[PERFORM] Performance difference between Slon master and slave

2015-12-14 Thread Matthew Lunnon

Hello all, I hope someone can help me with this.

Postgres 9.4.4
Slon 2.2.4

I am using slony-i to replicate a production database which is in the 
order of 70GB. I have a reasonably complex select query that runs in 40 
seconds on the master but takes in the region of 30-40 minutes on the 
slave. The postgres configurations are identical and the machines are a 
similar specifications (12 core hyper threaded HP server and the slave 
has slightly less RAM: 132GB vs 148GB) The server running the slave 
database has a higher load than the one running the master though the 
load average on the slave machine was low (1-2) when running the test 
and the postgres process on the slave machine runs at 100% of a CPU with 
very little iowait on the server.

Inspecting the execution plan shows that there are some differences, for 
example, the slave is using a HashAggregate when the master is simply 
grouping. There also seems to be a difference with the ordering of the 
sub plans. Armed with this knowledge I have set enable_hashagg to off 
and run the query again and it now takes 53 seconds on the slave which 
is a more acceptable difference and the execution plans now look very 
similar (one difference being that there is another HashAggregate in the 
master which is now missing on the slave and may account for the 13 
seconds). I have isolated a much simpler query which I have detailed 
below with their execution plans which shows the difference on line 4. I 
would rather not disable hash aggregation on the slave as this might 
have other consequences so this raises a number of questions. Firstly Is 
there anything that I can do to stop this feature? Why is the slave 
behaving differently to the master?

Thanks in advance for any help.


with my_view_booking_pax_breakdown as (
SELECT bev.booking_id,
( SELECT count(*) AS count
   FROM passenger_version
  WHERE passenger_version.current_version = 'T'::bpchar AND 
passenger_version.deleted = 'F'::bpchar AND 
passenger_version.indicative_pax_type = 'A'::bpchar AND 
passenger_version.booking_id = bev.booking_id) AS adult_count,

( SELECT count(*) AS count
   FROM passenger_version
  WHERE passenger_version.current_version = 'T'::bpchar AND 
passenger_version.deleted = 'F'::bpchar AND 
passenger_version.indicative_pax_type = 'C'::bpchar AND 
passenger_version.booking_id = bev.booking_id) AS child_count,

( SELECT count(*) AS count
   FROM passenger_version
  WHERE passenger_version.current_version = 'T'::bpchar AND 
passenger_version.deleted = 'F'::bpchar AND 
passenger_version.indicative_pax_type = 'I'::bpchar AND 
passenger_version.booking_id = bev.booking_id) AS infant_count

   FROM booking_expanded_version bev
  GROUP BY bev.booking_id
select * from "my_view_booking_pax_breakdown" "view_booking_pax_breakdown"
INNER JOIN "booking"."booking_expanded_version" 
"booking_expanded_version" ON 


"Merge Join  (cost=5569138.32..6158794.12 rows=2461265 width=1375)"
"  Merge Cond: (booking_expanded_version.booking_id = 

"  CTE my_view_booking_pax_breakdown"
*"->  Group  (cost=0.43..5545692.19 rows=215891 width=4)"*
"  Group Key: bev.booking_id"
"  ->  Index Only Scan using 
booking_expanded_version_booking_idx on booking_expanded_version bev  
(cost=0.43..64607.40 rows=2461265 width=4)"

"  SubPlan 1"
"->  Aggregate  (cost=8.57..8.58 rows=1 width=0)"
"  ->  Index Scan using passenger_version_idx_4 on 
passenger_version  (cost=0.43..8.55 rows=5 width=0)"

"Index Cond: (booking_id = bev.booking_id)"
"  SubPlan 2"
"->  Aggregate  (cost=8.45..8.46 rows=1 width=0)"
"  ->  Index Scan using passenger_version_idx_3 on 
passenger_version passenger_version_1  (cost=0.42..8.45 rows=1 width=0)"

"Index Cond: (booking_id = bev.booking_id)"
"  SubPlan 3"
"->  Aggregate  (cost=8.31..8.32 rows=1 width=0)"
"  ->  Index Scan using passenger_version_idx_2 on 
passenger_version passenger_version_2  (cost=0.29..8.31 rows=1 width=0)"

"Index Cond: (booking_id = bev.booking_id)"
"  ->  Index Scan using booking_expanded_version_booking_idx on 
booking_expanded_version  (cost=0.43..546584.09 rows=2461265 width=1347)"

"  ->  Sort  (cost=23445.70..23985.43 rows=215891 width=28)"
"Sort Key: view_booking_pax_breakdown.booking_id"
"->  CTE Scan on my_view_booking_pax_breakdown 
view_booking_pax_breakdown  (cost=0.00..4317.82 rows=215891 width=28)"


"Merge Join  (cost=6168518.91..6764756.86 rows=2505042 width=1299)"
"  Merge Cond: (booking_expanded_version.booking_id = 

"  CTE my_view_booking_pax_breakdown"

Re: [PERFORM] Performance problems inside a stored procedure.

