Re: [PERFORM] sudden spurt in swap utilization (was:cpu bound postgresql setup.)

2010-06-26 Thread Rajesh Kumar Mallah
Dear List,

Today  has been good since morning. Although it is a lean day
for us but the indications are nice. I thank everyone who shared
the concern. I think the most significant change has been to reduce
shared_buffers from 10G to 4G , this has lead to reduced memory
usage and some breathing space to the OS.

Although i am yet to incorporate the suggestions from pgtune but
i think the issue of max_connection needs to be addressed first.

I am investigating application issues and about the mechanism that
puts many backend to 'IDLE in transaction ' mode for significant
times. I thank Tom for the script he sent. Once that resolves i shall
check pooling as suggested by Kevin, then eventually max_connections
can be reduced. I shall also check pgpool and pgbouncer if they are
helpful in this regard.

I observed that the number of simultaneous connection today (lean day)
hovers between 1 to 10 , occasionally shooting to 15 but never more than
20 i would say.

I am happy that i/o waits are negligible and cpu is idling also for a while.

procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io --system--
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache si   sobibo   in   cs   us sy
id wa st
22  0  18468 954120  13460 2849177200   568  1558 13645 18355 62 10
27  2  0
16  0  18468 208100  13476 2846908400   580   671 14039 17055 67 13
19  1  0
10  2  18812 329032  13400 283569720   46   301  1768 13848 17884 68 10
20  1  0
16  2  18812 366596  13416 2836162000   325   535 13957 16649 72 11
16  1  0
50  1  18812 657048  13432 2836654800   416   937 13823 16667 62  9
28  1  0
 6  1  18812 361040  13452 2837190800   323   522 14352 16789 74 12
14  0  0
33  0  18812 162760  12604 2821015200   664  1544 14701 16315 66 11
22  2  0
 5  0  18812 212028  10764 2792180000   552   648 14567 17737 67 10
21  1  0
 6  0  18796 279920  10548 2789038830   359   562 12635 15976 60  9
30  1  0
 8  0  18796 438820  10564 2789444000   289  2144 12234 15770 57  8
34  1  0
 5  0  18796 531800  10580 2790170000   514   394 12169 16005 59  8
32  1  0
17  0  18796 645868  10596 2789070400   423   948 13369 16554 67 10
23  1  0
 9  1  18796 1076540  10612 27898604   00   598   403 12703 17363 71 10
18  1  0
 8  0  18796 1666508  10628 27904748   00   430  1123 13314 17421 57  9
32  1  0
 9  1  18776 1541444  10644 27913092   10   653   954 13194 16822 75 11
12  1  0
 8  0  18776 1526728  10660 27921380   00   692   788 13073 16987 74  9
15  1  0
 8  0  18776 1482304  10676 27933176   00   966  2029 13017 16651 76 12
11  1  0
21  0  18776 1683260  10700 27937492   00   298   663 13110 15796 67 10
23  1  0
18  0  18776 2087664  10716 27943512   00   406   622 12399 17072 62  9
28  1  0

With 300 connections, I think that either of these could lead you to
 experience intermittent bursts of extreme swapping.  I'd drop it to
 somewhere in the 16MB to 32MB range until I had a connection pool
 configured such that it was actually keeping the number of active
 connections much lower.

  (*) wal_buffers = 8MB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25
  (64kb , via default)

 Sure, I'd boost this.

  checkpoint_segments = 16 # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25
  (30 , specified)

 If you have the disk space for the 30 segments, I wouldn't reduce

  shared_buffers = 7680MB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25
  (4096 MB , specified)

 This one is perhaps the most sensitive to workload.  Anywhere
 between 1GB and 8GB might be best for you.  Greg Smith has some
 great advice on how to tune this for your workload.

  (*) max_connections = 80 # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25
  (300 , ;-) specified)
  when i reduce max_connections i start getting errors, i will see
  again concurrent connections during business hours.

 That's probably a good number to get to, but you have to reduce the
 number of actual connections before you set the limit that low.

  lot of our connections are in IDLE in transaction state

 If any of these stay in that state for more than a minute or two,
 you need to address that if you want to get your connection count
 under control.  If any of them persist for hours or days, you need
 to fix it to avoid bloat which can kill performance.


Re: [PERFORM] sudden spurt in swap utilization (was:cpu bound postgresql setup.)

