#40751 [Fbk->Opn]: Apache segmentation fault

2007-03-07 Thread sti-pe2 at online dot no
 ID:   40751
 User updated by:  sti-pe2 at online dot no
 Reported By:  sti-pe2 at online dot no
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Session related
 Operating System: FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE
 PHP Version:  4.4.6
 New Comment:

Recompiled without --enable-versioning, but I still get the same error.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 21:57:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

After 10 thousands requests with ab I still can't see anything except
"does this work?".
--enable-versioning - could you please remove this option?

[2007-03-07 21:39:16] sti-pe2 at online dot no


When running some of my php-pages, I get segmentation faults in Apache.

I think I have narrowed it down to session-handling in php, see
reproduce code. Pages not including sessions works fine.
I have upgraded both Apache, PHP and MySQL lately, but don't know if
this is related to the errors I experience.

Apache 1.3.37
PHP 4.4.6
ZendOptimizer 3.2.2 (disabled for now)
MySQL 4.1.22 

Tests with register_globals=off does not make any difference.

PHP compile options:
./configure --enable-versioning --enable-memory-limit --with-layout=GNU
--with-config-file-scan-dir=/usr/local/etc/php --disable-all
--with-regex=php --with-apxs=/usr/local/sbin/apxs --disable-ipv6

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

Output to screen/browser: 
does this work?

Actual result:
The browser returns a blank page, command line returns "Segmentation
fault (core dumped)".

kernel: pid 459 (httpd), uid 80: exited on signal 11 

Apache's error.log:
child pid 458 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) 

# gdb php
GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and
you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for
This GDB was configured as "i386-marcel-freebsd"...
(gdb) run test.php
Starting program: /usr/local/bin/php test.php

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x080cae9a in _zval_ptr_dtor (zval_ptr=0x282e7928) at
287 (*zval_ptr)->refcount--;

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40751&edit=1

#40747 [Fbk->Opn]: Reproducible Crash

2007-03-07 Thread th at domainbox dot de
 ID:   40747
 User updated by:  th at domainbox dot de
 Reported By:  th at domainbox dot de
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: Debian Sarge
 PHP Version:  4.4.6
 New Comment:

I retried this on a different System, same behavior in 4.4.6 and
php4-STABLE-200703070730. This is my compile Script:

echo "##"
echo " PHP"
echo "##"

tar xvzf php4-STABLE-200703070730.tar.gz
cd php4-STABLE-200703070730
echo "## Running configure on php"
./configure \
--prefix=/usr \
--with-gd \
--with-ttf \
--with-freetype \
--with-freetype-dir=/usr \
--with-imap \
--with-iconv \
--with-jpeg-dir=/usr \
--with-png-dir=/usr \
--with-mcrypt=/usr \
--with-zlib \
--with-mysql \
--with-gettext \
--with-config-file-path=/etc/httpd \
--with-ldap-dir=/usr \
--enable-filepro \
--enable-dba \
--enable-ctype \
--enable-wddx \
--enable-exif \
--enable-bcmath \
--enable-track-vars \
--enable-sockets \
--enable-trans-sid \
--enable-dbase \
--no-recursion \
echo "## Running make on php"
make install

Calling session_save_path with any value gives the expected behavior
like: Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]:
open(bla/sess_e5d8178fe831d9fa1f29f188c397123c, O_RDWR) failed: No such
file or directory (2)

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 14:45:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This code snippet works perfectly fine.

[2007-03-07 14:22:23] th at domainbox dot de

The problem seems to be that xt::Commerce's configuration variable
SESSION_WRITE_DIRECTORY is set to an emtpy value.
The problem can be reduced to this code snippet:

[2007-03-07 10:15:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a short but complete example script to be able to reproduce
this bug ourselves. 

A proper reproducing script starts with ,
is max. 10-20 lines long and does not require any external 
resources such as databases, etc. If the script requires a 
database to demonstrate the issue, please make sure it creates 
all necessary tables, stored procedures etc.

Please avoid embedding huge scripts into the report.

[2007-03-07 10:12:25] th at domainbox dot de


We are experiencing a repoducible crash of an xt:Commerce installation
since the server was upgraded from PHP 4.4.4 to PHP 4.4.5. This was
neither resolved by upgrading to 4.4.6 nor by upgrading to snapshot

Reproduce code:
The failing Code seems to be in xt:Commerce's sessions.php, i'm not
able to detect this any further at the moment. The Version is 

$Id: sessions.php,v 1.1 2003/09/06 22:13:54 fanta2k Exp $

Actual result:
(gdb) bt
#0  0xb7ae907b in _efree (ptr=0x0, __zend_filename=0xb7b29a20

__zend_lineno=283, __zend_orig_filename=0x0, __zend_orig_lineno=0)
at /opt/confixx-pakete/php4-STABLE-200703070730/Zend/zend_alloc.c:256
#1  0xb7a1c71c in ps_close_files (mod_data=0xb7ba2e90) at
#2  0xb7a1b8f5 in php_rshutdown_session_globals () at
#3  0xb7a1baa1 in zm_deactivate_session (type=1, module_number=6) at
#4  0xb7afe9af in module_registry_cleanup (module=0x928ea90) at
#5  0xb7b0194c in zend_hash_apply (ht=0xb7ba7280, apply_func=0xb7afe96c
#6  0xb7afad75 in zend_deactivate_modules () at
#7  0xb7ac2f4a in php_request_shutdown (dummy=0x0) at
#8  0xb7b15124 in apache_php_module_main (r=0x812f194,
#9  0xb7b15e57 in send_php (r=0x812f194, display_source_mode=0,
filename=0x8130d34 "/var/www/web46/html/shop/index.php")
#10 0xb7b15ecd in send_parsed_php (r=0x812f194) at
#11 0x08054ece in ap_invoke_handler ()
#12 0x0806b8de in process_request_internal ()
#13 0x0806b93b in ap_process_request ()
#14 0x08062177 in child_main ()
#15 0x08062426 in make_child ()

#32330 [Com]: session_destroy, "Failed to initialize storage module", custom session handler

2007-03-07 Thread colossuswv at hotmail dot com
 ID:   32330
 Comment by:   colossuswv at hotmail dot com
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Session related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:  6CVS, 5CVS, 4CVS (2005-03-17)
 New Comment:

The ini_set workaround doesn't seem to work when using a db to store
sessions. Using session_set_save_handler() again after session destroy
does work however, albeit an undesirable solution.

