Re: [HACKERS] Protection from SQL injection

2008-05-01 Thread Thomas Mueller

> disallow more than one SQL statement per PQexec.

I agree, it would help.

>  1. Inexpensive to implement

Disabling literals wouldn't be much harder to implement I believe, but
I don't know the PostgreSQL internals.

>  2. Unlikely to break most applications;

That's true.

>  3. Closes off a fairly large class of injection attacks.

Unfortunately, it doesn't prevent SQL injection at all. Yes, updating
and deleting data is harder (if the SQL injection is on a SELECT), but
if an attacker only wants to destroy something he could use SETVAL.
There is almost zero protection from reading data (no matter where the
SQL injection is). It is quite simple to write an automated tool that
downloads the whole database contents (first the catalog, and then all
the data). Downloading the data would be a bit slower if the SQL
injection is in the WHERE clause. Actually, it would be quite fun to
write a generic tool ;-) Tools are usually used by the script kiddies.
My website was once hacked by a 14 year old boy. He used a tool that
read the admin password via SQL injection.

Disabling literals is still the only way to actually protect from SQL
injection. Except Meredith's libdejector, which is even a bit better
as far as I see, but requires more work from the developer. I don't
count Microsoft LINQ (or Java Quaere) currently because that would
require a complete re-write of the application.


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Re: [HACKERS] Protection from SQL injection

2008-04-30 Thread Thomas Mueller

Constants are just convenience: instead of constants, user defined
functions can be used. This already works, however it's a bit verbose:


Usage is almost the same:

>  therefore arbitrary macro expansion like in those "plenty of languages"
>  does not seem like a good idea to me.

This is _not_ macro expansion as in C '#define'. Constants are typed,
as in C++ 'const' and Java 'static final'. The question is only:
should the user explicitly state the data type, or should the data
type be deduced from the value. Both is possible:



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Re: [HACKERS] Protection from SQL injection

2008-04-30 Thread Thomas Mueller

> How many people are using literals in Java?

Not sure if I understood the question... In Java most people use
constants (final static). 'Checkstyle' can find 'magic numbers' in the
source code.

If the constants feature was very important in SQL, people would have
requested it, and it would be in the SQL standard by now. There is a
workaround: user defined functions.

> Disabling multi-statement commands

Disabling multi-statement commands just limits the effect of SQL
injection. Disabling literals actually protects from SQL injection.
Both features are important.

> ( almost ? ) the same result by doing all access using functions

This also doesn't protect from SQL injection, it only limits the effect.

> Half a security measure is almost always worse than none at all

Cars and houses have locks. Locks can't fully protect you. Do they
give the illusion security? Maybe. But it's definitely better to have

> headlines: "New PostgreSQL feature breaks 99% applications"

Not if it's disabled by default. What about "New PostgreSQL feature
offers 95% protection from SQL injection"?

> The developers and admins who know about this feature and want to use it...
> quality produced by this ppl is higher than average and less likely to have 
> such basic faults.

Maybe. I found some problems in my code when enabling this feature,
and I thought I was save (or paranoid :-).


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Re: [HACKERS] Protection from SQL injection

2008-04-29 Thread Thomas Mueller

For PostgreSQL the 'disable literals' feature would be great
publicity: PostgreSQL would be the first only major database that has
a good story regarding SQL injection. Yes it's not the magic silver
bullet, but databases like MS SQL Server, Oracle or MySQL would look
really bad.

> [literals...] a permission that would default to on, but be REVOKE-able.


> Forbidding literals will break absolutely every SQL-using application on the 
> planet

Well, it's optional. If a developer or admin wants to use it, he will
know that it could mean some work. Even if the feature is not enabled,
it's still good to have it. And using constants will help document the

> CREATE CONSTANT state_active TEXT VALUE 'active'; ? ;)

Not necessarily. The database knows that 'active' is a text, no need
to repeat that. Auto-detecting data types already works: CREATE TABLE
TEST AS SELECT 1 AS ID FROM DUAL will result in an int4. That's enough
for constants. But I don't mind using explicit data types.

