Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-27 Thread David Jarvis
Hi, Bryan.

I was just about to reply to the thread, thanks for asking. Clustering was
key. After rebooting the machine (just to make sure absolutely nothing was
cached), I immediately ran a report on Toronto: 5.25 seconds!

Here's what I did:

   1. Created a new set of tables that matched the old set, with statistics
   of 1000 on the station and taken (date) columns.
   2. Inserted the data from the old hierarchy into the new set, ordered by
   station id then by date (same seven child tables as before: one per
  - I wanted to ensure a strong correlation between primary key and
  station id.
  3. Added three indexes per table: (a) station id; (b) date taken; and
   (c) station-taken-category.
   4. Set the station-taken-category index as CLUSTER.
   5. Vacuumed the new tables.
   6. Dropped the old tables.
   7. Set the following configuration values:
  - shared_buffers = 1GB
  - temp_buffers = 32MB
  - work_mem = 32MB
  - maintenance_work_mem = 64MB
  - seq_page_cost = 1.0
  - random_page_cost = 2.0
  - cpu_index_tuple_cost = 0.001
  - effective_cache_size = 512MB

I ran a few more reports (no reboots, but reading vastly different data

   - Vancouver: 4.2s
   - Yellowknife: 1.7s
   - Montreal: 6.5s
   - Trois-Riviers: 2.8s

No full table scans. I imagine some indexes are not strictly necessary and
will test to see which can be removed (my guess: the station and taken
indexes). The problem was that the station ids were scattered and so
PostgreSQL presumed a full table scan would be faster.

Physically ordering the data by station ids triggers index use every time.

Next week's hardware upgrade should halve those times -- unless anyone has
further suggestions to squeeze more performance out of PG. ;-)


Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-27 Thread Cédric Villemain
2010/5/27 David Jarvis
 Hi, Bryan.

 I was just about to reply to the thread, thanks for asking. Clustering was
 key. After rebooting the machine (just to make sure absolutely nothing was
 cached), I immediately ran a report on Toronto: 5.25 seconds!

 Here's what I did:

 Created a new set of tables that matched the old set, with statistics of
 1000 on the station and taken (date) columns.
 Inserted the data from the old hierarchy into the new set, ordered by
 station id then by date (same seven child tables as before: one per

 I wanted to ensure a strong correlation between primary key and station id.

 Added three indexes per table: (a) station id; (b) date taken; and (c)
 Set the station-taken-category index as CLUSTER.
 Vacuumed the new tables.
 Dropped the old tables.
 Set the following configuration values:

 shared_buffers = 1GB
 temp_buffers = 32MB
 work_mem = 32MB
 maintenance_work_mem = 64MB
 seq_page_cost = 1.0
 random_page_cost = 2.0
 cpu_index_tuple_cost = 0.001
 effective_cache_size = 512MB

 I ran a few more reports (no reboots, but reading vastly different data

 Vancouver: 4.2s
 Yellowknife: 1.7s
 Montreal: 6.5s
 Trois-Riviers: 2.8s

 No full table scans. I imagine some indexes are not strictly necessary and
 will test to see which can be removed (my guess: the station and taken
 indexes). The problem was that the station ids were scattered and so
 PostgreSQL presumed a full table scan would be faster.

 Physically ordering the data by station ids triggers index use every time.

 Next week's hardware upgrade should halve those times -- unless anyone has
 further suggestions to squeeze more performance out of PG. ;-)

I wonder what the plan will be if you replace sc.taken_* in :
m.taken BETWEEN sc.taken_start AND sc.taken_end
by values. It might help the planner...

Also, I'll consider explicit ordered join but I admit I haven't read
the whole thread (in particular the table size).
Ho, and I set statistics to a highter value for column category_id,
table station_category  (seeing the same resquest and explain analyze
without date in the query will help)


Cédric Villemain   2ndQuadrant PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-27 Thread David Jarvis
Salut, Cédric.

I wonder what the plan will be if you replace sc.taken_* in :
 m.taken BETWEEN sc.taken_start AND sc.taken_end
 by values. It might help the planner...

That is a fairly important restriction. I will try making it *
(year1||'-01-01')::date*, but I have no constant value for it -- it is a
user-supplied parameter. And then there's the year wrapping problem, too,
where the ending year will differ from the starting year in certain cases.
(Like querying rows between Dec 22, 1900 to Mar 22 *1901* rather than Mar 22
1900 to Dec 22 1900. The first query is the winter season and the second
query is all seasons except winter.)

 Also, I'll consider explicit ordered join but I admit I haven't read
 the whole thread (in particular the table size).

C'est une grosse table. Pres que 40 million lines; il y a sept tableau comme

I tried an explicit join in the past: it did not help much. But that was
before everything was running this fast, so now that the system performs
differently, maybe it will help?


Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-27 Thread Cédric Villemain
2010/5/27 David Jarvis
 Salut, Cédric.

