#33227 [Opn->Fbk]: zend_strtod() broken on big-endian arm

2005-06-02 Thread sniper
 ID:   33227
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  jbparsons at ucdavis dot edu
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: "unslung" - www.nslu2-linux.org
 PHP Version:  5.0.4
 New Comment:

See lines 126-133 in zend_strtod.c

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-03 03:44:43] jbparsons at ucdavis dot edu


On big-endian arm systems, php sometimes crashes (infinite loop) inside

The problem seems to be the code at line 261 of zend_strtod.c, which
apparently assumes that every arm system has little-endian integers:

#if defined(IEEE_LITTLE_ENDIAN) + defined(VAX) + defined(__arm__)
#define Storeinc(a,b,c) (((unsigned short *)a)[1] = (unsigned short)b,
((unsigned short *)a)[0] = (unsigned short)c, a++)
#define Storeinc(a,b,c) (((unsigned short *)a)[0] = (unsigned short)b,
((unsigned short *)a)[1] = (unsigned short)c, a++)

Reproduce code:

Expected result:


Actual result:
(gdb) run
Starting program: /share/hdd/data/home/jp30/t/php foo.php

  [...minutes pass, then Ctrl-C is pressed...]

Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0x00146528 in zend_strtod ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00146528 in zend_strtod ()
Cannot access memory at address 0x4

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33227&edit=1

#33226 [Opn->WFx]: php 5.0.4 no longer detects endianness when cross-compiling

2005-06-02 Thread sniper
 ID:   33226
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  jbparsons at ucdavis dot edu
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Wont fix
-Bug Type: *Compile Issues
+Bug Type: Compile Failure
 Operating System: linux
 PHP Version:  5.0.4
 New Comment:

Yes, life is hard sometimes. If you can provide a reliable way to
detect endianness when cross-compiling, feel free to send a patch. 

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-03 02:32:18] jbparsons at ucdavis dot edu


php 5.0.3 and earlier used AC_C_BIGENDIAN during configuration to
detect the endianness of the target system.  This autoconf macro is
capable of detecting the endianness of many systems even when

php 5.0.4 now uses AC_TRY_RUN instead, which means that it is no longer
able to detect the endianness of a target, and it must instead be
configured manually.

This makes it harder to configure php correctly when building for
embedded systems, such as the Linksys nslu2, where this problem was

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33226&edit=1

#33192 [Opn->Fbk]: failure to pass certificate in handshake of openssl related transport sockets

2005-06-02 Thread wez
 ID:   33192
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Sockets related
 Operating System: linux(slackware)
 PHP Version:  5.0.4(latest snapshot)
 New Comment:

Looks to me like you want to be using sslv3:// instead of tls:// there
(just based on your server output).
Use ssl:// for automatic v2 or v3 support.  Only use tls:// when the
server can only speak tls; it's a different dialect of SSL.

The context options for openssl, including tls, are all bundled under
the name "ssl".

I think your code should probably look more like this:

$c = stream_context_create(array(
   "ssl" => array(
   "local_cert" => "sec.pem",
   ... other options ...
$s = stream_socket_client("sslv3://.", ., $c);

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-03 02:54:18] justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com

so I added php_error_docref displays to the certfile and passphrase
GET_VER_OPT sections of php_SSL_new_from_context and recieved no
display from either.

It seems that the variables aren't getting parsed, but truthfuly, I'm
hacking with very broad swings on that one... and, I haven't at all
looked at the inner workings of the GET_VER_OPT macro.

[2005-06-02 20:48:27] justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com

crap... ignore that... forgot to change SSL_do_handshake() to
SSL_connect() when took out SSL_set_connect_state()... so I can connect
using what seems to be the same connection method in C.

[2005-06-02 20:12:48] justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com

am also able to connect with c code




static int password_callback(char* buf, int num, int verify, void*
data) {
   strncpy(buf, (char*)(data),num);
   buf[num -1] = '\0';
   return (strlen(buf));

int main() {
   char *certfile = "sec.pem";

   SSL_METHOD* meth;
   SSL_CTX* ctx;



   SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL);
   SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, "DEFAULT");

   if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx,certfile) != 1)
 perror("error loading cert");

   if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, certfile,SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) !=
 perror("error loading key");

   SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(ctx, (void*)"qwerty");
   SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(ctx, password_callback);

   SSL* ssl = SSL_new(ctx);

   int sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
   struct sockaddr_in sa;
   memset(&sa, '\0', sizeof(sa));
   sa.sin_family  = AF_INET;
   sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
   sa.sin_port= htons(1234);
   connect(sd, (struct sockaddr*) &sa, sizeof(sa));
   getpeername(sd,(struct sockaddr*) &sa,(socklen_t*)(sizeof(sa)));

   SSL_set_fd(ssl, sd);


   int state = SSL_do_handshake(ssl);
   if (state!=1) {
  return 0;
   return 1;

which if I'm right in assuming SSL *php_SSL_new_from_context(SSL_CTX
*ctx, php_stream *stream TSRMLS_DC) in /ext/openssl/openssl.c is the
context creator should be logically the same thing.

actually I looked at the methods and if I take out the
SSL_set_connect_state() and switch the method to TSLv1_client_method()
I get the errors out of C... so it looks like it's in my openssl
I'm running 0.9.7g, which is the latest stable... I'll try the snapshot
and see if that helps... I'll let you know if it does but after that, if
it doesn't, I'll probably bug openSSL about it cause it seems to be
their deal...

I will say my workaround(which I had previously thought was just
different syntax) worked for me in C... but I can see where you would
want to keep all CTX settings in php_SSL_new_from_context and not put
them in php_openssl_setup_crypto where you set up the methods... it's
alot cleaner that way

[2005-06-01 00:35:48] justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com

installed php5-latest.tar.gz
am now getting the same error from server

but error from client is the same SSL error with added warnings
Warning: stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1.
OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake
failure in ssl.conector.php on line 17

Warning: stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto in
ssl.conector.php on line 17

Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to tls://host:port
(Unknown error) in ssl.conector.php on line 17

still no certificate passed

#33227 [NEW]: zend_strtod() broken on big-endian arm

2005-06-02 Thread jbparsons at ucdavis dot edu
From: jbparsons at ucdavis dot edu
Operating system: "unslung" - www.nslu2-linux.org
PHP version:  5.0.4
PHP Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Bug description:  zend_strtod() broken on big-endian arm


On big-endian arm systems, php sometimes crashes (infinite loop) inside

The problem seems to be the code at line 261 of zend_strtod.c, which
apparently assumes that every arm system has little-endian integers:

#if defined(IEEE_LITTLE_ENDIAN) + defined(VAX) + defined(__arm__)
#define Storeinc(a,b,c) (((unsigned short *)a)[1] = (unsigned short)b, \
((unsigned short *)a)[0] = (unsigned short)c, a++)
#define Storeinc(a,b,c) (((unsigned short *)a)[0] = (unsigned short)b, \
((unsigned short *)a)[1] = (unsigned short)c, a++)

Reproduce code:

Expected result:


Actual result:
(gdb) run
Starting program: /share/hdd/data/home/jp30/t/php foo.php

  [...minutes pass, then Ctrl-C is pressed...]

Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0x00146528 in zend_strtod ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00146528 in zend_strtod ()
Cannot access memory at address 0x4

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33227&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (php4):   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33227&r=trysnapshot4
Try a CVS snapshot (php5.0): 
Try a CVS snapshot (php5.1): 
Fixed in CVS:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33227&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33227&r=alreadyfixed
Need backtrace:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33227&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33227&r=needscript
Try newer version:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33227&r=oldversion
Not developer issue: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33227&r=support
Expected behavior:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33227&r=notwrong
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 3 support discontinued:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33227&r=php3
Daylight Savings:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33227&r=dst
IIS Stability:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33227&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33227&r=gnused
Floating point limitations:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33227&r=float
No Zend Extensions:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33227&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33227&r=mysqlcfg

#33192 [Opn]: failure to pass certificate in handshake of openssl related transport sockets

2005-06-02 Thread justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com
 ID:   33192
 User updated by:  justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com
 Reported By:  justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Sockets related
 Operating System: linux(slackware)
 PHP Version:  5.0.4(latest snapshot)
 New Comment:

so I added php_error_docref displays to the certfile and passphrase
GET_VER_OPT sections of php_SSL_new_from_context and recieved no
display from either.

It seems that the variables aren't getting parsed, but truthfuly, I'm
hacking with very broad swings on that one... and, I haven't at all
looked at the inner workings of the GET_VER_OPT macro.

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-02 20:48:27] justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com

crap... ignore that... forgot to change SSL_do_handshake() to
SSL_connect() when took out SSL_set_connect_state()... so I can connect
using what seems to be the same connection method in C.

