Re: [SQL] Create Assertion -- Question from a newbie

2006-08-30 Thread Gregory Stark
Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well, it's on the SQL standard, so we should look forward to
> implementing (some form of) it some day.

Do *any* databases implement SQL standard Assertions?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [SQL] query to select a linked list

2007-05-09 Thread Gregory Stark
"Louis-David Mitterrand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Each message a unique id_forum and an id_parent pointing to the replied 
> post (empty if first post).
> How can I build an elegant query to select all messages in a thread?

You would need recursive queries which Postgres doesn't support. There is a
patch out there to add support but I don't think it's up-to-date with 8.2 and
in any case the resulting queries can be quite intense.

I would recommend you look into the contrib module named "ltree". It's easy to
use and works well with the gist indexes. It does require changing your data
model denormalizing it slightly which makes it hard to "reparent" children,
but if that isn't an operation you have to support I think it makes most other
operations you might want to do much easier to support.

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [SQL] query to select a linked list

2007-05-09 Thread Gregory Stark
"Scott Marlowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Are you sure the tablefunc functions, which include both connectby and
> crosstab functions, aren't up to date with 8.2?  They certainly are up
> to 8.1, where I'm running them right now on my workstation.  They built
> for 8.2 and installed, but I haven't tried using them.
> I would think that connectby is at least worth looking into.

Uhm, no, I guess I'm not sure. I didn't realize it was in the tablefunc module

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [SQL] aggregate query

2007-05-29 Thread Gregory Stark
"Andrew Kroeger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Raj A wrote:
>> I have a table
>> CREATE TABLE survey_load
>> (
>>  meter_id character(5) NOT NULL,
>>  number_of_bays integer NOT NULL,
>>  bay_1_use integer,
>>  bay_2_use integer,
>>  bay_3_use integer,
>>  bay_4_use integer,
>>  bay_5_use integer,
>>  date date NOT NULL,
>>  inspection_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT,
>> )
>> How do i present an aggregate query
>> inspection_id  |  meter_id  |  bay_use
>> 1 12345(value of bay_1_use)
>> 1 12345(value of bay_2_use)
>> 1 12345(value of bay_3_use)
>> 2 23456(value of bay_1_use)
>> 2 23456(value of bay_2_use)
>> 2 23456(value of bay_3_use)
>> 2 23456(value of bay_4_use)
>> 2 23456(value of bay_5_use)

> If I understand your issue correctly, it seems like the denormalized
> nature of your table is causing you some problems.  

True. Normalizing the tables would make this query easier which is a good sign
that that's probably the right direction.

If for some reason you can't or won't change the table definition there are a
number of possible tricky answers given the current definition. Something like
this for example:

SELECT inspection_id, meter_id, 
   case when bay=1 then bay_1_use 
when bay=2 then bay_2_use 
when bay=3 then bay_3_use 
when bay=4 then bay_4_use 
        when bay=5 then bay_5_use 
else null 
end AS bay_use
  FROM (
SELECT *, generate_series(1,number_of_bays) AS bay
  FROM survey_load
   ) as x

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [SQL] Recursively traversing a partially ordered set

2007-05-29 Thread Gregory Stark

"Jason Grout" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 2. Is there a big difference in speed between using an array versus
> using a SELECT in a WHERE condition?  In other words, which is generally
> going to be faster:
> SELECT * from table where field IN (some function returning a SETOF);
> or
> SELECT * from table where field = ANY(some function returning an array);

In theory since these are equivalent (well nearly. To be equivalent the
optimizer would need to know whether the array could possibly have NULLs in
it) the optimizer ought to produce the same plan for each. In practice it's
not clear where the optimizer would get the information to decide what plan to
use for these two cases and whether it would have the same kinds of
information available.

In any case in practice the plans available in each of these cases are not the
same so you'll have to try them and see which one works better for you. I
think there are more plans available for the first case so it may work out
better if you're returning quite large sets where those plans help. If you're
returning quite small sets where you just need a simple bitmap index scan then
the second will be less likely to pick (or actually I think it's incapable of
picking) some other plan which works poorly.

There was some discussion recently on what to do about exactly this type of
case. I would be interested to hear about what plans you got from each and
which plan ended up being best.

> 3. Is there a strong reason I should strip out duplicates in either of
> the two cases in question 2?  Or is the performance about the same when
> doing the queries whether or not the SETOF or arrays contain duplicates?

The plans where it matters will remove the duplicates anyways, but I don't
think the array version does if you're not using an bitmap index scan.

