[PERFORM] Databases vs Schemas

2009-10-09 Thread Scott Otis
I am seeking advice on what the best setup for the following would be.


My company provides a hosted web calendaring solution for school
districts.  For each school district we have a separate database.  Each
database has 57 tables.  There are a total of 649 fields in those
tables.  Here is a table of the different kinds of field and how many
there are:


time without time zone






timestamp without time zone














Over the next couple of months we will be creating an instance of our
solution for each public school district in the US which is around
18,000.  That means currently we would be creating 18,000 databases (all
on one server right now - which is running 8.4).  I am assuming this is
probably not the best way of doing things.


I have read up on schemas and it looks like a good change to make would
be to create 1 database with 18,000 schemas.


Would that be a good idea?  What sort of issues should I be aware of
(administrative, management, performance, etc...)?  Is that too many
schemas to put into 1 database?  What are the limits on the number of
databases and schemas you can create?


Should I try to re-engineer things so that all 18,000 instances only use
1 database and 1 schema?


Let me know if you need any more info.


Any advice and information would be greatly appreciated.




Scott Otis

CIO / Lead Developer




Re: [PERFORM] Seeking performance advice and explanation for high I/O on 8.3

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Otis
Robert Haas robertmh...@gmail.com:
 Do you by any chance have a bazillion databases in this cluster?  Can
 you do these?

 select sum(1) from pg_database;

 select pg_relation_size('pg_database');

 select sum(pg_column_size(d.*)) from pg_database;
That gave me:
ERROR:  missing FROM-clause entry for table d
LINE 1: select sum(pg_column_size(d.*)) from pg_database;

So I did this: 
select sum(pg_column_size(d.*)) from pg_database as d;
and got:
Also did this:
select sum(pg_database_size(datname)) from pg_database;
and got:
13329800428 (12.4GB)

Re: [PERFORM] Seeking performance advice and explanation for high I/O on 8.3

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Otis
Claus Guttesen kome...@gmail.com:

  Would love to get some advice on how to change my conf settings / setup to
  get better I/O performance.
  Server Specs:
  2x Intel Xeon Quad Core (@2 Ghz - Clovertown,L5335)
  4x Seagate 73GB SAS HDD 10k RPM - in RAID ( stripped and mirrored )
  FreeBSD 6.4
  Apache 2.2
  PostgreSQL 8.3.6
  PHP 5.2.9
  ~1500 databases w/ ~60 tables each
  max_connections = 600
  shared_buffers = 1GB

 On a dual-core HP DL380 with 16 GB ram I have set shared_buffers at
 512 MB for 900 max_connections. Far the largest table have approx. 120
 mill. records. You could try to lower shared_buffers.

  max_fsm_pages = 280
  max_fsm_relations = 16

 What does the last couple of lines from a 'vacuum analyze verbose'
 say? I have max_fsm_pages = 400 and max_fsm_relations = 1500.

 You can also try to lower random_page_cost to a lower value like 1.2
 but I doubt this will help in your case.
last couple lines from 'vacuumdb -a -v -z':

INFO:  free space map contains 114754 pages in 42148 relations
DETAIL:  A total of 734736 page slots are in use (including overhead).
734736 page slots are required to track all free space.
Current limits are:  280 page slots, 16 relations, using 26810 kB.


Re: [PERFORM] Seeking performance advice and explanation for high I/O on 8.3

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Otis
So is there anything I can do in 8.3 to help this?  I have tried setting ' 
track_activities', 'track_counts' and 'autovacuum' to 'off' (which has reduced 
CPU and I/O a bit) - but the stats collector process is still using up a good 
deal of CPU and I/O - is there any way to turn stats collecting completely off?

Scott Otis
CIO / Lead Developer

-Original Message-
From: Magnus Hagander [mailto:mag...@hagander.net] 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 1:19 AM
To: Scott Otis
Cc: Robert Haas; Ivan Voras; pgsql-performance@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [PERFORM] Seeking performance advice and explanation for high I/O 
on 8.3

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 08:54, Scott Otisscott.o...@intand.com wrote:
 Robert Haas robertmh...@gmail.com:

 Do you by any chance have a bazillion databases in this cluster?  Can 
 you do these?

 select sum(1) from pg_database;


Note that there are two features in 8.4 specifically designed to deal with the 
situation where you have lots of databases and/or lots of tables (depending on 
how many tables you have in each database, this would definitely qualify). They 
both deal with the pgstats temp file too large generating i/o issue.

First, it will only write the file when it's actually necessary - 8.3 and 
earlier will always write it.

Second, you will have the ability to move the location of the file to a 
different filesystem - specifically intended so that you can move it off to a 

Could be worth investigating an upgrade for this issue alone. The fact that you 
don't have to struggle with tuning the FSM in 8.4 is another thing that makes 
life a *lot* easier in this kind of installations.

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: http://www.hagander.net/
 Work: http://www.redpill-linpro.com/

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Re: [PERFORM] Seeking performance advice and explanation for high I/O on 8.3

2009-09-03 Thread Scott Otis
Sorry about not responding to the whole list earlier - this is my first time 
posting to a mailing list.

Would providing more information about the size and complexities of the 
databases help?

I measure I/O stats with iostat - here is the command I use:

iostat -d -x mfid0 -t 290 2

I tried looking at the man page for iostat but couldn't find anywhere how to 
determine what the stats are for sequential vs random - any help there?

When using 'top -m io' the postgres stats collector process is constantly at 
99% - 100%.

When using 'top' the WCPU for the postgres stats collector and the autovacuum 
process are constantly at 20% - 21%.

