Re: [PERFORM] SSD database benchmarks

2008-04-29 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 29.04.2008, at 12:55, Greg Smith wrote:

This is the best write-up I've seen yet on quantifying what SSDs are  
good and bad at in a database context:

They totally missed "mainly write" applications which most of my  
applications are. Reads in a OLTP setup are typically coming from a  
cache (or, like in our case an index like Solr) while writes go  
through ... So you might get some decent IO from the SSD when the  
database just started up without caches filled, but as long as your  
cache hit ratio is good, it doesn't matter anymore after a couple of  

Nevertheless it's an interesting development.



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Re: [PERFORM] Training Recommendations

2007-12-02 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 02.12.2007, at 06:30, Merlin Moncure wrote:

I've been dying to know if anyone has ever done PostgreSQL training at
'the big nerd ranch'.

There are a couple of reviews floating around the web:

I was in the course too (out of interest) but as I'm with Big Nerd  
Ranch, I don't want to say anything here about the course.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [PERFORM] LIKE search and performance

2007-05-23 Thread Guido Neitzer

Am 23.05.2007 um 09:08 schrieb Andy:

I have a table with varchar and text columns, and I have to search  
through these text in the whole table.

An example would be:
 WHERE name like '%john%' or street  
like '%srt%'

Anyway, the query planner always does seq scan on the whole table  
and that takes some time. How can this be optimized or made in  
another way to be faster?

The problem is that normal indexes cannot be used for "contains"  

If you need fulltext search capabilities you have to take a look at  
tsearch2 or an external search engine like Lucene.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PERFORM] Postgres Benchmark Results

2007-05-21 Thread Guido Neitzer

Am 21.05.2007 um 23:51 schrieb Greg Smith:

The standard pgbench transaction includes a select, an insert, and  
three updates.

I see. Didn't know that, but it makes sense.

Unless you went out of your way to turn it off, your drive is  
caching writes; every Seagate SATA drive I've ever seen does by  
default.  "1062 tps with 3-4 clients" just isn't possible with your  
hardware otherwise.

Btw: it wasn't my hardware in this test!


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PERFORM] Postgres Benchmark Results

2007-05-21 Thread Guido Neitzer

Am 21.05.2007 um 15:01 schrieb Jim C. Nasby:

I'd be willing to bet money that the drive is lying about commits/ 

Each transaction committed essentially requires one revolution of the
drive with pg_xlog on it, so a 15kRPM drive limits you to 250TPS.

Yes, that right, but if a lot of the transactions are selects, there  
is no entry in the x_log for them and most of the stuff can come from  
the cache - read from memory which is blazing fast compared to any  
disk ... And this was a pg_bench test - I don't know what the  
benchmark really does but if I remember correctly it is mostly reading.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] performance drop on 8.2.4, reverting to 8.1.4

2007-05-19 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 18.05.2007, at 10:21, Kenneth Marshall wrote:

It is arguable, that updating the DB software version in an enterprise
environment requires exactly that: check all production queries on the
new software to identify any issues. In part, this is brought on by  

very tuning that you performed against the previous software. Restore
the 8.1 DB into 8.2. Then run the queries against both versions to
evaluate functioning and timing.

And it is always a good idea to do this in a "clean room environment"  
aka test server and set the logging in PostgreSQL to log all queries  
longer than xx ms. If you first install 8.1 on the test machine, do a  
test run and then upgrade to 8.2, you can compare results from the  
tests and find the queries that are slower or faster quite easily.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] Slow Postgresql server

2007-04-12 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 12.04.2007, at 15:58, Jason Lustig wrote:

Wow! That's a lot to respond to. Let me go through some of the  
ideas... First, I just turned on autovacuum, I forgot to do that.  
I'm not seeing a major impact though. Also, I know that it's not  
optimal for a dedicated server.

Hmm, why not? Have you recently vacuumed your db manually so it gets  
cleaned up? Even a vacuum full might be useful if the db is really  

It's not just for postgres, it's also got our apache server on it.  
We're just getting started and didn't want to make the major  
investment right now in getting the most expensive server we can get

Hmmm, but more RAM would definitely make sense, especially in that  
szenaria. It really sounds like you machine is swapping to dead.

What does the system say about memory usage?

Some of the queries are definitely making an impact on the speed.  
We are constantly trying to improve performance, and part of that  
is reassessing our indexes and denormalizing data where it would  
help. We're also doing work with memcached to cache the results of  
some of the more expensive operations.

Hmmm, that kills you even more, as it uses RAM. I really don't think  
at the moment that it has something to do with PG itself, but with  
not enough memory for what you want to achieve.

What perhaps helps might be connection pooling, so that not so many  
processes are created for the requests. It depends on your "middle- 
ware" what you can do about that. pg_pool might be an option.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] Slow Postgresql server

2007-04-12 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 12.04.2007, at 08:59, Ron wrote:

1= Unless I missed something, the OP described pg being used as a  
backend DB for a webserver.


I know the typical IO demands of that scenario better than I  
sometimes want to.


Yep. Same here. ;-)

2= 1GB of RAM + effectively 1 160GB HD = p*ss poor DB IO support.

Absolutely right. Depending a little bit on the DB and WebSite layout  
and on the actual requirements, but yes - it's not really a kick-ass  
machine ...

Completely agree that at some point the queries need to be examined  
(ditto the table schema, etc), but this system is starting off in a  
Bad Place for its stated purpose IME.
Some minimum stuff is obvious even w/o spending time looking at  
anything beyond the HW config.

Depends. As I said - if the whole DB fits into the remaining space,  
and a lot of website backend DBs do, it might just work out. But this  
seems not to be the case - either the site is chewing on seq scans  
all the time which will cause I/O or it is bound by the lack of  
memory and swaps the whole time ... He has to find out.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PERFORM] Slow Postgresql server

2007-04-12 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 12.04.2007, at 07:26, Ron wrote:

You need to buy RAM and HD.

