Re: [SQL] enum data type vs table

2011-05-25 Thread Peter Koczan
On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 11:23 PM, Seb wrote:
 Are there any guidelines for deciding whether to 1) create an enum data
 type or 2) create a table with the set of values and then have foreign
 keys referencing this table?  Some fields in a database take a small
 number of values, and I'm not sure which of these routes to take.  The
 enum data type seems like a clean way to handle this without creating a
 constellation of tables for all these values, but if one wants to add a
 new label to the enum or make changes to it at some point, then the
 tables using it have to be recreated, so it's quite rigid.  Have I got
 this right?  Thanks.

I think your choice depends on a few things:

1 - How do you want to interact with the tables? What I mean is, are
you planning on querying, inserting, or updating data to those tables
via text or will you need to join to your reference table? If you
don't want to join, you'll either need to use enum types, use views
(which can be a pain if you want to update a view), or
duplicate/reference the text directly (which is slow and a bad idea
for several reasons).

2 - How much can you tolerate downtime or a busy database? Changing
types is a single transaction and requires an exclusive lock. On small
tables this is negligible, but on big tables it can require downtime.

3 - How often do you really expect changes to the enum type? If adding
a new value to an enum type is truly a rare event, it's . If it's
frequent or regular, you should probably have a table.

I've used both of these approaches and I've found enum types to be
well worth any trouble to drop/recreate types. The changes I've made
have been rare, and I've been able to schedule downtime pretty easily,
so it made the most sense for me.

Also, Postgres 9.1 allows adding values to enum types, so you could
always use that when it is finally released.

Hope this helps,


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Re: [SQL] Domains, casts, and MS Access

2010-08-17 Thread Peter Koczan
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 8:49 PM, Richard Broersma wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Peter Koczan wrote:

 Yep, that's the stumbling block we're running into. ODBC and these
 fields' assumptions of true/false are at odds. I'm trying a few other
 things with casts in the meantime to see if they'll work.

 Well there is a solution that I've been toying around with.  In
 PostgreSQL, there are many data-types that cannot be expressed
 directly in an MS-Access Linked table.  For example, composite types,
 arrays, range types, hstores, postgis types   However, most of
 these types can be decomposed in to base types that can be express in
 linked tables.

 The key is using update-able views to decompose the data for Access
 and re-assemble it before it transmitted back to the base table.  The
 same can be done for boolean datatype.

 Does anyone know if another product, like OpenOffice Base with its
 native postgres driver, does any better?

 From my limited experience, I believe is does do better.  The
 following blogs as a few entries about using Base:

The goal of this is to be as straight a port as possible (as part of a
larger project that's a pretty straight port). The update-able views
and using Open Office are good ideas for when we finally get around to
redesigning the database, whenever that will happen.

Anyway, we got this mostly working. There were a couple other quirks
we found that we have since fixed.

- Access does not like LongVarChar types to be primary keys. If you
are keying on text types, set TextAsLongVarchar=0. It's probably not
the best idea to have text as a primary key in general, but sometimes
that's what the legacy gives you to work with.

- To fix the incompatibility in the bit/boolean type, we mapped the
drop-down menu input to have Yes == 1 instead of -1. We had to do
that for each input. It was tedious, but workable. Again, this was
necessary because of legacy and the other workarounds we put in to
account for it.

Thanks for all your help.

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[SQL] Domains, casts, and MS Access

2010-08-04 Thread Peter Koczan
Hi all,

I'm working on porting an old MS Access form application from Sybase
to postgres/ODBC as part of a larger database port project.

One of the snags that's popped up is that there's some incompatibility
between data types. Specifically, many fields are the Sybase type
bit, which is basically a boolean, but it accepts and displays
bareword 1 and 0 instead of 't' and 'f'. For the sake of compatibility
(especially bareword integers in queries), I've defined a 'sybit' type
in postgres to be a domain.

= create domain sybit as smallint check ( value in (0,1) );

That is compatible behavior for most applications, but Access gets
confused since it wants to map it to an integer instead of a boolean
(it does the right thing for a native Sybase driver). I thought that
creating casts between sybit and boolean might help, but that won't
work so much it seems.

=# create cast (sybit as smallint) without function as implicit;
=# create cast (sybit as integer) with function int4(smallint) as implicit;
=# create cast (sybit as boolean) with function bool(integer) as assignment;
ERROR:  argument of cast function must match or be binary-coercible
from source data type

Is there a way to tell Access to do the right thing, or is there a
better way to define the type/domain, or is there some better product
to use?