2010-06-26 Thread Rajesh Kumar Mallah
Dear List ,

A simple (perl) script was made to 'watch' the state transitions of
back ends. On startup It captures a set of pids for watching
and displays  a visual representation of the states for next 30 intervals
of 1 seconds each. The X axis is interval cnt, Y axis is pid and the
origin is on top-left.

The state value can be Active Query (*) , or IDLE indicated by '.' or
'IDLE in transaction' indicated by '?' . for my server below is a random
output (during lean hours and on a lean day).

   PID 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

  4334  ?  ?  ?  ?  *  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  *  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
  6904  ?  ?  .  .  .  *  ?  .  .  .  .  .  .  ?  ?  .
  6951  ?  ?  ?  .  .  .  .  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  .  .  .  ?  ?  ?  .  .  .  ?  .
.  .  .  .  ?  ?  .
  7009  ?  *  ?  ?  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  *  *  .  *  ?  ?  .  .  .  *
?  ?  ?  .  .  .  ?
  7077  ?  .  ?  .  .  .  *  .  ?  .  .  .  .  ?  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ?  .
.  ?  .  .  .  ?  ?
  7088  ?  .  .  ?  .  ?  ?  ?  .  .  .  .  .  .  ?  .  .  ?  ?  *  .  .  .
.  .  ?  .  ?  .  *
  7091  ?  .  .  *  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  *  ?  .  .  ?  *  .  *  .  .  .  .
.  .  .  .  .  .  .
  7093  ?  ?  .  ?  .  .  .  .  ?  .  ?  *  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ?  ?
?  .  ?  ?  ?  .  .
  7112  *  *  .  .  .  ?  ?  ?  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ?  ?  .  ?  .  ?  .
.  ?  .  .  .  .  .
  7135  ?  .  .  *  .  ?  ?  ?  .  ?  ?  .  .  .  ?  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ?
.  .  .  ?  ?  .  .
  7142  ?  .  ?  .  .  .  .  .  .  *  .  .  .  ?  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
.  .  .  .  .
  7166  ?  .  ?  ?  ?  *  *  .  ?  *  .  ?  .  .  .  ?  .  ?  ?  .  .  .  *
.  .  .  ?  .  .  .
  8202  ?  ?  .  .  .  *  .  ?  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  *  ?  .  .  .  ?  ?  .
.  .  .  ?  ?  ?  .
  8223  ?  .  .  .  .  .  .  ?
  8237  ?  ?  ?  .  ?  ?  ?  ?  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ?  .  .  .  .  .  ?  .
.  *  ?  .  .  .  .
  8251  ?  .  ?  .  .  .  .  .  ?  ?  .  .  .  *  ?  .  .  .  ?  .  .  .  .
.  .  .  .  .  .  .
  8278  ?  ?  .  .  .  .  ?  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ?  .  .  .  .  .  .  ?  ?
.  .  *  .  .  .  .
  8290  ?  .  .
  8294  ?  ?  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ?  .  .  .  ?  ?  .  .  .
.  .  .  .  .  *  *
  8303  ?  *  ?  .  ?  ?  ?  .  ?  ?  ?  .  .  .  .  *  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
.  .  .  .  .  .  .
  8306  ?  ?  .  .  .  ?  .  .  .  ?  .  .  .  .  .  .  *  .  .  .
  8309  *  ?  ?  ?  ?  .  .  .  ?  .  .  .
  8329  ?  .  *  *  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  *  .  ?  .  *  .  ?  .  *  .  *  ?
.  .  .

   (*) Active Query , (.) Idle , (?) Idle in transaction,blank backend

Looks like most of the graph space is filled with (.) or (?) and very
less active queries (long running queries  1s). on a busy day and busi hour
i shall check the and post again. The script is presented which depends only
on perl , DBI and DBD::Pg.

script pasted here:


On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Rajesh Kumar Mallah wrote:

 Dear List,

 Today  has been good since morning. Although it is a lean day
 for us but the indications are nice. I thank everyone who shared
 the concern. I think the most significant change has been to reduce
 shared_buffers from 10G to 4G , this has lead to reduced memory
 usage and some breathing space to the OS.

 Although i am yet to incorporate the suggestions from pgtune but
 i think the issue of max_connection needs to be addressed first.

 I am investigating application issues and about the mechanism that
 puts many backend to 'IDLE in transaction ' mode for significant
 times. I thank Tom for the script he sent. Once that resolves i shall
 check pooling as suggested by Kevin, then eventually max_connections
 can be reduced. I shall also check pgpool and pgbouncer if they are
 helpful in this regard.

 I observed that the number of simultaneous connection today (lean day)
 hovers between 1 to 10 , occasionally shooting to 15 but never more than
 20 i would say.