2008-02-05 Thread Matthew Lunnon
Thanks for your help Андрей your English is easily understandable and 
much better than my ... (Russian?). I managed to get the results of an 
analyze and this showed that an index was not being used correctly. It 
seems that I was passing in a varchar and not casting it to an int and 
this stopped the index from being used.  I suppose this is a change in 
the implicit casting rules between version 7.4.7 and 8.x.

Once I added the explicit cast the function now uses the correct plan 
and returns in about 3 ms which I suppose is the performance hit that a 
function call has.

Anyway thanks very much for your time.


Андрей Репко wrote:

Hello Matthew,

Monday, January 28, 2008, 2:02:26 PM, Вы писали:

ML I have a query which runs pretty quick ( 0.82ms) but when I put it
ML inside a stored procedure  it takes 10 times as long (11.229ms).  Is 
ML this what you would expect and is there any way that I can get around 
ML this time delay?

ML postgres.conf changes.

ML shared_buffers = 500MB
ML work_mem = 10MB
ML maintenance_work_mem = 100MB
ML effective_cache_size = 2048MB
ML default_statistics_target = 1000

ML Thanks for any help.
When you run it outside stored procedure optimizer know about your
parameters, and know what rows (estimate count) will be selected, so
it can create fine plan. When you put it into SP optimizer don't know
nothing about value of your parameters, but MUST create plan for it.
If table is frequently updateable plan, what was created for SP
became bad, and need replaning.

It's sample for obtaining plan (LeXa NalBat):

create function f1 ( integer, integer )
  returns void language plpgsql as $body$
  _rec record;
  for _rec in explain

  -- put your query here
select count(*) from t1 where id between $1 and $2

raise info '%', _rec.QUERY PLAN;
  end loop;

Sorry for bad English.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [PERFORM] JDBC/Stored procedure performance issue

2008-01-29 Thread Matthew Lunnon

Hi Tom,

Is there any way to work out what plan the query is using in side the 
function?  I think I have a similar problem with a query taking much 
longer from inside a function than it does as a select statement.


Tom Lane wrote:

Claire McLister [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
When I do an EXPLAIN ANALYZE on one query that returns 3261 rows, it  
executes in a reasonable 159ms:

If I issue the same query over JDBC or use a PSQL stored procedure, it  
takes over 3000 ms, which, of course is unacceptable!

I suspect that the problem is with groupid = $1 instead of
groupid = 57925.  The planner is probably avoiding an indexscan
in the parameterized case because it's guessing the actual value will
match so many rows as to make a seqscan faster.  Is the distribution
of groupid highly skewed?  You might get better results if you increase
the statistics target for that column.

Switching to something newer than 7.4.x might help too.  8.1 and up
support bitmap indexscans which work much better for large numbers
of hits, and correspondingly the planner will use one in cases where
it wouldn't use a plain indexscan.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [PERFORM] Performance problems inside a stored procedure.

2008-01-29 Thread Matthew Lunnon

Thanks Euler,

I made the change to STABLE but it didn't seem to make any difference.  
On closer inspection it seems to have been a casting problem, I was 
passing a varchar into the function and then testing this for equality 
with an integer.  The planner seems to have been unable to use this to 
access the index and so was returning too many rows and then filtering 
them.  It looks like I still have to take a hit of 2ms or so to call the 
function but I guess that is not unreasonable.

Thanks for your help and to everyone who answered this thread.


Euler Taveira de Oliveira wrote:

Matthew Lunnon wrote:

Ahh, sorry, I have been too aggressive with my cutting, I am running 
8.2.6 and the function is below.



I suspect that it's because you're using VOLATILE (so no good 
optimizations is done); did you try STABLE? Could you show us the 
EXPLAIN ANALYZE of query and function?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[PERFORM] Performance issues migrating from 743 to 826

2008-01-28 Thread Matthew Lunnon


I am investigating migrating from postgres 743 to postgres 826 but 
although the performance in postgres 826 seems to be generally better 
there are some instances where it seems to be markedly worse, a factor 
of up to 10.  The problem seems to occur when I join to more than 4 
tables. Has anyone else experienced anything similar or got any 
suggestions as to what I might do? I am running on an intel box with two 
hyper threaded cores and 4GB of RAM. I have tweaked the postgres.conf 
files with these values and the query and explain output are below. In 
this case the query takes 6.037 ms to run on 862 and 2.332 to run on 743.