> Note that using parameters even for things which are actually constants is 
> not really very desirable. If you have a query like: SELECT * FROM users 
> WHERE userid = ? AND status = 'active'

Using 'active' anyway is bad: Think about typos. The constant concept
(that exists in every language except SQL) would be good in any case:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = ? AND status = STATUS_ACTIVE (or
CONST.STATUS_ACTIVE if it's in the CONST schema).

> libdejector

It's a good tool, but it's more work for the developer than disabling
literals (because for each query you need to add a exemplar).

> dynamic search screens
> $criteria = "WHERE $var1 = '$var2'"

In Java (sorry about that ;-) I would write:
PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM ITEMS
WHERE " + var1 + " = ?");
prep.setString(1, var2);


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Re: [HACKERS] Protection from SQL injection

2008-04-29 Thread Thomas Mueller
Hi Martijn,

>  > The problem is not only quotes. The problem is all kinds of user
>  > input. For example: sql = "SELECT * FROM ORDERS WHERE ORDER_ID = " +
>  > orderId; This is not a problem if orderId is a number. But what if
>  > it's a String? For example "1 AND (SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE
>  > NAME='admin' AND PASSWORD LIKE 'm%')". An attacker could then retrieve
>  > the admin password quite quickly.
>  In other words, your programmer was stupid. And your example doesn't
>  work because no matter what the string is it can't return anything
>  other than rows from the orders table. If you're worried about them
>  using semicolons to introduce another query, prepare has prohibited
>  that for a long time already.

The attack goes as follows: WHERE ORDER_ID = 1 yields 1 rows. WHERE
LIKE 'a%') yields 0 rows. OK that means that the admin password
doesn't start with an 'a'. If WHERE ORDER_ID = 1 AND (SELECT * FROM
USERS WHERE NAME='admin' AND PASSWORD LIKE 'b%') yields 1 row we know
the admin password starts with 'b'. For an average password length of
6 it takes 6 * 64 queries to get the password, plus some to get the
user name, plus maybe a few to get the table name and column name

>  But as far as I'm concerned, the real killer is that it would make
>  using any interactive query interface impossible.

No. Literals is an access right, and the interactive query tool may
have that access right. Let's say we have a APP_ROLE (for the
application itself) and a QUERY_ROLE. The default is literals are
enabled, that means the query tool can use literals. For the
application, the administrator may chooses to revoke the right to use
text and number literals using REVOKE LITERAL_TEXT, LITERAL_NUMBER
FROM APP_ROLE. Or the developer himself may want to try out if his
application is safe, and temporarily disables LITERAL_TEXT first. He
then runs the test cases and fixes the problems. Afterwards, he may
disable even LITERAL_NUMBER and try again. For production, maybe
literals are enabled.


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Re: [HACKERS] Protection from SQL injection

2008-04-29 Thread Thomas Mueller

> Meredith's libdejector

1) The last activity was 2005-12-17 :-(
2) From the docs: "the techniques used ... are ... being explored for
3) The tool validates the SQL statement. This is not required when
using parameterized queries.
4) An 'exemplar' query is required for each query.
It's an interesting idea, and can even find the ORDER BY injection
that 'disabling literals' can't find. However there are problems: 2) +

> zero developer pain

Actually it's not zero pain, but the main problem is: there is no way
to enforce using it.

> [SQL injection] is the main security problem of applications

Yes and no. Is buffer overflow an application or language problem? In
C / C++ buffer overflow is a problem. Java enforces array bounds
checking. What I suggest is to enforce using parameterized statements.
This is like having a painless, enforcible 'array bounds checking
mode' in C / C++.

> hasn't this been discussed to death already?

Yes, but no good solution has been found so far.

> II have to do things like: WHERE a.f = 'lit' AND b.h = $1;

In C the best practice is to use #define for constants. In C++ you
have 'const', in Java 'static final'. Unfortunately the 'named
constant' concept doesn't exist in SQL. I think that's a mistake. I
suggest to support CREATE CONSTANT ... VALUE ... and DROP CONSTANT

> any literal (i.e. not just strings) can be quoted, think of dates in queries.