 I am happy that i/o waits are negligible and cpu is idling also for a

 procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io --system--
  r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache si   sobibo   in   cs   us sy
 id wa st
 22  0  18468 954120  13460 2849177200   568  1558 13645 18355 62 10
 27  2  0
 16  0  18468 208100  13476 2846908400   580   671 14039 17055 67 13
 19  1  0
 10  2  18812 329032  13400 283569720   46   301  1768 13848 17884 68 10
 20  1  0
 16  2  18812 366596  13416 2836162000   325   535 13957 16649 72 11
 16  1  0
 50  1  18812 657048  13432 

Re: [PERFORM] sudden spurt in swap utilization (was:cpu bound postgresql setup.)

2010-06-25 Thread Devrim GÜNDÜZ
On Fri, 2010-06-25 at 15:25 +0530, Rajesh Kumar Mallah wrote:
 shared_buffers = 10GB   # min 128kB
 work_mem = 512MB# min 64kB 

These are still pretty high IMHO. How many *concurrent* connections do
you have?
PostgreSQL Danışmanı/Consultant, Red Hat Certified Engineer
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Re: [PERFORM] sudden spurt in swap utilization (was:cpu bound postgresql setup.)

2010-06-25 Thread Yeb Havinga

Rajesh Kumar Mallah wrote:

A scary phenomenon is being exhibited by the server , which is the server
is slurping all the swap suddenly
 8  1 4192912 906164   6100 2787364000  2277   858 13440 16235

63  8 19 10  0

I reduced work_mem from 4GB to 2GB to 512MB (now). I clearly remember that this
abnormal consumption of swap was NOT there even when work_mem was 4GB.
eg during happier times swap utilisation was:
the question is whats making postgres slurp the swap? i am posting my

current postgresql.conf
once again.

# cat postgresql.conf  | grep -v ^\s*# | grep -v ^\s*$
listen_addresses = '*'  # what IP address(es) to listen on;
port = 5432 # (change requires restart)
max_connections = 300   # (change requires restart)

Hello Rajesh,

In constrast with e.g. shared_buffers and effective_cache_size, work_mem 
is amount of memory per 'thing' (e.g. order/group by) that wants some 
working memory, so even a single backend can use several pieces of 
work_mem memory.

Looking at your postgresql.conf, other memory values seem a bit too high 
as well for a 32GB ram server. It is probably a good idea to use pgtune 
(on pgfoundry) to get some reasonable ball park settings for your hardware.

Yeb Havinga

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Re: [PERFORM] sudden spurt in swap utilization (was:cpu bound postgresql setup.)

2010-06-25 Thread Rajesh Kumar Mallah
Dear List,

Hmmm , lemme test efficacy of pg_tune.
I would reduce shared buffers also.

regarding concurrent queries:

its now non business hours and
SELECT procpid,current_query   from pg_stat_activity where
current_query not ilike '%idle%' ;
is just 5-10, i am yet to measure it during business hours.

Warm Regds
Rajesh Kumar Mallah.

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 4:58 PM, Yeb Havinga wrote:
 Rajesh Kumar Mallah wrote:

 A scary phenomenon is being exhibited by the server , which is the server
 is slurping all the swap suddenly
   8  1 4192912 906164   6100 2787364000  2277   858 13440 16235
 63  8 19 10  0

 I reduced work_mem from 4GB to 2GB to 512MB (now). I clearly remember that
 abnormal consumption of swap was NOT there even when work_mem was 4GB.
 eg during happier times swap utilisation was:
  the question is whats making postgres slurp the swap? i am posting my
 current postgresql.conf
 once again.

 # cat postgresql.conf  | grep -v ^\s*# | grep -v ^\s*$
 listen_addresses = '*'  # what IP address(es) to listen on;
 port = 5432 # (change requires restart)
 max_connections = 300   # (change requires restart)

 Hello Rajesh,

 In constrast with e.g. shared_buffers and effective_cache_size, work_mem is
 amount of memory per 'thing' (e.g. order/group by) that wants some working
 memory, so even a single backend can use several pieces of work_mem memory.

 Looking at your postgresql.conf, other memory values seem a bit too high as
 well for a 32GB ram server. It is probably a good idea to use pgtune (on
 pgfoundry) to get some reasonable ball park settings for your hardware.

 Yeb Havinga

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Re: [PERFORM] sudden spurt in swap utilization (was:cpu bound postgresql setup.)