 I wonder what the plan will be if you replace sc.taken_* in :
 m.taken BETWEEN sc.taken_start AND sc.taken_end
 by values. It might help the planner...

 That is a fairly important restriction. I will try making it
 (year1||'-01-01')::date, but I have no constant value for it -- it is a
 user-supplied parameter. And then there's the year wrapping problem, too,
 where the ending year will differ from the starting year in certain cases.
 (Like querying rows between Dec 22, 1900 to Mar 22 1901 rather than Mar 22
 1900 to Dec 22 1900. The first query is the winter season and the second
 query is all seasons except winter.)

Ah, I though that you had a start and an end provided (so able to put
them in the query)

 Also, I'll consider explicit ordered join but I admit I haven't read
 the whole thread (in particular the table size).

 C'est une grosse table. Pres que 40 million lines; il y a sept tableau comme

 I tried an explicit join in the past: it did not help much. But that was
 before everything was running this fast, so now that the system performs
 differently, maybe it will help?

yes. the documentation is fine for this topic :
Consider the parameter to explicit join order (you can set it per sql session).

You know your data and know what are the tables with less results to
join first.  ;)


Cédric Villemain   2ndQuadrant PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-27 Thread Bryan Hinton
Agree with Tom on his point about avoidance of cost param adjustments to fit
specific test cases.
A few I assume you own this database...
- check out pg_statio_user_tables - optimize your cache hit ratio on blocks
read...different time durations... pg_stat_bgwriter (read from a script or
something and snapshot)
- pg_buffercache in contrib/
- /proc/meminfo on linux
- find out exactly what is going on with your kernel buffer cache (size, how
it is buffering) and if your controller or drive is using a read ahead
- might want to play around with partial indexes vs. and/or range
partitioning with exclusion constraints, etc.
- define I/O characteristics of the dataset - taking into account index
clustering and index order on in-memory pages (i.e. re-cluster?), why need
for multiple index if clustering indexes on heap?
- solidify the referential integrity constraints between those tables, on
paperdefine the use cases before modifying the database tables...i
assume this is a dev database
- linux fs mount options to explore - i.e. noatime, writeback, etc.
-maybe look at prepared statements if you are running alot of similar
queries from a single session? assuming web front end for your db - with say
frequently queried region/category/dates for large read-only dataset with
multiple join conditions?

There are some good presentations on from PGCon 2010 that was held
last week...

If you take everything into account and model it correctly (not too loose,
not too tight), your solution will be reusable and will save time and
hardware expenses.

Regards -


On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 2:43 AM, David Jarvis wrote:

 Hi, Bryan.

 I was just about to reply to the thread, thanks for asking. Clustering was
 key. After rebooting the machine (just to make sure absolutely nothing was
 cached), I immediately ran a report on Toronto: 5.25 seconds!

 Here's what I did:

1. Created a new set of tables that matched the old set, with
statistics of 1000 on the station and taken (date) columns.
2. Inserted the data from the old hierarchy into the new set, ordered
by station id then by date (same seven child tables as before: one per
   - I wanted to ensure a strong correlation between primary key and
   station id.
   3. Added three indexes per table: (a) station id; (b) date taken;
and (c) station-taken-category.
4. Set the station-taken-category index as CLUSTER.
5. Vacuumed the new tables.
6. Dropped the old tables.
7. Set the following configuration values:
   - shared_buffers = 1GB
   - temp_buffers = 32MB
   - work_mem = 32MB
   - maintenance_work_mem = 64MB
   - seq_page_cost = 1.0
   - random_page_cost = 2.0
   - cpu_index_tuple_cost = 0.001
   - effective_cache_size = 512MB

 I ran a few more reports (no reboots, but reading vastly different data

- Vancouver: 4.2s
- Yellowknife: 1.7s
- Montreal: 6.5s
- Trois-Riviers: 2.8s

 No full table scans. I imagine some indexes are not strictly necessary and
 will test to see which can be removed (my guess: the station and taken
 indexes). The problem was that the station ids were scattered and so
 PostgreSQL presumed a full table scan would be faster.

 Physically ordering the data by station ids triggers index use every time.

 Next week's hardware upgrade should halve those times -- unless anyone has
 further suggestions to squeeze more performance out of PG. ;-)


Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-27 Thread David Jarvis
Hi, Bryan.

Thanks for the notes. I thought about using a prepared statement, but I
cannot find any examples of using a PREPARE statement from within a
function, and don't really feel like tinkering around to figure it out.

Performance is at the point where the Java/PHP bridge and JasperReports are
bottlenecks. The run_time variable seldom goes beyond 2.6s now. The reports
take about 5 - 6 seconds to appear. At this point I'm into diminishing

I can perform a 60-minute hardware upgrade or spend 12 hours profiling to
get less than the same net effect (and there is no guarantee I can improve
the performance in fewer than 12 hours -- it took me 17 days and countless
e-mails to this mailing group just to get this far -- *thank you again for
all the help*, by the way). (If I was a PostgreSQL guru like most people on
this list, it might take me 2 hours of profiling to optimize away the
remaining bottlenecks, but even then the gain would only be a second or two
in the database arena; the other system components will also gain by a
hardware upgrade.)


Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-26 Thread David Jarvis
Hi, Rob.

I tried bumping the effective_cache_size. It made no difference.

My latest attempt at forcing PostgreSQL to use the indexes involved two
loops: one to loop over the stations, the other to extract the station data
from the measurement table. The outer loop executes in 1.5 seconds. The
inner loop does a full table scan for each record in the outer loop:

  FOR station IN
  climate.station s,
  climate.station_category sc
WHERE = city_id AND
ll_to_earth(s.latitude_decimal,s.longitude_decimal)) / 1000 =
radius AND
  s.elevation BETWEEN elevation1 AND elevation2 AND
  s.applicable AND
  sc.station_id = AND
  sc.category_id = category_id AND
  extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_start) = year1 AND
  extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_end) = year2
RAISE NOTICE 'B.1. % % %', station.station_id, station.taken_start,

FOR measure IN
extract(YEAR FROM m.taken) AS year,
avg(m.amount) AS amount
climate.measurement m
*m.station_id = station.station_id AND
m.taken BETWEEN station.taken_start AND station.taken_end AND
m.category_id = category_id
extract(YEAR FROM m.taken)
  RAISE NOTICE '  B.2. % %', measure.year, measure.amount;

I thought that the bold lines would have evoked index use. The values used
for the inner query:

NOTICE:  B.1. 754 1980-08-01 2001-11-30

When I run the query manually, using constants, it executes in ~25

  extract(YEAR FROM m.taken) AS year,
  avg(m.amount) AS amount
  climate.measurement m
  m.station_id = 754 AND
  m.taken BETWEEN '1980-08-01'::date AND '2001-11-30'::date AND
  m.category_id = 7
  extract(YEAR FROM m.taken)

With 106 rows it should execute in ~2.65 seconds, which is better than the 5
seconds I get when everything is cached and a tremendous improvement over
the ~85 seconds from cold.

I do not understand why the below query uses a full table scan (executes in
~13 seconds):

  extract(YEAR FROM m.taken) AS year,
  avg(m.amount) AS amount
  climate.measurement m
*  m.station_id = station.station_id AND*
*   m.taken BETWEEN station.taken_start AND station.taken_end AND*
*  m.category_id = category_id*
  extract(YEAR FROM m.taken)

Moreover, what can I do to solve the problem?

Thanks again!


Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-26 Thread Alexey Klyukin

On May 26, 2010, at 6:50 AM, David Jarvis wrote:
 That said, when using the following condition, the query is fast (1 second):
 extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_start) = 1963 AND
 extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_end) = 2009 AND 
 -  Index Scan using measurement_013_stc_idx on 
 measurement_013 m  (cost=0.00..511.00 rows=511 width=15) (actual 
 time=0.018..3.601 rows=3356 loops=104)
   Index Cond: ((m.station_id = sc.station_id) AND 
 (m.taken = sc.taken_start) AND (m.taken = sc.taken_end) AND (m.category_id 
 = 7))
 This condition makes it slow (13 seconds on first run, 8 seconds thereafter):
 extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_start) = 1900 AND
 extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_end) = 2009 AND 
   Filter: (category_id = 7)
 -  Seq Scan on measurement_013 m  (cost=0.00..359704.80 
 rows=18118464 width=15) (actual time=0.008..4025.692 rows=18118395 loops=1)
 At this point, I'm tempted to write a stored procedure that iterates over 
 each station category for all the years of each station. My guess is that the 
 planner's estimate for the number of rows that will be returned by 
 extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_start) = 1900 is incorrect and so it chooses a 
 full table scan for all rows. 

Nope, it appears that the planner estimate is correct (it estimates 18118464 vs 
18118464 real rows). I think what's happening there is  that 18M rows is large 
enough part of the total table rows that it makes sense to scan it sequentially 
(eliminating random access costs).  Try SET enable_seqsan = false and repeat 
the query - there is a chance that the index scan would be even slower.

 The part I am having trouble with is convincing PG to use the index for the 
 station ID and the date range for when the station was active. Each station 
 has a unique ID; the data in the measurement table is ordered by measurement 
 date then by station.
 Should I add a clustered index by station then by date?
 Any other suggestions are very much appreciated.

Is it necessary to get the data as far as 1900 all the time ? Maybe there is a 
possibility to aggregate results
from the past years if they are constant. 

Alexey Klyukin
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-26 Thread tv
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Subject:Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner
Date:   Wed, May 26, 2010 12:01 pm
To: David Jarvis
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 Hi, Tom.

 Yes, that is what happened, making the tests rather meaningless, and
 me the false impression that the indexes were being used. They were but
 because of cached results. When multiple users making different queries,
 performance will return to ~80s per query.