Before he does that, wouldn't it be more useful, to find out WHY he  
has so much IO?

Have I missed that or has nobody suggested finding the slow queries  
(when you have much IO on them, they might be slow at least with a  
high shared memory setting).

So, my first idea is, to turn on query logging for queries longer  
than a xy milliseconds, "explain analyse" these queries and see  
wether there are a lot of seq scans involved, which would explain the  
high IO.

Just an idea, perhaps I missed that step in that discussion  
somewhere ...

But yes, it might also be, that the server is swapping, that's  
another thing to find out.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] Large objetcs performance

2007-04-04 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 04.04.2007, at 08:03, Alexandre Vasconcelos wrote:

We have an application subjected do sign documents and store them
somewhere. The files size may vary from Kb to Mb. Delelopers are
arguing about the reasons to store files direcly on operating system
file system or on the database, as large objects. My boss is
considering file system storing, because he is concerned about
integrity, backup/restore corruptions. I'd like to know some reasons
to convince them to store these files on PosgtreSQL, including
integrity, and of course, performance. I would like to know the file
system storing disadvantages as well.

It is not directly PostgreSQL related, but this might give you  
something to think about: 


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [PERFORM] scalablility problem

2007-03-30 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 30.03.2007, at 19:18, Christopher Browne wrote:

2.  There are known issues with the combination of Xeon processors and
PAE memory addressing; that sort of hardware tends to be *way* less
speedy than the specs would suggest.

That is not true as the current series of processors (Woodcrest and  
the like) are also called Xeon. You probably mean the Pentium IV era  


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PERFORM] Performance of count(*)

2007-03-22 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 22.03.2007, at 11:53, Steve Atkins wrote:

As long as you're ordering by some row in the table then you can do  
that in

straight SQL.

select a, b, ts from foo where (stuff) and foo > X order by foo  
limit 10

Then, record the last value of foo you read, and plug it in as X  
the next

time around.

This does only work if you have unique values in foo. You might have  
"batch breaks" inside   a list of rows with equal values for foo.

But: a web application that needs state and doesn't maintain it by  
itself (or inside the dev toolkit) is imho broken by design. How  
should the database store a "state" for a web app? It's only possible  
on the web app part, because the app is either stateless and so are  
the queries to the database - they have to be re-evaluated for every  
request as the request might come from totally different sources  
(users, ...) or it is stateful and has to maintain the state because  
only the app developer knows, what information is needed for the  
"current state".

This is why all web application toolkits have a "session" concept.

I think the problem is more that most web developers aren't very good
at using the database, and tend to fall back on simplistic, wrong,  

to displaying the data. There's a lot of monkey-see, monkey-do in web
UI design too, which doesn't help.

Sure. That is the other problem ... ;-) But, and I think this is much  
more important: most toolkits today free you from using the database  
directly and writing lots and lots of lines of sql code which  
instantly breaks when you switch the storage backend. It's just the  
thing from where you look at something.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] strange performance regression between 7.4 and 8.1

2007-03-05 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 05.03.2007, at 19:56, Alex Deucher wrote:

Yes, I started setting that up this afternoon.  I'm going to test that
tomorrow and post the results.

Good - that may or may not give some insight in the actual  
bottleneck. You never know but it seems to be one of the easiest to  
find out ...


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] strange performance regression between 7.4 and 8.1

2007-03-05 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 01.03.2007, at 13:40, Alex Deucher wrote:

I read several places that the SAN might be to blame, but
testing with bonnie and dd indicates that the SAN is actually almost
twice as fast as the scsi discs in the old sun server.  I've tried
adjusting just about every option in the postgres config file, but
performance remains the same.  Any ideas?

As mentioned last week:

Did you actually try to use the local drives for speed testing? It  
might be that the SAN introduces latency especially for random access  
you don't see on local drives.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [PERFORM] strange performance regression between 7.4 and 8.1

2007-03-02 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 02.03.2007, at 14:20, Alex Deucher wrote:

Ah OK.  I see what you are saying;  thank you for clarifying.  Yes,
the SAN is configured for maximum capacity; it has large RAID 5
groups.  As I said earlier, we never intended to run a DB on the SAN,
it just happened to come up, hence the configuration.

So why not dumping the stuff ones, importing into a PG configured to  
use local discs (Or even ONE local disc, you might have the 16GB you  
gave as a size for the db on the local machine, right?) and testing  
whether the problem is with PG connecting to the SAN. So you have one  
factor less to consider after all your changes.

Maybe it's just that something in the chain from PG to the actual HD  
spindles kills your random access performance for getting the actual  


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] Seqscan/Indexscan still a known issue?

2007-01-27 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 27.01.2007, at 00:35, Russell Smith wrote:

Guess 1 would be that your primary key is int8, but can't be  
certain that is what's causing the problem.

Why could that be a problem?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] New to PostgreSQL, performance considerations

2006-12-13 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 13.12.2006, at 19:03, Ron wrote:

What I find interesting is that so far Guido's C2D Mac laptop has  
gotten the highest values by far in this set of experiments, and no  
one else is even close.

This might be the case because I have tested with fsync=off as my  
internal harddrive would be a limiting factor and the results  
wouldn't be really helpful. Perhaps it's still the IO system, I don't  
know. I can try to reproduce the tests as close as possible again.  
Perhaps I had different settings on something but I doubt that.

The new Core * CPUs from Intel are extremely fast with PostgreSQL.

Anyone got a 2.33 GHz C2D box with a decent HD IO subsystem more  
representative of a typical DB server hooked up to it?

I have also now an Xserve with two Dual-Core Xeons and two SAS drives  
(15k Seagates) in a mirrored RAID here. Will do some testing tomorrow.