[2005-06-02 20:12:48] justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com

am also able to connect with c code




static int password_callback(char* buf, int num, int verify, void*
data) {
   strncpy(buf, (char*)(data),num);
   buf[num -1] = '\0';
   return (strlen(buf));

int main() {
   char *certfile = "sec.pem";

   SSL_METHOD* meth;
   SSL_CTX* ctx;



   SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL);
   SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, "DEFAULT");

   if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx,certfile) != 1)
 perror("error loading cert");

   if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, certfile,SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) !=
 perror("error loading key");

   SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(ctx, (void*)"qwerty");
   SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(ctx, password_callback);

   SSL* ssl = SSL_new(ctx);

   int sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
   struct sockaddr_in sa;
   memset(&sa, '\0', sizeof(sa));
   sa.sin_family  = AF_INET;
   sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
   sa.sin_port= htons(1234);
   connect(sd, (struct sockaddr*) &sa, sizeof(sa));
   getpeername(sd,(struct sockaddr*) &sa,(socklen_t*)(sizeof(sa)));

   SSL_set_fd(ssl, sd);


   int state = SSL_do_handshake(ssl);
   if (state!=1) {
  return 0;
   return 1;

which if I'm right in assuming SSL *php_SSL_new_from_context(SSL_CTX
*ctx, php_stream *stream TSRMLS_DC) in /ext/openssl/openssl.c is the
context creator should be logically the same thing.

actually I looked at the methods and if I take out the
SSL_set_connect_state() and switch the method to TSLv1_client_method()
I get the errors out of C... so it looks like it's in my openssl
I'm running 0.9.7g, which is the latest stable... I'll try the snapshot
and see if that helps... I'll let you know if it does but after that, if
it doesn't, I'll probably bug openSSL about it cause it seems to be
their deal...

I will say my workaround(which I had previously thought was just
different syntax) worked for me in C... but I can see where you would
want to keep all CTX settings in php_SSL_new_from_context and not put
them in php_openssl_setup_crypto where you set up the methods... it's
alot cleaner that way

[2005-06-01 00:35:48] justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com

installed php5-latest.tar.gz
am now getting the same error from server

but error from client is the same SSL error with added warnings
Warning: stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1.
OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake
failure in ssl.conector.php on line 17

Warning: stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto in
ssl.conector.php on line 17

Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to tls://host:port
(Unknown error) in ssl.conector.php on line 17

still no certificate passed

stream_socket_enable_crypto makes no difference

[2005-05-31 07:22:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

stream_socket_enable_crypto() was added in PHP 5.1-dev,
it's not (and will not be) in PHP 5.0.x

[2005-05-31 05:36:42] justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com

line that was truncated on exapmle source is 
if (!fp =

#33226 [NEW]: php 5.0.4 no longer detects endianness when cross-compiling

2005-06-02 Thread jbparsons at ucdavis dot edu
From: jbparsons at ucdavis dot edu
Operating system: linux
PHP version:  5.0.4
PHP Bug Type: *Compile Issues
Bug description:  php 5.0.4 no longer detects endianness when cross-compiling


php 5.0.3 and earlier used AC_C_BIGENDIAN during configuration to detect
the endianness of the target system.  This autoconf macro is capable of
detecting the endianness of many systems even when cross-compiling.

php 5.0.4 now uses AC_TRY_RUN instead, which means that it is no longer
able to detect the endianness of a target, and it must instead be
configured manually.

This makes it harder to configure php correctly when building for embedded
systems, such as the Linksys nslu2, where this problem was noticed.

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33226&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (php4):   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33226&r=trysnapshot4
Try a CVS snapshot (php5.0): 
Try a CVS snapshot (php5.1): 
Fixed in CVS:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33226&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33226&r=alreadyfixed
Need backtrace:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33226&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33226&r=needscript
Try newer version:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33226&r=oldversion
Not developer issue: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33226&r=support
Expected behavior:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33226&r=notwrong
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 3 support discontinued:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33226&r=php3
Daylight Savings:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33226&r=dst
IIS Stability:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33226&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33226&r=gnused
Floating point limitations:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33226&r=float
No Zend Extensions:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33226&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33226&r=mysqlcfg

#33225 [NEW]: PHP sends multiple Status headers

2005-06-02 Thread phpbugs at thequod dot de
From: phpbugs at thequod dot de
Operating system: 
PHP version:  5.0.4
PHP Bug Type: CGI related
Bug description:  PHP sends multiple Status headers


Multiple "Status" lines get send when
using "header('Location: url')", which produces an  
additional 302 (REDIRECT) status code.  

This causes FastCGI (at least) to produce a 500 Internal
Server Error:
FastCGI: comm with server "/path/to/fcgi-starter" aborted:
error parsing headers: duplicate header 'status'

(http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.header.php) says:
Note:  The HTTP status header line will always be the
first sent to the client [[NOT TRUE! - reproduce: echo  
"" | php5/bin/php-fcgi]],  
regardless of the
actual header() call being the first or not. The status
may be overridden by calling header() with a new status
line at any time unless the HTTP headers have already been
sent [[NOT TRUE! - this bug]].

configure (both PHP5 and PHP4):
./configure --enable-memory-limit
--enable-force-cgi-redirect  \
--enable-track-vars --with-pcre-regex --with-mysql
--without-sqlite \
--with-zlib --with-bz2 --enable-mbstring --with-openssl
--enable-exif \
--with-dom=shared --with-ttf=shared --with-gd=shared
--enable-calendar \
--with-iconv --enable-inline-optimization
--enable-gd-native-ttf \
--with-ldap --with-ldap-sasl \
--with-gettext \
--without-mm --enable-fastcgi --prefix=/home/daniel/php5

Reproduce code:
$ cat << "?>" | php5/bin/php-fcgi 
http://www.example.org' ); 

Expected result:

Status: 301  
Content-type: text/html  
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.0.4  
Location: http://www.example.org  

Actual result:
Status: 302 
Content-type: text/html 
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.0.4 
Status: 301 
Location: http://www.example.org 

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33225&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (php4):   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33225&r=trysnapshot4
Try a CVS snapshot (php5.0): 
Try a CVS snapshot (php5.1): 
Fixed in CVS:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33225&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33225&r=alreadyfixed
Need backtrace:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33225&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33225&r=needscript
Try newer version:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33225&r=oldversion
Not developer issue: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33225&r=support
Expected behavior:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33225&r=notwrong
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 3 support discontinued:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33225&r=php3
Daylight Savings:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33225&r=dst
IIS Stability:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33225&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33225&r=gnused
Floating point limitations:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33225&r=float
No Zend Extensions:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33225&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33225&r=mysqlcfg

#28605 [Asn->Csd]: bug21523.phpt test never end (-mieee fixes it..)

2005-06-02 Thread sniper
 ID:   28605
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  tbp at poly dot polytechnique dot fr
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Math related
 Operating System: Compaq Tru64 UNIX v5.1
 PHP Version:  5CVS, 4CVS (2005-03-21)
 Assigned To:  helly
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2005-04-18 13:14:13] tbp at poly dot polytechnique dot fr

You are right "-mieee" gcc option, fix this test problem:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/Admin/SRC/Apache/php4-STABLE-200504061830]# sapi/cli/php
Bug #21523 number_format tries to allocate negative amount of memory

#33222 [Asn->Csd]: segmentation fault when trying to run curl_close from the handler function

2005-06-02 Thread tony2001
 ID:   33222
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  public at grik dot net
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: cURL related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:  5.*, 4.*
 Assigned To:  tony2001
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-02 21:44:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Assigned to myself. Patch pending.

[2005-06-02 19:10:52] public at grik dot net

Segmentation fault persists

[version_number] => 462336
[age] => 2
[features] => 540
[ssl_version_number] => 0
[version] => 7.14.0
[host] => i686-pc-linux-gnu
[ssl_version] =>  OpenSSL/0.9.7a
[libz_version] => 1.1.4
[protocols] => Array
[0] => ftp
[1] => gopher
[2] => telnet
[3] => dict
[4] => ldap
[5] => http
[6] => file
[7] => https
[8] => ftps

[2005-06-02 18:40:53] public at grik dot net

CURL Informationlibcurl/7.12.0 

it's not old, I upgraded it not so long ago, and manual says PHP5
requires 7.10.5

trying to upgrade to CURL 7.14

[2005-06-02 18:07:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is the version of cURL used? 
What if you try to upgrade it to the latest available from
http://curl.haxx.se/download.html ?

[2005-06-02 17:20:47] public at grik dot net

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x403a9d84 in Curl_readwrite (conn=0x81f584c, done=0xbfffc39f "")
at transfer.c:890
890   }

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33222&edit=1

#33142 [Bgs]: Session info not getting saved correctly

2005-06-02 Thread jkump at everestgt dot com
 ID:   33142
 User updated by:  jkump at everestgt dot com
 Reported By:  jkump at everestgt dot com
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Session related
 Operating System: Solaris 9
 PHP Version:  5.0.4
 New Comment:

This problem occurs when simplexml_load_string is used within the

Previous Comments:

[2005-05-26 19:40:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry, but your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.  For a
list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP, please
visit http://www.php.net/support.php as this bug system is not the
appropriate forum for asking support questions.  Due to the volume
of reports we can not explain in detail here why your report is not
a bug.  The support channels will be able to provide an explanation
for you.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

This is not a support forum where you ask how to use PHP..
(Thre is no bug here, sessions work just fine)

[2005-05-26 02:35:43] jkump at everestgt dot com

That is fine.  I will try that but, this is the error that I am getting
when I come back in and nothing is available in the $_SESSION

[24-May-2005 16:06:22] PHP Warning:  session_start() [function.session-start]: Node no
longer exists in
on line 64
[24-May-2005 16:06:22] PHP Warning:  session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send
session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at
on line 64
[24-May-2005 16:06:22] PHP Warning:  session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send
session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at
on line 64

These show up on the second trip into the code.  I cant initialize the
session again.