 I also tried Kevin's suggestion, which had no noticeable effect:
 effective_cache_size = 512MB

 That said, when using the following condition, the query is fast (1

 extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_start) = 1963 AND
 extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_end) = 2009 AND

 -  Index Scan using measurement_013_stc_idx on
 measurement_013 m  (cost=0.00..511.00 rows=511 width=15) (actual
 time=0.018..3.601 rows=3356 loops=104)
   Index Cond: ((m.station_id = sc.station_id) AND
 (m.taken = sc.taken_start) AND (m.taken = sc.taken_end) AND
 = 7))

 This condition makes it slow (13 seconds on first run, 8 seconds

 *extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_start) = 1900 AND
 *extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_end) = 2009 AND

   Filter: (category_id = 7)
 -  Seq Scan on measurement_013 m
 (cost=0.00..359704.80 rows=18118464 width=15) (actual time=0.008..4025.692
 rows=18118395 loops=1)

 At this point, I'm tempted to write a stored procedure that iterates over
 each station category for all the years of each station. My guess is that
 the planner's estimate for the number of rows that will be returned by
 FROM sc.taken_start) = 1900* is incorrect and so it chooses a full table
 scan for all rows. Even though the lower bound appears to be a constant
 value of the 1900, the average year a station started collecting data was
 years ago (1965), and did so for an average of 21.4 years.

 The part I am having trouble with is convincing PG to use the index for
 station ID and the date range for when the station was active. Each
 has a unique ID; the data in the measurement table is ordered by
 date then by station.

Well, don't forget indexes may not be the best way to evaluate the query -
if the selectivity is low (the query returns large portion of the table)
the sequetial scan is actually faster. The problem is using index means
you have to read the index blocks too, and then the table blocks, and this
is actually random access. So your belief that thanks to using indexes the
query will run faster could be false.

And this is what happens in the queries above - the first query covers
years 1963-2009, while the second one covers 1900-2009. Given the fact
this table contains ~40m rows, the first query returns about 0.01% (3k
rows) while the second one returns almost 50% of the data (18m rows). So I
doubt this might be improved using an index ...

But you can try that by setting enable_seqscan=off or proper setting of
the random_page_cost / seq_page_cost variables (so that the plan with
indexes is cheaper than the sequential scan). You can do that in the
session (e.g. use SET enable_seqscan=off) so that you won't harm other

 Should I add a clustered index by station then by date?

 Any other suggestions are very much appreciated.

Well, the only thing that crossed my mind is partitioning with properly
defined constraints and constrain_exclusion=on. I'd recommend partitioning
by time (each year a separate partition) but you'll have to investigate
that on your own (depends on your use-cases).

BTW the cache_effective_size mentioned in the previous posts is just an
'information parameter' - it does not increase the amount of memory
allocated by PostgreSQL. It merely informs PostgreSQL of expected disk
cache size maintained by the OS (Linux), so that PostgreSQL may estimate
the change that the requested data are actually cached (and won't be read
from the disk).


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Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-26 Thread Kevin Grittner
David Jarvis wrote:
 It sounds as though the active portion of your database is pretty
 much cached in RAM.  True?
 I would not have thought so; there are seven tables, each with 39
 to 43 million rows
 The machine has 4GB of RAM
In that case, modifying seq_page_cost or setting random_page_cost
below something in the range of 1.5 to 2 is probably not going to be
a good choice for the mix as a whole.
 effective_cache_size = 256MB
This should probably be set to something on the order of 3GB.  This
will help the optimizer make more intelligent choices about when use
of the index will be a win.
 It would tend to be better than random access to 43 million rows,
 at least if you need to go to disk for many of them.
 I thought that the index would take care of this?
When the index can limit the number of rows to a fraction of the 43
million rows, using it is a win.  The trick is to accurately model
the relative costs of different aspects of running the query, so
that when the various plans are compared, the one which looks the
cheapest actually *is*.  Attempting to force any particular plan
through other means is risky.
 I will be trying various other indexes. I've noticed now that
 sometimes the results are very quick and sometimes very slow. For
 the query I posted, it would be great to know what would be the
 best indexes to use. I have a suspicion that that's going to
 require trial and many errors.
Yeah, there's no substitute for testing your actual software against
the actual data.  Be careful, though -- as previously mentioned
caching can easily distort results, particularly when you run the
same query, all by itself (with no competing queries) multiple
times.  You'll get your best information if you can simulate a
more-or-less realistic load, and try that with various settings and
indexes.  The cache turnover and resource contention involved in
production can influence performance, and are hard to estimate any
other way.

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Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-26 Thread David Jarvis
Hi, Alexey.

Is it necessary to get the data as far as 1900 all the time ? Maybe there is
 a possibility to aggregate results from the past years if they are constant.