Thanks in advance for any help.


shared_buffers = 500MB
work_mem = 10MB
maintenance_work_mem = 100MB
effective_cache_size = 2048MB
default_statistics_target = 1000

shared_buffers = 51200
sort_mem = 10240
vacuum_mem = 81920
effective_cache_size = 102400

explain analyze
  FROM market mrkt
  JOIN market_group_relation mgr USING (market_id)
  JOIN market_group mg USING (market_group_id)
  JOIN market_group_price_relation mgpr USING (market_group_id)
  JOIN accommodation_price_panel app ON 
app.accommodation_price_panel_id = mgpr.price_panel_id

 JOIN daily_rates dr USING (accommodation_price_panel_id)
WHERE mrkt.live  'X'::bpchar AND mg.live  'X'::bpchar AND app.live 

AND dr.min_group_size = 0
AND MARKET_ID = 10039 

AND ( START_DATE BETWEEN '2008-05-22' AND '2008-05-31' OR '2008-05-22' 

Nested Loop  (cost=37.27..48.34 rows=1 width=458) (actual 
time=1.474..2.138 rows=14 loops=1)
  -  Nested Loop  (cost=37.27..42.34 rows=1 width=282) (actual 
time=1.428..1.640 rows=2 loops=1)
-  Hash Join  (cost=37.27..40.68 rows=1 width=199) (actual 
time=1.367..1.516 rows=2 loops=1)
  Hash Cond: (outer.market_group_id = 
  -  Seq Scan on market_group mg  (cost=0.00..3.01 rows=78 
width=81) (actual time=0.004..0.105 rows=80 loops=1)

Filter: (live  'X'::bpchar)
  -  Hash  (cost=37.27..37.27 rows=1 width=126) (actual 
time=1.325..1.325 rows=0 loops=1)
-  Hash Join  (cost=12.66..37.27 rows=1 width=126) 
(actual time=1.051..1.321 rows=2 loops=1)
  Hash Cond: (outer.market_group_id = 
  -  Seq Scan on market_group_relation mgr  
(cost=0.00..24.46 rows=27 width=31) (actual time=0.165..0.641 rows=30 

Filter: (10039 = market_id)
  -  Hash  (cost=12.66..12.66 rows=2 width=95) 
(actual time=0.641..0.641 rows=0 loops=1)
-  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..12.66 
rows=2 width=95) (actual time=0.056..0.593 rows=27 loops=1)
  -  Index Scan using 
accommodation_price_panel_idx1 on accommodation_price_panel app  
(cost=0.00..6.02 rows=1 width=60) (actual time=0.037..0.200 rows=27 
Index Cond: ((contract_id = 
16077) AND ((code)::text = 'LONHRL'::text) AND (code_type = 'IS'::bpchar))

Filter: (live  'X'::bpchar)
  -  Index Scan using 
market_group_price_relation_pkey on market_group_price_relation mgpr  
(cost=0.00..6.62 rows=1 width=35) (actual time=0.007..0.008 rows=1 
Index Cond: 
(outer.accommodation_price_panel_id = mgpr.price_panel_id)
-  Seq Scan on market mrkt  (cost=0.00..1.65 rows=1 width=87) 
(actual time=0.045..0.046 rows=1 loops=2)

  Filter: ((live  'X'::bpchar) AND (market_id = 10039))
  -  Index Scan using daily_rates_pkey on daily_rates dr  
(cost=0.00..5.99 rows=1 width=180) (actual time=0.022..0.113 rows=7 
Index Cond: ((dr.accommodation_price_panel_id = 
outer.price_panel_id) AND (dr.room_type = 'Zk'::bpchar))
Filter: ((min_group_size = 0) AND (board_type = 'BB'::bpchar) 
AND (('2008-05-22'::date = start_date) OR (start_date = 
'2008-05-22'::date)) AND (('2008-05-22'::date = end_date) OR 
(start_date = '2008-05-22'::date)) AND (('2008-05-22'::date = st (..)