Btw: I always compare only to my own results to have something  
comparable - same test, same scripts, same db version, same operating  
system and so on. The rest is just pure interest.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [PERFORM] New to PostgreSQL, performance considerations

2006-12-12 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 12.12.2006, at 02:37, Michael Stone wrote:

Can anyone else reproduce these results? I'm on similar hardware  
(2.5GHz P4, 1.5G RAM) and my test results are more like this:

I'm on totally different hardware / software (MacBook Pro 2.33GHz  
C2D) and I can't reproduce the tests.

I have played with a lot of settings in the CFLAGS including -march  
and -O3 and -O2 - there is no significant difference in the tests.

With fsync=off I get around 2100tps on average with all different  
settings I have tested. I tried to get the rest of the setup as  
similar to the described on ty Daniel as possible. It might be that  
the crappy Pentium 4 needs some special handling, but I can't get the  
Core 2 Duo in my laptop produce different tps numbers with the  
different optimizations.

Btw: best results were 2147 with -march=i686 and 2137 with - 
march=nocona. Both with -O3.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [PERFORM] shared_buffers > 284263 on OS X

2006-11-27 Thread Guido Neitzer

Am 27.11.2006 um 17:05 schrieb AgentM:

There is a known unfortunate limitation on Darwin for SysV shared  
memory which, incidentally, does not afflict POSIX or mmap'd shared  

Hmmm. The article from Chris you have linked does not mention the  
size of the mem segment you can allocate. Nevertheless - if you  
compile a 32 Bit binary, there is the limitation Brian mentioned.

You can easily simulate this with a small C program that allocates  
memory - if you compile it as 64 Bit binary - not problem, if you  
compile as 32 Bit - crash.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

[PERFORM] Plattform comparison (lies, damn lies and benchmarks)

2006-11-27 Thread Guido Neitzer


After I had my hands on an Intel MacBook Pro (2 GHz Core Duo, 1GB  
RAM), I made some comparisons between the machines I have here at the  

For the ease of it and the simple way of reproducing the tests, I  
took pgbench for the test.


1. PowerMac G5 (G5 Mac OS X) with two 1.8 CPUs (not a dual core),  
1.25GB RAM, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.8, Single S-ATA harddrive, fsync on

2. PowerMac G5 from above but with Yellow Dog Linux 4.1

3. MacBook Pro, 2GHz Core Duo, 1GB RAM, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.8,  
internal harddrive (5k4, 120GB).

PostgreSQL version is 8.2beta3 compiled with same settings on all  
plattforms, on Mac OS X Spotlight was turned off, same memory  
settings on all plattforms (320MB of shmmax on Mac OS X, 128MB  
shared_buffers for PostgreSQL).

Here we go:

Results with 2 concurrent connections:

G5 Mac OS X: 495
G5 YD Linux: 490 - 520
MBP X: 1125

Results with 10 concurrent connections:

G5 Mac OS X: 393
G5 YD Linux: 410 - 450
MBP: 1060

Results with 50 concurrent connections:

G5 Mac OS X: 278
G5 YD Linux: 232
MBP X: 575

Results with 90 concurrent connections:

Mac OS X: 210
YD Linux: 120
MBP X:  378

The tests were taken with:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ for n in `seq 0 9`; do pgbench -U postgres -c 10 - 
t 100 benchdb; done  | perl -nle '/tps = (\d+)/ or next; $cnt++; $tps 
+=$1; END{ $avg = $tps/$cnt; print $avg }'

Yesterday a friend had a chance to test with a 2.16GHz MacBook Pro  
Core 2 Duo (Mac OS X, 5k4 160GB internal harddrive):

10 connections: ~1150 tps
50 connections: ~640 tps

To quantify the performance hit from the harddrive we tested also  
with fsync off:

10 connections: ~1500 tps
50 connections: ~860 tps

The G5 with fsync off had only 5% more performance, so the harddrive  
didn't have such a high impact on the performance there.

Okay, nothing really special so far, but interesting enough. Only  
wanted to share the results with you.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] shared_buffers > 284263 on OS X

2006-11-26 Thread Guido Neitzer

Am 27.11.2006 um 08:04 schrieb Guido Neitzer:

But, be aware of another thing here: As far as I have read about 64  
Bit applications on G5, these apps are definitely slower than their  
32 bit counterparts (I'm currently on the train so I can't be more  
precise here without Google ...). Was it something with not enough  
registers in the CPU? Something like that ... So it might be, that  
the 64 bit version is able to use more shared memory but is slower  
than the 32 bit version and you come out with the same performance.  
Nobody knows ...

Some information about that:


So, the impact doesn't seem to high. So it seems to depend on the  
usage pattern whether the 32 bit with less RAM and slightly higher  
performance might be faster than 64 bit with more shared memory and  
slightly lower performance.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [PERFORM] shared_buffers > 284263 on OS X

2006-11-26 Thread Guido Neitzer

Am 27.11.2006 um 00:25 schrieb Jim C. Nasby:

Got any data about that you can share? People have been wondering  

cases where drastically increasing shared_buffers makes a difference.

I have tried to compile PostgreSQL as a 64Bit application on my G5  
but wasn't successful. But I must admit, that I'm not a C programmer  
at all. I know enough to work with source packages and configure /  
make but not enough to work with the errors I got from the compile.  
And as I'm extremely busy right now, I can't follow the trail and  
learn more about it.

Perhaps someone with more knowledge can take a look at it.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] shared_buffers > 284263 on OS X

2006-11-26 Thread Guido Neitzer

Am 27.11.2006 um 04:20 schrieb Brendan Duddridge:

I think the main issue is that we can't seem to get PostgreSQL  
compiled for 64 bit on OS X on an Xserve G5. Has anyone done that?

