There is a much newer version.  I've made some minor corrections today.
I really must put it up on github.
Let me get back to you about that.

On Sat, 22 Apr 2023 at 18:57, Bernhard Pieber <> wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> I really liked your concise description about what is the point of using
> an object-oriented language. It made my day.
> I searched the Web for your Smalltalk library and found this link:
> Is there a newer version available somewhere?
> Cheers,
> Bernhard
> Am 22.04.2023 um 00:51 schrieb Richard O'Keefe <>:
> I'm sorry, it appears that I failed to explain the question
> well enough.  I thought I'd explained earlier.
> successor: target
>   ^(self select: [:each | target < each]) min
> is trivial.  What's wrong with it is that it allocates
> an intermediate collection and takes two passes.
> FIXING that is is also trivial.
> successor: target
>   ^(self virtualSelect: [:each | target < each]) min
>          ^^^^^^^
> This does allocate something, but it's just a few words,
> and a single traversal is one.
> In other languages/contexts we'd be talking about
> loop fusion/listless transformation/deforestation.
> It is my understanding that using Transducers would
> get me *this* level of improvement.
> The problem is that this is still a linear-time
> algorithm.  If you take advantage of the order in
> a SortedCollection or SortedSet,it can take logarithmic
> time.  When SortedSet is implemented as a splay tree
> -- as it is in my library -- iterating over all its
> elements using #successor: is amortised CONSTANT time
> per element.  So we need THREE algorithms:
>  - worst case O(n)  select+min
>  - worst case O(lg n)  binary search
>  - amortised O(1)  splaying
> and we want the algorithm selection to be
>    A U T O M A T I C.
> That's the point of using an object-oriented language.
> I say what I want done and the receiver decides how to
> do it.  Anything where I have to write different
> calling code depending on the structure of the receiver
> doesn't count as a solution.
> Now we come to the heart of the problem.
> The binary search algorithm is NOT a special case
> of the linear search algorithm.  It is not made of
> pieces that can be related to the parts of the linear
> search algorithm.
> The splaying algorithm is NOT a special case of the
> linear search algorithm OR the binary search algorithm.
> It is not made of pieces that can be related to their
> parts.
> So *IF* I want automatic selection of an appropriate
> algorithm, then I have to rely on inheritance and
> overriding, and in order to do that I have to have
> a named method that *can* be overridden, and at that
> point I'm no longer building a transducer out of
> pluggable pieces.
> So that's the point of this exercise.
> How do we get
> (a) composition of transducers out of pluggable parts
> (b) automatic selection of appropriate algorithms
> On Fri, 21 Apr 2023 at 20:35, Steffen Märcker <> wrote:
>> Hi Richard,
>> Now that's much clearer to me:
>> min{y | y in c . y > x} "strict supremum"
>> max{y | y in c . y < x} "strict infimum"
>> For the general case of a sequence (not sorted) of elements we can do
>> strictSupremumOf: x in: sequence
>> ^(sequence transduce filter: [:y | y > x]) "virtual sequence"
>> inject: nil
>> into: [:min :b | min ifNotNil: [:a | a min: b]]
>> I just picked a variant of minimum that answers nil if no element is
>> found. Other variants would work, too.
>> The focus of transducers is on re-use and composition of processing
>> steps. We can break this up into steps if needed:
>> minimum := [:min :b | min ifNotNil: [:a | a min: b]] init: nil.
>> "reduction"
>> upperBounds := Filter predicate: [:y | y > x]. "transducer"
>> strictSup := minimum transduce: upperBounds. "transformed reduction"
>> ^strictSup reduce: sequence
>> We can also use a different notation similar to a data flow:
>> minimum <~ upperBounds <~ sequence
>> Of course, if we know how the sequence is sorted, we should use another
>> algorithm. Assuming an ascending order with no random access, we'd change
>> minimum to stop early:
>> minimum := [:min :b | Stop result: b].
>> Kind regards,
>> Steffen
>> Richard O'Keefe schrieb am Freitag, 21. April 2023 05:33:44 (+02:00):
>> successor of x in c = the smallest element of c that is larger than x
>>  min {y | y in c . y > x}
>> predecessor of x in c = the largest element of c that is smaller than x
>>  max {y | y in c . y < x}
>> On Thu, 20 Apr 2023 at 21:08, Steffen Märcker <> wrote:
>>> Dear Richard,
>>> thanks for that additional piece. I'll put insert-<left/right> on my
>>> list of possible variants. I think we come back to naming after the initial
>>> port is done and everyone can play with it. Generally, I made the
>>> observation to better be careful with names since it's too easy to alienate
>>> other or trigger wrong assumptions.
>>> New  topic! (quote below)
>>> Honestly, my knowledge of Haskell is rather limited and rusted. Hence, I
>>> am having difficulties understanding what exactly these operations with a
>>> sequence of elements. Can you give an example or some pseude/smalltalk code
>>> from your use-case and library?
>>> Kind regards
>>> Changing the subject a wee bit, there's an operation family
>>> in my library, and I wonder how it would fit into Transducers?
>>> To avoid bias, here's a specification in Haskell (for lists,
>>> because I haven't had any luck installing Data.Witherable).
>>> uccessorBy, predecessorBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> [a] -> a
>>> successor,   predecessor   :: Ord a                => a -> [a] -> a
>>> successor = successorBy compare
>>> successorBy cmp x = minimumBy cmp . filter (\y -> cmp x y == LT)
>>> predecessor = predecessorBy compare
>>> predecessorBy cmp = successorBy (flip cmp)
>>> The reason these operations exist is to pick neighbouring
>>> elements in SortedCollections and SortedSets.  But they make
>>> *sense* for any Enumerable.  So there are "generic"
>>> definitions with orderrides for those two classes.
>>> A filter + a reduce .  Traditionally, a #select:thenFold:ifNone:
>>> in order to avoid building an intermediate collection.  That much
>>> I see how to do with transducers.  But you can't get the desired
>>> override for #successor:[sortBlock:][ifNone:] by overriding
>>> #select:thenFold:ifNone: in SortedCollection or SortedSet.  So what
>>> *should* one do?
>> --
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