Re: [PERFORM] Query performance over a large proportion of data

2009-03-14 Thread Matteo Beccati

decibel wrote:

On Mar 10, 2009, at 4:12 PM, Steve McLellan wrote:

The server itself is a dual-core 3.7GHz Xeon Dell (each core reporting 2
logical CPUs) running an amd64 build of FreeBSD 6.2, and postgres 
8.3.5 built

from source.

Uh, you're running an amd64 build on top of an Intel CPU? I didn't think 
FBSD would allow that, but if it does it wouldn't surprise me if 
kernel/OS performance stunk. If Postgres then used the same settings it 
would make matters even worse (IIRC there is some code that's different 
in an AMD vs Intel build).

Uh? Amd64 just the name of the FreeBSD port for AMD/Intel 64 bit CPUs.



Matteo Beccati

OpenX -

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Re: [PERFORM] Proposal of tunable fix for scalability of 8.4

2009-03-14 Thread decibel

On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:02 PM, Jignesh K. Shah wrote:

vmstat seems similar to wakeup some
kthr  memorypagedisk   
faults  cpu
r b w   swap  free  re  mf pi po fr de sr s0 s1 s2 sd   in   sy
cs us sy id
63 0 0 45535728 38689856 0 14 0 0 0  0  0  0  0  0  0 163318 334225  
360179 47 17 36
85 0 0 45436736 38690760 0 6 0 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 165536 347462  
365987 47 17 36
59 0 0 45405184 38681752 0 11 0 0 0  0  0  0  0  0  0 155153 326182  
345527 47 16 37
53 0 0 45393816 38673344 0 6 0 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 152752 317851  
340737 47 16 37
66 0 0 45378312 38651920 0 11 0 0 0  0  0  0  0  0  0 150979 304350  
336915 47 16 38
67 0 0 45489520 38639664 0 5 0 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 157188 318958  
351905 47 16 37
82 0 0 45483600 38633344 0 10 0 0 0  0  0  0  0  0  0 168797 348619  
375827 47 17 36
68 0 0 45463008 38614432 0 9 0 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 173020 376594  
385370 47 18 35
54 0 0 45451376 38603792 0 13 0 0 0  0  0  0  0  0  0 161891 342522  
364286 48 17 35
41 0 0 45356544 38605976 0 5 0 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 167250 358320  
372469 47 17 36
27 0 0 45323472 38596952 0 11 0 0 0  0  0  0  0  0  0 165099 344695  
364256 48 17 35

The good news is there's now at least enough runnable procs. What I  
find *extremely* odd is the CPU usage is almost dead constant...

Decibel!, aka Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect
Give your computer some brain candy! Team #1828

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Re: [PERFORM] Proposal of tunable fix for scalability of 8.4

2009-03-14 Thread decibel

On Mar 13, 2009, at 8:05 AM, Gregory Stark wrote:

"Jignesh K. Shah"  writes:

Scott Carey wrote:

On 3/12/09 11:37 AM, "Jignesh K. Shah"  wrote:

In general, I suggest that it is useful to run tests with a few  

types of pacing. Zero delay pacing will not have realistic number of
connections, but will expose bottlenecks that are universal, and  


I think I have done that before so I can do that again by running  
the users at
0 think time which will represent a "Connection pool" which is  
highly utilized"
and test how big the connection pool can be before the throughput  
tanks.. This
can be useful for App Servers which sets up connections pools of  
their own

talking with PostgreSQL.

Keep in mind when you do this that it's not interesting to test a  
number of
connections much larger than the number of processors you have.  
Once the
system reaches 100% cpu usage it would be a misconfigured  
connection pooler

that kept more than that number of connections open.

How certain are you of that? I believe that assertion would only be  
true if a backend could never block on *anything*, which simply isn't  
the case. Of course in most systems you'll usually be blocking on IO,  
but even in a ramdisk scenario there's other things you can end up  
blocking on. That means having more threads than cores isn't  

If you want to see this in action in an easy to repeat test, try  
compiling a complex system (such as FreeBSD) with different levels of  
-j handed to make (of course you'll need to wait until everything is  
in cache, and I'm assuming you have enough memory so that everything  
would fit in cache).