We have 8 GB of RAM on that server, but we can't seem to utilize it  
all. At least not for the shared_buffers setting.

One VERY ugly idea is: if you have your stuff in more than one db,  
let two PostgreSQL installations run on the same machine and put some  
databases on one and others on the second installation (on different  
ports and different data directories of course) and give either one  
the 2GB shared mem you like. So you can use the 50% of the available  

I don't know whether Mac OS X itself is able to handle a larger  
amount of shared memory but I believe it can.

But nevertheless this is only a very ugly workaround on a problem  
that shouldn't exist. The correct way would be to get a 64 Bit binary  
of PostgreSQL - which I wasn't able to create.

But, be aware of another thing here: As far as I have read about 64  
Bit applications on G5, these apps are definitely slower than their  
32 bit counterparts (I'm currently on the train so I can't be more  
precise here without Google ...). Was it something with not enough  
registers in the CPU? Something like that ... So it might be, that  
the 64 bit version is able to use more shared memory but is slower  
than the 32 bit version and you come out with the same performance.  
Nobody knows ...


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] Postgres scalability and performance on windows

2006-11-24 Thread Guido Neitzer

Am 23.11.2006 um 23:37 schrieb Gopal:
hared_buffers = 2# min 16 or  
max_connections*2, 8KB each
If this is not a copy & paste error, you should add the "s" at the  
beginning of the line.

Also you might want to set this to a higher number. You are setting  
about 2 * 8k = 160MB, this number might be a bit too small if you  
do a lot of queries spread over the whole dataset. I don't know  
whether the memory management on Windows handles this well, but you  
can give it a try.

effective_cache_size = 82728  # typically 8KB each
Hmm. I don't know what the real effect of this might be as the doc  

"This parameter has no effect on the size of shared memory allocated  
by PostgreSQL, nor does it reserve kernel disk cache; it is used only  
for estimation purposes."

You should try optimizing your shared_buffers to cache more of the data.
But postgres has everything spread across 10-15 processes, with  
each process using about 10-30MB, not nearly enough to cache all  
the data and ends up doing a lot of disk reads.
It's not soo easy. PostgreSQL maintains a shared_buffer which is  
accessible by all processes for reading. On a Unix system you can see  
this in the output of top - don't know how this works on Windows.
In any case I cannot believe that having 15-20 processes running on  
windows helps. Why not spwan of threads instead of processes, which  
migh be far less expensive and more efficient. Is there any way of  
doing this?
Because it brings you a whole lot of other problems? And because  
PostgreSQL is not "made for Windows". PostgreSQL runs very good on  
Linux, BSD, Mac OS X and others. The Windows version is quite young.

But before you blame stuff on PostgreSQL you should give more  
information about the query itself.
 My question is, should I just accept the performance I am getting  
as the limit on windows or should I be looking at some other params  
that I might have missed?
Post the "explain analyse select " output here. That  
might help to understand, why you get such a high CPU load.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

PostgreSQL with 64 bit was: Re: [PERFORM] shared_buffers > 284263 on OS X

2006-11-19 Thread Guido Neitzer

Am 18.11.2006 um 19:44 schrieb Guido Neitzer:

It might be, that you hit an upper limit in Mac OS X:

[galadriel: memtext ] cug $ ./test
test(291) malloc: *** vm_allocate(size=2363490304) failed (error  

test(291) malloc: *** error: can't allocate region
test(291) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug
max alloc = 2253 M

Compiled with 64 Bit support the test program doesn't bring an error.

I have now tried to compile PostgreSQL as a 64 Bit binary on Mac OS X  
but wasn't able to do so. I'm running against the wall with my  
attempts but I must admit that I'm not an expert on that low level C  

I tried with setting the CFLAGS env variable to '-mpowerpc64 - 
mcpu=970 -m64' but with that, I'm not able to compile PostgreSQL on  
my G5.

Has someone hints for that?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [PERFORM] shared_buffers > 284263 on OS X

2006-11-19 Thread Guido Neitzer

Am 19.11.2006 um 04:13 schrieb Brian Wipf:

It certainly is unfortunate if Guido's right and this is an upper  
limit for OS X. The performance benefit of having high  
shared_buffers on our mostly read database is remarkable.

I hate to say that, but if you want best performance out of  
PostgreSQL, Mac OS X (Server) isn't the best OS to achieve this. This  
might change in the future (who knows), but currently you get more  
out of Linux. Brendan might have some of my old benchmarks. We wrote  
a couple of mails about that a couple of months ago.

If you're interested, I can run a pgbench benchmark on my desktop  
machine in the company comparing Mac OS X Tiger to Yellow Dog Linux  
with 8.1.5 and 8.2beta3. If I remember correctly I have YDL installed  
on a second hard drive and should be about a couple of minutes to  
install the latest PostgreSQL release.

So, there is no need for you to do the testing of YDL on your Xserves  
without knowing pretty much for sure, that it will bring you some  

As far as I remember I got around 50% to 80% better performance with  
Linux on the same machine with same settings but that was in times  
when I hardly new anything about optimizing the OS and PostgreSQL for  
OLTP performance.

Some hints from what I have learned in the past about PostgreSQL on  
Mac OS X / Apple machines:

- Turn off Spotlight on all harddrives on the server (in /etc/ 

- Use the latest compilers (gcc) and PostgreSQL versions (I'm sure,  
you do ... ;-)).

- If you need the highest possible performance, use Linux instead of  
Mac OS X for the DB server. :-/

I know that some of the tips don't help with your current setup.  
Perhaps the switch to Linux on the DB machines might help. But I  
don't know whether they work good with the XserveRAID you have. Might  
bring you some headache - I don't know, perhaps you can find opinions  
on the net.

Regarding the memory test I also tried it on Leopard and it seems  
that the problem persists. Perhaps someone from Apple can say  
something about that. We might ask on the Darwin list.