> 4. Can you see any obvious optimizations to the above functions
> (particularly the last one)?
> Thanks for your help. Thanks for the absolutely wonderful database and
> solid documentation.  I originally did this project in MySQL and had the
> weirdest errors (the errors turned out to be due to the default
> case-insensitive collation of MySQL!).  That's when I decided to move to
> postgresql when I updated the project.

Well, unfortunately collocation support isn't exactly a strong point in
Postgres either. Plenty of people get bitten by their database being initdb'd
in a locale they didn't expect.

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings


2007-06-05 Thread Gregory Stark
"Loredana Curugiu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am trying to say that sum column it is not calculated correctly.

It looks like your counts are high. That would imply that your join clauses
are matching more than one combination of rows. Ie, it's counting some rows
multiple times because there are multiple join matches.

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] trigger firing order

2007-06-15 Thread Gregory Stark
"chester c young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> tables A and B: a post row trigger on A cause updates on B which has
> its own post row trigger.
> does the post trigger on A wait until post trigger on B is executed? -
> this seems intuitive to me.

How can it wait until the trigger on B is executed if the trigger on B doesn't
actually get triggered until someone updates B and it's the trigger on A
doing the update?

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [SQL] percentages of a column

2007-06-29 Thread Gregory Stark
"Andreas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Example:
> Fruit  Count   %
> --
> Bananas   5  10%
> Apples   15  30%
> Oranges 30  60%

select fruit_name, count(*), 
   round(count(*)::numeric / (select count(*) from basket) * 100, 
0)::text||'%' as "%"
  from basket 
 group by fruit_name
 order by "%";

 fruit_name | count |  %  
 Bananas| 5 | 10%
 Apples     |    15 | 30%
 Oranges|30 | 60%
(3 rows)

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] Converting from MS Access field aliases

2007-07-12 Thread Gregory Stark
"Adam Tauno Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> "AS" works in Informix, and I believe, in DB2 as well.  So it is at
> least pretty common;  I'm not saying it is correct.  Since Informix
> predates M$-SQL they at least didn't invent it.

AS works in Postgres too. But the defined aliases are only in the resulting
output columns, not in scope for the where clause. In fact the expressions
used aren't even evaluated for rows which don't match the where clause which
is pretty important if those expressions are subqueries or volatile functions.

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [SQL] Query Plan

2007-07-12 Thread Gregory Stark
"Radhika Sambamurti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When I run the query with combination of FirmClearingID & status the run
> times are approx 3700ms.
> But when I add tradedate ie date_trunc('day', tradedate) = '20070703' the
> run time becomes a horrendous 19631.958 ms.

I'm not really able to make heads or tails of your plans without the query.
But any where clause of the form date_trunc('...',col)='...' will always
generate crappy plans. And it looks like you already have expressions of that
form in the view even in the one which you label "without date_trunc".

Instead try to write a where clause that the database can understand the end
points of. Something like (col >= '20070703' and col < '20070704'). That's
something the database can apply a normal index to and also something it can
have a chance at guessing how many rows will fit.

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] The nested view from hell - Restricting a subquerry

2007-07-22 Thread Gregory Stark
Nis Jørgensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well, the query can be satisfied by looking only at the rows with an
> order_id matching the invoice_id given. The condition that this is the
> largest invoice in the group then needs to be checked afterwards.
> I certainly did not expect the query planner to be able to deduce this,
> though.

No, that's not true. If you had two records in eg_order with the same order_id
but different invoice_ids then the query would need both records to satisfy
the query.

The query planner can't deduce that this can't happen because it simply does
not have that information.

The more I look at this view the more I think it's just seriously broken.
Why is it grouping by order_id at all if, I suspect, there will only be one
record per order_id in eg_orders??

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [SQL] The nested view from hell - Restricting a subquerry

2007-07-23 Thread Gregory Stark
Nis Jørgensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>> Well, the query can be satisfied by looking only at the rows with an
>>> order_id matching the invoice_id given. The condition that this is the
>>> largest invoice in the group then needs to be checked afterwards.
>>> I certainly did not expect the query planner to be able to deduce this,
>>> though.
>> No, that's not true. If you had two records in eg_order with the same 
>> order_id
>> but different invoice_ids then the query would need both records to satisfy
>> the query.
> I assume you mean "... then both records are necessary in order to
> calculate the results of the query". This does not contradict what I wrote.

Sorry I meant, "the query as written can not be satisfied by looking only at
the rows with the specified invoice_id".