Is that normal?  It seems to me that the stats collector is doing all the I/O 
(which would mean the stats collector is doing 46.1 megabytes /sec).

Also, the I/O stats don't change hardly at all (except at night during backups 
which makes sense).  They don't go up or down with user activity on the server 
- which makes me wonder a little bit.  I have a feeling that if I just turned 
off Apache that the I/O stats wouldn't change.  Which leads me to believe that 
the I/O is not query related - its stats collecting and autovacuuming related.  
Is that expected?

It seems to me that the stats collector shouldn't be using that much I/O and 
CPU (and the autovacuum shouldn't be using that much CPU)  - therefore 
something in my configuration must be messed up or could be changed somehow.  
But maybe I'm wrong - please let me know.

I don't think my setup is necessarily slow.  I just want to make it as 
efficient as possible and wanted to get some feedback to see if am setting 
things up right.  I am also looking out into the future and seeing how much 
load I can put on this server before getting another one.  If I can reduce the 
I/O and CPU that the stats collector and autovacuum are using without losing 
any functionality then I can put more load on the server.

Again thanks for all the help.

Scott Otis
CIO / Lead Developer

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Re: [PERFORM] Seeking performance advice and explanation for high I/O on 8.3

2009-09-03 Thread Scott Otis
 Simply do iostat mfid0 1 and post 10 lines of its output.

  tty   mfid0 cpu
 tin tout  KB/t tps  MB/s  us ni sy in id
   0  152 108.54 335 35.51  43  0 30  1 27
   0  525 85.73 759 63.55  14  0 12  0 74
   0   86 67.72 520 34.39  13  0 12  0 75
   0   86 86.89 746 63.26  12  0 12  0 76
   0   86 70.09 594 40.65  13  0 11  0 76
   0   86 78.50 756 57.99  13  0 10  0 77
   0  351 81.46 774 61.61  12  0 11  0 77
   0   86 63.87 621 38.72   9  0  8  0 83
   0   86 80.87 821 64.86   8  0  8  0 83
   0   86 58.78 637 36.55  11  0 11  0 77


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Re: [PERFORM] Seeking performance advice and explanation for high I/O on 8.3

2009-09-03 Thread Scott Otis
 Can you post to the list all the uncommented lines from your
postgresql.conf file and attach the results of select * from
pg_stat_all_tables as an attachment?

I attached a CSV of select * from pg_stat_all_tables from one of our
more heavily used databases.  Note: I turned off stats collection and
autvacuuming a couple days ago to see what it would do and then
restarted postgres - I turned those back on this morning to that is why
there aren't more autovacuumed and autoanalyzed tables.

Sorry if this is a little verbose - I didn't want to leave anything out.

Uncommented lines from Postgresql.conf:

listen_addresses = '*'
max_connections = 600
ssl = on
password_encryption = on
shared_buffers = 1GB
work_mem = 5MB
maintenance_work_mem = 256MB
max_fsm_pages = 280
max_fsm_relations = 16
synchronous_commit = off
checkpoint_segments = 6
checkpoint_warning = 30s
effective_cache_size = 1GB
log_destination = 'stderr'
logging_collector = on
log_directory = '/var/log/pgsql'
log_filename = '%m%d%y_%H%M%S-pgsql.log'
log_rotation_age = 1d
log_rotation_size = 10MB
log_min_messages = warning
log_error_verbosity = default
log_min_error_statement = warning
silent_mode = on
log_line_prefix = '%t [%p]: [%l-1] user=%u,db=%d '
log_temp_files = 0
track_activities = on
track_counts = on
update_process_title = off
log_parser_stats = off
log_planner_stats = off
log_executor_stats = off
log_statement_stats = off
autovacuum = on
datestyle = 'iso, mdy'
lc_messages = 'C'
lc_monetary = 'C'
lc_numeric = 'C'
lc_time = 'C'
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'

Description: pg_stat_all_tables2.csv

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[PERFORM] Seeking performance advice and explanation for high I/O on 8.3

2009-09-02 Thread Scott Otis
Would love to get some advice on how to change my conf settings / setup
to get better I/O performance.


Server Specs:


2x Intel Xeon Quad Core (@2 Ghz - Clovertown,L5335)


4x Seagate 73GB SAS HDD 10k RPM - in RAID ( stripped and mirrored )


FreeBSD 6.4

Apache 2.2

PostgreSQL 8.3.6

PHP 5.2.9


~1500 databases w/ ~60 tables each


Total I/O (these number are pretty constant throughout the day):

Reads: ~ 100 / sec for about 2.6 Mb/sec

Writes: ~ 400 /sec for about 46.1Mb/sec


Conf settings:


listen_addresses = '*'

max_connections = 600

ssl = on

password_encryption = on

shared_buffers = 1GB

work_mem = 5MB

maintenance_work_mem = 256MB

max_fsm_pages = 280

max_fsm_relations = 16

synchronous_commit = off

checkpoint_segments = 6

checkpoint_warning = 30s

effective_cache_size = 1GB





checkpoints_timed: 16660

checkpoints_req: 1309

buffers_checkpoint: 656346

buffers_clean: 120922

maxwritten_clean: 1

buffers_backend: 167623

buffers_alloc: 472802349


This server also handles web traffic and PHP script processing.


Most of the SQL happening is selects - very little inserts, updates and
deletes comparatively.


I have noticed that most/all of the I/O activity is coming from the
stats collector and autovacuum processes.  Would turning off the stats
collector and autovacuum be helpeful / recommended?  Could I change my
checkpoint_* or bgwriter_* conf values to help?


Let me know if you need more information / stats.


Any help would be much appreciated.




Scott Otis

CIO / Lead Developer