I'll post some results tomorrow.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [PERFORM] shared_buffers > 284263 on OS X

2006-11-18 Thread Guido Neitzer


I've sent this out once, but I think it didn't make it through the  
mail server ... don't know why. If it is a double post - sorry for it.

Brian Wipf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to optimize a PostgreSQL 8.1.5 database running on an
> Apple G5 Xserve (dual G5 2.3 GHz w/ 8GB of RAM), running Mac OS X
> 10.4.8 Server.
> The queries on the database are mostly reads, and I know a larger
> shared memory allocation will help performance (also by comparing it
> to the performance of the same database running on a SUSE Linux box,
> which has a higher shared_buffers setting).
> When I set shared_buffers above 284263 (~ 2.17 GB) in the
> postgresql.conf file, I get the standard error message when trying to
> start the db:

It might be, that you hit an upper limit in Mac OS X:

[galadriel: memtext ] cug $ ./test
test(291) malloc: *** vm_allocate(size=2363490304) failed (error code=3)
test(291) malloc: *** error: can't allocate region
test(291) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug
max alloc = 2253 M

That seems near the size you found to work.

I don't really know much about that, but it seems you just can't alloc
more memory than a bit over 2GB. So, be careful with my non-existing
knowledge about that ... ;-)


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] shared_buffers > 284263 on OS X

2006-11-18 Thread Guido Neitzer
Brian Wipf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to optimize a PostgreSQL 8.1.5 database running on an  
> Apple G5 Xserve (dual G5 2.3 GHz w/ 8GB of RAM), running Mac OS X  
> 10.4.8 Server.
> The queries on the database are mostly reads, and I know a larger  
> shared memory allocation will help performance (also by comparing it
> to the performance of the same database running on a SUSE Linux box,
> which has a higher shared_buffers setting).
> When I set shared_buffers above 284263 (~ 2.17 GB) in the  
> postgresql.conf file, I get the standard error message when trying to
> start the db:

It might be, that you hit an upper limit in Mac OS X:

[galadriel: memtext ] cug $ ./test
test(291) malloc: *** vm_allocate(size=2363490304) failed (error code=3)
test(291) malloc: *** error: can't allocate region
test(291) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug
max alloc = 2253 M

That seems near the size you found to work. 

I don't really know much about that, but it seems you just can't alloc
more memory than a bit over 2GB. So, be careful with my non-existing
knowledge about that ... ;-)


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [PERFORM] Opteron vs. Xeon "benchmark"

2006-09-23 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 9/23/06, Dave Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1) The database fits entirely in memory, so this is really only
testing CPU, not I/O which should be taken into account IMO

I don't think this really is a reason that MySQL broke down on ten or
more concurrent connections. The RAM might be, but I don't think so
too in this case as it represents exactly what we have seen in similar
tests. MySQL performs quite well on easy queries and not so much
concurrency. We don't have that case very often in my company ...  we
have at least ten to twenty connections to the db performing
statements. And we have some fairly complex statements running very

Nevertheless - a benchmark is a benchmark. Nothing else. We prefer
PostgreSQL for other reasons then higher performance (which it has for
lots of situations).


PostgreSQL Bootcamp, Big Nerd Ranch Europe, Nov 2006

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [PERFORM] Opteron vs. Xeon "benchmark"

2006-09-23 Thread Guido Neitzer

I find the benchmark much more interesting in comparing PostgreSQL to
MySQL than Intel to AMD. It might be as biased as other "benchmarks"
but it shows clearly something that a lot of PostgreSQL user always
thought: MySQL gives up on concurrency ... it just doesn't scale well.



Yep. From what I understand, Intel is 8 to 10 times the size of AMD.

It's somewhat amazing that AMD even competes, and excellent for us, the
consumer, that they compete well, ensuring that we get very fast
computers, for amazingly low prices.

But Intel isn't crashing down any time soon. Perhaps they became a little
lazy, and made a few mistakes. AMD is forcing them to clean up.

May the competition continue... :-)


PostgreSQL Bootcamp, Big Nerd Ranch Europe, Nov 2006

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] PostgreSQL and sql-bench

2006-09-21 Thread Guido Neitzer


Do you compare apples to apples? InnoDB tables to PostgreSQL? Are all
needed indexes available? Are you sure about that? What about fsync?
Does the benchmark insert a lot of rows? Have you tested placing the
WAL on a separate disk? Is PostgreSQL logging more stuff?

Another thing: have you analyzed the tables? Have you tested higher

And the last thing: there are lies, damn lies and benchmarks. What
does a benchmark, which might be optimized for one DB, help you with
your own db workload?

There are s many things that can go wrong with a benchmark if you
don't have real knowledge on how to optimize both DBMS that it is just
worthless to use it anyway if you don't have the knowledge ...

PostgreSQL outperforms MySQL in our environment in EVERY situation
needed by the application. So, does the benchmark represent your work
load? Does the benchmark result say anything for your own situation?
Or is this all for the sake of running a benchmark?


On 9/21/06, yoav x <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


After upgrading DBI and DBD::Pg, this benchmark still picks MySQL as the winner 
(at least on Linux
RH3 on a Dell 1875 server with 2 hyperthreaded 3.6GHz CPUs and 4GB RAM).
I've applied the following parameters to postgres.conf:

max_connections = 500
shared_buffers = 3000
work_mem = 10
effective_cache_size = 30

Most queries still perform slower than with MySQL.
Is there anything else that can be tweaked or is this a limitation of PG or the 


PostgreSQL Bootcamp, Big Nerd Ranch Europe, Nov 2006

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [PERFORM] Poor performance on seq scan

2006-09-18 Thread Guido Neitzer

Because there is no MVCC information in the index.