> SELECT  order_id,
>   max(order_view.invoice_id),
>   sum(order_view.mileage)
> FROM(SELECT order_id,invoice_id, 0 as mileage FROM eg_order
>  SELECT order_id, 0, mileage FROM eg_order_line)
>  order_view GROUP BY order_view.order_id;
> This is then restricted on max(invoice_id)
> As far as I can tell, these steps produce the correct results (without
> the later information about primary keys provided by Bryce)
> INPUT: my_invoice_id
> 1. Look up all order_ids for which (order_id,my_invoice_id) appear in
> eg_orders
> 2. Find all rows (in both branches of the UNION) with these id_s
> 3. Group the rows, and calculate max(invoice_id)
> 4. Filter the result rows on max(invoice_id) = my_invoice_id.

So here's a hypothetical data set for which this algorithm fails:

order_idinvoice_id  mileage

1   1   100
1   2   100

Your algorithm would produce 

order_id    max(invoice_id) sum(mileage)

1   1   100

Whereas the correct output would be to output no records at all.

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [SQL] The nested view from hell - Restricting a subquerry

2007-07-23 Thread Gregory Stark
"Gregory Stark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Nis Jørgensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> 1. Look up all order_ids for which (order_id,my_invoice_id) appear in
>> eg_orders
>> 2. Find all rows (in both branches of the UNION) with these id_s

Oh, did you mean look up the order_ids for which there was at least one record
with the invoice_id specified, then look up all records with those order_ids
regardless of invoice_id? 

That would work but as you say it would be hard to tell whether it will be any
faster than just processing all the order_ids.

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [SQL] is there a 'table' data type in pg?

2007-07-24 Thread Gregory Stark
"Louis-David Mitterrand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Can I use a another column to store the type of the id_subject (ie: the 
> tabled it belongs to) ? Then I would be able to query that table for 
> additional info to print alongside the forum posts.

There are ways to identifier tables in Postgres but there's no way to run a
query against a table using them.

I would strongly recommend you define your own list of "object_types",
probably even have an object_type table with a primary key, a description
column, and a table_name column. Then you can in your application construct
the appropriate query depending on the object_type. 

One alternative you could do is have a set-returning plpgsql function which
has a big if statement and performs the right kind of query. I think the
records would have to all be the same -- they can't be different kinds of
records depending on the type of object.

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] PG won't use index on ORDER BY

2007-08-09 Thread Gregory Stark
"Andreas Joseph Krogh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I create an index:
> CREATE INDEX person_lowerfullname_idx ON 
> person((lower(COALESCE(firstname, '')) || lower(COALESCE(lastname, ''))) 
> varchar_pattern_ops);

Why are you declaring it using the varchar_pattern_ops?

The default operator set is the one you want for handling ordering. The
pattern_ops operator set is for handling things like x LIKE 'foo%'

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [SQL] PG won't use index on ORDER BY

2007-08-09 Thread Gregory Stark
"Andreas Joseph Krogh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Ooops, just fugured that out. But - it still doesn't use the index if I 
> remove 
> the "varchar_pattern_ops". I solved it by adding a function:

Hm, well it does for me, you would have to post your explain analyze to see
what's going on.

> Another question then: Why doesn't "varchar_pattern_ops" handle ordering? 
> This 
> means I need 2 indexes on the columns I want to match with LIKE and ORDER BY. 
> Just doesn't seem right to need 2 "similar" indexes...

If you initd in the C locale you only need one index. In other locales the
collation order and the pattern order are different.

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [SQL] SELECT syntax synopsis: column_definition?

2007-08-21 Thread Gregory Stark
"Michael Glaesemann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> ERROR:  a column definition list is only allowed for functions  returning
> "record"
> So the *form* is right, but I don't know of an example that works.

postgres=# create function testf() returns record as 'select 1' language sql;
postgres=# select * from testf() as (i integer);
(1 row)

I haven't quite figured out how this is useful though. It probably makes more
sense if you use plpgsql but I still don't quite see what the use case is.

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [SQL] Incomprehensible dogged sort in Merge Join

2007-08-31 Thread Gregory Stark
"Aleksandr Vinokurov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> And that is its plan (attached one is the same, but with costs):
>  Merge Left Join
>Merge Cond: ("outer".name = "inner".name)
>->  Sort
>  Sort Key:
>  ->  Seq Scan on log_example_3 log
>->  Sort
>  Sort Key:
>  ->  Subquery Scan uh
>->  Sort
>  Sort Key: name
>  ->  Seq Scan on user_history

What version are you running with?

Incidentally with CVS HEAD I see it working:

postgres=# explain select * from (select * from a order by i) as a right join b 
on a.i = b.i ;
 Merge Right Join  (cost=299.56..675.13 rows=22898 width=16)
   Merge Cond: (public.a.i = b.i)
   ->  Sort  (cost=149.78..155.13 rows=2140 width=8)
 Sort Key: public.a.i
 ->  Seq Scan on a  (cost=0.00..31.40 rows=2140 width=8)
   ->  Sort  (cost=149.78..155.13 rows=2140 width=8)
 Sort Key: b.i
 ->  Seq Scan on b  (cost=0.00..31.40 rows=2140 width=8)
(8 rows)

> With best regards to all of you,
> Aleksandr.
> ÿþ Merge Left Join  
> (cost=207646.00..213864.12 rows=347851 
> width=62) (actual 
> time=30922.366..32166.518 rows=13908 
> loops=1)

>    Merge Cond: ("outer".name = 
> "inner".name)

>    ->  Sort  (cost=6.71..7.03 rows=127 
> width=30) (actual time=1.117..1.207 
> rows=100 loops=1)

>          Sort Key:

>          ->  Seq Scan on log_example_3 
> log  (cost=0.00..2.27 rows=127 
> width=30) (actual time=0.053..0.177 
> rows=100 loops=1)

>    ->  Sort  
> (cost=207639.29..209008.78 rows=547796 
> width=32) (actual 
> time=30921.171..31467.117 rows=442848 
> loops=1)

>          Sort Key:

>          ->  Subquery Scan uh  
> (cost=111447.90..118295.35 rows=547796 
> width=32) (actual 
> time=19277.963..21595.874 rows=547796 
> loops=1)

>                ->  Sort  
> (cost=111447.90..112817.39 rows=547796 
> width=32) (actual 
> time=19277.908..20104.568 rows=547796 
> loops=1)

>                      Sort Key: name

>                      ->  Seq Scan on 
> user_history  (cost=0.00..22103.96 
> rows=547796 width=32) (actual 
> time=0.051..1474.143 rows=547796 
> loops=1)


  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] Incomprehensible dogged sort in Merge Join

2007-08-31 Thread Gregory Stark

"Aleksandr Vinokurov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Gregory Stark wrote:
>> What version are you running with?
> 8.0.1, sorry for missing.

There have been 12 bug-fix releases since then on the 8.0 branch including
updating timezones to reflect the new daylight saving time rules for North
America, various crashes, data corruption, and security bugs. There is no
reason not to upgrade to the current latest 8.0 branch release which is

Separately, you may not want to upgrade to 8.2 now for operational reasons but
reporting "wishlist" bugs against a version that's two major releases old is
almost certainly going to be pointless. Postgres is moving ahead so fast that
the chances that your wish is granted already in more recent releases are very

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [SQL] Speeding up schema changes

2007-09-03 Thread Gregory Stark

"Stefan Arentz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is there a way to speed up simple schema changes like ...
> ... where foo already contains millions of records?
> On a live database changes like this can take hours. Even when the
> database is idle.

Are you sure that's exactly like the change you're making? I think that should
be instantaneous because it will add a new column which is null everywhere. It
doesn't have to actually modify the table contents at all to do that, just the
schema. It could be slow if the table is extremely busy and it has trouble
getting the lock but I don't think it's easy to create that situation, at
least not such that it will last more than a few seconds.

If, on the other hand, you added a column with a default value then it would
be an entirely different scenario. In that case it has to rewrite the whole
table with the new values in every record. It also has to reindex every index
for the new table contents and so on.

So if you didn't have to initialise the contents you would avoid the wait.

Also, incidentally do you have a good reason to use CHAR instead of varchar or
text? char(64) will take 64 bytes (actually 68 bytes in 8.2) even if you don't
store anything more in it. text or varchar will take only as many bytes as the
data you're storing (plus 4 bytes).

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [SQL] Index usage in bitwise operation context

2007-09-13 Thread Gregory Stark
"W.Alphonse HAROUNY" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Question:
> --
> I have an SQL request similar to:
>   AND
>  TBL1.CATEGORY & TBL2.CATEGORY <> 0  //-- where & is the AND bitwise
> operator
> Qst:
> 1/ IS the above SQL request will use the INDEX [categoryGroup] defined on
> TBL1 and TBL2 ?

No, & isn't an indexable operator for any of the standard indexing methods.

You could create 32 partial indexes on some other key with clauses like
 WHERE tbl1.category & 0100... = 0100...
But I don't think that would be useful for a join clause in any case.

Second idea, you could create an expression index on 

 tbl1 (category & 0100... = 0100..., 
   category & 0010... = 0010..., 
   category & 0001... = 0001..., 

Again I don't see that it's going to be used for a join condition.