The problem is not only quotes. The problem is all kinds of user
input. For example: sql = "SELECT * FROM ORDERS WHERE ORDER_ID = " +
orderId; This is not a problem if orderId is a number. But what if
it's a String? For example "1 AND (SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE
NAME='admin' AND PASSWORD LIKE 'm%')". An attacker could then retrieve
the admin password quite quickly.

> "tainting" of variables

See Meredith's libdejector: regular expression checking doesn't always
work. Also, programming languages such as Java don't support tainting.
And it's again in the hand of the developer to use it, not use it, or
use it in the wrong way. There should be a way for an admin to enforce
using it, and using it correctly.

> Microsoft's approach of integrating SQL into the language

Yes, LINQ is a good approach. For Java there is a project called
'Quaere' that provides something similar (however only when using the
'Alias' syntax, I wrote this part, see
However it will take a long time until all applications are converted.
With 'disabling literals', applications can be converted step-by-step.
'Disabling literals' can be used as a development tool, and it can be
enabled or disabled at runtime. With LINQ / Quaere / HaskellDB
migration will be harder and slower because you need to re-write the

>  HaskellDB

The query syntax seems to be quite 'different'. I would prefer if the
syntax is as close as possible to SQL to simplify migration.


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[HACKERS] Protection from SQL injection

2008-04-28 Thread Thomas Mueller

As you know, "SQL injection" is the main security problem of databases today.

I think I found a solution: 'disabling literals'. Or you may call it
'enforcing the use of parameterized statements'. This means that SQL
statements with embedded user input are rejected at runtime. My
solution goes beyond saying "developers ~should~ use parameterized
statements". That is not a solution because developers are lazy. My
solution is: "developers MUST use parameterized statements". It goes
like this: Literals are disabled using the SQL statement:


Afterwards, SQL statements with text are not allowed any more for this
session. That means, SQL statement of the form "SELECT * FROM USERS
WHERE PASSWORD='qerkllkj'" will fail with the exception 'Literals are
not allowed, please use parameters'. It is like the database does not
know what ='qerkllkj' means. Only statements of the secure form are
allowed, for example "SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE PASSWORD=?". This
solves the problem because SQL injection is almost impossible if user
input is not directly embedded in SQL statements.

The 'ALLOW_LITERALS NONE' mode is enabled by the developer itself, or
by an administrator. It is still possible to generate SQL statements
dynamically, and use the same APIs as before, as long as SQL
statements don't include literals. Literals can still be used when
using query tools, or in applications considered 'safe'. To ease
converting the application to use parameterized queries, there should
be a second mode where number literals are allowed: SET ALLOW_LITERALS
NUMBERS. To allow all literals, execute SET ALLOW_LITERALS ALL (this
is the default setting).

So far this feature is implemented in my little database H2. More
information about this feature is described here:

I know about the Perl taint mode, but this is only for Perl. I also
know about disabling multi-statement commands (only solves part of the
problem). PostgreSQL should also support database level 'constants'
that are similar to constants in other programming languages,
otherwise application level constants (such as 'active') can't be used
in queries directly (I propose to add new SQL statements CREATE
STATE_ACTIVE VALUE 'active'). I also know the 'disabling literals'
feature does not solve SQL injection completely: for example 'ORDER BY
injection' where an application dynamically adds the column to sort on
based on a hidden 'sort column' field in a web app. To solve that I
suggest to support parameterized ORDER BY: ORDER BY ? where ? is an
integer. Then, instead of using SET ALLOW_LITERALS NONE the use of
literals should probably be two access right (REVOKE LITERAL_TEXT,
LITERAL_NUMBER FROM APP_ROLE). Those are details that still need to be

What do you think about it? Do you think it makes sense to implement
this security feature in PostgreSQL as well? If not why not? Does
PostgreSQL have another solution or plan to solve the SQL injection


P.S. I have send this proposal to [EMAIL PROTECTED] first and
got replies, but I would like to get some feedback from the PostgreSQL
developers as well.

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