2006/9/12, Piotr Kołaczkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Tuesday 12 September 2006 12:47, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
> Laszlo Nagy wrote:
> > I made another test. I create a file with the identifiers and names of
> > the products:
> >
> > psql#\o products.txt
> > psql#select id,name from product;
> >
> > Then I can search using grep:
> >
> > grep "Mug" products.txt | cut -f1 -d\|
> >
> > There is a huge difference. This command runs within 0.5 seconds. That
> > is, at least 76 times faster than the seq scan. It is the same if I
> > vacuum, backup and restore the database. I thought that the table is
> > stored in one file, and the seq scan will be actually faster than
> > grepping the file. Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong? I'm
> > not sure if I can increase the performance of a seq scan by adjusting
> > the values in postgresql.conf. I do not like the idea of exporting the
> > product table periodically into a txt file, and search with grep. :-)
> Is there any other columns besides id and name in the table? How big is
> products.txt compared to the heap file?
> > Another question: I have a btree index on product(name). It contains
> > all product names and the identifiers of the products. Wouldn't it be
> > easier to seq scan the index instead of seq scan the table? The index
> > is only 66MB, the table is 1123MB.
> Probably, but PostgreSQL doesn't know how to do that. Even if it did, it
> depends on how many matches there is. If you scan the index and then
> fetch the matching rows from the heap, you're doing random I/O to the
> heap. That becomes slower than scanning the heap sequentially if you're
> going to get more than a few hits.

Why match rows from the heap if ALL required data are in the index itself?
Why look at the heap at all?

This is the same performance problem in PostgreSQL I noticed when doing
some "SELECT count(*)" queries. Look at this:

explain analyze select count(*) from transakcja where data > '2005-09-09' and
miesiac >= (9 + 2005 * 12) and kwota < 50;

 Aggregate  (cost=601557.86..601557.87 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=26733.479..26733.484 rows=1 loops=1)
   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on transakcja  (cost=154878.00..596928.23 rows=1851852
width=0) (actual time=9974.208..18796.060 rows=1654218 loops=1)
 Recheck Cond: ((miesiac >= 24069) AND (kwota < 50::double precision))
 Filter: (data > '2005-09-09 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone)
 ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_transakcja_miesiac_kwota
(cost=0.00..154878.00 rows=556 width=0) (actual time=9919.967..9919.967
rows=1690402 loops=1)
   Index Cond: ((miesiac >= 24069) AND (kwota < 50::double
 Total runtime: 26733.980 ms
(7 rows)

The actual time retrieving tuples from the index is less than 10 seconds, but
the system executes needless heap scan that takes up additional 16 seconds.

Best regards,

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

PostgreSQL Bootcamp, Big Nerd Ranch Europe, Nov 2006

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] Posrgres speed problem - solved!

2006-06-13 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 13.06.2006, at 12:33 Uhr, Ruben Rubio Rey wrote:

Seems autovacumm is working fine. Logs are reporting that is being  

But server load is high. Is out there any way to stop "autovacumm"  
if server load is very high?

Look at the cost settings for vacuum and autovacuum. From the manual:

"During the execution of VACUUM and ANALYZE commands, the system  
maintains an internal
counter that keeps track of the estimated cost of the various I/O  
operations that are performed. When
the accumulated cost reaches a limit (specified by  
vacuum_cost_limit), the process performing
the operation will sleep for a while (specified by  
vacuum_cost_delay). Then it will reset the

counter and continue execution.

The intent of this feature is to allow administrators to reduce the I/ 
O impact of these commands on
concurrent database activity. There are many situations in which it  
is not very important that mainte-
nance commands like VACUUM and ANALYZE finish quickly; however, it is  
usually very important that
these commands do not significantly interfere with the ability of the  
system to perform other database
operations. Cost-based vacuum delay provides a way for administrators  
to achieve this."


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [PERFORM] Posrgres speed problem - solved?

2006-06-13 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 13.06.2006, at 8:44 Uhr, Ruben Rubio Rey wrote:

Tonight database has been vacumm full and reindex (all nights  
database do it)

Now its working fine. Speed is as spected. I ll be watching that  
sql ...
Maybe the problem exists when database is busy, or maybe its  
solved ...

Depending on the usage pattern the nightly re-index / vacuum analyse  
is suboptimal. If you have high insert/update traffic your  
performance will decrease over the day and will only be good in the  
morning hours and I hope this is not what you intend to have.

Autovacuum is the way to go, if you have "changing content". Perhaps  
combined with vacuum analyse in a nightly or weekly schedule. We do  
this weekly.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] Benchmarck PostgreSQL 8.1.4 MySQL 5.0.20 and Oracle

2006-05-18 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 18.05.2006, at 12:42 Uhr, Olivier Andreotti wrote:

I use prepared statements for all requests. Each transaction is about
5-45 requests.

This may lead to bad plans (at least with 8.0.3 this was the  
case) ... I had the same problem a couple of months ago and I  
switched from prepared statements with bound values to statements  
with "inlined" values:

t0.aktiv,, t0.ist_teilnehmer, t0.nachname, t0.plz, t0.vorname
public.dga_dienstleister t0
WHERE t0.plz like ?::varchar(256) ESCAPE '|'

withBindings: 1:"53111"(plz)

has changed in my app to:

t0.aktiv,, t0.ist_teilnehmer, t0.nachname, t0.plz, t0.vorname
public.dga_dienstleister t0
WHERE t0.plz like '53111' ESCAPE '|'

The problem was, that the planner wasn't able to use an index with  
the first version because it just didn't know enough about the actual  

It might be, that you run into similar problems. An easy way to test  
this may be to set the protocolVersion in the JDBC driver connection  
url to "2":



PharmaLine, Essen, GERMANY
Software and Database Development

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] Performance decrease

2006-04-20 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 20.04.2006, at 18:10 Uhr, Radovan Antloga wrote:

I have once or twice a month update on many records (~6000) but
not so many. I did not expect PG would have problems with
updating 15800 records.