Decibel!, aka Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect
Give your computer some brain candy! Team #1828

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Re: [PERFORM] Proposal of tunable fix for scalability of 8.4

2009-03-14 Thread decibel

On Mar 12, 2009, at 2:22 PM, Jignesh K. Shah wrote:
Something that might be useful for him to report is the avg number  
of active backends for each data point ...
short of doing select * from pg_stat_activity and removing the IDLE  
entries, any other clean way to get that information.

Uh, isn't there a DTrace probe that would provide that info? It  
certainly seems like something you'd want to know...

Decibel!, aka Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect
Give your computer some brain candy! Team #1828

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Re: [PERFORM] Proposal of tunable fix for scalability of 8.4

2009-03-14 Thread decibel

On Mar 11, 2009, at 10:48 PM, Jignesh K. Shah wrote:
Fair enough..  Well I am now appealing  to all  who has a fairly  
decent sized hardware want to try it out  and see whether there are  
"gains", "no-changes" or "regressions" based on your workload. Also  
it will help if you report number of cpus when you respond back to  
help collect feedback.

Do you have a self-contained test case? I have several boxes with 16- 
cores worth of Xeon with 96GB I could try it on (though you might not  
care about having "only" 16 cores :P)

Decibel!, aka Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect
Give your computer some brain candy! Team #1828

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Re: [PERFORM] Query performance over a large proportion of data

2009-03-14 Thread decibel

On Mar 10, 2009, at 4:12 PM, Steve McLellan wrote:
The server itself is a dual-core 3.7GHz Xeon Dell (each core  
reporting 2
logical CPUs) running an amd64 build of FreeBSD 6.2, and postgres  
8.3.5 built

from source.

Uh, you're running an amd64 build on top of an Intel CPU? I didn't  
think FBSD would allow that, but if it does it wouldn't surprise me  
if kernel/OS performance stunk. If Postgres then used the same  
settings it would make matters even worse (IIRC there is some code  
that's different in an AMD vs Intel build).

Decibel!, aka Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect
Give your computer some brain candy! Team #1828

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Re: [PERFORM] Query much slower when run from postgres function

2009-03-14 Thread decibel

On Mar 10, 2009, at 12:20 PM, Tom Lane wrote: (Frank Ch. Eigler) writes:

For a prepared statement, could the planner produce *several* plans,
if it guesses great sensitivity to the parameter values?  Then it
could choose amongst them at run time.

We've discussed that in the past.  "Choose at runtime" is a bit more
easily said than done though --- you can't readily flip between plan
choices part way through, if you've already emitted some result rows.

True, but what if we planned for both high and low cardinality cases,  
assuming that pg_stats indicated both were a possibility? We would  
have to store multiple plans for one prepared statement, which  
wouldn't work well for more complex queries (if you did high and low  
cardinality estimates for each table you'd end up with 2^r plans,  
where r is the number of relations), so we'd need a way to cap it  
somehow. Of course, whether that's easier than having the ability to  
throw out a current result set and start over with a different plan  
is up for debate...

On a related note, I wish there was a way to tell plpgsql not to pre- 
plan a query. Sure, you can use EXECUTE, but building the query plan  
is a serious pain in the rear.

Decibel!, aka Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect
Give your computer some brain candy! Team #1828

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Re: [PERFORM] Query much slower when run from postgres function

2009-03-14 Thread decibel

On Mar 9, 2009, at 8:36 AM, Mario Splivalo wrote:
Now, as I was explained on pg-jdbc mailinglist, that 'SET  
enable_seqscan TO false' affects all queries on that persistent  
connection from tomcat, and It's not good solution. So I wanted to  
post here to ask what other options do I have.

FWIW, you can avoid that with SET LOCAL (though it would still affect  
the rest of the transaction).

You could also store whatever enable_seqscan was set to in a variable  
before setting it to false and then set it back when you're done.

Decibel!, aka Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect
Give your computer some brain candy! Team #1828

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Re: [PERFORM] Proposal of tunable fix for scalability of 8.4

2009-03-14 Thread Tom Lane
Heikki Linnakangas  writes:
> WALInsertLock is also quite high on Jignesh's list. That I've seen 
> become the bottleneck on other tests too.