Total runtime: 2.332 ms

Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..30.39 rows=1 width=458) (actual 
time=0.123..5.841 rows=14 loops=1)
  -  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..29.70 rows=1 width=439) (actual 
time=0.099..4.590 rows=189 loops=1)
-  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..29.40 rows=1 width=358) (actual 
time=0.091..3.243 rows=189 loops=1)
  -  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..21.07 rows=1 width=327) 
(actual time=0.081..1.571 rows=189 loops=1)
-  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..10.40 rows=1 
width=147) (actual time=0.053..0.134 rows=27 loops=1)
  -  Seq Scan on market mrkt  (cost=0.00..2.08 

Re: [PERFORM] Performance problems inside a stored procedure.

2008-01-28 Thread Matthew Lunnon

Ahh, sorry, I have been too aggressive with my cutting, I am running 
8.2.6 and the function is below.


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp_get_price_panel_id(int4, varchar, 
varchar, varchar, bpchar)

 RETURNS SETOF t_market_price_panel AS
  FROM market mrkt
  JOIN market_group_relation mgr USING (market_id)
  JOIN market_group mg USING (market_group_id)
  JOIN market_group_price_relation mgpr USING (market_group_id)
  JOIN accommodation_price_panel app ON 
app.accommodation_price_panel_id = mgpr.price_panel_id
WHERE mrkt.live  'X'::bpchar AND mg.live  'X'::bpchar AND app.live 
   AND MARKET_ID = $1 
   AND CODE = $2

   AND CODE_TYPE = $3::CHAR(2)

Heikki Linnakangas wrote:

Matthew Lunnon wrote:
I have a query which runs pretty quick ( 0.82ms) but when I put it 
inside a stored procedure  it takes 10 times as long (11.229ms).  Is 
this what you would expect and is there any way that I can get around 
this time delay?

It depends. You'll need to show us the function. Also, what version of 
Postgres are you running?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[PERFORM] Performance problems inside a stored procedure.

2008-01-28 Thread Matthew Lunnon

Hi ms

I have a query which runs pretty quick ( 0.82ms) but when I put it 
inside a stored procedure  it takes 10 times as long (11.229ms).  Is 
this what you would expect and is there any way that I can get around 
this time delay?

postgres.conf changes.

shared_buffers = 500MB
work_mem = 10MB
maintenance_work_mem = 100MB
effective_cache_size = 2048MB
default_statistics_target = 1000

Thanks for any help.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [PERFORM] Performance issues migrating from 743 to 826

2008-01-28 Thread Matthew Lunnon

Scott Marlowe wrote:

Whatever email agent you're using seems to be quoting in a way that
doesn't get along well with gmail, so I'm just gonna chop most of it
rather than have it quoted confusingly...  Heck, I woulda chopped a
lot anyway to keep it small. :)

Thanks again for your time. I'm using Thunderbird, maybe I need to upgrade.

On Jan 28, 2008 9:27 AM, Matthew Lunnon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Scott Marlowe wrote:
 On Jan 28, 2008 5:41 AM, Matthew Lunnon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
default_statistics_target = 1000

 That's very high for the default. Planning times will be increased

 I had originally left the default_statistics_target at its default and then
increased it to 100, but this did not seem to make much difference.  I will
reduce this down to something more normal again.

You do know that if you create a column when the default is 10, then
increase the default, it won't change the column's stats target,
right?  So, assuming the table was first created, then you changed the
default, you'll now need to do:

alter table xyz alter column abc set statistics 100;
analyze xyz;

for it to make any difference.
Thanks I haven't looked into this yet, I'll look.  When I changed the 
default_stats_target it did take a very long time to do its analyze so I 
assumed it was doing something.

 The queries were on exactly the same data. My interpretation of what is
going on here is that 8.2.6 seems to be leaving the filtering of market_id
to the very last point, which is why it ends up with 189 rows at this point
instead of the 2 that 743 has. 743 seems to do that filtering much earlier
and so reduce the number of rows at a much earlier point in the execution of
the query. I guess that this is something to do with the planner which is
why I tried increasing the default_statistics_target.

Ahh, I'm guessing it's something that your 7.4 database CAN use an
index on and your 8.2 data base can't use an index on.  Like text in a
non-C locale.  Or something...  Table def?
Thanks, I'll take a look at that, is there any documentation on what 
8.2.6. can't use in an index? It didn't seem to have complained about 
any of my indexes when I generated the database.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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Matthew Lunnon
Technical Consultant
RWA Ltd.

Tel: +44 (0)29 2081 5056

Re: [PERFORM] Performance issues migrating from 743 to 826

2008-01-28 Thread Matthew Lunnon

Hi Scott,
Thanks for your time

Scott Marlowe wrote:

On Jan 28, 2008 5:41 AM, Matthew Lunnon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am investigating migrating from postgres 743 to postgres 826 but
although the performance in postgres 826 seems to be generally better
there are some instances where it seems to be markedly worse, a factor
of up to 10.  The problem seems to occur when I join to more than 4
tables. Has anyone else experienced anything similar or got any
suggestions as to what I might do? I am running on an intel box with two
hyper threaded cores and 4GB of RAM. I have tweaked the postgres.conf
files with these values and the query and explain output are below. In
this case the query takes 6.037 ms to run on 862 and 2.332 to run on 743.