2010-06-25 Thread Kevin Grittner
Rajesh Kumar Mallah wrote:
 its now non business hours and
 SELECT procpid,current_query   from pg_stat_activity where
 current_query not ilike '%idle%' ;
 is just 5-10, i am yet to measure it during business hours.
Be careful about 'IDLE in transaction' status.  Those are a
problem if the transaction remains active for very long, because
vacuum (autovacuum or otherwise) can't free space for dead rows
which could still be visible to the 'IDLE in transaction'
connection.  It's normal to see this status briefly between
statements in a transaction, but it's a problem if a connection just
sits there in this status.

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Re: [PERFORM] sudden spurt in swap utilization (was:cpu bound postgresql setup.)

2010-06-25 Thread Rajesh Kumar Mallah
I changed shared_buffers from 10G to 4G ,
swap usage has almost become nil.

# free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:  32871276   245758248295452  0  11064   22167324
-/+ buffers/cache:2397436   30473840
Swap:  41929123524192560

I also observed that there was a huge IO wait and load spike initially
which gradually reduced to normal levels. Now things seems to be
fine. but real test shall be during business hours.

vmstat output:

the iowait now is very respectable  10% and CPU is idling most of
the time.

# vmstat 10
procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io --system--
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 2  1352 8482444  11336 2229910010   450   20800
50  6 39  5  0
 4  0352 8393840  11352 2230448400   480   163 9260 12717
32  4 62  3  0
 5  1352 8474788  11360 2230898000   304   445 8295 12358
28  4 67  2  0
 3  0352 8370672  11376 2231667600   648   158 8760 13214
38  4 55  3  0
11  0352 8193824  11392 2232357200   621   577 8800 13163
37  4 56  3  0
 2  0352 8229012  11408 2232666400   169   405 9588 13696
34  4 61  1  0
 6  1352 8319176  11424 2233314400   559   170 8830 12929
32  4 61  3  0

I shall also try pgtune in a while.

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Re: [PERFORM] sudden spurt in swap utilization (was:cpu bound postgresql setup.)

2010-06-25 Thread Rajesh Kumar Mallah
Dear List,

pgtune suggests the following:
(current value are in braces via reason) , (*) indicates significant
difference from current value.

 default_statistics_target = 50 # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25  (current 100
via default)
(*) maintenance_work_mem = 1GB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25 (16MB via default)
 checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9 # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25 (0.5 via
(*) effective_cache_size = 22GB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25 (18GB ,
 work_mem = 192MB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25  (256MB , specified)
(*) wal_buffers = 8MB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25 ( 64kb , via default)
 checkpoint_segments = 16 # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25 (30 , specified)
 shared_buffers = 7680MB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25 ( 4096 MB ,
(*) max_connections = 80 # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25 ( 300 , ;-)  specified )

when i reduce max_connections i start getting errors, i will see again
concurrent connections
during business hours. lot of our connections are in IDLE in transaction
state during business
this peculiar  behavior of  mod_perl servers have been discussed in past i
think. dont' remember
if there was any resolution.

Re: [PERFORM] sudden spurt in swap utilization (was:cpu bound postgresql setup.)

2010-06-25 Thread Tom Molesworth

On 25/06/10 16:59, Rajesh Kumar Mallah wrote:
when i reduce max_connections i start getting errors, i will see again 
concurrent connections
during business hours. lot of our connections are in IDLE in 
transaction state during business
this peculiar  behavior of  mod_perl servers have been discussed in 
past i think. dont' remember

if there was any resolution.

If connections spend any significant amount of time in IDLE in 
transaction state, that might indicate you're not committing/rolling 
back after running queries - can you show an example of the code you're 

e.g. something like my $dbh = DBI-connect(...); my $sth = 
$dbh-prepare(q{select ... }); $sth-fetchall_arrayref; $sth-rollback;


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Re: [PERFORM] sudden spurt in swap utilization (was:cpu bound postgresql setup.)

