Here's the answer I wrote:

It would be just like Smalltalk
with optional static typing. Separate namespaces, too.

It would have built-in support for multi-core concurrency.

I would call it *Maxwell* (after James Clerk Maxwell).

Since Smalltalk already has lambdas, Maxwell could do functional
programming, too.

Since Smalltalk is fully reflective, Maxwell could do metaprogramming, too,
just like Lisp.

Since Smalltalk has built-in support for *live coding*, Maxwell could also
eliminate the traditional edit-compile-test-debug cycle that hampers most
developers. *Productivity could easily double!*

Maxwell would also have the option to compile to native code, C, Java, and
JavaScript, so it can:

   1. execute very quickly on bare metal
   2. interoperate with C
   3. utilize the JVM ecosystem
   4. run in the web browser

Maxwell would retain Smalltalk’s simplicity (for the most part) making it
great for educational purposes.

Finally, Maxwell would be a tightly controlled standard, thereby avoiding
fragmentation. *There can be only one Maxwell.*

And I would be the BDFL.

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