It looks like the data are not the same in these two environments.


shared_buffers = 500MB
work_mem = 10MB
maintenance_work_mem = 100MB
effective_cache_size = 2048MB
default_statistics_target = 1000

That's very high for the default.  Planning times will be increased noticeably
I had originally left the default_statistics_target at its default and 
then increased it to 100, but this did not seem to make much 
difference.  I will reduce this down to something more normal again.

Plan for 7.4:


Nested Loop  (cost=37.27..48.34 rows=1 width=458) (actual
time=1.474..2.138 rows=14 loops=1)
  -  Nested Loop  (cost=37.27..42.34 rows=1 width=282) (actual
time=1.428..1.640 rows=2 loops=1)

This is processing 2 rows...


Total runtime: 2.332 ms

While this is processing 189 rows:


Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..30.39 rows=1 width=458) (actual
time=0.123..5.841 rows=14 loops=1)
  -  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..29.70 rows=1 width=439) (actual
time=0.099..4.590 rows=189 loops=1)

Hardly seems a fair comparison.
The queries were on exactly the same data. My interpretation of what is 
going on here is that 8.2.6 seems to be leaving the filtering of 
market_id to the very last point, which is why it ends up with 189 rows 
at this point instead of the 2 that 743 has. 743 seems to do that 
filtering much earlier and so reduce the number of rows at a much 
earlier point in the execution of the query. I guess that this is 
something to do with the planner which is why I tried increasing the 

This e-mail has been scanned for viruses by Verizon Business Internet Managed 
Scanning Services - powered by MessageLabs. For further information visit 

Re: [PERFORM] Performance issues migrating from 743 to 826

2008-01-28 Thread Matthew Lunnon

Hi Gregory/All,

Thanks for your time.

Yes the difference is pretty small but does seem to be consistent, the 
problem that I have is that this is just part of the query, I have tried 
to break things down so that I can see where the time is being spent.  I 
set the  default_statistics_target to 1000 after going via 100 but it 
seemed to make no difference.

I have a confession to make though,  this is not like for like. I did in 
fact have to add a couple of indexes to the data as the performance was 
so bad with 8.2.6.  Very sorry for that, it doesn't help. The actual 
difference if from 2ms to 57ms when these indexes are removed which is  
much more significant.  Here is the like for like comparison with 8.2.6, 
the indexes were added to the market_group_relation table since it is 
doing a seq scan at the very end.

Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..54.03 rows=1 width=458) (actual 
time=0.279..57.457 rows=14 loops=1)

  Join Filter: (mgr.market_group_id = mgpr.market_group_id)
  -  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..29.19 rows=1 width=439) (actual 
time=0.102..4.867 rows=189 loops=1)
-  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..28.91 rows=1 width=358) (actual 
time=0.095..3.441 rows=189 loops=1)
  -  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..20.60 rows=1 width=327) 
(actual time=0.082..1.639 rows=189 loops=1)
-  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..9.95 rows=1 width=147) 
(actual time=0.054..0.138 rows=27 loops=1)
  -  Seq Scan on market mrkt  (cost=0.00..1.65 
rows=1 width=87) (actual time=0.020..0.020 rows=1 loops=1)
Filter: ((live  'X'::bpchar) AND 
(market_id = 10039))
  -  Index Scan using 
accommodation_price_panel_idx1 on accommodation_price_panel app  
(cost=0.00..8.30 rows=1 width=60) (actual time=0.029..0.079 rows=27 
Index Cond: ((contract_id = 16077) AND 
((code)::text = 'LONHRL'::text) AND (code_type = 'IS'::bpchar))

Filter: (live  'X'::bpchar)
-  Index Scan using daily_rates_pkey on 
daily_rates dr  (cost=0.00..10.63 rows=1 width=180) (actual 
time=0.021..0.041 rows=7 loops=27)
  Index Cond: 
((app.accommodation_price_panel_id = dr.accommodation_price_panel_id) 
AND (dr.room_type = 'Zk'::bpchar) AND (dr.board_type = 'BB'::bpchar) AND 
(dr.min_group_size = 0))
  Filter: (((start_date = '2008-05-22'::date) 
AND (start_date = '2008-05-31'::date)) OR (('2008-05-22'::date = 
start_date) AND ('2008-05-22'::date = end_date)))
  -  Index Scan using market_group_price_relation_pkey on 
market_group_price_relation mgpr  (cost=0.00..8.30 rows=1 width=35) 
(actual time=0.005..0.006 rows=1 loops=189)
Index Cond: (app.accommodation_price_panel_id = 
-  Index Scan using market_group_pkey on market_group mg  
(cost=0.00..0.27 rows=1 width=81) (actual time=0.003..0.004 rows=1 