When I assign stuff to $_SESSION['foo'] and then exit the script.  come
back into the script via a link on the page.  The session is no longer
valid and the $_SESSION info is gone.  The code works correctly in php
4.3.11.  and it fails on 5.0.4.  

I can try and setup an external area so you can see what is happening.


[2005-05-26 00:37:20] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Use 'isset($_SESSION['foo'])' and it will work just fine.
(you're setting it to non-false value..)

[2005-05-25 18:57:15] jkump at everestgt dot com


When using session_start() and coming into the page a second time.  The
$_SESSION[] information is not getting saved correctly.  When returing
to the page in an appropriate amount of time the session_start
functions says the node no lionger exists.  Works correctly in php
4.3.11 but not in 5.0.4

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

secnd time called should say 


Actual result:
Get warning messages about node no longer valid.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33142&edit=1

#16079 [Com]: Allow '.' (concat) operator on static strings

2005-06-02 Thread pornel at despammed dot com
 ID:   16079
 Comment by:   pornel at despammed dot com
 Reported By:  steve dot venable at lmco dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: All
 PHP Version:  4.1.1
 New Comment:

Not fixed in latest snapshot (PHP5.1.0-dev). I was about to file
bugreport about:

class Test1 {
const test1 = 'foo'.'bar';
class Test2 {
static $test2 = array('foo'.'bar');
class Test3 {
const test3 = foo.'bar';

Workaround is to use define() for all string concatenation and then
using these constants as initializers.

Previous Comments:

[2002-03-14 14:01:32] steve dot venable at lmco dot com

I can understand requiring constants for static initialization.  But
can the parser be modified to support operators on constants for static
initializations?  This is especially true for long strings which I can't
even break at the end of line for readability.  (I almost submitted this
as a bug :)

$v = 1 + 2;   // Okay
 static $s = 1 + 2;   // Fails parse

$v = "this long "
 ."string";  // Okay
 static $s = "this long "
 ."string";  // Fails parse

Since only constants are involved the parser could collapse the
expression without difficulty.  This makes the code much more readable
(again thinking of very long strings).  In my case I'm building an
array of error messages and don't want the array build to occur
everytime the function is called, hence I made it static.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=16079&edit=1

#33222 [Opn->Asn]: segmentation fault when trying to run curl_close from the handler function

2005-06-02 Thread tony2001
 ID:   33222
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  public at grik dot net
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: cURL related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:  5.*, 4.*
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  tony2001
 New Comment:

Assigned to myself. Patch pending.

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-02 19:10:52] public at grik dot net

Segmentation fault persists

[version_number] => 462336
[age] => 2
[features] => 540
[ssl_version_number] => 0
[version] => 7.14.0
[host] => i686-pc-linux-gnu
[ssl_version] =>  OpenSSL/0.9.7a
[libz_version] => 1.1.4
[protocols] => Array
[0] => ftp
[1] => gopher
[2] => telnet
[3] => dict
[4] => ldap
[5] => http
[6] => file
[7] => https
[8] => ftps

[2005-06-02 18:40:53] public at grik dot net

CURL Informationlibcurl/7.12.0 

it's not old, I upgraded it not so long ago, and manual says PHP5
requires 7.10.5

trying to upgrade to CURL 7.14

[2005-06-02 18:07:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is the version of cURL used? 
What if you try to upgrade it to the latest available from
http://curl.haxx.se/download.html ?

[2005-06-02 17:20:47] public at grik dot net

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x403a9d84 in Curl_readwrite (conn=0x81f584c, done=0xbfffc39f "")
at transfer.c:890
890   }

[2005-06-02 17:17:18] public at grik dot net

(gdb) bt
#0  0x403a9d84 in Curl_readwrite (conn=0x81f584c, done=0xbfffc39f "")
at transfer.c:890
#1  0x403aaf56 in Transfer (conn=0x81f584c) at transfer.c:1480
#2  0x403ab94a in Curl_perform (data=0x81f7b7c) at transfer.c:1985
#3  0x403ac175 in curl_easy_perform (curl=0x81f7b7c) at easy.c:378
#4  0x4002c3d2 in zif_curl_exec (ht=1, return_value=0x81f55dc,
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/ext/curl/interface.c:1261
#5  0x0814a267 in zend_do_fcall_common_helper
opline=0x81f5068, op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:2747
#6  0x0814a8c8 in zend_do_fcall_handler (execute_data=0xbfffc610,
opline=0x81f5068, op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:2881
#7  0x08147188 in execute (op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:1417
#8  0x081239fe in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=0x0,
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend.c:1080
#9  0x080e5323 in php_execute_script (primary_file=0xbfffe9e0)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/main/main.c:1646
#10 0x08153187 in main (argc=4, argv=0xbfffea84)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1582
#11 0x42015574 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33222&edit=1

#33192 [Opn]: failure to pass certificate in handshake of openssl related transport sockets

2005-06-02 Thread justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com
 ID:   33192
 User updated by:  justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com
 Reported By:  justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Sockets related
 Operating System: linux(slackware)
 PHP Version:  5.0.4(latest snapshot)
 New Comment:

crap... ignore that... forgot to change SSL_do_handshake() to
SSL_connect() when took out SSL_set_connect_state()... so I can connect
using what seems to be the same connection method in C.

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-02 20:12:48] justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com

am also able to connect with c code




static int password_callback(char* buf, int num, int verify, void*
data) {
   strncpy(buf, (char*)(data),num);
   buf[num -1] = '\0';
   return (strlen(buf));

int main() {
   char *certfile = "sec.pem";

   SSL_METHOD* meth;
   SSL_CTX* ctx;



   SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL);
   SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, "DEFAULT");

   if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx,certfile) != 1)
 perror("error loading cert");

   if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, certfile,SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) !=
 perror("error loading key");

   SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(ctx, (void*)"qwerty");
   SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(ctx, password_callback);

   SSL* ssl = SSL_new(ctx);

   int sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
   struct sockaddr_in sa;
   memset(&sa, '\0', sizeof(sa));
   sa.sin_family  = AF_INET;
   sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
   sa.sin_port= htons(1234);
   connect(sd, (struct sockaddr*) &sa, sizeof(sa));
   getpeername(sd,(struct sockaddr*) &sa,(socklen_t*)(sizeof(sa)));

   SSL_set_fd(ssl, sd);


   int state = SSL_do_handshake(ssl);
   if (state!=1) {
  return 0;
   return 1;

which if I'm right in assuming SSL *php_SSL_new_from_context(SSL_CTX
*ctx, php_stream *stream TSRMLS_DC) in /ext/openssl/openssl.c is the
context creator should be logically the same thing.

actually I looked at the methods and if I take out the
SSL_set_connect_state() and switch the method to TSLv1_client_method()
I get the errors out of C... so it looks like it's in my openssl
I'm running 0.9.7g, which is the latest stable... I'll try the snapshot
and see if that helps... I'll let you know if it does but after that, if
it doesn't, I'll probably bug openSSL about it cause it seems to be
their deal...

I will say my workaround(which I had previously thought was just
different syntax) worked for me in C... but I can see where you would
want to keep all CTX settings in php_SSL_new_from_context and not put
them in php_openssl_setup_crypto where you set up the methods... it's
alot cleaner that way

[2005-06-01 00:35:48] justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com

installed php5-latest.tar.gz
am now getting the same error from server

but error from client is the same SSL error with added warnings
Warning: stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1.
OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake
failure in ssl.conector.php on line 17

Warning: stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto in
ssl.conector.php on line 17

Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to tls://host:port
(Unknown error) in ssl.conector.php on line 17

still no certificate passed

stream_socket_enable_crypto makes no difference

[2005-05-31 07:22:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

stream_socket_enable_crypto() was added in PHP 5.1-dev,
it's not (and will not be) in PHP 5.0.x

[2005-05-31 05:36:42] justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com

line that was truncated on exapmle source is 
if (!fp =

[2005-05-31 03:36:49] justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com


Have been unable to get a socket_stream_client() to pass the
certificate whose path is specified by stream_context_create().

also stream_socket_enable_crypto() is an unknown function.

Reproduce code:

#33224 [Opn->Fbk]: require_once includes the same file again even if path/filename is identical

2005-06-02 Thread sniper
 ID:   33224
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  ypae at hotmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
-Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
+Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: Windows 2003 Server
 PHP Version:  5.0.4
 New Comment:

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-02 17:16:47] ypae at hotmail dot com


When I created a lib.inc.php that has a few functions defined (e.g.
getmicrocode(), myfunction()) and try to include it on several files
with require_once, it somehow included more than once even though the
end result of 'path/filename' is identical.

