
        i have a class with some instance variable.

        For example  a class Product  with some instance variable and the       
 =      method set to:

        = anItem

        anItem ifNil:[^false]. 
        anItem class = self class ifFalse:[ ^false].
        ^  rfrConsegna  = anItem rfrConsegna 
                                and:[ rfrSubTable  = anItem rfrSubTable
                                        and:[ rfrDcm = anItem rfrDcm
                                                and:[ indexRiga = anItem 
                                                        and:[ referenceTime = 
anItem referenceTime 
                                                                and:[ consumer 
= anItem consumer
item = anItem item
and:[ opzioniVoce  = anItem opzioniVoce
        Some of these variables are instances  of classes with specific 
implementation and some variables themselves.

        I set the relative hash method to:

        ^ rfrConsegna hash
                bitXor:( rfrSubTable  hash
                        bitXor: ( rfrDcm hash
                                bitXor: ( indexRiga hash
                                        bitXor: ( referenceTime hash
                                                bitXor: ( consumer   hash
                                                        bitXor: ( item   hash
                                                                bitXor: ( 
opzioniVoce  hash

        Now my doubt,  having many variables affecting the hash calculation,

        is to be sure  that different instances don't give the same hash value.

        Some advice about it?




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