This I have done. I created another table (station_category) that associates
stations with when they started to take measurements and when they stopped
(based on the data in the measurement table). For example:

station_id; category_id; taken_start; taken_end

This means that station 1 has data for categories 4 through 7. The
measurement table returns 3865 rows for station 1 and category 7 (this uses
an index and took 7 seconds cold):

station_id; taken; amount

The station_category table is basically another index.

Would explicitly sorting the measurement table (273M rows) by station then
by date help?


Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-26 Thread tv

 And this is what happens in the queries above - the first query covers
 years 1963-2009, while the second one covers 1900-2009. Given the fact
 this table contains ~40m rows, the first query returns about 0.01% (3k
 rows) while the second one returns almost 50% of the data (18m rows). So
 doubt this might be improved using an index ...

 I don't think that's what I'm doing.

 There are two tables involved: station_category (sc) and measurement (m).

 The first part of the query:

  extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_start) = 1900 AND
  extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_end) = 2009 AND

 That is producing a limit on the station_category table. There are, as far
 as I can tell, no stations that have been taking weather readings for 110
 years. Most of them have a lifespan of 24 years. The above condition just
 makes sure that I don't get data before 1900 or after 2009.

OK, I admit I'm a little bit condfused by the query, especially by these

sc.taken_start = '1900-01-01'::date AND
sc.taken_end = '1996-12-31'::date AND
m.taken BETWEEN sc.taken_start AND sc.taken_end AND

Which seems to me a little bit convoluted. Well, I think I understand
what that means - give me all stations for a given city, collecting the
category of data at a certain time. But I'm afraid this makes the planning
much more difficult, as the select from measurements depend on the data
returned by other parts of the query (rows from category).

See this and this

I guess the planner is confused in the second case - believes it has to
read a lot more data from the measurement table, and so chooses the
sequential scan. The question is if this is the right decision (I believe
it is not).

How many rows does the query return without the group by clause? About
14 in both cases, right?

 by time (each year a separate partition) but you'll have to investigate
 that on your own (depends on your use-cases).

 I cannot partition by time. First, there are 7 categories, which would
 770 partitions if I did it by year -- 345000 rows per partition. This will
 grow in the future. I have heard there are troubles with having lots of
 child tables (too many files for the operating system). Second, the user
 the ability to pick arbitrary day ranges for arbitrary year spans.

 There's a year wrapping issue that I won't explain because I never get
 right the first time. ;-)

OK, I haven't noticed the table is already partitioned by category_id and
I didn't mean to partition by (taken, category_id) - that would produce a
lot of partitions. Yes, that might cause problems related to number of
files, but that's rather a filesystem related issue.

I'd expect rather issues related to RULEs or triggers (not sure which of
them you use to redirect the data into partitions). But when partitioning
by time (and not by category_id) the number of partitions will be much
lower and you don't have to keep all of the rules active - all you need is
a rule for the current year (and maybe the next one).

I'm not sure what you mean by 'year wrapping issue' but I think it might
work quite well - right not the problem is PostgreSQL decides to scan the
whole partition (all data for a given category_id).


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Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-26 Thread David Jarvis
Hi, Kevin.

below something in the range of 1.5 to 2 is probably not going to be
 a good choice for the mix as a whole.

Good to know; thanks.

 This should probably be set to something on the order of 3GB.  This
 will help the optimizer make more intelligent choices about when use
 of the index will be a win.

I'll try this.

 times.  You'll get your best information if you can simulate a
 more-or-less realistic load, and try that with various settings and

I have no idea what a realistic load will be. The system is still in
development and not open to the general public. I also don't know how much
publicity the system will receive when finished. Could be a few hundred
hits, could be over ten thousand.

I want the system to be ready for the latter case, which means it needs to
return data for many different query parameters (date span, elevation, year,
radius, etc.) in under two seconds.

 indexes.  The cache turnover and resource contention involved in
 production can influence performance, and are hard to estimate any
 other way.

Another person suggested to take a look at the data.

I ran a query to see if it makes sense to split the data by year. The
trouble is that there are 110 years and 7 categories. The data is already
filtered into child tables by category (that is logical because reporting on
two different categories is nonsensical -- it is meaningless to report on
snow depth *and* temperature: we already know it needs to be cold for snow).

count;decade start; decade end; min date; max date

The majority of data collected by weather stations is between 1960 and 2009,
which makes sense because transistor technology would have made for
(relatively) inexpensive automated monitoring stations. Or maybe there were
more people and more taxes collected thus a bigger budget for weather study.
Either way. ;-)

The point is the top three decades (1990, 1980, 2000) have the most data,
giving me a few options:

   - Split the seven tables twice more: before 1960 and after 1960.
   - Split the seven tables by decade.

The first case gives 14 tables. The second case gives 102 tables (at 2.5M
rows per table) as there are about 17 decades in total. This seems like a
manageable number of tables as the data might eventually span 22 decades,
which would be 132 tables.

