Re: [JDBC] Using char fields with 7.1.3 driver

2001-09-06 Thread David Wall

I'm not a JDBC expert, but this is pretty much the way I'd expect it to
work.  If you a have fixed length field, then the field should return that
many characters.  The varchar implies it's variable length, so trailing
spaces would then not be included.


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Re: [JDBC] Re: Unable to store SHA hash (Non-HTML--Sorry)

2001-05-03 Thread David Wall

> In my code where I need to store short pieces of binary data (like
> digests) I encode them in hex and store the hex.  Yes this results in a
> 2 times increase in storage, and some overhead in encoding/decodeing,
> but it isn't too bad.  Sure you could use other encodings for the binary
> data, but I find hex to be the easiest for small amounts of data.

We use base64 which converts every 3 characters into 4 (as I recall) for
such short things.  For longer, type oid in sql works with
setBytes()/getBytes() in JDBC2, but what the overhead is for a small amount
of binary data I don't know.


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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [JDBC] SQL CHAR type using setByte()

2001-03-13 Thread David Wall

A quick review of the JDBC code shows that in fact everything that you pass
into the driver is converted to a String first.

Since Java char fields are 16 bit unicode characters, how does one go about
using the SQL type CHAR(1), which by default is only one byte (there is no
call setChar() in JDBC)?  I see that the driver has a type TINYINT, but I
have no idea what that maps to in Postgresql or in Java, though it sure
sounds like a byte to me.


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[JDBC] SQL CHAR type using setByte()

2001-03-13 Thread David Wall

I have a Java byte field that I'm trying to store 
in the database.  It has a value of (byte)'0' which is a binary 
When I use preparedStatement.setByte() with that 
value, to store in a Postgresql CHAR field, it only stores a '4'.  It's as 
if the binary 48 were being converted to a String and then the first byte from 
the string was stored in the database.  I'm using 7.1.1beta4.
Does this make any sense?  Am I using the 
wrong SQL type or the wrong JDBC PreparedStatement set call?

Re: [JDBC] serialized objects and JDBC driver

2001-03-13 Thread David Wall

> ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
>  ObjectInputStream p = new ObjectInputStream(bis);
>  EncryptionInfo ei = (EncryptionInfo)p.readObject();

Are you using setBytes/getBytes in JDBC?  That's worked for me when the SQL
type is OID on 7.1beta4.


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