It has no problems with that. We have a database where we often  
update/insert rows with about one hundred columns. No problem so far.  
Performance is in the sub 10ms range. The whole table has about  
10 records.

Do you wrap every update in a separate transaction? I do commits  
every 200 updates for bulk updates.


PharmaLine, Essen, GERMANY
Software and Database Development

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [PERFORM] Problem with LIKE-Performance

2006-04-18 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 18.04.2006, at 17:16 Uhr, Tarabas (Manuel Rorarius) wrote:

Is there any way to speed the like's up with a different locale than C
or to get an order by in a different Locale although using the
default C locale?

Sure. Just create the index with

create index __index on  (  

Than you can use something like

select * from  where  like 'Something%';

Remember that an index can't be used for queries with '%pattern%'.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [PERFORM] Decide between Postgresql and Mysql (help of

2006-03-30 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 30.03.2006, at 23:31 Uhr, PFC wrote:

(why do you think I don't like Java ?)

Because you haven't used a good framework/toolkit yet? Come on, the  
language doesn't really matter these days, it's all about frameworks,  
toolkits, libraries, interfaces and so on.

But, nevertheless, this has nothing to do with a decision between  
PostgreSQL or MySQL. They can both be accessed by a myriad of  
programming languages, so the decision may (and should) be based on  
other things.


PharmaLine, Essen, GERMANY
Software and Database Development

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [PERFORM] count(*) performance

2006-03-27 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 27.03.2006, at 21:20 Uhr, Brendan Duddridge wrote:

Does that mean that even though autovacuum is turned on, you still  
should do a regular vacuum analyze periodically?

It seems that there are situations where autovacuum does not a really  
good job.

However, in our application I have made stupid design decision which  
I want to change as soon as possible. I have a "visit count" column  
in one of the very large tables, so updates are VERY regular. I've  
just checked and saw that autovacuum does a great job with that.

Nevertheless I have set up a cron job to do a standard vacuum every  
month. I've used vacuum full only once after I did a bulk update of  
about 200.000 rows ...


PharmaLine, Essen, GERMANY
Software and Database Development

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [PERFORM] Query plan from hell

2006-03-25 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 24.03.2006, at 23:54 Uhr, PFC wrote:

	bookmark_delta contains very few rows but is inserted/deleted very  
often... the effect is spectacular !

I guess I'll have to vacuum analyze this table every minute...

What about using autovacuum?


PharmaLine, Essen, GERMANY
Software and Database Development

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [PERFORM] Process Time X200

2006-03-10 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 10.03.2006, at 10:11 Uhr, NbForYou wrote:

So the only solution is to ask my webhost to upgrade its postgresql?

Seems to be.

The question is will he do that?

You are the customer. If they don't, go to another provider.

After all a license fee is required for
commercial use. And running a webhosting service is a commercial use.

No license fee is required for any use of PostgreSQL. Read the license:

"Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and  
its documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written  
agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice  
and this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all  

A commercial license is needed for MySQL, not for PostgreSQL.


PharmaLine, Essen, GERMANY
Software and Database Development

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [PERFORM] t1000/t2000 sun-servers

2006-03-06 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 06.03.2006, at 21:10 Uhr, Jignesh K. Shah wrote:

Like migrate all your postgresql databases to one T2000. You might  
see that your average response time may not be faster but it can  
handle probably all your databases migrated to one T2000.

In essence, your single thread performance will not speed up on Sun  
Fire T2000  but you can certainly use it to replace all your  
individual postgresql servers in your organization or see higher  
scalability in terms of number of users handled with 1 server with  
Sun Fire T2000.

How good is a pgbench test for evaluating things like this? I have  
used it to compare several machines, operating systems and PostgreSQL  
versions - but it was more or less just out of curiosity. The real  
evaluation was made with "real life tests" - mostly scripts which  
also tested the application server itself.

But as it was it's easy to compare several machines with pgbench, I  
just did the tests and they were interesting and reflected the real  
world not as bad as I had thought from a "benchmark".

So, personally I'm interested in a simple pgbench test - perhaps with  
some more ( > 50) clients simulated ...


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [PERFORM] Order by behaviour

2005-12-23 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 23.12.2005, at 15:35 Uhr, Carlos Benkendorf wrote:

I appreciate your suggestion but I think I´m misunderstanding  
something, the select statement should return at about 150.000  
rows, why 5 rows?

I have looked at the wrong lines of the explain ... statement. Sorry,  
my fault. With that many lines, I doubt that my workaround will do  
anything good ... :-/ I was just a little bit to fast ... looking at  
to many different "explain ..." (or similar) statements in the last  

Sorry, my fault.

Other idea: have you tried ordering the rows in memory? Is that  
faster? From now looking better at the explain result, it seems to  
me, that the sorting takes most of the time:

Sort  (cost=201296.59..201663.10 rows=146602 width=897) (actual  
time=9752.555..10342.363 rows=167710 loops=1)

How large are the rows returned by your query? Do they fit completely  
in the memory during the sort? If PostgreSQL starts switching to temp  
files ... There was a discussion on that topic a few weeks ago ...

Perhaps this may help:

work_mem (integer)

 Specifies the amount of memory to be used by internal sort  
operations and hash tables before switching to temporary disk files.  
The value is specified in kilobytes, and defaults to 1024 kilobytes  
(1 MB). Note that for a complex query, several sort or hash  
operations might be running in parallel; each one will be allowed to  
use as much memory as this value specifies before it starts to put  
data into temporary files. Also, several running sessions could be  
doing such operations concurrently. So the total memory used could be  
many times the value of work_mem; it is necessary to keep this fact  
in mind when choosing the value. Sort operations are used for ORDER  
BY, DISTINCT, and merge joins. Hash tables are used in hash joins,  
hash-based aggregation, and hash-based processing of IN subqueries.



Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [PERFORM] Order by behaviour

2005-12-23 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 23.12.2005, at 13:34 Uhr, Carlos Benkendorf wrote:

For some implementation reason in 8.0.3 the query is returning the  
rows in the correct order even without the order by but in 8.1.1  
probably the implementation changed and the rows are not returning  
in the correct order.

You will never be sure to get rows in a specific order without an  
"order by".

I don't know why PG is faster without ordering, perhaps others can  
help with that so you don't need a workaround like this:

If you can't force PostgreSQL to perform better on the ordered query,  
what about retrieving only the primary keys for the rows you want  
unordered in a subquery and using an "where primaryKey in (...) order  
by ..." statement with ordering the five rows?

Like this:

select * from mytable where pk in (select pk from mytable where ...)  
order by ...;

I don't know whether the query optimizer will flatten this query, but  
you can try it.


PharmaLine Essen, GERMANY and
Big Nerd Ranch Europe - PostgreSQL Training, Feb. 2006, Rome, Italy

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [PERFORM] 15,000 tables

2005-12-01 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 01.12.2005, at 17:04 Uhr, Michael Riess wrote:

No. Our database contains tables for we content management systems.  
The server hosts approx. 500 cms applications, and each of them has  
approx. 30 tables.

Just for my curiosity: Are the "about 30 tables" with similar schemas  
or do they differ much?

We have a small CMS system running here, where I have all information  
for all clients in tables with relationships to a client table.

But I assume you are running a pre-build CMS which is not designed  
for "multi-client ability", right?


PharmaLine, Essen, GERMANY
Software and Database Development

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [PERFORM] VERY slow after many updates

2005-11-19 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 19.11.2005, at 13:05 Uhr, Alex Wang wrote:

Yes, it's a "queue" table. But I did not perform many insert/delete  
before it becomes slow. After insert 10 records, I just do get/ 
update continuously.

When PostgreSQL updates a row, it creates a new row with the updated  
values. So you should be aware, that the DB gets bigger and bigger  
when you only update your rows. Vacuum full reclaims that used space.

The concepts are described in detail in the manual in chapter 12.


PharmaLine Essen, GERMANY and
Big Nerd Ranch Europe - PostgreSQL Training, Dec. 2005, Rome, Italy

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [PERFORM] Prepared statement not using index

2005-09-12 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 12.09.2005, at 14:38 Uhr, Dave Cramer wrote:

The difference between the 7.4 driver and the 8.0.3 driver is the  
8.0.3 driver is using server side prepared statements and binding  
the parameter to the type in setXXX(n,val).

Would be a good idea when this were configurable.

I found my solution (use the JDBC2 drivers with protocolVersion=2),  
but how long will this work?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] Index not used with prepared statement

2005-09-11 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 11.09.2005, at 11:03 Uhr, Andreas Seltenreich wrote:

I'm not perfectly sure, but since the index could only be used with a
subset of all possible parameters (the pattern for like has to be
left-anchored), I could imagine the planner has to avoid the index in
order to produce an universal plan (the thing behind a prepared

Hmm. Now I get it. So I have to look that my framework doesn't  
produce a preparedStatement, instead build a complete statement  
string. Weird.

Is there a reason you are using the like operator at all? IMO using
the =-operator instead in your example should produce an "index-using
prepared statement".

Yes, you are right, but then I can't pass anything like '45%' to the  
query. It will just return nothing.

I use the "like" because I build the queries on the fly and add a %  
at the end where necessary.

And, to be clear: this is a minimal example, most of my queries are  
generated by a framework. This was an example to test the behaviour.

Okay, I had problems with the understanding of prepared statements on  
the client and the server side. What I thought was, that I get a  
preparedStatement by JDBC which also inserts the values into the  
string and this is executed on the server side.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[PERFORM] Index not used with prepared statement

2005-09-11 Thread Guido Neitzer


I have a performance problem with prepared statements (JDBC prepared  

This query:

PreparedStatement st = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM  
dga_dienstleister WHERE plz like '45257'");

does use an index.

This query:

String plz = "45257";
PreparedStatement st = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM  
dga_dienstleister WHERE plz like ?");

st.setString(1, plz);

does NOT use an index.

As it should in the end result in absolutely the same statement, the  
index should be used all the time. I have to set the  
protocolVersion=2 and use the JDBC2 driver to get it working (but  
then the statements are created like in the first query, so no  
solution, only a workaround).

I'm not sure whether this is a bug (I think it is) or a problem of  

Known problem?

I have tried PG 8.0.1, 8.0.3, 8.1beta with the JDBC-drivers

- postgresql-8.0-312.jdbc2.jar --> okay with protocolVersion=2 in the  

- postgresql-8.0-312.jdbc3.jar --> not okay whatever I do

I'm on Mac OS X, if that matters.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[PERFORM] Prepared statement not using index

2005-09-01 Thread Guido Neitzer


I have an interesting problem with the JDBC drivers. When I use a  
select like this:

"SELECT t0.aktiv,, t0.ist_teilnehmer, t0.nachname, t0.plz,  
t0.vorname FROM public.dga_dienstleister t0 WHERE t0.plz  
like ?::varchar(256) ESCAPE '|'" withBindings: 1:"53111"(plz)>

the existing index on the plz column is not used.

When I the same select with a concrete value, the index IS used.

I use PostgreSQL 8.0.3 on Mac OS X and the JDBC driver 8.0-312 JDBC 3.

After a lot of other things, I tried using a 7.4 driver and with  
this, the index is used in both cases.

Why can this happen? Is there a setting I might have not seen?  
Something I do wrong?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings