[SQL] executing dynamic commands

2006-02-01 Thread christian . michels

I user PostgreSQl 8.0.4 on Win2003 Server and write a function to copy rows 
from one table into another table with the same column definition.
My first approach was to use something like:

query_value :=  'INSERT INTO ' || tabledest || ' SELECT * FROM ' || tablesrc;
EXECUTE query_value; 

This only works if the column definition AND the order between source and 
destination is the same ! 
In my case I have always the same column definitions but they are not in the 
same order between source and destination table.
What I tryed then is to loop through the column definition of the source and 
query the sourcetable for the value. For that I have to execut a query with 
dynamic tablename and dynamic columname to generate two stings one with the 
columndefinitin and one with the columnvalues to exececute something like: 
INSERT INTO tabelfoo (columndefinitinstring) VALUES (columnvaluesstring)

 see snip of function:

fieldvalues RECORD;
output  RECORD;
insertvalues VARCHAR;
fieldname VARCHAR;

-- Get Attribute List from Table and write it to output
-- Read Values of Fieldname from source
query_value :=  'select * from ' || tablesrc ;

FOR fieldvalues IN EXECUTE query_value LOOP

  FOR output IN SELECT a.attnum,  
a.attname AS field,  
  pg_class c,  pg_attribute a,  pg_type t
  c.relname = tablesrc  AND 
  a.attnum  0  AND 
  a.attrelid = c.oid  AND
  a.atttypid = t.oid
ORDER BY a.attnum LOOP
 -- Read Field Name from Out Table
 fieldname := output.field;
 -- Write Field Name into Variable
 IF insertcolumns IS NULL THEN
   insertcolumns := fieldname;
   insertcolumns := insertcolumns || ',' || fieldname;

Until here everyting is fine ... but now I try to query  the value from RECORD 
fieldvalues with the columname fieldname variable from the inner loop !
I tryed the following ... 

query_value :=  'select quote_ident(' || fieldvalues || ').quote_literal(' || 
fieldname ||')';

EXECUTE query_value;

and I get the following error message ...

ERROR:  could not find array type for data type record
CONTEXT:  SQL statement SELECT  'select quote_ident(' ||  $1  || 
').quote_literal(' ||  $2  ||')'
PL/pgSQL function prx_db__appendtable line 87 at assignment



I know the function is not runnable, but my question is  how can I dynamically 
combine fieldvalues.fieldname to read the values column by colum out if a 
RECORD variable to generate the columnvaluesstring mentioned above ?!
Maybe this approach is to complicated and there is a quick and easy solution ?!

Any help is very much appreciated !!

Thanx a lot  Regards


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [SQL] executing dynamic commands

2006-02-01 Thread codeWarrior
Talk about obfuscated Are you trying to retrieve the table structure / 
schema from the PG System Catalogs ?

If so -- you are better off using a VIEW instead of a manual procedure 
because it will automatically kepp up with the current schema definition...

Try this:

-- DROP VIEW sys_table_schemas;

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW sys_table_schemas AS
 SELECT pc.oid AS tbl_oid, pc.relname::character varying AS table_name, 
pa.attname::character varying AS column_name, pt.typname AS data_type,
WHEN substr(pt.typname::text, 1, 3)::name = 'int'::name THEN 
WHEN pt.typname = 'bool'::name THEN 'boolean'::name
ELSE pt.typname
END AS udt_name, pa.attnum AS ordinal_position, 254 AS str_length,
WHEN pa.attnotnull THEN false
ELSE true
END AS nulls_allowed,
WHEN substr(pa.attname::text, 1, 3) = 'lu_'::text THEN true
ELSE false
END AS lookup,
WHEN pd.description::character varying IS NOT NULL THEN 
pd.description::character varying
WHEN pa.attname IS NOT NULL THEN pa.attname::character varying
ELSE NULL::character varying
END AS label
   FROM ONLY pg_class pc
   JOIN ONLY pg_attribute pa ON pc.oid = pa.attrelid AND pc.relnamespace = 
2200::oid AND pc.reltype  0::oid AND (pc.relkind = 'r'::char OR 
pc.relkind = 'v'::char)
   JOIN ONLY pg_type pt ON pa.atttypid = pt.oid
   LEFT JOIN ONLY pg_description pd ON pc.oid = pd.objoid AND pa.attnum = 
  WHERE pa.attnum  0
  ORDER BY pc.relname::character varying, pa.attnum;