My understanding of require_once limitation on Windows (or non-POSIX)
platform was that if you have mixed case with the same file name, it
will be included again. Another words, as long as you have identical
"path/filename" as part of require_once statement, it should include
only once.

As a result, since you cannot redeclare the same function within the
page, you get:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare "functionname()" (previously declared

Reproduce code:
For example,

On lib.inc.php:
{ echo "hello!";}

{ echo "hello again!";}

On index.php 

$_my_absolute_path = 'c:/inetpub/wwwroot/';

on template.inc.php
$_my_absolute_path = 'c:/inetpub/wwwroot/';

require_once($_my_absolute_path.'lib.inc.php'); // Just in case someone
didn't call this previously

The realistic code is quite complex: 
A require_once B and C
B require_once C and *D*
C require_once *D*

and *D* causes redeclare issue when I load A.

Expected result:

the second attempt to include lib.inc.php by using require_once should
be ignored because it was already loaded. 

The same code running on Linux works perfectly and it used to be fine
on PHP 4.3.10

But right after I rebuild the server with PHP 5.0.4, I got the
following error:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare myfunction1() (previously declared in...

Actual result:
the second attempt to include lib.inc.php by using require_once WAS
performed and it causes error.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33224&edit=1

#33175 [Opn->Bgs]: cant cross compiling arm linux

2005-06-02 Thread sniper
 ID:   33175
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  esteban at correo dot unam dot mx
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Compile Failure
 Operating System: linux
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2005-05-28 (stable)
 New Comment:

We really don't support cross compiling. You really need to know what
you're doing yourself and know how to do it.
In this case: You need a compiler that sets __arm__ 

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-02 19:29:04] esteban at correo dot unam dot mx

If I try with php5-200506021430, I need the correct vesion of the
libxml2 if I want to configure with the pear and xml options but if I
disable this options and compile I have the same error.

[2005-06-02 00:39:13] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DO NOT use --host! And do not paste any more long configure outputs
here if not asked for..

Try again, WITHOUT it and this time using FRESH sources.
(get the latest PHP 5 snapshot!)

[2005-05-31 17:12:00] esteban at correo dot unam dot mx

I'm compiling under i686-pc-linux (fedora core 1) and I want to run in
AEL (Arcom Embebed Linux) with arm linux and kernel 2.4.26 plataform. 

I'm using toolchain of arcom for cross compiling and qemu like a
processor emulator in my build pc, with the options:

>--target=arm-linux \
>--host=arm-linux \

Part of configure is:

loading cache ./config.cache
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for gcc... (cached) arm-linux-gcc
checking whether the C compiler (arm-linux-gcc
-I/opt/arcom/arm-linux/include ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (arm-linux-gcc
-I/opt/arcom/arm-linux/include ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... (cached) yes
checking whether arm-linux-gcc accepts -g... (cached) yes
checking whether arm-linux-gcc and cc understand -c and -o together...
(cached) yes
checking how to run the C preprocessor... (cached) arm-linux-gcc -E
checking for AIX... no
checking if compiler supports -R... (cached) no
checking if compiler supports -Wl,-rpath,... (cached) yes
checking for re2c... (cached) exit 0;
checking whether ln -s works... (cached) yes
checking for mawk... (cached) gawk
checking for bison... (cached) bison -y
checking bison version... 1.875 (ok)
checking for flex... (cached) flex
checking for yywrap in -lfl... (cached) yes
checking lex output file root... (cached) lex.yy
checking whether yytext is a pointer... (cached) yes
checking for working const... (cached) yes
checking flex version... 2.5.4 (ok)
checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... (cached) no
checking whether to force non-PIC code in shared modules... yes
checking for pthreads_cflags... (cached)
checking for pthreads_lib... (cached)

but it's happening what I already described you. Do you really think is
just a configuration problem? :$  What about  '--without-pear' option?

If I change zend_strtod.c file how I already described you
and use the option --enable-sockes for configure, the php info page and
an simple program with sockets works but i don´t know the possible
problems if I work with this  environment  

And thanks a lot for your answers

[2005-05-31 08:43:51] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Under what OS/platform are you compiling ? And _for_ what OS/platform?
I think you've simply using the wrong configure options, see
./configure --help and options --target and --build  (--host is
something else)

[2005-05-31 01:45:26] esteban at correo dot unam dot mx

HI !!
For this test I used php-4.3.11

I edited the file zend_strtod.c changing the line:

#if  defined(IEEE_LITTLE_ENDIAN) + defined(IEEE_BIG_ENDIAN) +
defined(VAX) + defined(IBM) != 1 


#if defined(IEEE_BIG_ENDIAN) + defined(VAX)\
 + defined(IBM) != 1 

when I compiled it finished Ok then I ran the command "make install"
but this ocurred

Installing PEAR environment: 
qemu: uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - exiting
make[1]: *** [install-pear-installer] Error 245
make: *** [install-pear] Error 2

Next I configured php with this line:
>CC="arm-linux-gcc" \
>CXX="arm-linux-g++" \
>CFLAGS="-I/opt/arcom/arm-linux/include" \
>LIBS="-L/opt/arcom/arm-linux/lib" \
>./configure '--prefix=/flashcard/usr/local/php-arm \
>--with-apxs=/flashcard/usr/local/apache-arm/bin/apxs \ >--without-pear
--without-mysql --host=arm-linux \ >--build=i386-linux'

SEE the '--without-pear' option

after I executed 



"make install"


this compile and run fine. NOW my question is: This option how affects
the performance o

#33192 [Opn]: failure to pass certificate in handshake of openssl related transport sockets

2005-06-02 Thread justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com
 ID:   33192
 User updated by:  justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com
 Reported By:  justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Sockets related
 Operating System: linux(slackware)
 PHP Version:  5.0.4(latest snapshot)
 New Comment:

am also able to connect with c code




static int password_callback(char* buf, int num, int verify, void*
data) {
   strncpy(buf, (char*)(data),num);
   buf[num -1] = '\0';
   return (strlen(buf));

int main() {
   char *certfile = "sec.pem";

   SSL_METHOD* meth;
   SSL_CTX* ctx;



   SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL);
   SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, "DEFAULT");

   if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx,certfile) != 1)
 perror("error loading cert");

   if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, certfile,SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) !=
 perror("error loading key");

   SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(ctx, (void*)"qwerty");
   SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(ctx, password_callback);

   SSL* ssl = SSL_new(ctx);

   int sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
   struct sockaddr_in sa;
   memset(&sa, '\0', sizeof(sa));
   sa.sin_family  = AF_INET;
   sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
   sa.sin_port= htons(1234);
   connect(sd, (struct sockaddr*) &sa, sizeof(sa));
   getpeername(sd,(struct sockaddr*) &sa,(socklen_t*)(sizeof(sa)));

   SSL_set_fd(ssl, sd);


   int state = SSL_do_handshake(ssl);
   if (state!=1) {
  return 0;
   return 1;

which if I'm right in assuming SSL *php_SSL_new_from_context(SSL_CTX
*ctx, php_stream *stream TSRMLS_DC) in /ext/openssl/openssl.c is the
context creator should be logically the same thing.

actually I looked at the methods and if I take out the
SSL_set_connect_state() and switch the method to TSLv1_client_method()
I get the errors out of C... so it looks like it's in my openssl
I'm running 0.9.7g, which is the latest stable... I'll try the snapshot
and see if that helps... I'll let you know if it does but after that, if
it doesn't, I'll probably bug openSSL about it cause it seems to be
their deal...

I will say my workaround(which I had previously thought was just
different syntax) worked for me in C... but I can see where you would
want to keep all CTX settings in php_SSL_new_from_context and not put
them in php_openssl_setup_crypto where you set up the methods... it's
alot cleaner that way

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-01 00:35:48] justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com

installed php5-latest.tar.gz
am now getting the same error from server

but error from client is the same SSL error with added warnings
Warning: stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1.
OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake
failure in ssl.conector.php on line 17

Warning: stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto in
ssl.conector.php on line 17

Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to tls://host:port
(Unknown error) in ssl.conector.php on line 17

still no certificate passed

stream_socket_enable_crypto makes no difference

[2005-05-31 07:22:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

stream_socket_enable_crypto() was added in PHP 5.1-dev,
it's not (and will not be) in PHP 5.0.x

[2005-05-31 05:36:42] justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com

line that was truncated on exapmle source is 
if (!fp =

[2005-05-31 03:36:49] justin dot d dot allen at gmail dot com


Have been unable to get a socket_stream_client() to pass the
certificate whose path is specified by stream_context_create().

also stream_socket_enable_crypto() is an unknown function.

Reproduce code:
if (!$fp =
echo "$errstr ($errno)\n";
} else {  

Expected result:

expect to

#33175 [Fbk->Opn]: cant cross compiling arm linux

2005-06-02 Thread esteban at correo dot unam dot mx
 ID:   33175
 User updated by:  esteban at correo dot unam dot mx
 Reported By:  esteban at correo dot unam dot mx
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Compile Failure
 Operating System: linux
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2005-05-28 (stable)
 New Comment:

If I try with php5-200506021430, I need the correct vesion of the
libxml2 if I want to configure with the pear and xml options but if I
disable this options and compile I have the same error.