Even though the users will be selecting 1900 to 2009, most of the stations
themselves will be within the 1960 - 2009 range, with the majority of those
active between 1980 and 2009.

Would splitting by decade improve the speed?

Thank you very much.


Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-26 Thread David Jarvis

sc.taken_end = '1996-12-31'::date AND
 m.taken BETWEEN sc.taken_start AND sc.taken_end AND

 category of data at a certain time. But I'm afraid this makes the planning
 much more difficult, as the select from measurements depend on the data
 returned by other parts of the query (rows from category).

Right. Users can select 1900 - 2009. Station data hardly ever spans that

The *station_category* is used to create a unique key into the measurement
data for every station: station_id, category_id, and taken_start. The
measurement data should be contiguous until taken_end.

I thought that that combination would be a pointer to the exact spot in the
measurement table  where the data starts, which should be ridiculously fast
to find.

See this and this

I was getting some red lines when I looked at a different plan. It's a great

How many rows does the query return without the group by clause? About
 14 in both cases, right?

  climate.measurement m
  m.station_id = 5148 AND
  m.taken BETWEEN '1900-08-01'::date AND '2009-12-31'::date AND
  m.category_id = 1

5397 rows (10 seconds cold; 0.5 seconds hot); estimated too high by 2275

 OK, I haven't noticed the table is already partitioned by category_id and
 I didn't mean to partition by (taken, category_id) - that would produce a
 lot of partitions. Yes, that might cause problems related to number of
 files, but that's rather a filesystem related issue.

Constrained as:

  CONSTRAINT measurement_013_category_id_ck CHECK (category_id = 7)

 I'd expect rather issues related to RULEs or triggers (not sure which of
 them you use to redirect the data into partitions). But when partitioning

I created seven child tables of measurement. Each of these has a constraint
by category_id. This makes it extremely fast to select the correct

 I'm not sure what you mean by 'year wrapping issue' but I think it might
 work quite well - right not the problem is PostgreSQL decides to scan the
 whole partition (all data for a given category_id).

I'll give it another try. :-)

*Use Case #1*
User selects: Mar 22 to Dec 22
User selects: 1900 to 2009

Result: Query should average *9 months* of climate data per year between Mar
22 and Dec 22 of Year.

*Use Case #2*
User selects: Dec 22 to Mar 22
User selects: 1900 to 2009

Result: Query should average *3 months* of climate data per year between Dec
22 of Year and Mar 22 of Year+1.

So if a user selects 1950 to *1960*:

   - first case should average between 1950 and *1960*; and
   - second case should average between 1950 and *1961*.


Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-26 Thread David Jarvis
I was told to try OVERLAPS instead of checking years. The query is now:

extract(YEAR FROM m.taken) AS year,
avg(m.amount) as amount
  FROM c,
climate.station s,
climate.station_category sc,
climate.measurement m
  WHERE = 5148 AND
  ll_to_earth(s.latitude_decimal,s.longitude_decimal)) / 1000 = 30 AND
s.elevation BETWEEN 0 AND 3000 AND
s.applicable = TRUE AND
sc.station_id = AND
sc.category_id = 7 AND
*(sc.taken_start, sc.taken_end) OVERLAPS ('1900-01-01'::date,
'2009-12-31'::date) AND*
m.station_id = AND
m.taken BETWEEN sc.taken_start AND sc.taken_end AND
m.category_id = sc.category_id
extract(YEAR FROM m.taken)
extract(YEAR FROM m.taken)

25 seconds from cold, no full table scan:

Much better than 85 seconds, but still an order of magnitude too slow.

I was thinking of changing the *station_category* table to use the
measurement table's primary key, instead of keying off date, as converting
the dates for comparison strikes me as a bit of overhead. Also, I can get
remove the / 1000 by changing the Earth's radius to kilometres (from
metres), but a constant division shouldn't be significant.

I really appreciate all your patience and help over the last sixteen days
trying to optimize this database and these queries.


Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-25 Thread David Jarvis

I changed the date comparison to be based on year alone:

extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_start) = 1900 AND
extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_end) = 2009 AND

The indexes are now always used; if someone wants to explain why using the
numbers works (a constant) but using a date (another constant?) does not
work, I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks again, everybody, for your time and help.


Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-25 Thread Kevin Grittner
David Jarvis wrote:
 The value for *random_page_cost* was at 2.0; reducing it to 1.1
 had a massive performance improvement (nearly an order of
 magnitude). While the results now return in 5 seconds (down from
 ~85 seconds)
It sounds as though the active portion of your database is pretty
much cached in RAM.  True?
 problematic lines remain. Bumping the query's end date by a single
 year causes a full table scan
 How do I persuade PostgreSQL to use the indexes, regardless of
 number of years between the two dates?
I don't know about regardless of the number of years -- but you
can make such plans look more attractive by cutting both
random_page_cost and seq_page_cost.  Some highly cached loads
perform well with these set to equal values on the order of 0.1 to
 (A full table scan against 43 million rows is probably not the
 best plan.)
It would tend to be better than random access to 43 million rows, at
least if you need to go to disk for many of them.