ALTER TABLE sys_table_schemas OWNER TO public;

SELECT * FROM sys_table_schemas;

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 I user PostgreSQl 8.0.4 on Win2003 Server and write a function to copy 
 rows from one table into another table with the same column definition.
 My first approach was to use something like:

 query_value :=  'INSERT INTO ' || tabledest || ' SELECT * FROM ' || 
 EXECUTE query_value;

 This only works if the column definition AND the order between source and 
 destination is the same !
 In my case I have always the same column definitions but they are not in 
 the same order between source and destination table.
 What I tryed then is to loop through the column definition of the source 
 and query the sourcetable for the value. For that I have to execut a query 
 with dynamic tablename and dynamic columname to generate two stings one 
 with the columndefinitin and one with the columnvalues to exececute 
 something like: INSERT INTO tabelfoo (columndefinitinstring) VALUES 

 see snip of function:

 fieldvalues RECORD;
 output  RECORD;
 insertvalues VARCHAR;
 fieldname VARCHAR;

 -- Get Attribute List from Table and write it to output
 -- Read Values of Fieldname from source
 query_value :=  'select * from ' || tablesrc ;

 FOR fieldvalues IN EXECUTE query_value LOOP

  FOR output IN SELECT a.attnum,
a.attname AS field,
  pg_class c,  pg_attribute a,  pg_type t
  c.relname = tablesrc  AND
  a.attnum  0  AND
  a.attrelid = c.oid  AND
  a.atttypid = t.oid
ORDER BY a.attnum LOOP

 -- Read Field Name from Out Table
 fieldname := output.field;

 -- Write Field Name into Variable
 IF insertcolumns IS NULL THEN
   insertcolumns := fieldname;
   insertcolumns := insertcolumns || ',' || fieldname;

 Until here everyting is fine ... but now I try to query  the value from 
 RECORD fieldvalues with the columname fieldname variable from the inner 
 loop !
 I tryed the following ...

 query_value :=  'select quote_ident(' || fieldvalues || ').quote_literal(' 
 || fieldname ||')';

 EXECUTE query_value;

 and I get the following error message ...

 ERROR:  could not find array type for data type record
 CONTEXT:  SQL statement SELECT  'select quote_ident(' ||  $1  || 
 ').quote_literal(' ||  $2  ||')'
 PL/pgSQL function prx_db__appendtable line 87 at assignment



 I know the function is not runnable, but my question is  how can I 
 dynamically combine fieldvalues.fieldname to read the values column by 
 colum out if a RECORD variable to generate the columnvaluesstring 
 mentioned above ?!
 Maybe this approach is to complicated and there is a quick and easy 
 solution ?!

 Any help is very much appreciated !!

 Thanx a lot  Regards


 ---(end of broadcast)---
 TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[SQL] CREATE INDEX with order clause

2006-02-01 Thread Daniel Caune


I would like to create an index on a table,
specifying an order clause for one of the columns.





which is not a valid, as the order clause DESC is
not supported. Such as index would improve performance of query like:








Actually, Im not sure that is useful; perhaps PostgreSQL
handles pretty well such query using an index such as:





Any idea?


Daniel CAUNE

Ubisoft Online Technology

(514) 4090 2040 ext. 5418

Re: [SQL] CREATE INDEX with order clause

2006-02-01 Thread Tom Lane
Daniel Caune [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I would like to create an index on a table, specifying an order clause
 for one of the columns.

Search the archives for discussions of reverse-sort operator classes
(you might also get hits on the shorthand opclass).