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-02 00:39:13] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DO NOT use --host! And do not paste any more long configure outputs
here if not asked for..

Try again, WITHOUT it and this time using FRESH sources.
(get the latest PHP 5 snapshot!)

[2005-05-31 17:12:00] esteban at correo dot unam dot mx

I'm compiling under i686-pc-linux (fedora core 1) and I want to run in
AEL (Arcom Embebed Linux) with arm linux and kernel 2.4.26 plataform. 

I'm using toolchain of arcom for cross compiling and qemu like a
processor emulator in my build pc, with the options:

>--target=arm-linux \
>--host=arm-linux \

Part of configure is:

loading cache ./config.cache
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for gcc... (cached) arm-linux-gcc
checking whether the C compiler (arm-linux-gcc
-I/opt/arcom/arm-linux/include ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (arm-linux-gcc
-I/opt/arcom/arm-linux/include ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... (cached) yes
checking whether arm-linux-gcc accepts -g... (cached) yes
checking whether arm-linux-gcc and cc understand -c and -o together...
(cached) yes
checking how to run the C preprocessor... (cached) arm-linux-gcc -E
checking for AIX... no
checking if compiler supports -R... (cached) no
checking if compiler supports -Wl,-rpath,... (cached) yes
checking for re2c... (cached) exit 0;
checking whether ln -s works... (cached) yes
checking for mawk... (cached) gawk
checking for bison... (cached) bison -y
checking bison version... 1.875 (ok)
checking for flex... (cached) flex
checking for yywrap in -lfl... (cached) yes
checking lex output file root... (cached) lex.yy
checking whether yytext is a pointer... (cached) yes
checking for working const... (cached) yes
checking flex version... 2.5.4 (ok)
checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... (cached) no
checking whether to force non-PIC code in shared modules... yes
checking for pthreads_cflags... (cached)
checking for pthreads_lib... (cached)

but it's happening what I already described you. Do you really think is
just a configuration problem? :$  What about  '--without-pear' option?

If I change zend_strtod.c file how I already described you
and use the option --enable-sockes for configure, the php info page and
an simple program with sockets works but i don´t know the possible
problems if I work with this  environment  

And thanks a lot for your answers

[2005-05-31 08:43:51] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Under what OS/platform are you compiling ? And _for_ what OS/platform?
I think you've simply using the wrong configure options, see
./configure --help and options --target and --build  (--host is
something else)

[2005-05-31 01:45:26] esteban at correo dot unam dot mx

HI !!
For this test I used php-4.3.11

I edited the file zend_strtod.c changing the line:

#if  defined(IEEE_LITTLE_ENDIAN) + defined(IEEE_BIG_ENDIAN) +
defined(VAX) + defined(IBM) != 1 


#if defined(IEEE_BIG_ENDIAN) + defined(VAX)\
 + defined(IBM) != 1 

when I compiled it finished Ok then I ran the command "make install"
but this ocurred

Installing PEAR environment: 
qemu: uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - exiting
make[1]: *** [install-pear-installer] Error 245
make: *** [install-pear] Error 2

Next I configured php with this line:
>CC="arm-linux-gcc" \
>CXX="arm-linux-g++" \
>CFLAGS="-I/opt/arcom/arm-linux/include" \
>LIBS="-L/opt/arcom/arm-linux/lib" \
>./configure '--prefix=/flashcard/usr/local/php-arm \
>--with-apxs=/flashcard/usr/local/apache-arm/bin/apxs \ >--without-pear
--without-mysql --host=arm-linux \ >--build=i386-linux'

SEE the '--without-pear' option

after I executed 



"make install"


this compile and run fine. NOW my question is: This option how affects
the performance of php ?

And I want to run a web application with sockets and sessions, is this
posible with this option ?

Finally I want to know if my report is considered like a bug  or not.


[2005-05-28 23:52:

#33222 [Fbk->Opn]: segmentation fault when trying to run curl_close from the handler function

2005-06-02 Thread public at grik dot net
 ID:   33222
 User updated by:  public at grik dot net
 Reported By:  public at grik dot net
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: cURL related
 Operating System: Linux RH9
 PHP Version:  5.0.4
 New Comment:

Segmentation fault persists

[version_number] => 462336
[age] => 2
[features] => 540
[ssl_version_number] => 0
[version] => 7.14.0
[host] => i686-pc-linux-gnu
[ssl_version] =>  OpenSSL/0.9.7a
[libz_version] => 1.1.4
[protocols] => Array
[0] => ftp
[1] => gopher
[2] => telnet
[3] => dict
[4] => ldap
[5] => http
[6] => file
[7] => https
[8] => ftps

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-02 18:45:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ok, waiting for you to provide info.

[2005-06-02 18:40:53] public at grik dot net

CURL Informationlibcurl/7.12.0 

it's not old, I upgraded it not so long ago, and manual says PHP5
requires 7.10.5

trying to upgrade to CURL 7.14

[2005-06-02 18:07:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is the version of cURL used? 
What if you try to upgrade it to the latest available from
http://curl.haxx.se/download.html ?

[2005-06-02 17:20:47] public at grik dot net

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x403a9d84 in Curl_readwrite (conn=0x81f584c, done=0xbfffc39f "")
at transfer.c:890
890   }

[2005-06-02 17:17:18] public at grik dot net

(gdb) bt
#0  0x403a9d84 in Curl_readwrite (conn=0x81f584c, done=0xbfffc39f "")
at transfer.c:890
#1  0x403aaf56 in Transfer (conn=0x81f584c) at transfer.c:1480
#2  0x403ab94a in Curl_perform (data=0x81f7b7c) at transfer.c:1985
#3  0x403ac175 in curl_easy_perform (curl=0x81f7b7c) at easy.c:378
#4  0x4002c3d2 in zif_curl_exec (ht=1, return_value=0x81f55dc,
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/ext/curl/interface.c:1261
#5  0x0814a267 in zend_do_fcall_common_helper
opline=0x81f5068, op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:2747
#6  0x0814a8c8 in zend_do_fcall_handler (execute_data=0xbfffc610,
opline=0x81f5068, op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:2881
#7  0x08147188 in execute (op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:1417
#8  0x081239fe in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=0x0,
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend.c:1080
#9  0x080e5323 in php_execute_script (primary_file=0xbfffe9e0)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/main/main.c:1646
#10 0x08153187 in main (argc=4, argv=0xbfffea84)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1582
#11 0x42015574 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33222&edit=1

#33222 [Opn->Fbk]: segmentation fault when trying to run curl_close from the handler function

2005-06-02 Thread tony2001
 ID:   33222
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  public at grik dot net
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: cURL related
 Operating System: Linux RH9
 PHP Version:  5.0.4
 New Comment:

Ok, waiting for you to provide info.

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-02 18:40:53] public at grik dot net

CURL Informationlibcurl/7.12.0 

it's not old, I upgraded it not so long ago, and manual says PHP5
requires 7.10.5

trying to upgrade to CURL 7.14

[2005-06-02 18:07:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is the version of cURL used? 
What if you try to upgrade it to the latest available from
http://curl.haxx.se/download.html ?

[2005-06-02 17:20:47] public at grik dot net

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x403a9d84 in Curl_readwrite (conn=0x81f584c, done=0xbfffc39f "")
at transfer.c:890
890   }

[2005-06-02 17:17:18] public at grik dot net

(gdb) bt
#0  0x403a9d84 in Curl_readwrite (conn=0x81f584c, done=0xbfffc39f "")
at transfer.c:890
#1  0x403aaf56 in Transfer (conn=0x81f584c) at transfer.c:1480
#2  0x403ab94a in Curl_perform (data=0x81f7b7c) at transfer.c:1985
#3  0x403ac175 in curl_easy_perform (curl=0x81f7b7c) at easy.c:378
#4  0x4002c3d2 in zif_curl_exec (ht=1, return_value=0x81f55dc,
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/ext/curl/interface.c:1261
#5  0x0814a267 in zend_do_fcall_common_helper
opline=0x81f5068, op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:2747
#6  0x0814a8c8 in zend_do_fcall_handler (execute_data=0xbfffc610,
opline=0x81f5068, op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:2881
#7  0x08147188 in execute (op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:1417
#8  0x081239fe in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=0x0,
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend.c:1080
#9  0x080e5323 in php_execute_script (primary_file=0xbfffe9e0)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/main/main.c:1646
#10 0x08153187 in main (argc=4, argv=0xbfffea84)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1582
#11 0x42015574 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6

[2005-06-02 16:55:14] public at grik dot net


When I try to close CURL connection from the function, registered as a
handler for the output (header or body), PHP crashes.