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Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-25 Thread David Jarvis
Hi, Kevin.

Thanks for the response.

It sounds as though the active portion of your database is pretty
 much cached in RAM.  True?

I would not have thought so; there are seven tables, each with 39 to 43
million rows as:

CREATE TABLE climate.measurement (
  id bigserial NOT NULL,
  taken date NOT NULL,
  station_id integer NOT NULL,
  amount numeric(8,2) NOT NULL,
  flag character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' '::character varying,
  category_id smallint NOT NULL,

The machine has 4GB of RAM, donated to PG as follows:

*shared_buffers = 1GB
temp_buffers = 32MB
work_mem = 32MB
maintenance_work_mem = 64MB
effective_cache_size = 256MB

Everything else is at its default value. The kernel:

$ cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax

Two postgres processes are enjoying the (virtual) space:

2619 postgres  20   0 *1126m* 524m 520m S0 13.2   0:09.41 postgres
2668 postgres  20   0 *1124m* 302m 298m S0  7.6   0:04.35 postgres

can make such plans look more attractive by cutting both
 random_page_cost and seq_page_cost.  Some highly cached loads
 perform well with these set to equal values on the order of 0.1 to

I tried this: no improvement.

It would tend to be better than random access to 43 million rows, at
 least if you need to go to disk for many of them.

I thought that the index would take care of this? The index has been set to
the unique key of:

station_id, taken, and category_id (the filter for child tables).

Each time I scan for data, I always provide the station identifier and its
date range. The date range is obtained from another table (given the same

I will be trying various other indexes. I've noticed now that sometimes the
results are very quick and sometimes very slow. For the query I posted, it
would be great to know what would be the best indexes to use. I have a
suspicion that that's going to require trial and many errors.


Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-25 Thread Tom Lane
David Jarvis writes:
 It sounds as though the active portion of your database is pretty
 much cached in RAM.  True?

 I would not have thought so; there are seven tables, each with 39 to 43
 million rows as: [ perhaps 64 bytes per row ]
 The machine has 4GB of RAM, donated to PG as follows:

Well, the thing you need to be *really* wary of is setting the cost
parameters to make isolated tests look good.  When you repeat a
particular test case multiple times, all times after the first probably
are fully cached ... but if your DB doesn't actually fit in RAM, that
might not be too representative of what will happen under load.
So if you want to cut the xxx_page_cost settings some more, pay close
attention to what happens to average response time.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-25 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 4:26 PM, David Jarvis wrote:
 shared_buffers = 1GB
 temp_buffers = 32MB
 work_mem = 32MB
 maintenance_work_mem = 64MB
 effective_cache_size = 256MB

Shouldn't effective_cache_size be significantly larger?

Rob Wultsch

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Re: [PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-25 Thread David Jarvis
Hi, Tom.

Yes, that is what happened, making the tests rather meaningless, and giving
me the false impression that the indexes were being used. They were but only
because of cached results. When multiple users making different queries, the
performance will return to ~80s per query.

I also tried Kevin's suggestion, which had no noticeable effect:
effective_cache_size = 512MB

That said, when using the following condition, the query is fast (1 second):

extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_start) = 1963 AND
extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_end) = 2009 AND

-  Index Scan using measurement_013_stc_idx on
measurement_013 m  (cost=0.00..511.00 rows=511 width=15) (actual
time=0.018..3.601 rows=3356 loops=104)
  Index Cond: ((m.station_id = sc.station_id) AND
(m.taken = sc.taken_start) AND (m.taken = sc.taken_end) AND (m.category_id
= 7))

This condition makes it slow (13 seconds on first run, 8 seconds

*extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_start) = 1900 AND
*extract(YEAR FROM sc.taken_end) = 2009 AND

  Filter: (category_id = 7)
-  Seq Scan on measurement_013 m
(cost=0.00..359704.80 rows=18118464 width=15) (actual time=0.008..4025.692
rows=18118395 loops=1)

At this point, I'm tempted to write a stored procedure that iterates over
each station category for all the years of each station. My guess is that
the planner's estimate for the number of rows that will be returned by
FROM sc.taken_start) = 1900* is incorrect and so it chooses a full table
scan for all rows. Even though the lower bound appears to be a constant
value of the 1900, the average year a station started collecting data was 44
years ago (1965), and did so for an average of 21.4 years.

The part I am having trouble with is convincing PG to use the index for the
station ID and the date range for when the station was active. Each station
has a unique ID; the data in the measurement table is ordered by measurement
date then by station.

Should I add a clustered index by station then by date?

Any other suggestions are very much appreciated.