Lastly, you could look for a GIST index method for varbit which would be
superior to both of the above tactics. I'm still not sure it would be able to
handle a join clause though, but maybe?

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [SQL] Extracting hostname from URI column

2007-09-16 Thread Gregory Stark
"Paul Lambert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What would be the best way to do something like that? I assume it won't be a
> simple regex like the above due to the country codes on the end of some
> domains. My thought is look at the last portion of the domain, if it's 2
> characters long then assume it's a country code and grab the last three
> sections, if it's not three characters long then assume it's an international
> domain and grab the last two... but that sounds a bit dodgy.

Not all countries break up their national tld space into sections like
or Canadian domains can be bought directly under .ca like

I think you'll have to store a specific list of tlds and how deep you want to

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [SQL] Speeding up schema changes

2007-09-19 Thread Gregory Stark
"Decibel!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sep 3, 2007, at 7:26 AM, Gregory Stark wrote:
>> Also, incidentally do you have a good reason to use CHAR instead of  varchar
>> or
>> text? char(64) will take 64 bytes (actually 68 bytes in 8.2) even  if you
>> don't
>> store anything more in it. text or varchar will take only as many  bytes as
>> the
>> data you're storing (plus 4 bytes).
> Hrm, do we actually pad before storing? ISTM we should really do that  the
> other way around...

Yes we do. And it isn't really fixable either. The problem is the familiar old
problem that in Postgres the typmod is not really part of the type and not
always available when we need it to interpret the datum.

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [SQL] ERROR: failed to re-find parent key in "pk_ep07"

2007-10-25 Thread Gregory Stark
"Tom Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Otniel Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> When i was vacuum the database, the vacuum if failed. And I get this error. 
>> Any ideas an to fix this?
>>ERROR:  failed to re-find parent key in "pk_ep07"
> Update to a newer PG version, possibly?  This symptom has been seen
> before...

It was fixed in these bug-fix releases: 7.4.15, 8.0.10, and 8.1.6 which were
released on August 1st of this year. There have actually been 3 to 4 more
bug-fix releases since those too.

  Gregory Stark

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [SQL] Returning the total number of rows as a separate column when using limit

2007-11-05 Thread Gregory Stark

> Andreas Joseph Krogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On Monday 05 November 2007 15:18:22 Tom Lane wrote:
>>> That's only an estimate.  Since the query doesn't get executed to
>>> completion thanks to the LIMIT, Postgres really has no idea whether
>>> the estimate is accurate.
>> Ok. The query is ORDER-ed, but you're saying that it doesn't matter and PG 
>> still doesn't have to know the total numbers even if it has to sort the 
>> result?

At a guess you're displaying pages of information and want to display
something like "displaying 1-10 of 150" ?

Postgres is kind of lacking a solution for this problem. The last time I
needed to do this I bit the bullet and ran the query twice, once with a
"select count(*) from (...)" around it and once with "select * from (...)
order by x offset n limit m" around it. The second time runs relatively
quickly since all the raw data is in cache.

The "right" way to do this would probably be to have a temporary table which
you populate in one step, perform the count(*) on in a second query, then
select the page of data with the ordering in a third query. Then you can keep
the data around for some limited amount of time in case the user accesses a
second page. But this requires some infrastructure to keep track of the cached
data and what query it corresponded to and determine when to replace it with
new data or drop it.

However Postgres temporary tables are fairly expensive and if you're creating
them for every web access you're going to have to vacuum the system catalogs
quite frequently. They're not really well suited for this task.

Alternatively you could create a cursor and play with that. But I don't think
that's a great solution either. (yet? I think cursors are getting more useful
in Postgres, perhaps it will be eventually.)

  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's RemoteDBA services!

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [SQL] Returning the total number of rows as a separate column when using limit

2007-11-05 Thread Gregory Stark

"Andreas Joseph Krogh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> That's what I'm doing now. I run the query with "limit+1" as limit and if it 
> results in more than limit, I know there is more data and I run count(*) to 
> count them all. But count(*) cannot use indices in PG so it's limited in 
> speed anyway AFAICS.

Well count(*) can use indexes the same as the query can.

> I really hoped there was an "Oracle over()" equivalent way in PG. I 
> understand 
> that Oracle's LIMIT-hack with "3 subselects and rownum between 1 AND 20" is 
> rather expensive compared to PG's implementation of LIMIT. Oralce keeps 
> snapshot-info in the index, so counting only involves the index AFAIK.

Well that's only going to be true if the index satisfies the whole query which
is not going to be true for the simplest cases.

  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's PostGIS support!

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [SQL] Returning the total number of rows as a separate column when using limit

2007-11-05 Thread Gregory Stark
"Gregory Stark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> "Andreas Joseph Krogh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> That's what I'm doing now. I run the query with "limit+1" as limit and if it 
>> results in more than limit, I know there is more data and I run count(*) to 
>> count them all. But count(*) cannot use indices in PG so it's limited in 
>> speed anyway AFAICS.
> Well count(*) can use indexes the same as the query can.
>> I really hoped there was an "Oracle over()" equivalent way in PG. I 
>> understand 
>> that Oracle's LIMIT-hack with "3 subselects and rownum between 1 AND 20" is 
>> rather expensive compared to PG's implementation of LIMIT. Oralce keeps 
>> snapshot-info in the index, so counting only involves the index AFAIK.
> Well that's only going to be true if the index satisfies the whole query which
> is not going to be true for the simplest cases.

er, *except* for the simplest cases.

  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's RemoteDBA services!

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [SQL] functions are returns columns

2007-11-10 Thread Gregory Stark
"Michele Petrazzo - Unipex srl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I try with:
> CREATE FUNCTION getfoo (IN int, OUT int, OUT int) AS $$
>SELECT fooid, foosubid FROM foo WHERE fooid = $1;
> but only one row returned...

You're almost there:

CREATE FUNCTION getfoo (IN int, OUT int, OUT int) returns setof record(int,int) 
AS $$
  SELECT fooid, foosubid FROM foo WHERE fooid = $1;

The return type if present has to match the OUT (and BOTH) parameters.

  Gregory Stark
  Get trained by Bruce Momjian - ask me about EnterpriseDB's PostgreSQL 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [SQL] functions are returns columns

2007-11-10 Thread Gregory Stark
"Tom Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> You're almost there:
>> CREATE FUNCTION getfoo (IN int, OUT int, OUT int) returns setof 
>> record(int,int) AS $$
>>   SELECT fooid, foosubid FROM foo WHERE fooid = $1;
> Not quite --- it's just "returns setof record".  The output column types
> are defined by the OUT parameters.  The only reason you need the returns
> clause is to have a place to stick the "setof" specification ...


I did test my example before posting it:

postgres=# postgres=# CREATE or replace FUNCTION getfoo (IN int, OUT int, OUT 
int) returns setof record(int,int)AS $$
   SELECT 1,2 union all select 2,3;

postgres$# postgres$# CREATE FUNCTION
postgres=# postgres=# select * from getfoo(1);
 column1 | column2 
   1 |   2
   2 |   3
(2 rows)
  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's 24x7 Postgres support!

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] postgres bogged down beyond tolerance

2007-11-17 Thread Gregory Stark
"Tena Sakai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Namely, I shutdown the database, issued two commands:
>   /sbin/sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=134217728
>   /sbin/sysctl -w kernel.shmall=2097152
> and rebooted the computer.
> After it came up, I checked the shmmax and it is set
> as 33554432.  Which surprised me.  Since I used -w
> flag, I thought it should've written to /etc/sysctl.conf,
> but there is no such entry at all and the data of this
> file is from 2006.

sysctl changes the values for the running kernel. /etc/sysctl is a file you
edit manually to tell the boot scripts what values to store (using sysctl) so
you don't have to run sysctl every time you reboot.

  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's PostGIS support!

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] pg_clog (?) problem with VACUMM

2007-11-27 Thread Gregory Stark
"Gerardo Herzig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi all. Well, im having this problem for the first time.
> When executing a VACUUM, i have this msg:
> gse_new_version=# VACUUM ;
> ERROR:  could not access status of transaction 118
> DETAIL:  could not open file "pg_clog/": No existe el fichero o el
> directorio

This is the typical error you see if the data is corrupted by bad memory or
disk. It's trying to check if the record was committed or aborted and finding
a bogus transactionid.

(Except in this case I'm not sure that the transaction id is necessarily
bogus. It's awfully early though. Was the table in the template database
created soon after running initdb? And then you're creating a copy of the
database much later?)

It's also possible it's one of the various bugs fixed in the bug-fix releases
8.1.3 through 8.1.10. I don't see any related to clog but there are some
related to vacuum which could cause data corruption.

But aside from upgrading immediately to 8.1.10 I would suggest you run
memtest86 (assuming it's a x86 machine) or some other memory checker. Bad
memory is quite common and could easily cause this. Also run some SMART tool
to check the disks.