  Index Cond: (mgpr.market_group_id = mg.market_group_id)
  Filter: (live  'X'::bpchar)
  -  Seq Scan on market_group_relation mgr  (cost=0.00..24.46 rows=30 
width=31) (actual time=0.068..0.259 rows=30 loops=189)

Filter: (10039 = market_id)
Total runtime: 57.648 ms

Gregory Stark wrote:

Matthew Lunnon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


In this case the query takes 6.037 ms to run on 862 and 2.332 to run on 743.

The difference between 2ms and 6ms is pretty negligable. A single context
switch or disk cache miss could throw the results off by that margin in either

But what plan does 7.4.3 come up with if you set enable_hashjoins = off? I'm
curious whether it comes up with the same nested loops plan as 8.2 and what
cost it says it has.

I'll investigate and let you know.

I think you need to find queries which take longer to have any reliable
performance comparisons. Note that the configuration parameters here aren't
the same at all, it's possible the change of effective_cache_size from 800k to
2GB is what's changing the cost estimation. I seem to recall a change in the
arithmetic for calculatin Nested loop costs too which made it more aggressive
in estimating cache effectiveness.

Incidentally, default_statistics_target=1000 is awfully aggressive. I found in
the past that that caused the statistics table to become much larger and much
slower to access. It may have caused some statistics to be toasted or it may
have just been the sheer volume of data present. It will also make your
ANALYZEs take a lot longer. I would suggest trying 100 first and incrementally
raising it rather than jumping straight to 1000. And preferably only on the
columns which really matter.


Matthew Lunnon
Technical Consultant
RWA Ltd.

Tel: +44 (0)29 2081 5056

[PERFORM] Limited performance on multi core server

2007-12-12 Thread Matthew Lunnon


I have a 4 * dual core 64bit AMD OPTERON server with 16G of RAM, running 
postgres 7.4.3.  This has been recompiled on the server for 64 stored 
procedure parameters, (I assume this makes postgres 64 bit but are not 
sure).  When the server gets under load from database connections 
executing reads, lets say 20 - 40 concurrent reads, the CPU's seem to 
limit at about 30-35% usage with no iowait reported. If I run a simple 
select at this time it takes 5 seconds, the same query runs in 300 
millis when the server is not under load so it seems that the database 
is not performing well even though there is plenty of spare CPU.  There 
does not appear to be large amounts of disk IO and my database is about 
5.5G so this should fit comfortably in RAM.

changes to postgresql.sql:

max_connections = 500
shared_buffers = 96000
sort_mem = 10240
effective_cache_size = 100

Does anyone have any ideas what my bottle neck might be and what I can 
do about it?

Thanks for any help.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] Limited performance on multi core server

2007-12-12 Thread Matthew Lunnon
Limiting the queries was our initial thought but we then hit a problem 
with connection pooling which didn't implement a fifo algorithm.  Looks 
like I'll have to look deeper into the connection pooling.

So you think the problem might be context switching on the server, I'll 
take a closer look at the this



Sven Geisler wrote:

Hi Matthew,

I know exactly what you experience.
We had a 4-way DC Opteron and Pg 7.4 too.
You should monitor context switches.

First suggest upgrade to 8.2.5 because the scale up is much better with 8.2.

You need to limit the number of concurrent queries to less than 8 (8
cores) if you need to stay with Pg 7.4.

The memory setting is looking good to me. I would increase sort_mem and
effective_cache_size, but this would solve your problem.

Best regards

Matthew Lunnon schrieb:


I have a 4 * dual core 64bit AMD OPTERON server with 16G of RAM, running
postgres 7.4.3.  This has been recompiled on the server for 64 stored
procedure parameters, (I assume this makes postgres 64 bit but are not
sure).  When the server gets under load from database connections
executing reads, lets say 20 - 40 concurrent reads, the CPU's seem to
limit at about 30-35% usage with no iowait reported. If I run a simple
select at this time it takes 5 seconds, the same query runs in 300
millis when the server is not under load so it seems that the database
is not performing well even though there is plenty of spare CPU.  There
does not appear to be large amounts of disk IO and my database is about
5.5G so this should fit comfortably in RAM.

changes to postgresql.sql:

max_connections = 500
shared_buffers = 96000
sort_mem = 10240
effective_cache_size = 100

Does anyone have any ideas what my bottle neck might be and what I can
do about it?