[PERFORM] Random Page Cost and Planner

2010-05-24 Thread David Jarvis

I wrote a query (see below) that extracts climate data from weather stations
within a given radius of a city using the dates for which those weather
stations actually have data. The query uses the measurement table's only

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX measurement_001_stc_idx
  ON climate.measurement_001
  USING btree
  (*station_id, taken, category_id*);

The value for *random_page_cost* was at 2.0; reducing it to 1.1 had a
massive performance improvement (nearly an order of magnitude). While the
results now return in 5 seconds (down from ~85 seconds), problematic lines
remain. Bumping the query's end date by a single year causes a full table

sc.taken_start = '1900-01-01'::date AND
sc.taken_end = '1997-12-31'::date AND *
How do I persuade PostgreSQL to use the indexes, regardless of number of
years between the two dates? (A full table scan against 43 million rows is
probably not the best plan.) Find the EXPLAIN ANALYSE results below the

Thanks again!


extract(YEAR FROM m.taken) AS year,
avg(m.amount) as amount
  FROM c,
climate.station s,
climate.station_category sc,
climate.measurement m
  WHERE = 5182 AND
  ll_to_earth(s.latitude_decimal,s.longitude_decimal)) / 1000 = 30 AND
s.elevation BETWEEN 0 AND 3000 AND
s.applicable = TRUE AND
sc.station_id = AND
sc.category_id = 1 AND
*sc.taken_start = '1900-01-01'::date AND
sc.taken_end = '1996-12-31'::date AND
*m.station_id = AND
m.taken BETWEEN sc.taken_start AND sc.taken_end AND
m.category_id = sc.category_id
extract(YEAR FROM m.taken)
extract(YEAR FROM m.taken)

1900 to 1996: Index*
*Sort  (cost=1348597.71..1348598.21 rows=200 width=12) (actual
time=2268.929..2268.935 rows=92 loops=1)
  Sort Key: (date_part('year'::text, (m.taken)::timestamp without time
  Sort Method:  quicksort  Memory: 32kB
  -  HashAggregate  (cost=1348586.56..1348590.06 rows=200 width=12)
(actual time=2268.829..2268.886 rows=92 loops=1)
-  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..1344864.01 rows=744510 width=12)
(actual time=0.807..2084.206 rows=134893 loops=1)
  Join Filter: ((m.taken = sc.taken_start) AND (m.taken =
sc.taken_end) AND (sc.station_id = m.station_id))
  -  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..12755.07 rows=1220 width=18)
(actual time=0.502..521.937 rows=23 loops=1)
Join Filter:
precision, (c.longitude_decimal)::double precision))::cube,
(ll_to_earth((s.latitude_decimal)::double precision,
(s.longitude_decimal)::double precision))::cube)) / 1000::double precision)
= 30::double precision)
-  Index Scan using city_pkey1 on city c
(cost=0.00..2.47 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.014..0.015 rows=1 loops=1)
  Index Cond: (id = 5182)
-  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..9907.73 rows=3659
width=34) (actual time=0.014..28.937 rows=3458 loops=1)
  -  Seq Scan on station_category sc
(cost=0.00..970.20 rows=3659 width=14) (actual time=0.008..10.947 rows=3458
Filter: ((taken_start =
'1900-01-01'::date) AND (taken_end = '1996-12-31'::date) AND (category_id =
  -  Index Scan using station_pkey1 on station s
(cost=0.00..2.43 rows=1 width=20) (actual time=0.004..0.004 rows=1
Index Cond: ( = sc.station_id)
Filter: (s.applicable AND (s.elevation =
0) AND (s.elevation = 3000))
  -  Append  (cost=0.00..1072.27 rows=947 width=18) (actual
time=6.996..63.199 rows=5865 loops=23)
-  Seq Scan on measurement m  (cost=0.00..25.00 rows=6
width=22) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=0 loops=23)
  Filter: (m.category_id = 1)
-  Bitmap Heap Scan on measurement_001 m
(cost=20.79..1047.27 rows=941 width=18) (actual time=6.995..62.390 rows=5865
  Recheck Cond: ((m.station_id = sc.station_id) AND
(m.taken = sc.taken_start) AND (m.taken = sc.taken_end) AND (m.category_id
= 1))
  -  Bitmap Index Scan on measurement_001_stc_idx
(cost=0.00..20.55 rows=941 width=0) (actual time=5.775..5.775 rows=5865
Index Cond: ((m.station_id = sc.station_id)
AND (m.taken = sc.taken_start) AND (m.taken = sc.taken_end) AND
(m.category_id = 1))
Total runtime: 2269.264 ms

1900 to 1997: Full Table Scan*
*Sort  (cost=1370192.26..1370192.76 rows=200 width=12) (actual
time=86165.797..86165.809 rows=94 loops=1)
  Sort Key: (date_part('year'::text, (m.taken)::timestamp without time
  Sort Method:  quicksort  Memory: 32kB
  -  HashAggregate  (cost=1370181.12..1370184.62 rows=200 width=12)