Reproduce code:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, 'header_callback');



function header_callback($ch, $string){
echo $string;
return strlen($string);


Expected result:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Actual result:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Segmentation fault

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33222&edit=1

#33222 [Fbk->Opn]: segmentation fault when trying to run curl_close from the handler function

2005-06-02 Thread public at grik dot net
 ID:   33222
 User updated by:  public at grik dot net
 Reported By:  public at grik dot net
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: cURL related
 Operating System: Linux RH9
 PHP Version:  5.0.4
 New Comment:

CURL Informationlibcurl/7.12.0 

it's not old, I upgraded it not so long ago, and manual says PHP5
requires 7.10.5

trying to upgrade to CURL 7.14

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-02 18:07:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is the version of cURL used? 
What if you try to upgrade it to the latest available from
http://curl.haxx.se/download.html ?

[2005-06-02 17:20:47] public at grik dot net

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x403a9d84 in Curl_readwrite (conn=0x81f584c, done=0xbfffc39f "")
at transfer.c:890
890   }

[2005-06-02 17:17:18] public at grik dot net

(gdb) bt
#0  0x403a9d84 in Curl_readwrite (conn=0x81f584c, done=0xbfffc39f "")
at transfer.c:890
#1  0x403aaf56 in Transfer (conn=0x81f584c) at transfer.c:1480
#2  0x403ab94a in Curl_perform (data=0x81f7b7c) at transfer.c:1985
#3  0x403ac175 in curl_easy_perform (curl=0x81f7b7c) at easy.c:378
#4  0x4002c3d2 in zif_curl_exec (ht=1, return_value=0x81f55dc,
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/ext/curl/interface.c:1261
#5  0x0814a267 in zend_do_fcall_common_helper
opline=0x81f5068, op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:2747
#6  0x0814a8c8 in zend_do_fcall_handler (execute_data=0xbfffc610,
opline=0x81f5068, op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:2881
#7  0x08147188 in execute (op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:1417
#8  0x081239fe in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=0x0,
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend.c:1080
#9  0x080e5323 in php_execute_script (primary_file=0xbfffe9e0)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/main/main.c:1646
#10 0x08153187 in main (argc=4, argv=0xbfffea84)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1582
#11 0x42015574 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6

[2005-06-02 16:55:14] public at grik dot net


When I try to close CURL connection from the function, registered as a
handler for the output (header or body), PHP crashes.

Reproduce code:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, 'header_callback');



function header_callback($ch, $string){
echo $string;
return strlen($string);


Expected result:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Actual result:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Segmentation fault

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33222&edit=1

#33222 [Opn->Fbk]: segmentation fault when trying to run curl_close from the handler function

2005-06-02 Thread tony2001
 ID:   33222
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  public at grik dot net
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: cURL related
 Operating System: Linux RH9
 PHP Version:  5.0.4
 New Comment:

What is the version of cURL used? 
What if you try to upgrade it to the latest available from
http://curl.haxx.se/download.html ?

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-02 17:20:47] public at grik dot net

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x403a9d84 in Curl_readwrite (conn=0x81f584c, done=0xbfffc39f "")
at transfer.c:890
890   }

[2005-06-02 17:17:18] public at grik dot net

(gdb) bt
#0  0x403a9d84 in Curl_readwrite (conn=0x81f584c, done=0xbfffc39f "")
at transfer.c:890
#1  0x403aaf56 in Transfer (conn=0x81f584c) at transfer.c:1480
#2  0x403ab94a in Curl_perform (data=0x81f7b7c) at transfer.c:1985
#3  0x403ac175 in curl_easy_perform (curl=0x81f7b7c) at easy.c:378
#4  0x4002c3d2 in zif_curl_exec (ht=1, return_value=0x81f55dc,
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/ext/curl/interface.c:1261
#5  0x0814a267 in zend_do_fcall_common_helper
opline=0x81f5068, op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:2747
#6  0x0814a8c8 in zend_do_fcall_handler (execute_data=0xbfffc610,
opline=0x81f5068, op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:2881
#7  0x08147188 in execute (op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:1417
#8  0x081239fe in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=0x0,
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend.c:1080
#9  0x080e5323 in php_execute_script (primary_file=0xbfffe9e0)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/main/main.c:1646
#10 0x08153187 in main (argc=4, argv=0xbfffea84)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1582
#11 0x42015574 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6

[2005-06-02 16:55:14] public at grik dot net


When I try to close CURL connection from the function, registered as a
handler for the output (header or body), PHP crashes.

Reproduce code:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, 'header_callback');



function header_callback($ch, $string){
echo $string;
return strlen($string);


Expected result:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Actual result:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Segmentation fault

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33222&edit=1

#33222 [Opn]: segmentation fault when trying to run curl_close from the handler function

2005-06-02 Thread public at grik dot net
 ID:   33222
 User updated by:  public at grik dot net
 Reported By:  public at grik dot net
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: cURL related
 Operating System: Linux RH9
 PHP Version:  5.0.4
 New Comment:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x403a9d84 in Curl_readwrite (conn=0x81f584c, done=0xbfffc39f "")
at transfer.c:890
890   }

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-02 17:17:18] public at grik dot net

(gdb) bt
#0  0x403a9d84 in Curl_readwrite (conn=0x81f584c, done=0xbfffc39f "")
at transfer.c:890
#1  0x403aaf56 in Transfer (conn=0x81f584c) at transfer.c:1480
#2  0x403ab94a in Curl_perform (data=0x81f7b7c) at transfer.c:1985
#3  0x403ac175 in curl_easy_perform (curl=0x81f7b7c) at easy.c:378
#4  0x4002c3d2 in zif_curl_exec (ht=1, return_value=0x81f55dc,
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/ext/curl/interface.c:1261
#5  0x0814a267 in zend_do_fcall_common_helper
opline=0x81f5068, op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:2747
#6  0x0814a8c8 in zend_do_fcall_handler (execute_data=0xbfffc610,
opline=0x81f5068, op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:2881
#7  0x08147188 in execute (op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:1417
#8  0x081239fe in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=0x0,
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend.c:1080
#9  0x080e5323 in php_execute_script (primary_file=0xbfffe9e0)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/main/main.c:1646
#10 0x08153187 in main (argc=4, argv=0xbfffea84)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1582
#11 0x42015574 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6

[2005-06-02 16:55:14] public at grik dot net


When I try to close CURL connection from the function, registered as a
handler for the output (header or body), PHP crashes.

Reproduce code:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, 'header_callback');



function header_callback($ch, $string){
echo $string;
return strlen($string);


Expected result:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Actual result:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Segmentation fault

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33222&edit=1

#33222 [NEW]: segmentation fault when trying to run curl_close from the handler function

2005-06-02 Thread public at grik dot net
From: public at grik dot net
Operating system: Linux RH9
PHP version:  5.0.4
PHP Bug Type: cURL related
Bug description:  segmentation fault when trying to run curl_close from the 
handler function


When I try to close CURL connection from the function, registered as a
handler for the output (header or body), PHP crashes.

Reproduce code:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, 'header_callback');



function header_callback($ch, $string){
echo $string;
return strlen($string);


Expected result:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Actual result:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Segmentation fault

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33222&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (php4):   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33222&r=trysnapshot4
Try a CVS snapshot (php5.0): 
Try a CVS snapshot (php5.1): 
Fixed in CVS:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33222&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33222&r=alreadyfixed
Need backtrace:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33222&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33222&r=needscript
Try newer version:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33222&r=oldversion
Not developer issue: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33222&r=support
Expected behavior:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33222&r=notwrong
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 3 support discontinued:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33222&r=php3
Daylight Savings:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33222&r=dst
IIS Stability:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33222&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33222&r=gnused
Floating point limitations:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33222&r=float
No Zend Extensions:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33222&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33222&r=mysqlcfg

#33214 [Asn->Csd]: [PATCH] odbc_next_result does not signal SQL errors

2005-06-02 Thread tony2001
 ID:   33214
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  rich at kastle dot com
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: ODBC related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  5.*, 4.*
 Assigned To:  kalowsky
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-01 17:35:46] rich at kastle dot com


(This bug is in all versions of PHP since 4.*; the patch is against PHP

If a 2-statement SQL batch is executed, where the first SQL statement
completes correctly but the second SQL statement yeilds an error, there
is no error indication given by odbc_next_result; you simply get FALSE.

I have a patch to correct this:

--- ext/odbc/php_odbc.c~2005-01-18 10:07:10.0 -0500
+++ ext/odbc/php_odbc.c 2005-06-01 11:01:25.176471600 -0400
@@ -2439,5 +2463,8 @@
-   else {
+   else if(rc == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
+   } else {
+   odbc_sql_error(result->conn_ptr, result->stmt, 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33214&edit=1

#33222 [Opn]: segmentation fault when trying to run curl_close from the handler function

2005-06-02 Thread public at grik dot net
 ID:   33222
 User updated by:  public at grik dot net
 Reported By:  public at grik dot net
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: cURL related
 Operating System: Linux RH9
 PHP Version:  5.0.4
 New Comment:

(gdb) bt
#0  0x403a9d84 in Curl_readwrite (conn=0x81f584c, done=0xbfffc39f "")
at transfer.c:890
#1  0x403aaf56 in Transfer (conn=0x81f584c) at transfer.c:1480
#2  0x403ab94a in Curl_perform (data=0x81f7b7c) at transfer.c:1985
#3  0x403ac175 in curl_easy_perform (curl=0x81f7b7c) at easy.c:378
#4  0x4002c3d2 in zif_curl_exec (ht=1, return_value=0x81f55dc,
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/ext/curl/interface.c:1261
#5  0x0814a267 in zend_do_fcall_common_helper
opline=0x81f5068, op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:2747
#6  0x0814a8c8 in zend_do_fcall_handler (execute_data=0xbfffc610,
opline=0x81f5068, op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:2881
#7  0x08147188 in execute (op_array=0x81f09a4)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend_execute.c:1417
#8  0x081239fe in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=0x0,
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/Zend/zend.c:1080
#9  0x080e5323 in php_execute_script (primary_file=0xbfffe9e0)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/main/main.c:1646
#10 0x08153187 in main (argc=4, argv=0xbfffea84)
at /usr/src/web/php5-STABLE-200505161036/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1582
#11 0x42015574 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-02 16:55:14] public at grik dot net


When I try to close CURL connection from the function, registered as a
handler for the output (header or body), PHP crashes.

Reproduce code:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, 'header_callback');



function header_callback($ch, $string){
echo $string;
return strlen($string);


Expected result:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Actual result:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Segmentation fault

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33222&edit=1

#33224 [NEW]: require_once includes the same file again even if path/filename is identical

2005-06-02 Thread ypae at hotmail dot com
From: ypae at hotmail dot com
Operating system: Windows 2003 Server
PHP version:  5.0.4
PHP Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Bug description:  require_once includes the same file again even if 
path/filename is identical


When I created a lib.inc.php that has a few functions defined (e.g.
getmicrocode(), myfunction()) and try to include it on several files with
require_once, it somehow included more than once even though the end
result of 'path/filename' is identical.

My understanding of require_once limitation on Windows (or non-POSIX)
platform was that if you have mixed case with the same file name, it will
be included again. Another words, as long as you have identical
"path/filename" as part of require_once statement, it should include only

As a result, since you cannot redeclare the same function within the page,
you get:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare "functionname()" (previously declared in...

Reproduce code:
For example,

On lib.inc.php:
{ echo "hello!";}

{ echo "hello again!";}

On index.php 

$_my_absolute_path = 'c:/inetpub/wwwroot/';

on template.inc.php
$_my_absolute_path = 'c:/inetpub/wwwroot/';

require_once($_my_absolute_path.'lib.inc.php'); // Just in case someone
didn't call this previously

The realistic code is quite complex: 
A require_once B and C
B require_once C and *D*
C require_once *D*

and *D* causes redeclare issue when I load A.

Expected result:

the second attempt to include lib.inc.php by using require_once should be
ignored because it was already loaded. 

The same code running on Linux works perfectly and it used to be fine on
PHP 4.3.10

But right after I rebuild the server with PHP 5.0.4, I got the following

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare myfunction1() (previously declared in...

Actual result:
the second attempt to include lib.inc.php by using require_once WAS
performed and it causes error.

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33224&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (php4):   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33224&r=trysnapshot4
Try a CVS snapshot (php5.0): 
Try a CVS snapshot (php5.1): 
Fixed in CVS:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33224&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33224&r=alreadyfixed
Need backtrace:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33224&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33224&r=needscript
Try newer version:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33224&r=oldversion
Not developer issue: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33224&r=support
Expected behavior:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33224&r=notwrong
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 3 support discontinued:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33224&r=php3
Daylight Savings:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33224&r=dst
IIS Stability:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33224&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33224&r=gnused
Floating point limitations:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33224&r=float
No Zend Extensions:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33224&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33224&r=mysqlcfg

#33214 [Opn->Asn]: [PATCH] odbc_next_result does not signal SQL errors

2005-06-02 Thread tony2001
 ID:   33214
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  rich at kastle dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: ODBC related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:  5.*, 4.*
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  kalowsky

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-01 17:35:46] rich at kastle dot com


(This bug is in all versions of PHP since 4.*; the patch is against PHP

If a 2-statement SQL batch is executed, where the first SQL statement
completes correctly but the second SQL statement yeilds an error, there
is no error indication given by odbc_next_result; you simply get FALSE.

I have a patch to correct this:

--- ext/odbc/php_odbc.c~2005-01-18 10:07:10.0 -0500
+++ ext/odbc/php_odbc.c 2005-06-01 11:01:25.176471600 -0400
@@ -2439,5 +2463,8 @@
-   else {
+   else if(rc == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
+   } else {
+   odbc_sql_error(result->conn_ptr, result->stmt, 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33214&edit=1

#33220 [Opn->Asn]: Denial of service through imagecreatefromgif()

2005-06-02 Thread tony2001
 ID:   33220
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  phpbugs at pureftpd dot org
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: GD related
 Operating System: any
 PHP Version:  5.0.4
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  pajoye

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-02 15:11:16] phpbugs at pureftpd dot org


The following (invalid) picture triggers an infinite loop  
in gdImageCreateFromGif() with 100% CPU usage.  
Tested on Linux and OpenBSD, PHP4 with GD 1 and PHP5 with 
built-in GD. 

Reproduce code:

Get kaboom-gd.gif from ftp://ftp.00f.net/misc/kaboom-gd.gif

Expected result:

No 100% CPU usage. 

Actual result:
100% CPU usage, infinite loop. 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33220&edit=1

#33201 [Opn->Asn]: segfault in _emalloc called from php_mssql_get_column_content_with_type

2005-06-02 Thread tony2001
 ID:   33201
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  skissane at iips dot mq dot edu dot au
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: MSSQL related
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:  5.0.4
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  fmk

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-01 04:22:30] skissane at iips dot mq dot edu dot au

I have tried with latest snapshot.

When PHP is complied with --enable-debug, it works fine, although it
complains with messages like the following:

: Block 0x08304430 status:
: Actual location (location was relayed)
Beginning:  OK (allocated on
19 bytes)
  End:  Overflown (magic=0x2A8FCC00 instead of 0x2A8FCC84)
1 byte(s) overflown

However, when PHP is not compiled with --enable-debug, I get a SEGV
again, with the following backtrace:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 16384 (LWP 31750)]
0x40283bef in _int_malloc () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
(gdb) bt
#0  0x40283bef in _int_malloc () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
#1  0x402852ac in malloc () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
#2  0x0814fe48 in _emalloc (size=1077090752) at
#3  0x08085e76 in php_mssql_get_column_content_with_type
(mssql_ptr=0x8274cc4, offset=1077090752, result=0x82876dc,
#4  0x08086707 in _mssql_fetch_batch (mssql_ptr=0x8274cc4,
result=0x826fa7c, retvalue=-1)
#5  0x08086b86 in zif_mssql_query (ht=33, return_value=0x8274f34,
this_ptr=0x0, return_value_used=1)
#6  0x0817daae in zend_do_fcall_common_helper (execute_data=0xbfffd4b0,
opline=0x8273e60, op_array=0x826f9ec)
#7  0x0817b036 in execute (op_array=0x826f9ec) at
#8  0x08160c1b in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=0x0,
file_count=3) at
#9  0x08133a2b in php_execute_script (primary_file=0xb870) at
#10 0x081844d8 in main (argc=2, argv=0xb8f4) at
#11 0x40236912 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6

[2005-05-31 14:17:28] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2005-05-31 13:53:08] skissane at iips dot mq dot edu dot au


Segmentation fault.

Reproduce code:
$i = mssql_query("SELECT * FROM MSSQLTrace_99",$q);
while (mssql_fetch_row($i) !== FALSE);

Where the  MSSQLTrace_99 table is created by the following MSSQL script
(a bit too big for a bug database):

Expected result:

No output.

Actual result:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 16384 (LWP 29878)]
0x40440bef in _int_malloc () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
(gdb) bt
#0  0x40440bef in _int_malloc () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
#1  0x404422ac in malloc () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
#2  0x0815ac58 in _emalloc (size=1078913472) at
#3  0x0809151e in php_mssql_get_column_content_with_type
(mssql_ptr=0x827079c, offset=1078913472, result=0x828319c,
at /home/skissane/php-5.0.4/ext/mssql/php_mssql.c:877
#4  0x08091daf in _mssql_fetch_batch (mssql_ptr=0x827079c,
result=0x826b5cc, retvalue=-1) at
#5  0x0809222e in zif_mssql_query (ht=33, return_value=0x8270a54,
this_ptr=0x0, return_value_used=1) at
#6  0x081882ce in zend_do_fcall_common_helper (execute_data=0xbfffd510,
opline=0x826f980, op_array=0x826b53c)
at /home/skissane/php-5.0.4/Zend/zend_execute.c:2727
#7  0x081858ca in execute (op_array=0x826b53c) at
#8  0x0816b79f in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=0x0,

#33221 [NEW]: Varchar >255 not supported

2005-06-02 Thread graham1 dot simpson at hsbcib dot com
From: graham1 dot simpson at hsbcib dot com
Operating system: Linux Redhat AS 3.0
PHP version:  5.0.4
PHP Bug Type: Sybase-ct (ctlib) related
Bug description:  Varchar >255 not supported


PHP client application truncates text/varchar columns to 255 chars, even
when compiled with a new Sybase CT open client.
I think this is more of a feature enhancement request rather than a bug
per se.

