[Pharo-dev] Just a reminder

2014-03-15 Thread Friedrich Dominicus
That if you the developers of Phar change things many have to follow and
it comes to things like this:
"protocol: version dependent"
"After Squeak version 3.6, #platformName was moved to SmalltalkImage 
versions of Pharo move this to OSPlatform and issue deprecation warnings
about the other usages. The original idiom (Squeak 3.6 and earlier) is 
the sensible
default, but here we attempt to support other implementations if the 
default is not available."

"OSProcess platformName"

(Smalltalk respondsTo: #platformName)
ifTrue: [^ Smalltalk platformName].
self isPharo3AndLater
ifTrue: [ ^ (Smalltalk perform: #os) name ].
^ (((Smalltalk hasClassNamed: #OSPlatform)
and: [(Smalltalk at: #OSPlatform)
respondsTo: #platformName])
ifTrue: [Smalltalk at: #OSPlatform]
ifFalse: [((Smalltalk classNamed: 'SmalltalkImage')
ifNil: [^ Smalltalk osVersion]) current]) 

Now how many do have to follow through all this?

So well yes in the end it means not thinking about compatibility costs a
lot thereafter

Re: [Pharo-dev] method Quest :)

2014-03-15 Thread Pharo4Stef
I have to think if the asSet is needed too.

In fact I want in addition

intersectionAndDifferences: aColl

because I want to be able to define nicely 

merge: aDict onKeyConflictDoValues: aBlock
as follow

| d d2 |
d := #(1 3 4 5 ) groupedBy: #even.
d2 := #(10 31 41 50 ) groupedBy: #even.
d merge: d2 onKeyConflictDoValues: [ :aValue :anotherValue | (aValue, 
anotherValue) asSet asOrderedCollection ] 

Because manipulating dictionaries whose values are collections is boring.

On 14 Mar 2014, at 23:15, Sven Van Caekenberghe  wrote:

> Are the final #asArray conversions always needed ?
> If not, it would be more efficient not to do them every time, no ?
> On 14 Mar 2014, at 22:19, Pharo4Stef  wrote:
>> something like that 
>> diffs: aCollection
>>  "Answer the set theoretic differences of two collections. The first 
>> element of the result is the difference from the perspective of the receiver 
>> and the second element the difference from the perspective of the argument."
>>  "#(a b c d e f) diffs:  #(a b z k)  #(#a #b #c #d #e #f)
>>  { #(#f #d #e #c) .  #(#k #z)} 
>>  "
>>  "{ self difference: aCollection .  aCollection difference: self }"
>>  | receiver another |  
>>  receiver := self asSet. 
>>  another := aCollection asSet.  
>>  self do: [ :each | 
>>  (another includes: each)
>>  ifTrue: [ receiver remove: each.
>>   another 
>> remove: each ]].
>>  ^ { receiver asArray . another asArray}

Re: [Pharo-dev] method Quest :)

2014-03-15 Thread Pharo4Stef
Now I can merge dictionaries in a nice way

"self run: #testMerge"

| d d2 d3 |
d := Dictionary new at: #x put: #(x y z) ; at: #y put: #(e f g ) ; at: 
#a put: #(a b c); yourself.
d2 := Dictionary new at: #x put: #(x y z) ; at: #y put: #( h i j) ; 
d3 := d merge: d2 onKeyConflictDoValues: [ :aValue :anotherValue | 
(aValue, anotherValue) asSet asOrderedCollection ].

self assert: (d3 at: #y) equals: #(e f g h i j).
self assert: (d3 at: #a) equals: #(a b c ).
self assert: (d3 at: #x) equals: #(x y z).

[Pharo-dev] Roassal 3D empty windows

2014-03-15 Thread Nicolai Hess

what could be the reason, that any Roassal3d example from the
Roassal3DTutorial.pdf only shows white empty windows?

I loaded ConfigurationOfRoassal3d-RonieSalgado.10 and
(Smalltalk at:
#ConfigurationOfRoassal3d) loadDevelopment

Any ideas?


Re: [Pharo-dev] EyeTreeInspector not ready for prime-time

2014-03-15 Thread Ben Coman

Sean P. DeNigris wrote:

I'm glad we're re-inventing the tools! And, I'm struggling with this tool in
its current form... 

As others have mentioned, the "class" pseudo-variable is confusing, but here
are some that I find worse:
- The receiver does not change with the selection. For me, this was a key
feature of the explorer.

Can you try https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/13086/
cheers -ben

- It does not properly update e.g. if you are inspecting a class containing
a dictionary and add an item to the dictionary, collapsing and expanding the
dictionary node does not show the added item. It seems you must open an
entirely new inspector.
- If you toggle from EyeTreeInspector to EyeInspector, your code in the
bottom pane is lost

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Developers mailing list archive at Nabble.com.


[Pharo-dev] NBOpenGL on Windows

2014-03-15 Thread Nicolai Hess
Is there a working version (maybe with examples)
for NBOpenGL on Windows?

Re: [Pharo-dev] List editor spec widget

2014-03-15 Thread Benjamin
On 15 Mar 2014, at 22:39, Yuriy Tymchuk  wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> I wander if there is already something like the list editing buttons in OS X 
> i.e. ‘+’ and ‘-‘ buttons that either open a dialog with another list that 
> allows to select what to add, or remove selected items from the list. 
> (example on screenshot).

I would answer “not yet” :)

Feel free to submit one :P
If you have questions, I will be glad to answer them, and to help you to 
propose such a widget,
reusable enough so we can add it to the spec widgets :)


[Pharo-dev] Adding a new catalog entry

2014-03-15 Thread Nicolas Cellier
I tested ArbitraryPrecisionFloat in Pharo3.0 where it works OK.
I prepared a Metacello ConfigurationOfArbitraryPrecisionFloat at


How am I supposed to add an entry in MetaRepoForPharo30, should someone
give me access?