Re: [PERFORM] Calling a SP from Curosor loop

2006-07-07 Thread Merlin Moncure

On 29 Jun 2006 10:00:35 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have SP, which has a cursor iterations. Need to call another SP for
every loop iteration of the cursor. The pseudo code is as follows..

i would suggest converting your code to pl/pgsql and reposting.  that
look awfully like t-sql stored procedure, you may as well be saying,
'gobble de gook bak wakka bakka bak!', got it? :-)

(aside: pg/pgsql functions support nested calls, recursion, etc and
should provide no problems when properly written).


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[PERFORM] Calling a SP from Curosor loop

2006-07-02 Thread satishchandra999
I have SP, which has a cursor iterations. Need to call another SP for
every loop iteration of the cursor. The pseudo code is as follows..

Create proc1 as

Variable declrations...

declare EffectiveDate_Cursor cursor for
select field1,fld2 from tab1,tab2 where tab1.effectivedateGetdate()
---/Assuming the above query would result in 3 records
Open EffectiveDate_Cursor
Fetch next From EffectiveDate_Cursor Into @FLD1,@FLD2
/*Calling my second stored proc with fld1 as a In parameter
and Op1 and OP2 Out parameters*/
Exec sp_minCheck @fld1, @OP1 output,@OP2 output
 Do something based on Op1 and Op2.
While @@Fetch_Status = 0
Fetch next From EffectiveDate_Cursor Into @FLD1,@FLD2
/* Assume If loop count is 3.
 and If the Fetch stmt is below the begin Stmt, the loop iterations are
4 else the loop iterations are 2*/
/*Calling my second stored proc with fld1 as a In parameter and Op1
and OP2 Out parameters*/
Exec sp_minCheck @fld1, @OP1 output,@OP2 output
 Do something based on Op1 and Op2.

The problem I had been facing is that, the when a stored proc is called
within the loop, the proc is getting into infinite loops.
Any Help would be appreciated.


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