposing to the IETF) is to make compression optional, or
 have clients support an LZ77 family format like Snappy.  I get the
 impression that SPDY is waffling a little on this fact, it mandates
 compression, and definitely zlib, but is less heavy handed about
 pushing, say Snappy.  Although I can understand why a
 Google-originated technology probably doesn't want to push another
 Google-originated implementation so hard, it would have been
 convenient for me for Snappy to have become a more common format.

  Isn't the URL good enough (/databases/dbname) or are you talking about
  having some some of virtual host setup where you have multiple sets of
  databases available on the same port?

 Virtual hosts. Same port.

In that case, the frontend would not be tied to a specific PostgreSQL
server, then?  I think initially this might complicate things a bit, and
you could solve it by putting an HTTP proxy in front to do the virtual
hosts for you.

   * A standard frame extension format.  For example, last I checked
   Postgres-XC, it required snapshot information to be passed, and it'd
   be nice that instead of having to hack the protocol that they could
   attach an X-Snapshot-Info header, or whatever. This could also be a
   nice way to pass out-of-band hint information of all sorts.
  I am sorry to admit I don't understand the terms frame extension
 format or
  Postgres-XC in this paragraph ... help?

 It'd be nice if it wasn't
 necessary to do that and they had a much easier path to multiplex
 additional information into the connection.

Ah, I get it - you want a way to add some extra information to the protocol
in a backwards compatible way.  HTTP (and SPDY) provides a standard way
to do that.  Makes sense.

 For my own purposes, I'm intensely interest in lacing the connection with:

 * Partition IDs
 * Read-only vs. Write workload

I'll make a note of these and hash out the details a bit more once there's
something working to add them to.

  As for SPDY I can see how it may be helpful but as it is basically a

 different way to send HTTP requests

 I think SPDY or like-protocols [...] give a crisp treatment to
 interactive, stateful workloads involving
 back-and-forth between client and server with multiplexing, fixing
 some problems with the hacks in HTTP-land from before.

It sounds like at some level you're really talking about replacing the
built-in protocol with SPDY because SPDY is possibly a better baseline than
updating the existing protocol.  That's an interesting idea, I think this
project could evolve in that direction if there's demand for it.