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] executing dynamic commands

2006-02-01 Thread christian . michels
Thanx for the quick response !
Sorry for asking a bit confusing question ... Using the View is a good idea but 
does not fully solve my problem. To make it a bit more clear: I want to copy 
all records from table1 to table2 assuming that the two tables have exactly the 
same column definition and column order. I could do that executing INSERT INTO 
tablefoo1 SELECT * FROM tablefoo2;
But how can I do the copying if the column order is different between tablefoo1 
and tablefoo2 ?
My approach was to dynamically assemble a string1 with all fieldnames and a 
string2 with the corresponding field values row per row using a plpgsql 
function. The result would be a row per row copying using INSERT INTO tablefoo1 
(string1) VALUES (string2). My problem is that I not manage to read the 
fieldvalues row by row. 
Do you have any idea ?

Thanx a lot !



Talk about obfuscated Are you trying to retrieve the table structure / 
schema from the PG System Catalogs ?

If so -- you are better off using a VIEW instead of a manual procedure 
because it will automatically kepp up with the current schema definition...

Try this:

-- DROP VIEW sys_table_schemas;

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW sys_table_schemas AS
 SELECT pc.oid AS tbl_oid, pc.relname::character varying AS table_name, 
pa.attname::character varying AS column_name, pt.typname AS data_type,
WHEN substr(pt.typname::text, 1, 3)::name = 'int'::name THEN 
WHEN pt.typname = 'bool'::name THEN 'boolean'::name
ELSE pt.typname
END AS udt_name, pa.attnum AS ordinal_position, 254 AS str_length,
WHEN pa.attnotnull THEN false
ELSE true
END AS nulls_allowed,
WHEN substr(pa.attname::text, 1, 3) = 'lu_'::text THEN true
ELSE false
END AS lookup,
WHEN pd.description::character varying IS NOT NULL THEN 
pd.description::character varying
WHEN pa.attname IS NOT NULL THEN pa.attname::character varying
ELSE NULL::character varying
END AS label
   FROM ONLY pg_class pc
   JOIN ONLY pg_attribute pa ON pc.oid = pa.attrelid AND pc.relnamespace = 
2200::oid AND pc.reltype  0::oid AND (pc.relkind = 'r'::char OR 
pc.relkind = 'v'::char)
   JOIN ONLY pg_type pt ON pa.atttypid = pt.oid
   LEFT JOIN ONLY pg_description pd ON pc.oid = pd.objoid AND pa.attnum = 
  WHERE pa.attnum  0
  ORDER BY pc.relname::character varying, pa.attnum;

ALTER TABLE sys_table_schemas OWNER TO public;

SELECT * FROM sys_table_schemas;

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 I user PostgreSQl 8.0.4 on Win2003 Server and write a function to copy 
 rows from one table into another table with the same column definition.
 My first approach was to use something like:

 query_value :=  'INSERT INTO ' || tabledest || ' SELECT * FROM ' || 
 EXECUTE query_value;

 This only works if the column definition AND the order between source and 
 destination is the same !
 In my case I have always the same column definitions but they are not in 
 the same order between source and destination table.
 What I tryed then is to loop through the column definition of the source 
 and query the sourcetable for the value. For that I have to execut a query 
 with dynamic tablename and dynamic columname to generate two stings one 
 with the columndefinitin and one with the columnvalues to exececute 
 something like: INSERT INTO tabelfoo (columndefinitinstring) VALUES 

 see snip of function:

 fieldvalues RECORD;
 output  RECORD;
 insertvalues VARCHAR;
 fieldname VARCHAR;

 -- Get Attribute List from Table and write it to output
 -- Read Values of Fieldname from source
 query_value :=  'select * from ' || tablesrc ;

 FOR fieldvalues IN EXECUTE query_value LOOP

  FOR output IN SELECT a.attnum,
a.attname AS field,
  pg_class c,  pg_attribute a,  pg_type t
  c.relname = tablesrc  AND
  a.attnum  0  AND
  a.attrelid = c.oid  AND
  a.atttypid = t.oid
ORDER BY a.attnum LOOP