Thanks for any help.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend


Matthew Lunnon
Technical Consultant
RWA Ltd.

Tel: +44 (0)29 2081 5056

Re: [PERFORM] Limited performance on multi core server

2007-12-12 Thread Matthew Lunnon
Thanks for the information Claus,  Why would reducing the effective 
cache size help the processor usage?  It seems that there is plenty of 
resources on the box although I can see that 10MB of sort space could 
mount up if we had 500 connections but at the moment we do not have 
anything like that number.


Claus Guttesen wrote:

I have a 4 * dual core 64bit AMD OPTERON server with 16G of RAM, running
postgres 7.4.3.  This has been recompiled on the server for 64 stored
procedure parameters, (I assume this makes postgres 64 bit but are not
sure).  When the server gets under load from database connections
executing reads, lets say 20 - 40 concurrent reads, the CPU's seem to
limit at about 30-35% usage with no iowait reported. If I run a simple
select at this time it takes 5 seconds, the same query runs in 300
millis when the server is not under load so it seems that the database
is not performing well even though there is plenty of spare CPU.  There
does not appear to be large amounts of disk IO and my database is about
5.5G so this should fit comfortably in RAM.

changes to postgresql.sql:

max_connections = 500
shared_buffers = 96000
sort_mem = 10240
effective_cache_size = 100

Does anyone have any ideas what my bottle neck might be and what I can
do about it?

You might want to lower shared_buffers to a lower value. Mine is set
at 32768. Is your db performing complex sort? Remember that this value
is per connection. Maby 1024. effective_cache_size should also be
lowered to something like 32768. As far as I understand shared_buffers
and effective_cache_size have to be altered in reverse, ie. when
lowering one the other can be raised.



Matthew Lunnon
Technical Consultant
RWA Ltd.

Tel: +44 (0)29 2081 5056

Re: [PERFORM] Limited performance on multi core server

2007-12-12 Thread Matthew Lunnon

Ah I was afraid of that.  Maybe I'll have to come out of the dark ages.


Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:

On Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 10:16:43AM +, Matthew Lunnon wrote:
Does anyone have any ideas what my bottle neck might be and what I can do 
about it?

Your bottleneck is that you are using a very old version of PostgreSQL. Try
8.2 or (if you can) the 8.3 beta series -- it scales a _lot_ better in this
kind of situation.

/* Steinar */

Matthew Lunnon
Technical Consultant
RWA Ltd.

Tel: +44 (0)29 2081 5056

Re: [PERFORM] Limited performance on multi core server

2007-12-12 Thread Matthew Lunnon

Hi Sven,

yes the patch would be great if you could send it to me, we have already 
had to compile postgres to up the number of function parameters from 32 
to 64.

Meanwhile I will try and persuade my colleagues to consider the upgrade 


Sven Geisler wrote:

Hi Matthew,

I remember that I also an issue with AMD Opterons before Pg 8.1
There is a specific Opteron behaviour on shared memory locks which adds
a extra penalty during the execution time for Pg code before 8.1.
I can you provide my patch for Pg 8.0 which should be adaptable for Pg
7.4 if you can compile PostgreSQL.

But if you can upgrade you should upgrade to Pg 8.2.5 64-bit. The scale
up for your concurrent queries will be great.


Matthew Lunnon schrieb:


I have a 4 * dual core 64bit AMD OPTERON server with 16G of RAM, running
postgres 7.4.3.  This has been recompiled on the server for 64 stored
procedure parameters, (I assume this makes postgres 64 bit but are not
sure).  When the server gets under load from database connections
executing reads, lets say 20 - 40 concurrent reads, the CPU's seem to
limit at about 30-35% usage with no iowait reported. If I run a simple
select at this time it takes 5 seconds, the same query runs in 300
millis when the server is not under load so it seems that the database
is not performing well even though there is plenty of spare CPU.  There
does not appear to be large amounts of disk IO and my database is about
5.5G so this should fit comfortably in RAM.

changes to postgresql.sql:

max_connections = 500
shared_buffers = 96000
sort_mem = 10240
effective_cache_size = 100

Does anyone have any ideas what my bottle neck might be and what I can
do about it?

Thanks for any help.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend


Matthew Lunnon
Technical Consultant
RWA Ltd.