Thanks much,

P.S. In case people are interested in the specifics of the sybase
bit type, you can look at

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Re: [SQL] Domains, casts, and MS Access

2010-08-04 Thread Peter Koczan
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 12:47 PM, Richard Broersma wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 10:31 AM, Peter Koczan wrote:

 One of the snags that's popped up is that there's some incompatibility
 between data types. Specifically, many fields are the Sybase type
 bit, which is basically a boolean, but it accepts and displays
 bareword 1 and 0 instead of 't' and 'f'. For the sake of compatibility
 (especially bareword integers in queries), I've defined a 'sybit' type
 in postgres to be a domain.

 One thought would be see if ODBC configuration options will achieve
 this for you. Have you already exhausted this option?

This is one of my first forays into ODBC, so I didn't know that was a
possibility. Is there any place where these are documented? Searching
for ODBC options yields info on connection options, but none on
behavior that I could find.


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Re: [SQL] Domains, casts, and MS Access

2010-08-04 Thread Peter Koczan
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Richard Broersma wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 1:24 PM, Justin Graf wrote:

 My memory is fuzzy but there are some additional settings in Access that
 allows data type mapping...

 My experience is that PostgreSQL Integer types work the best for
 MS-Access bit datatype considering the fact that in Access -1 = true.

 I know that there is a setting in the ODBC driver for true = -1 but it
 doesn't work well.  I also remember that filters didn't work on mapped
 boolean columns.

Yep, that's the stumbling block we're running into. ODBC and these
fields' assumptions of true/false are at odds. I'm trying a few other
things with casts in the meantime to see if they'll work.

Does anyone know if another product, like OpenOffice Base with its
native postgres driver, does any better?


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[SQL] tsearch2 and wildcards/pattern matching?

2010-07-07 Thread Peter Koczan
Hi all,

Is there any sort of pattern matching or partial matching capability
in tsearch2?

I'd like to be able search for a common prefix (like for order
numbers). For instance, tsearch2 will index 'zvt123456' or
'zvt55', but I'd like to be able to find both of them in one query
using something akin to 'zvt%', like

select * from attachments where textsearchable @@ 'zvt%';

I've been unable to find anything in documentation. If there's
anything in tsearch2 that can do this and is faster than LIKE clauses
on full-text, that would be fantastic.


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Re: [SQL] tsearch2 and wildcards/pattern matching?

2010-07-07 Thread Peter Koczan
On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Oleg Bartunov wrote:
 it's called prefix search:

 =# select 'zvt123456'::tsvector @@ 'zvt:*';
  ?column? --

Ah, that works. Excellent.


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[SQL] ascii-betical sort order?

2009-05-08 Thread Peter Koczan
Is there some way to do ascii-betical sort ordering in postgres (i.e.
capital letters come before lowercase)? It appears that text ordering
is dictionary-alphabetical. It's useful, but it's different from the
DBMS I'm porting some applications from (SQL Server, in case you were

It may not be terribly important, but it'd be useful to know in case
it actually is an issue.

I couldn't find any clear answer searching online.


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Re: [SQL] ascii-betical sort order?

2009-05-08 Thread Peter Koczan
On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 12:57 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
 You're apparently using a non-C locale ... you need to re-initdb in
 C locale.

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 12:58 PM, Kenneth Marshall wrote:
 Try looking under Localization in the manual (Chapter 22).

Excellent, just what I was looking for. I'll look at this when I have
a bit more time.


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Re: [SQL] pl/pgsql or control structures outside of a function?

2009-04-06 Thread Peter Koczan
On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 11:28 PM, John DeSoi wrote:
 Is there any way to use PL/pgSQL code outside of a function?


I kinda figured, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

 The reason I'm asking is that I'm porting some code from
 sybase/isql/SQR, and it allows some control code structures to be used
 in an sql script. For instance,

 CASE might work for you.

Thanks for the suggestion. I think that for what I'm trying to do,
adding a bunch of case statements would very quickly become
unmaintainable. Wrapper scripts are probably the way to go for me.

Thanks again,

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[SQL] pl/pgsql or control structures outside of a function?

2009-04-03 Thread Peter Koczan
Hi all,

Is there any way to use PL/pgSQL code outside of a function?

The reason I'm asking is that I'm porting some code from
sybase/isql/SQR, and it allows some control code structures to be used
in an sql script. For instance,

  if ((select count(*) from users where login = 'foo') = 0)
print 'Login foo does not exist.'
print 'Adding account for foo.'
insert into accounts values ('foo', 'bar')

PL/pgSQL looks like it would make this port rather easy, but all the
docs and examples I found never had an example of PL/pgSQL outside of
a function. For the purposes of this port I'd really prefer not to
create functions for all this. I searched through the PL/pgSQL docs
and even several Google searches but couldn't find a definitive
answer. It's fine if the answer is no, I'm just curious if I should
pursue this path or look for a different one. And if there's a way to
do this or something like it besides create scripts in
Perl/Python/etc. that you know of, I'd appreciate any information.