Yeah, that's been seen to be an issue before.  I had the germ of an idea
about how to fix that:

... with no lock, determine size of WAL record ...
obtain WALInsertLock
identify WAL start address of my record, advance insert pointer
past record end
*release* WALInsertLock
without lock, copy record into the space just reserved

The idea here is to allow parallelization of the copying of data into
the buffers.  The hold time on WALInsertLock would be very short.  Maybe
it could even become a spinlock, though I'm not sure, because the
"advance insert pointer" bit is more complicated than it looks (you have
to allow for the extra overhead when crossing a WAL page boundary).

Now the fly in the ointment is that there would need to be some way to
ensure that we didn't write data out to disk until it was valid; in
particular how do we implement a request to flush WAL up to a particular
LSN value, when maybe some of the records before that haven't been fully
transferred into the buffers yet?  The best idea I've thought of so far
is shared/exclusive locks on the individual WAL buffer pages, with the
rather unusual behavior that writers of the page would take shared lock
and only the reader (he who has to dump to disk) would take exclusive
lock.  But maybe there's a better way.  Currently I don't believe that
dumping a WAL buffer (WALWriteLock) blocks insertion of new WAL data,
and it would be nice to preserve that property.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [PERFORM] 8.4 Performance improvements: was Re: Proposal of tunable fix for scalability of 8.4

2009-03-14 Thread Tom Lane
Robert Haas  writes:
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 10:06 PM, Tom Lane  wrote:
>> I assume you meant effective_io_concurrency.  We'd still need a special
>> case because the default is currently hard-wired at 1, not 0, if
>> configure thinks the function exists.

> I think 1 should mean no prefetching, rather than 0.

No, 1 means "prefetch a single block ahead".  It doesn't involve I/O
concurrency in the sense of multiple I/O requests being processed at
once; what it does give you is CPU vs I/O concurrency.  0 shuts that
down and returns the system to pre-8.4 behavior.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [PERFORM] Proposal of tunable fix for scalability of 8.4

2009-03-14 Thread Simon Riggs

On Wed, 2009-03-11 at 16:53 -0400, Jignesh K. Shah wrote:

> 1200: 2000: Medium Throughput: -1781969.000 Avg Medium Resp: 0.019

I think you need to iron out bugs in your test script before we put too
much stock into the results generated. Your throughput should not be

I'd be interested in knowing the number of S and X locks requested, so
we can think about this from first principles. My understanding is that
ratio of S:X is about 10:1. Do you have more exact numbers?

 Simon Riggs
 PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

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Re: [PERFORM] Proposal of tunable fix for scalability of 8.4

2009-03-14 Thread Heikki Linnakangas

Tom Lane wrote:

Robert Haas  writes:

I think that changing the locking behavior is attacking the problem at
the wrong level anyway.

Right.  By the time a patch here could have any effect, you've already
lost the game --- having to deschedule and reschedule a process is a
large cost compared to the typical lock hold time for most LWLocks.  So
it would be better to look at how to avoid blocking in the first place.

I think the elephant in the room is that we have a single lock that 
needs to be acquired every time a transaction commits, and every time a 
backend takes a snapshot. It has worked well, and it still does for 
smaller numbers of CPUs, but I'm not surprised it starts to become a 
bottleneck on a test like the one Jignesh is running. To make matters 
worse, the more backends there are, the longer the lock needs to be held 
to take a snapshot.

It's going require some hard thinking to bust that bottleneck. I've 
sometimes thought about maintaining a pre-calculated array of 
in-progress XIDs in shared memory. GetSnapshotData would simply memcpy() 
that to private memory, instead of collecting the xids from ProcArray. 
Or we could try to move some of the if-tests inside the for-loop to 
after the ProcArrayLock is released. For example, we could easily remove 
the check for "proc == MyProc", and remove our own xid from the array 
afterwards. That's just linear speed up, though. I can't immediately 
think of a way to completely avoid / partition away the contention.

WALInsertLock is also quite high on Jignesh's list. That I've seen 
become the bottleneck on other tests too.

  Heikki Linnakangas

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