> Ok, wtf, i will create the file. So touch pg_clog/ and VACUUM again
> ERROR:  could not access status of transaction 118
> DETAIL:  could not read from file "pg_clog/" at offset 0: Conseguido

That's almost the right idea for a last ditch attempt to extract what data you
can from a corrupted table. You have to fill the file with nul bytes though.
Something like dd if=/dev/zero of= bs=1k count=nnn where nnn is, uh, I'm
not sure how large, it won't take much to cover transactionid 118 though.

  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's On-Demand Production Tuning

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [SQL] marking tuples

2007-12-05 Thread Gregory Stark
"Ehab Galal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In my algorithm, each NewJoin node may "mark" its ps_ResultTupleSlot with
> either red/green. I need that mark to flow in the pipeline so that i can
> collect them at the top aggregate.

How will you tell about the marks from different NewJoins?

I think you'll have to "project" the tuple and add a resjunk column to
indicate that flag. I don't know how you'll identify that column from other
such flag columns other NewJoin nodes have added.

You could look at the setop code in prepunion.c like intersection to see other
plans which add flag columns. In those cases though they are used by the
direct parent of the node which added it, so the planner can just mark a field
in the parent indicating which column it should look at for the flag.

  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's On-Demand Production Tuning

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [SQL] UTF8 encoding and non-text data types

2008-01-15 Thread Gregory Stark
"Joe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Tom Lane wrote:
>> Oh?  Interesting.  But even if we wanted to teach Postgres about that,
>> wouldn't there be a pretty strong risk of getting confused by Arabic's
>> right-to-left writing direction?  Wouldn't be real helpful if the entry
>> came out as 4321 when the user wanted 1234.  Definitely seems like
>> something that had better be left to the application side, where there's
>> more context about what the string means.
> The Arabic language is written right-to-left, except ... when it comes to
> numbers.

I don't think that matters anyways. Unicode strings are always in "logical"
order, not display order. Displaying the string in the right order is up to
the display engine in the Unicode world-view.

I'm not sure what to think about this though. It may be that Arabic notation
are close enough that it would be straightforward (IIRC decimal notation was
invented in the Arabic world after all). But other writing systems have some
pretty baroque notations which would be far more difficult to convert.

If anything I would expect this kind of conversion to live in the same place
as things like roman numerals or other more flexible formatting.

  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's 24x7 Postgres support!

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [SQL] Sql ORDER BY and ASC/DESC question

2008-01-30 Thread Gregory Stark
"A. Kretschmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> am  Wed, dem 30.01.2008, um 11:35:51 +0100 mailte Jaroslav Sivy folgendes:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have following problem: am using pl/sql functions to trigger some
>> sql code and i need to pass ORDER_BY column name and ASC/DESC sorting
>> order as an input parameters into that function and order the result
>> based on these input parameters.
>> The problem is, that the only way is to create query as "string" and
>> then execute it as "string".
> Right.
>> Is there any other way around how to avoid that "string query"?

If you're not concerned with the planner being able to find indexes to satisfy
these orderings (ie, you don't mind always doing a sort) you could do
something like:

 CASE ? 
 WHEN 3 THEN height ASC
 WHEN 4 THEN height DESC

But to the planner this will be basically an opaque expression. It won't be
able to use any indexes on these columns. Also, incidentally you might want to
use text strings instead of integer labels.

  Gregory Stark
  Get trained by Bruce Momjian - ask me about EnterpriseDB's PostgreSQL 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [SQL] Sql ORDER BY and ASC/DESC question

2008-01-30 Thread Gregory Stark
"Tom Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>  CASE ? 
>>  WHEN 1 THEN name ASC
> Uh, no, putting the ASC/DESC decoration inside a CASE like that is not
> gonna work

doh! I had a feeling something was wrong but couldn't put my finger on it
before I hit send. Sigh.

> For numerical sort keys you can cheat by using "-x" in place of
> "x DESC", but I'm not aware of any equivalent hack for text keys.

Yeah, you could do a really kludgy thing with a second sort expression where
you null out one expression or the other depending on the parameter but it
starts to look more and more spaghetti-like.

  Gregory Stark
  Get trained by Bruce Momjian - ask me about EnterpriseDB's PostgreSQL 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] Check before INSERT INTO

2008-02-11 Thread Gregory Stark
"Shavonne Marietta Wijesinghe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thanks for the reply Grogory. I am trying to do a INSERT INTO.
> Here is my table. n_gen, n_sheet, tot_n_sheet are defined as Primary Key
> (Serial not null)
>   id | n_gen | n_sheet   | tot_n_sheet
> --+---+---+-
> a|  1| 1 |  1
> b|  2| 1 |  2
> x|  2| 2 |  2
> u|  3| 1 |  1
> r|  4| 1 |  3
> a|  4| 2 |  3
> s|  4| 3 |  3
> So there are 2 users inserting in to the db. In my ASP page i have a field 
> that
> shows the value of n_gen +1. So when the 2 users both login at the same time,
> with different sessions, they both see "7" in the n_gen field. But when they
> click on the sumbit button only one record is inserted and the other is lost.
> I though it was possible to change the SQL string before it does the update..
> But i can't seem to find a solution for it.. Any idea ??

You'll have to explain what you want n_gen to contain.

Then you'll have to decide whether you want to do this in ASP where you can
certainly change the SQL all you like, or on the server where you can have
triggers which change the values being stored or executing additional queries.

  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's PostGIS support!

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [SQL] Check before INSERT INTO

2008-02-11 Thread Gregory Stark
"Shavonne Marietta Wijesinghe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The user updates the DB via ASP. When 2 users click on the submit button at 
> the
> same time, only 1 record is inserted. (ERROR: duplicate key violates unique
> constraint "my_shevi_pkey")
> For example they both send a string like below.
> strSQL = INSERT INTO my_shevi VALUES ('a', 4, 1, 1);
> I thought of adding a test before executing the insert into. 

It's not clear to me what you're trying to do. If you're trying to update an
existing record then you might want something like example 37-1 on this page:

If you want to pick the first available n_gen then you're going to have to
repeatedly try inserting until you don't get that error. That will perform
quite poorly when you get to large values. You could do a "SELECT max(n_gen)
WHERE..." first but even that will be quite a lot of work for your database.

Perhaps you should rethink n_gen and use a serial column to generate your
primary key instead.

> Set SQLN_GEN = oConn.Execute("SELECT upper(N_GEN), upper(N_SHEET),
> upper(TOT_N_SHEET) FROM " & TableName & " WHERE N_GEN='" & n_gen & "' AND
> N_SHEET='" & n_sheet & "' AND TOT_N_SHEET='" & tot_n_sheet & "'")

For what it's worth your script is a security hole. Look into using query
parameters which in ASP will probably be represented by "?". The method above
will allow hackers to get direct access to your database and do nasty things.

  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's RemoteDBA services!

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [SQL] REFERENCES and INHERITS restrictions?

2008-02-27 Thread Gregory Stark
"Stefan Scheidegger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Why is this not possible? It seems that this is about inheritance. When I
> reference directly to tbl_child1, everything works just fine.

I'm afraid inheritance doesn't work with foreign key references. You can have
references to specific tables but they don't include any child tables. A
related limitation is that you can't enforce unique constraints across tables
and their children.

Solving this doesn't seem to be high on anyone's priority list. If anything
what interests more people is using inheritance for partitioning support.

  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's PostGIS support!

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [SQL] Subqueries

2008-10-31 Thread Gregory Stark

"Pascal Tufenkji" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I understand the fact that "the inner query is executed before the outer
> query and the inner query doesn't even know about the outer query."
> But why the following query can be executed, although the inner query is
> using the outer query.
> Aren't we here using the same concept ?

It's not that inner queries can't refer to outer queries. When they do it's
called a "correlated subquery" and it has to be executed once for every row of
the outer query.

It's that queries on one side of a join can't refer to tables on the other
side of the join.

  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's On-Demand Production Tuning

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Re: [SQL] regexp_replace and UTF8

2009-01-30 Thread Gregory Stark
"Bart Degryse"  writes:

> Hi,
> I have a text field with data like this: 'de patiënt niet'

> Can anyone help me fix this or point me to a better approach.
> By the way, changing the way data is put into the field is
> unfortunately not an option.
> Many thanks in advance.

You could use a plperl function to use one of the many html parsing perl

  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's 24x7 Postgres support!

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Re: [SQL] Funtion to clean up strings?

2009-02-18 Thread Gregory Stark
Andreas  writes:

> Hi
> Thanks, that really works   :)
> Now a last extension.
> Some numbers were entered in a "110% perfect" way with an excessive (0).  +49
> (0) 123 / 456 789
> I have to suspect the source liked to express that it's either +49  or  0 if
> the +49 isn't applicable, but not both.

This is the standard format for phone numbers. Parenthesized digits -- as you
suspected -- represent digits which must only be dialled when using the number
locally and must be omitted from outside.

  Gregory Stark
  Get trained by Bruce Momjian - ask me about EnterpriseDB's PostgreSQL 

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