
I have three tables, two of which are missing a column:

        CREATE TABLE table1 (t1 TEXT);
        CREATE TABLE table2 (t2 TEXT);
        CREATE TABLE table3 (t3 TEXT, i3 INTEGER);

I am trying to create a view over these tables that defaults values for
non-existant columns to NULL.

        CREATE VIEW view1 (i, t) AS
          SELECT t1, NULL FROM table1
            UNION ALL
          SELECT t2, NULL FROM table2
            UNION ALL
          SELECT t3, i3 FROM table3

This fails with

        ERROR:  UNION types 'text' and 'integer' not matched

suggesting that NULL+NULL produces TEXT as type of the second column in
the union. The plain select (without CREATE VIEW) fails in the same way.

It works for two tables (NULL+INTEGER = INTEGER):

        CREATE VIEW view2 (i, t) AS
          SELECT t1, NULL FROM table1
            UNION ALL
          SELECT t3, i3 FROM table3

and of course with explicit casts

        CREATE VIEW view3 (i, t) AS
          SELECT t1, NULL::integer FROM table1
        UNION ALL
          SELECT t2, NULL::integer FROM table2
        UNION ALL
          SELECT t3, i3 FROM table3

Best wishes, Mike

PS: This is version()
    'PostgreSQL 7.3.1 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.95.4'.

Life is like a fire.                                  DI Michael Wildpaner
Flames which the passer-by forgets.                          Ph.D. Student
Ashes which the wind scatters.
A man lived.       -- Omar Khayyam

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