Welcome christer and thanks for sharing your fix.
I hope a guy will reply to you.

To me it looks ok :) but I never looked at RFB


Le 22/6/15 18:29, Christer Assmundsson a écrit :
Hi all,

I have fixed (?) an issue in RFB server that seems to solve a problem I had with initiating a session. After the fix it works at least with UltraVnc. Still not with tightVnc though, has to be some other problem with that.

As I'm not very experienced with pharo I'd like to have somebody elses eyes on it before checking it in to SmaltalkHub (if I even have access to that). Quality status on the fix is "works on my machine"

At the start of RFBSession>> sendFramebufferUpdate

   | updateRegion nRects sendCursor sendPosition |
preferredEncoding ifNil: [^self]. "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< new code"
   self beginUpdate.

Reasoning: Until we know what encoding to use, we can't send updates. Just discard them. It will be picked up later. Technical: Futher down in the method we call "countRects" which is not set until we set encoding, and therefore the method fails with DNU.

Please let me know how I should proceed.

Best regards,

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