Load the form mentioned belowin your web browser and add data until bigger
than 255.

My environment is php 5.0.4 under apache 2.0.48 with --with-sybase-ct
option compiled in. The version of open client is 12.5.1. which supports
large varchars.

Reproduce code:
To reproduce:
% cat 


In isql:
use tempdb
create table gsi (Key1 varchar(1500))
insert gsi values ("somevalue")

Expected result:

Ideally, I would expect to get my row returned when bigger than 255

Actual result:
As the PHP client cannot handle varchars > 255, a server error is
generated informing that a truncation has occurred:

Warning: sybase_query() [function.sybase-query]: Sybase: Server message:
Character or binary data returned from Adaptive Server has been truncated.
The client application does not support more than 255 bytes of data as a
result column or output parameter. (severity 10, procedure N/A) in
/home/sybase/public_html/testform.php on line 20

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33221&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (php4):   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33221&r=trysnapshot4
Try a CVS snapshot (php5.0): 
Try a CVS snapshot (php5.1): 
Fixed in CVS:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33221&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33221&r=alreadyfixed
Need backtrace:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33221&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33221&r=needscript
Try newer version:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33221&r=oldversion
Not developer issue: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33221&r=support
Expected behavior:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33221&r=notwrong
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 3 support discontinued:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33221&r=php3
Daylight Savings:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33221&r=dst
IIS Stability:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33221&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33221&r=gnused
Floating point limitations:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33221&r=float
No Zend Extensions:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33221&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33221&r=mysqlcfg

#31222 [Asn->Bgs]: ocicommit not working

2005-06-02 Thread tony2001
 ID:   31222
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  amonw at hotmail dot com
-Status:   Assigned
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: OCI8 related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2005-04-04
 Assigned To:  tony2001
 New Comment:

Tested and replied to you.
ocicommit() works fine as I've already told you before.
Even if there is an issue, it has nothing to do with ocicommit() and

Previous Comments:

[2005-05-25 06:36:18] amonw at hotmail dot com

I've built a test system and sent the information about it to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] You can ssh2 to it and reproduce the problem.
Thank you.

[2005-05-23 10:13:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can't fix something that I can't reproduce.
ocicommit() works just PERFECTLY for me and for others, and the version
of PHP doesn't really matter here.

[2005-05-23 04:42:23] amonw at hotmail dot com

I tried php5 yesterday and the problem doesn't exists. So can you fix
it in php4? Thanks.

[2005-05-18 00:14:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

We really need to know if this is fixed in HEAD, so please try the
snapshot. Nobody is telling you should put it on PRODUCTION machine.
You do have some test/dev machines?!

[2005-05-17 07:09:52] amonw at hotmail dot com

I've tried the newest version of php4 but it can't solve my problem.
Please refer to my last 2 comments.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=31222&edit=1

#33220 [NEW]: Denial of service through imagecreatefromgif()

2005-06-02 Thread phpbugs at pureftpd dot org
From: phpbugs at pureftpd dot org
Operating system: any
PHP version:  5.0.4
PHP Bug Type: GD related
Bug description:  Denial of service through imagecreatefromgif()


The following (invalid) picture triggers an infinite loop  
in gdImageCreateFromGif() with 100% CPU usage.  
Tested on Linux and OpenBSD, PHP4 with GD 1 and PHP5 with 
built-in GD. 

Reproduce code:

Get kaboom-gd.gif from ftp://ftp.00f.net/misc/kaboom-gd.gif

Expected result:

No 100% CPU usage. 

Actual result:
100% CPU usage, infinite loop. 

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33220&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (php4):   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33220&r=trysnapshot4
Try a CVS snapshot (php5.0): 
Try a CVS snapshot (php5.1): 
Fixed in CVS:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33220&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33220&r=alreadyfixed
Need backtrace:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33220&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33220&r=needscript
Try newer version:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33220&r=oldversion
Not developer issue: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33220&r=support
Expected behavior:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33220&r=notwrong
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 3 support discontinued:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33220&r=php3
Daylight Savings:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33220&r=dst
IIS Stability:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33220&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33220&r=gnused
Floating point limitations:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33220&r=float
No Zend Extensions:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33220&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33220&r=mysqlcfg

#33218 [Fbk->Csd]: Apache crash on declaring a private methode __destruct with debug_backtrace

2005-06-02 Thread robo47 at robo47 dot net
 ID:   33218
 User updated by:  robo47 at robo47 dot net
 Reported By:  robo47 at robo47 dot net
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: Linux and Windows
 PHP Version:  5.0.4
 New Comment:

Okay thx, tested the Windows CVS-Build and it worked without an Error.


Previous Comments:

[2005-06-02 11:45:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

I can't reproduce this, so it might be fixed already.

[2005-06-02 11:34:10] robo47 at robo47 dot net


The following Code was testet on a Suse 9.0 Server (PHP 5.0.4) and on a
local Windows-machine(PHP 5.0.2) and it crashs the Apache Webserver:

The Error Occurs when i want to use my error-handler (the posted
version is a minimized version with only relevant parts) and i set the
__destruct-function as an private, not as a public methode. 
Using the standard-errorhandler the following Error is shown:

Warning: Call to private testclass::__destruct() from context '' during
shutdown ignored in Unknown on line 0

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

The Output of debug_backtrace(); should appear 

Actual result:
On Windows-machine the Apache crashs and restarts with this Entry in
the apache-errorlog:

[Thu Jun 02 11:23:11 2005] [notice] Parent: child process exited with
status 1073807364 -- Restarting.

the linux-machine shows the following in the apache-errorlog:

[Wed Jun 01 17:49:21 2005] [notice] child pid 26331 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33218&edit=1

#33218 [Opn->Fbk]: Apache crash on declaring a private methode __destruct with debug_backtrace

2005-06-02 Thread sniper
 ID:   33218
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  robo47 at robo47 dot net
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: Linux and Windows
 PHP Version:  5.0.4
 New Comment:

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

I can't reproduce this, so it might be fixed already.

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-02 11:34:10] robo47 at robo47 dot net


The following Code was testet on a Suse 9.0 Server (PHP 5.0.4) and on a
local Windows-machine(PHP 5.0.2) and it crashs the Apache Webserver:

The Error Occurs when i want to use my error-handler (the posted
version is a minimized version with only relevant parts) and i set the
__destruct-function as an private, not as a public methode. 
Using the standard-errorhandler the following Error is shown:

Warning: Call to private testclass::__destruct() from context '' during
shutdown ignored in Unknown on line 0

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

The Output of debug_backtrace(); should appear 

Actual result:
On Windows-machine the Apache crashs and restarts with this Entry in
the apache-errorlog:

[Thu Jun 02 11:23:11 2005] [notice] Parent: child process exited with
status 1073807364 -- Restarting.

the linux-machine shows the following in the apache-errorlog:

[Wed Jun 01 17:49:21 2005] [notice] child pid 26331 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33218&edit=1

#33218 [NEW]: Apache crash on declaring a private methode __destruct with debug_backtrace

2005-06-02 Thread robo47 at robo47 dot net
From: robo47 at robo47 dot net
Operating system: Linux and Windows
PHP version:  5.0.4
PHP Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Bug description:  Apache crash on declaring a private methode __destruct with 


The following Code was testet on a Suse 9.0 Server (PHP 5.0.4) and on a
local Windows-machine(PHP 5.0.2) and it crashs the Apache Webserver:

The Error Occurs when i want to use my error-handler (the posted version
is a minimized version with only relevant parts) and i set the
__destruct-function as an private, not as a public methode. 
Using the standard-errorhandler the following Error is shown:

Warning: Call to private testclass::__destruct() from context '' during
shutdown ignored in Unknown on line 0

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

The Output of debug_backtrace(); should appear 

Actual result:
On Windows-machine the Apache crashs and restarts with this Entry in the

[Thu Jun 02 11:23:11 2005] [notice] Parent: child process exited with
status 1073807364 -- Restarting.

the linux-machine shows the following in the apache-errorlog:

[Wed Jun 01 17:49:21 2005] [notice] child pid 26331 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33218&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (php4):   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33218&r=trysnapshot4
Try a CVS snapshot (php5.0): 
Try a CVS snapshot (php5.1): 
Fixed in CVS:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33218&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33218&r=alreadyfixed
Need backtrace:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33218&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33218&r=needscript
Try newer version:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33218&r=oldversion
Not developer issue: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33218&r=support
Expected behavior:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33218&r=notwrong
Not enough info: 
Submitted twice: 
PHP 3 support discontinued:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33218&r=php3
Daylight Savings:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33218&r=dst
IIS Stability:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33218&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33218&r=gnused
Floating point limitations:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33218&r=float
No Zend Extensions:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33218&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=33218&r=mysqlcfg