2010-06-25 Thread Kevin Grittner
Rajesh Kumar Mallah wrote:
 pgtune suggests the following:
 (current value are in braces via reason) , (*) indicates
 significant difference from current value.
Different people have come to different conclusions on some of these
settings.  I believe that's probably because differences in hardware
and workloads actually make the best choice different in different
environments, and it's not always clear how to characterize that to
make the best choice.  If yo get conflicting advice on particular
settings, I would strongly recommend testing to establish what works
best for your actual workload on your hardware and OS.
That said, my experience suggests...
 default_statistics_target = 50 # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25
 (current 100 via default)
Higher values add a little bit to the planning time of complex
queries, but reduce the risk of choosing a bad plan.  I would
recommend leaving this at 100 unless you notice problems with long
plan times.
 (*) maintenance_work_mem = 1GB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25
 (16MB via default)
Yeah, I'd boost this to 1GB.
 checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9 # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25
 (0.5 via default)
I'd change this one by itself, and probably after some of the other
tuning is done, so you can get a good sense of before and after.
I'm guessing that 0.9 would be better, but I would test it.
 (*) effective_cache_size = 22GB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25
 (18GB , specified)
Unless you're running other processes on the box which consume a lot
of RAM, 18GB is probably lower than ideal, although this setting
isn't too critical -- it doesn't affect actual RAM allocation; it
just gives the optimizer a hint about how much might get cached.  A
higher setting encourages index use; a lower setting encourages
table scans.
 work_mem = 192MB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25
 (256MB , specified)
With 300 connections, I think that either of these could lead you to
experience intermittent bursts of extreme swapping.  I'd drop it to
somewhere in the 16MB to 32MB range until I had a connection pool
configured such that it was actually keeping the number of active
connections much lower.
 (*) wal_buffers = 8MB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25
 (64kb , via default)
Sure, I'd boost this.
 checkpoint_segments = 16 # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25
 (30 , specified)
If you have the disk space for the 30 segments, I wouldn't reduce
 shared_buffers = 7680MB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25
 (4096 MB , specified)
This one is perhaps the most sensitive to workload.  Anywhere
between 1GB and 8GB might be best for you.  Greg Smith has some
great advice on how to tune this for your workload.
 (*) max_connections = 80 # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25
 (300 , ;-) specified)
 when i reduce max_connections i start getting errors, i will see
 again concurrent connections during business hours.
That's probably a good number to get to, but you have to reduce the
number of actual connections before you set the limit that low.
 lot of our connections are in IDLE in transaction state
If any of these stay in that state for more than a minute or two,
you need to address that if you want to get your connection count
under control.  If any of them persist for hours or days, you need
to fix it to avoid bloat which can kill performance.

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Re: [PERFORM] sudden spurt in swap utilization (was:cpu bound postgresql setup.)

2010-06-25 Thread Greg Smith

Rajesh Kumar Mallah wrote:
 default_statistics_target = 50 # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25  
(current 100 via default)
(*) effective_cache_size = 22GB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25 (18GB , 

 checkpoint_segments = 16 # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25 (30 , specified)

You probably want to keep your existing values for all of these.  Your 
effective_cache_size setting may be a little low, but I wouldn't worry 
about changing that right now--you have bigger problems right now.

(*) maintenance_work_mem = 1GB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25 (16MB via 

(*) wal_buffers = 8MB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25 ( 64kb , via default)
 checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9 # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25 
(0.5 via default)
 shared_buffers = 7680MB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25 ( 4096 MB , 

These are all potentially better for your system, but you'll use more 
RAM if you make these changes.  For example, if you're having swap 
trouble, you definitely don't want to increase maintenance_work_mem.

I suspect that 8GB of shared_buffers is probably the most you want to 
use.  Most systems stop gaining any more benefit from that somewhere 
between 8GB and 10GB, and instead performance gets worse; it's better to 
be on the low side of that drop.  You can probably support 8GB just fine 
if you sort out the work_mem issues.

(*) max_connections = 80 # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25 ( 300 , ;-)  
specified )

 work_mem = 192MB # pgtune wizard 2010-06-25  (256MB , specified)

pgtune makes a guess at how many connections you'll have based on 
specified workload.  If you know you have more connections than that, 
you should specify that on the command line:

pgtune -c 300 ...

It will then re-compute the work_mem figure more accurately using that 
higher connection count.  Right now, it's guessing 192MB based on 80 
connections, which is on the high side of reasonable.  192MB with *300* 
connections is way oversized.  My rough computation says that if you 
tell it the number of connections correctly, pgtune will suggest to you 
around 50MB for work_mem.

Greg Smith  2ndQuadrant US  Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

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Re: [PERFORM] sudden spurt in swap utilization (was:cpu bound postgresql setup.)

2010-06-25 Thread Rajesh Kumar Mallah
Dear Greg/Kevin/List ,

Many thanks for the comments regarding the params, I am however able to
change an
experiment on production in a certain time window , when that arrives i
shall post
my observations.

Rajesh Kumar Mallah. - India's Largest B2B eMarketPlace.