In terms of integrating Pharo with any of these technologies, it can be done 
with Apache Synapse, and/or a combination of JINI (Apache River) services 
mapped to their Vert.x equivalents.  (using Stamp or VerStix).
I have the code for the latter. If anyone wants it I can clean it up to be 
presentable and put it on GitHub.
The former can be done via Synapse configuration, including adding the 
requisite Axis2 protocol.
Of course, already written code is also easier to port than new code is to 
write, generally speaking. 
Since a number of the projects call out to publicly available resources, those 
would be relatively easy to rewrite in Pharo.
In any case, there are at least a couple of articles / projects that may be of 
Apologies for the length of the post – if it’s not of interest just skip it.

Andrew Glynn

>From the Eclipse Foundation newsletter:

Eclipse Newsletter - 2017.11.22

Location Matters

Editor's Note
There is an assumption that up to 80% of all objects and activities are linked 
to a specific and unique location, permanently or at any given time. This 
implies that a majority of all - big and small - data has a spatial or 
spatial-temporal component. Something that is of great value for asset 
management, remote sensing, IoT, and autonomous cars, just to name a few. No 
wonder that geospatial technology has become the must-have in many commercial 
and industrial applications.

LocationTech, an Eclipse Foundation Working Group for spatially aware 
technology, is the home for Big (and smaller) Geospatial Data processing and 
visualization components and development tools. Within LocationTech, a variety 
of stakeholders collaborate on projects that deal with the various challenges 
presented by the 'Big Data V's'.

This issue of the Eclipse Newsletter is dedicated to some of the latest Big 
Geospatial Data development projects available. We kick off with an article 
about the open source geospatial toolkit, JTS 1.15. We then explore 
LocationTech GeoTrellis before moving on to two case studies: 1) exactEarth and 
GeoMesa being used for Hurricane Harvey and 2) Spatial Data and Precision 
Agriculture. Finally, we learn what's new in GeoGig 1.2.

You are welcome to join the conversation, participate, and benefit regardless 
of background - industry, government, science, or academia, etc.

We'd like to thank the Eclipse LocationTech community for contributing these 
articles. It was a great pleasure to work with each author and the community as 
a whole.


Geospatial starts with Geometry

A cornerstone of the open source geospatial toolkit, JTS 1.15 brings spatial 
data types, spatial relationships, and spatial operations for processing 
geometries to the Eclipse Foundation.

LocationTech GeoTrellis - What's New

GeoTrellis continues to advance the field of distributed processing of 
geospatial imagery and raster data.

Maritime Location Intelligence with exactEarth data and LocationTech GeoMesa

The CCRI team shows how exactEarth’s maritime dataset was used with GeoMesa to 
explore shipping traffic during Hurricane Harvey.

Spatial Data and Precision Agriculture

Witness the power of LocationTech software when used as a tool for precision 
agriculture and large scale farming.

LocationTech GeoGig 1.2.0 now released!

GeoGig 1.2 delivers improved usability with QGIS, better Replication and 
support for GeoServer 2.12.

Eclipse Newsletter - 2017.11.22

Location Matters

LocationTech GeoTrellis - What's New

GeoTrellis continues to advance the field of distributed processing of 
geospatial imagery and raster data.

Maritime Location Intelligence with exactEarth data and LocationTech GeoMesa

The CCRI team shows how exactEarth’s maritime dataset was used with GeoMesa to 
explore shipping traffic during Hurricane Harvey.

Spatial Data and Precision Agriculture

Witness the power of LocationTech software when used as a tool for precision 
agriculture and large scale farming.

LocationTech GeoGig 1.2.0 now released!

GeoGig 1.2 delivers improved usability with QGIS, better Replication and 
support for GeoServer 2.12.

What is FOSS4G NA 2018

Get a sneak peek at the premier 2018 North American conference and tradeshow 
for all things open source geospatial comes to St. Louis, MO.

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