
I discussed my problem at www.pg-forum.de with Mr. Scherbaum (ADS)  and he 
recommended me to inform you about this problem.

I worked on my Mac-Book (Mac OS X 10.6.6) with postgresql database version 9 
(postgresql-9.0.1-1-osx.dmg). After installing and connecting my HUAWEI E122 
data modem (net provider 3 (drei)), I have detected, that I could't connect to 
Disconnecting the HUAWEI modem has no effects. I could not connect to database. 
Restarting the system makes the database available again.
The problem occurs exactly at connecting to internet from 3DataManager. There 
are no problems with connecting USB-Stick to Mac Book or starting the 

I installed the postgresql-database with default settings:

host: localhost
port: 5432
user: postgres

listen_addresses: *

This is a netstat-result after connecting via HUAWEI data modem:

Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state)
tcp4 0 0 c-98-245-185-91..56489 ESTABLISHED
tcp4 0 0 *.21234 *.* LISTEN
tcp4 0 0 *.postgresql *.* LISTEN
tcp6 0 0 *.postgres *.* LISTEN
tcp4 0 0 .psf.ipp *.* LISTEN
tcp6 0 0 localhost.ipp *.* LISTEN

Trying to start a telnet-connection, the result was:

telnet 5432
telnet: connect to address Operation timed out
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

As I had no idea, what the problem could be, I tried installing the latest 
version of postgresql (postgresql-9.0.2-1-osx.dmg), maybe that this problem is 
fixed now. 
But it has no effect. 

Then I tried reproducing the problem on my Windows 7 system. I installed the 
HUAWEI data stick and connected it to the internet. 

I could connect to database without problems!! So I checked the version of 
postgresql on my windows system. The version is 8.4! 

After uninstalling of postgresql 9 from my Mac Book and installing the latest 
8.4 version (postgresql-8.4.6-1-osx.dmg), the problem was also solved.

Maybe that the problem is a 32/64 bit problem. 

best regards,

Juergen Wolfsgruber

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