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[SQL] New datestyle(s)

2009-02-16 Thread Peter Koczan
Anyway, this is in response to a really old request of mine to easily
and automatically get a datestyle for a different DBMS as part of an
ongoing port process

I patched this a while ago and I finally got a chance to test it.
Overall, it was pretty easy once I figured out how existing datestyles
were coded (lots of grep'ing was involved). So, I figured I'd share
what I did and also share the source patch in case anyone would either
like a Sybase/SQL Server datestyle or a model on how to add your own
custom datestyles.

You need to edit the following files:
src/backend/commands/variable.c - Add in your new datestyle to the
list to allow it to be a valid option for SET datestyle TO x
src/backend/utils/adt/datetime.c - Define your output format. A little
hack-ish but pretty straightforward overall.
src/include/miscadmin.h - Define your new datestyle.
src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c - Not necessary to add it, but having it
in the list of tab completions for datestyle is nice.

I don't use the ecpg interface, so I didn't bother patching that. It
seems like it would be analogous to what's been done already.


Index: src/backend/commands/variable.c
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- src/backend/commands/variable.c 3 Sep 2008 18:30:21 -   1.1
+++ src/backend/commands/variable.c 3 Sep 2008 18:52:50 -   1.2
@@ -100,6 +100,13 @@
if (!have_order)
newDateOrder = DATEORDER_DMY;
+   else if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, SYBASE) == 0)
+   {
+   if (have_style  newDateStyle != USE_SYBASE_DATES)
+   ok = false; /* conflicting styles */
+   newDateStyle = USE_SYBASE_DATES;
+   have_style = true;
+   }
else if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, YMD) == 0)
if (have_order  newDateOrder != DATEORDER_YMD)
@@ -200,6 +207,9 @@
strcpy(result, German);
+   strcpy(result, Sybase);
+   break;
strcpy(result, Postgres);
Index: src/backend/utils/adt/datetime.c
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- src/backend/utils/adt/datetime.c3 Sep 2008 18:30:26 -   1.1
+++ src/backend/utils/adt/datetime.c3 Sep 2008 18:53:29 -   1.2
@@ -3233,6 +3233,15 @@
sprintf(str + 5, .%04d %s, -(tm-tm_year - 
1), BC);

+   /* Sybase date format */
+   sprintf(str, %s %2d, months[tm-tm_mon - 1], 
+   if (tm-tm_year  0)
+   sprintf(str + 6,  %04d, tm-tm_year);
+   else
+   sprintf(str + 6,  %04d %s, -(tm-tm_year - 
1), BC);
+   break;
/* traditional date-only style for Postgres */
@@ -3302,6 +3311,8 @@
 EncodeDateTime(struct pg_tm * tm, fsec_t fsec, int *tzp, char **tzn,
int style, char *str)
int day;
+   boolmeridian;
+   int temp_hour;

 * Why are we checking only the month field? Change this to an assert...
@@ -3452,6 +3463,32 @@
sprintf(str + strlen(str),  BC);

+   /* Sybase date format */
+   meridian = true; // true = AM, false = PM
+   temp_hour = tm-tm_hour;
+   if (temp_hour  12)
+   {
+   meridian = true;
+   if (temp_hour == 0) temp_hour = 12;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+   meridian = false;
+   if (temp_hour  12) temp_hour -= 12;
+   }
+   sprintf(str, %s %2d %04d %2d:%02d%s,
+   months[tm-tm_mon - 1], 

[SQL] Auto-formatting timestamps?

2008-05-13 Thread Peter Koczan
Hi all,

I'm undergoing a port from an old Sybase database to Postgres. It's
going surprisingly well, but I have a question regarding formatting of

In Sybase, we get:
: select date from checkoutdate;
'May  1 2001 12:00AM'

In Postgres:
= select date from checkoutdate;
 2001-05-01 00:00:00

I can properly format it using to_char:
= select to_char(date, 'Mon DD  HH:MIAM') as date from checkoutdate;
 May 01 2001 12:00AM

Short of creating a wrapper type for timestamp (which seems like
overkill just for modifying the output function), is there a way to
output the Sybase format automatically (i.e. without a call to

I've found some code that actually somewhat depends on this format,
and one of my goals in this port is to change as little client code as
possible. Is it possible to automatically change the output like this,
preferably on a per-connection basis? I found stuff regarding the
datestyle parameter in the docs, but that doesn't quite do what I'd

Thanks much,

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