 -- Read Field Name from Out Table
 fieldname := output.field;

 -- Write Field Name into Variable
 IF insertcolumns IS NULL THEN
   insertcolumns := fieldname;
   insertcolumns := insertcolumns || ',' || fieldname;

 Until here everyting is fine ... but now I try to query  the value from 
 RECORD fieldvalues with the columname fieldname variable from the inner 
 loop !
 I tryed the following ...

 query_value :=  'select quote_ident(' || fieldvalues || ').quote_literal(' 
 || fieldname ||')';

 EXECUTE query_value;

 and I get the following error message ...

 ERROR:  could not find array type for data type record
 CONTEXT:  SQL statement SELECT  'select quote_ident(' ||  $1  || 
 ').quote_literal(' ||  $2  ||')'
 PL/pgSQL function prx_db__appendtable line 87 at assignment


Re: [SQL] executing dynamic commands

2006-02-01 Thread Stephan Szabo
On Wed, 1 Feb 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I user PostgreSQl 8.0.4 on Win2003 Server and write a function to copy rows 
 from one table into another table with the same column definition.
 My first approach was to use something like:

 query_value :=  'INSERT INTO ' || tabledest || ' SELECT * FROM ' || tablesrc;
 EXECUTE query_value;

 This only works if the column definition AND the order between source and 
 destination is the same !
 In my case I have always the same column definitions but they are not in the 
 same order between source and destination table.

 What I tryed then is to loop through the column definition of the source
 and query the sourcetable for the value. For that I have to execut a
 query with dynamic tablename and dynamic columname to generate two
 stings one with the columndefinitin and one with the columnvalues to
 exececute something like: INSERT INTO tabelfoo (columndefinitinstring)
 VALUES (columnvaluesstring)

You might have better luck with a INSERT ... SELECT where you've reordered
the columns in the select list

INSERT INTO tabledest SELECT reordered columns to match dest order FROM

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[SQL] Does PostgreSQL support job?

2006-02-01 Thread Daniel Caune


I try to find in the documentation whether PostgreSQL
supports job, but I miserably failed. Does PostgreSQL support job? If not,
what is the mechanism mostly adopted by PostgreSQL administrators for running
jobs against PostgreSQL? I was thinking about using cron/plsql/sql-scripts on Linux.

Thanks (Tom
  Lane J)


Daniel CAUNE

Re: [SQL] Does PostgreSQL support job?

2006-02-01 Thread Bruce Momjian
Daniel Caune wrote:
 I try to find in the documentation whether PostgreSQL supports job, but
 I miserably failed.  Does PostgreSQL support job?  If not, what is the
 mechanism mostly adopted by PostgreSQL administrators for running jobs
 against PostgreSQL?  I was thinking about using cron/plsql/sql-scripts
 on Linux.

The unix cron systems is what most people use.

  Bruce Momjian|  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us   |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [SQL] Does PostgreSQL support job?

2006-02-01 Thread Owen Jacobson
Daniel Caune wrote:
 I try to find in the documentation whether PostgreSQL supports job, 
 but I miserably failed.  Does PostgreSQL support job?  If not, what
 is the mechanism mostly adopted by PostgreSQL administrators for 
 running jobs against PostgreSQL?  I was thinking about using
 cron/plsql/sql-scripts on Linux.

The answer really depends on what you mean by jobs.  If you have a database 
task that can be expressed as a series of commands with no interaction 
involved, you can just put those commands in a file (your-job-name.sql) and run 
it using psql and cron:

# replace leading stars with cron time settings
* * * * * psql your-database -i your-job-name.sql

If you need something more complex, either a function which is executed from a 
script or a full-blown client program may be required.  IME that's fairly rare.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [SQL] Does PostgreSQL support job?

