Re: [HACKERS] Release note bloat is getting out of hand

2015-02-04 Thread Steven Lembark

 searchable version of the release notes.

Would be a wonderful thing if it happened.

Segregating the content by version would help -- finding lots of notes
about version 7  8 when I'm running 9.3/4 helps not at all.

Steven Lembark 3646 Flora Pl
Workhorse Computing   St Louis, MO 63110  +1 888 359 3508

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Re: [HACKERS] Release note bloat is getting out of hand

2015-02-04 Thread Steven Lembark

 -1.  I find it very useful to be able to go back through all the
 release notes using grep, and have done so on multiple occasions.  It
 sounds like this policy would make that harder, and I don't see what
 we get out of of it.  It doesn't bother me that the SGML documentation
 of the release notes is big; disk space is cheap.

Put the full release notes in a tarball on the website, distribute
the relevant portions with the distro?

A single wget ftp://foo/bar-current.tar.gz; will pull the whole thing
for full history; through if you're grepping it having a set of files
with version-speicific changes works equaly well. 

Steven Lembark 3646 Flora Pl
Workhorse Computing   St Louis, MO 63110  +1 888 359 3508

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Re: [HACKERS] Release note bloat is getting out of hand

2015-02-04 Thread Steven Lembark

 Disk space isn't the only consideration here; if it were I'd not be
 concerned about this.  Processing time is an issue, and so is distribution
 size, and so is the length of the manual if someone decides to print it
 on dead trees.  I also live in fear of the day that we hit some hard-to-
 change internal limit in TeX.
 Personally, what I grep when I'm looking for historical info is git log
 output, which will certainly not be getting any shorter.

Fifteen years ago distributing it all made sense: not everyone had
access to get the doc's and they were manageable and didn't take too
long to download at 9600Kb (N71...).

Today most users will have direct internet access and the whole 
content is intimidating (let alone heavy if you try to print it); 
Searching the doc's actually becomes more difficult due to the sheer
volume of matches from outdated packages.

A majority of users these days will look up anything they need via 
Google (Duck, Y!...) rather than search the original content anyway: 
having it available via web actually makes it more searchable in that 
case. Left to my own devices I'd rather have the current major version
locally for the rare times my connection is down when I have to 
restore a database and be able to search version-specific content 
via the net otherwise.

Steven Lembark 3646 Flora Pl
Workhorse Computing   St Louis, MO 63110  +1 888 359 3508

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2014-10-07 Thread Steven Lembark
On Mon, 1 Sep 2014 15:19:41 +0200
Joel Jacobson wrote:

 The fatal problems with Python3 and Perl6 was the inability to mix
 code between Python2/3 and Perl5/6.
 We don't have that problem with pl-languages in postgres, so please
 don't make that comparison, as it's incorrect.

Actually Perl6 can include Perl5 code allows you to use v5.6 or use 
v6.0 to regulate how the code in any one block is compiled w/in the 
program. Even Perl 5 allows mixing blocks/modules with different version
syntax w/in the same compiler.

The mistake Python made was not allowing the Python 3 compiler to 
gracefully handle Pythin 2 input.

Steven Lembark 3646 Flora Pl
Workhorse Computing   St Louis, MO 63110  +1 888 359 3508

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Re: [HACKERS] DDL Damage Assessment

2014-10-02 Thread Steven Lembark


Good thing: People recognize it.
Bad thing:  People might not be able to tell the difference between
a DDL and DML result.

What about EXPLAIN DDL ...?

The extra keyword (DDL) makes it a bit more explicit that the 
results are not comparable to the standard explain output.

Steven Lembark 3646 Flora Pl
Workhorse Computing   St Louis, MO 63110  +1 888 359 3508

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2014-10-02 Thread Steven Lembark
On Mon, 01 Sep 2014 12:00:48 +0200
Marko Tiikkaja wrote:

 create a new language.

There are enough problems with SQL in general, enough alternatives
proposed over time that it might be worth coming up with something
that Just Works.

Steven Lembark 3646 Flora Pl
Workhorse Computing   St Louis, MO 63110  +1 888 359 3508

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2014-10-02 Thread Steven Lembark

 Python2 - Python3 would've been a lot less painful if you could mark,
 on a module-by-module basis, whether a module was python2 or python3
 code. It wasn't very practical for Python because python code can reach
 deep into the guts of unrelated objects discovered at runtime  - it can
 add/replace member functions, even hot-patch bytecode. That's not
 something we allow in PL/PgSQL, though; from the outside a PL/PgSQL
 function is pretty opaque to callers.

Perl does this with use version. Currently this guarantees that
the compiler is a minimum version and also turns OFF later version's

At that point someone could turn on/off the appropriate syntax with
by module or code block. If you never turn on v2.0 you never get the
new behavior; after that people can adjust the amount and location 
of later code to their own taste.

Steven Lembark 3646 Flora Pl
Workhorse Computing   St Louis, MO 63110  +1 888 359 3508

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Re: [HACKERS] [pgsql-www] Mentors needed urgently for SoC PostgreSQL Student Internships

2009-04-02 Thread Steven Lembark

 Note that since the Internships are not required to be project code,
 we can also take student projects to contribute to our WWW
 infrastructure and other areas the project needs some work.

Would introducing a Duration (i.e., time-series
a'la Date, et al)) data type be considered useful?

I'd be happy to mentor someone doing it instead of
having to write the entire thing myself.

Steven Lembark85-09 90th St.
Workhorse Computing Woodhaven, NY, 11421  +1 888 359 3508

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Re: [HACKERS] What in the world is happening on spoonbill?

2008-08-24 Thread Steven Lembark

Are we in the business of excluding text-based browsers?  Or obsolete
ones, for that matter?

I don't think we would want to be in the business of
dealing successfully with every quirk of every browser
ever released.

Another way to look at it is supporting standards:
If graphical browsers support at least HTML and CSS,
maybe ecmascript, then they are supportable. If text
based ones can handle the necessary alt tags then we
can also support them.

Beyond that, do you really want to document and code
around every quirk in MSIE 1.0, Netscape 0.50, or any
of the now-extinct text-based browsers for MSDOS?

Steven Lembark85-09 90th St.
Workhorse Computing Woodhaven, NY, 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  +1 888 359 3508

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