Tel: +44 (0)29 2081 5056

Re: [PERFORM] Limited performance on multi core server

2007-12-12 Thread Matthew Lunnon

Hi Sven,

Yes I have done a reasonable amount of query tuning.  The application is 
a web service using an apache/resin combination at the front end, we 
have thought about using resin threads to limit the number of 
connections but are worried about backing up connections in apache and 
getting some overflow here.  But some kind of limiting of connections is 
probably required.


Sven Geisler wrote:

Hi Matthew,

The context switching isn't the issue. This is an indicator which is
useful to identify your problem.

What kind of application do you running? Can you limit the database clients?

We have a web application based on apache running. We have a limit
number of apache processes which are able to connect the database.
We use that to reduce the number of concurrent queries.
The apache does the rest for us - the apache does queue incoming http
request if all workers are busy. The configuration helps us to solve the
 performance issue with to much concurrent queries.

I assume that you already checked you application and each sql query is
necessary and tuned as best as you can.


Matthew Lunnon schrieb:

Limiting the queries was our initial thought but we then hit a problem
with connection pooling which didn't implement a fifo algorithm.  Looks
like I'll have to look deeper into the connection pooling.

So you think the problem might be context switching on the server, I'll
take a closer look at the this



Sven Geisler wrote:

Hi Matthew,

I know exactly what you experience.
We had a 4-way DC Opteron and Pg 7.4 too.
You should monitor context switches.

First suggest upgrade to 8.2.5 because the scale up is much better with 8.2.

You need to limit the number of concurrent queries to less than 8 (8
cores) if you need to stay with Pg 7.4.

The memory setting is looking good to me. I would increase sort_mem and
effective_cache_size, but this would solve your problem.

Best regards

Matthew Lunnon schrieb:


I have a 4 * dual core 64bit AMD OPTERON server with 16G of RAM, running
postgres 7.4.3.  This has been recompiled on the server for 64 stored
procedure parameters, (I assume this makes postgres 64 bit but are not
sure).  When the server gets under load from database connections
executing reads, lets say 20 - 40 concurrent reads, the CPU's seem to
limit at about 30-35% usage with no iowait reported. If I run a simple
select at this time it takes 5 seconds, the same query runs in 300
millis when the server is not under load so it seems that the database
is not performing well even though there is plenty of spare CPU.  There
does not appear to be large amounts of disk IO and my database is about
5.5G so this should fit comfortably in RAM.

changes to postgresql.sql:

max_connections = 500
shared_buffers = 96000
sort_mem = 10240
effective_cache_size = 100

Does anyone have any ideas what my bottle neck might be and what I can
do about it?

Thanks for any help.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend


Matthew Lunnon
Technical Consultant
RWA Ltd.

 Tel: +44 (0)29 2081 5056


Matthew Lunnon
Technical Consultant
RWA Ltd.

Tel: +44 (0)29 2081 5056

Re: [PERFORM] Limited performance on multi core server

2007-12-12 Thread Matthew Lunnon

Hi Sven,

Does this mean that one option I have is to use a multi core Intel based 
server instead of an AMD based server?


Sven Geisler wrote:

Hi Matthew,

I remember that I also an issue with AMD Opterons before Pg 8.1
There is a specific Opteron behaviour on shared memory locks which adds
a extra penalty during the execution time for Pg code before 8.1.
I can you provide my patch for Pg 8.0 which should be adaptable for Pg
7.4 if you can compile PostgreSQL.

But if you can upgrade you should upgrade to Pg 8.2.5 64-bit. The scale
up for your concurrent queries will be great.


Matthew Lunnon schrieb:


I have a 4 * dual core 64bit AMD OPTERON server with 16G of RAM, running
postgres 7.4.3.  This has been recompiled on the server for 64 stored
procedure parameters, (I assume this makes postgres 64 bit but are not
sure).  When the server gets under load from database connections
executing reads, lets say 20 - 40 concurrent reads, the CPU's seem to
limit at about 30-35% usage with no iowait reported. If I run a simple
select at this time it takes 5 seconds, the same query runs in 300
millis when the server is not under load so it seems that the database
is not performing well even though there is plenty of spare CPU.  There
does not appear to be large amounts of disk IO and my database is about
5.5G so this should fit comfortably in RAM.

changes to postgresql.sql:

max_connections = 500
shared_buffers = 96000
sort_mem = 10240
effective_cache_size = 100

Does anyone have any ideas what my bottle neck might be and what I can
do about it?

Thanks for any help.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend


Matthew Lunnon
Technical Consultant
RWA Ltd.

Tel: +44 (0)29 2081 5056