2006-02-01 Thread Daniel Caune

 -Message d'origine-
 De : [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:pgsql-sql-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Bruce Momjian
 Envoyé : mercredi, février 01, 2006 17:57
 À : Daniel Caune
 Cc : pgsql-sql@postgresql.org
 Objet : Re: [SQL] Does PostgreSQL support job?
 Daniel Caune wrote:
  I try to find in the documentation whether PostgreSQL supports job, but
  I miserably failed.  Does PostgreSQL support job?  If not, what is the
  mechanism mostly adopted by PostgreSQL administrators for running jobs
  against PostgreSQL?  I was thinking about using cron/plsql/sql-scripts
  on Linux.
 The unix cron systems is what most people use.

OK.  Thanks.  That's fine!

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [SQL] Does PostgreSQL support job?

2006-02-01 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Feb 01, 2006 at 05:53:52PM -0500, Daniel Caune wrote:
 I try to find in the documentation whether PostgreSQL supports job, but
 I miserably failed.  Does PostgreSQL support job?  If not, what is the

I don't know what job is, but it sounds like you want cron (since
you mention it).  Yes, use that.


Andrew Sullivan  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The plural of anecdote is not data.
--Roger Brinner

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [SQL] Does PostgreSQL support job?

2006-02-01 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Daniel Caune wrote:

 Yes, that's it.  A job is a task, i.e. set of statements, which is
 scheduled to run against a RDBMS at periodical times.  Some RDBMS,
 such as SQL Server

..., the current alpha MySQL, ...

 and Oracle, support that feature, even if such a
 feature is managed differently from a RDBMS to another.

I was amused when I read the MySQL news in LWN.net, because most
comments were things like what the hell has this half-baked feature has
to do in a RDBMS anyway.


Alvaro Herrerahttp://www.CommandPrompt.com/
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [SQL] Does PostgreSQL support job?

2006-02-01 Thread Daniel CAUNE

 -Message d'origine-
 De : [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:pgsql-sql-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Alvaro Herrera
 Envoyé : mercredi 1 février 2006 19:28
 À : Daniel Caune
 Cc : Owen Jacobson; pgsql-sql@postgresql.org
 Objet : Re: [SQL] Does PostgreSQL support job?
 Daniel Caune wrote:
  Yes, that's it.  A job is a task, i.e. set of statements, which is
  scheduled to run against a RDBMS at periodical times.  Some RDBMS,
  such as SQL Server
 ..., the current alpha MySQL, ...
  and Oracle, support that feature, even if such a
  feature is managed differently from a RDBMS to another.
 I was amused when I read the MySQL news in LWN.net, because most
 comments were things like what the hell has this half-baked feature has
 to do in a RDBMS anyway.

It's true that implementing a job management within an RDBMS is somewhat 
reinventing the wheel, especially on UNIX systems where cron exists (even on 
Windows, which supports scheduled tasks).  Anyway, job support within a RDBMS 
sounds more like a facility.

While I have built a number of large and small applications with various 
time-based event scheduling tables stored in an SQL database, including things 
like triggers that send asynchronous notifications to daemon clients to advise 
them to re-query for updated schedules, it never in my wildest imaginings 
occured to me to actually initiate execution autonomously from the database 
back end.
[zblaxell, 2006-01-25, http://lwn.net/Articles/167895/]

Well, perhaps zblaxell has only worked on operational systems (OLTP), but such 
autonomy is sometimes useful in low-cost business intelligence systems (OLAP).

Daniel CAUNE

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[SQL] Function Dependency

2006-02-01 Thread Padam J Singh


I am maintaining an application that has over 400 procedures and
functions written in plsql, and around 100 tables.
I want to generate a function dependency chart to depict the following:

1. Inter function/procedure dependencies
2. function-tables dependencies
3. function-sequences depencies

Is there a standard method of doing this? 

Thanks in advance,

fn:Padam Singh
org:Inventum Technologies Pvt. Ltd.;Engineering
adr:SDA Commercial Complex;;C-17;New Delhi;Delhi;110016;India
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Sr. Solutions Architect

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