Previous Comments:

[2006-12-14 17:24:03] faithfulsoft at tiscali dot it

I've experienced this problem today, and it was driving me crazy.
I was able to resolve it thanks to the last post on this page.
I've put this two lines of code

ini_set("session.save_handler", "files");

in a separate file, and I include them where I need.

The strange thing is that I borrowed the piece of code I am using from
a GPL portal system, which is working like a charm on my local server
with this line

ini_set('session.save_handler', 'files');

This is really strange.

Anyhow, thank you all guys.

[2006-06-07 04:26:18] sean at oteams dot com

I struggled for several days with the "Failed to initialize storage
module: user" problem.  I read everything I could find on php.net and
in this bug database.  Finally, what solved the problem for me was

Whenever I made a call in my code to session_start(), I used an include
statement to include the following from an include file:

And that did it.

[2006-01-16 16:41:52] ajithts at gmail dot com

Hi folks,

I have also had the same problem. My /tmp was not a separate partition
and it had full permissions.

I have then changed session.save_handler to "files" in php.ini.
Initially it was "user". Everything worked perfectly after I have
restarted httpd saving the changes.

Thanks and regards,

[2005-06-04 00:25:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PS(mod_data) gets set to NULL with these:


[2005-05-21 19:19:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think you are on the right track mfischer.  It looks like PS(mod) and
PS(mod_data) can get out of synch which would cause this.  And I think
all the others with seemingly unrelated issues are actually related. 
If PS(mod_data) leaks out of the per-request sandbox and infects
subsequent requests all it takes is one application on a server to use
its own session handler and it could affect other seemingly trivial
standalone session apps on that server.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=32330&edit=1

#40544 [Com]: PostgreSQL connection hangs after die()

2007-03-07 Thread yohgaki at ohgaki dot net
 ID:   40544
 Comment by:   yohgaki at ohgaki dot net
 Reported By:  kees at tweakers dot net
 Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: PostgreSQL related
 Operating System: Linux (Debian)
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 Assigned To:  yohgaki
 New Comment:

I didn't look the backtrace carefully. It stops when PQclear() is
called on the backtrace, while my PHP 5.2 stopeed at PQgetReuslt().
(Both of them are called when request is shutting down)

For at least PHP 5.2, it would be solved by calling PQcanel() when
cleaning up resource, but with compatibility issue. By calling
PQcanel() before clean up resource, all async query which is not
finished yet will be discarded instead of finishing its query. 

I'll add new ini option that enables PQcancel() in
list_entry_destructor. Any comments?

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 22:09:55] yohgaki at ohgaki dot net

Since COPY is not a actual SQL statement, PostgreSQL waits forever
until COPY ends because the input is STDIN. (SQL Statements like
SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT will be aborted if there is deadlock)

Since PQfinish() (Used while shutting down pgsql connections) does not
have option to wait certain amount of time to force closing connection,
I'm not sure if it is feasible shutting down w/o waiting to finish COPY,
etc. It's possible to force close connection manually using internal
PGconn strucutre's connection parameter, but there would be portability
issues if it use PGconn internal parameters.

I'll see if there is I can do about this in feasible manner.

[2007-02-19 15:52:58] kees at tweakers dot net

tested with the snapshot:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/php5.2-200702191330$ sapi/cli/php test.3.php
And now he hangs in a busy wait


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/php5.2-200702191330$ sapi/cli/php -v
PHP 5.2.2-dev (cli) (built: Feb 19 2007 16:49:22)
Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Zend Technologies

ldd sapi/cli/php
libpq.so.5 => /usr/lib/libpq.so.5 (0xa7f3c000)

[2007-02-19 15:19:10] acm at tweakers dot net

Btw, when hanging gdb to the php-process and type 'bt' you get this:

#0  0xa7ba88c0 in free () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#1  0xa7ec8ea7 in PQclear () from /usr/lib/libpq.so.5
#2  0x08086fc8 in _close_pgsql_link (rsrc=0x81e43ec) at
#3  0x08139fb2 in list_entry_destructor (ptr=0x81e43ec) at
#4  0x08137977 in zend_hash_apply_deleter (ht=0x81a49e0, p=0x81e43b4)
at /usr/src/php-4.4.2/Zend/zend_hash.c:611
#5  0x08137b97 in zend_hash_graceful_reverse_destroy (ht=0x81a49e0)
at /usr/src/php-4.4.2/Zend/zend_hash.c:677
#6  0x0812b9ed in shutdown_executor () at
#7  0x08133801 in zend_deactivate () at
#8  0x08107862 in php_request_shutdown (dummy=0x0) at
#9  0x0814ee56 in main (argc=2, argv=0xafb6d114) at

[2007-02-19 15:10:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2007-02-19 14:57:19] kees at tweakers dot net


After opening a db connection to postgresql and executing a query, and
after that query a 'die()' php doesnt return to the CLI but hangs

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ php test.3.php
And now he hangs in a busy wait

Actual result:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ php test.3.php
And now he hangs in a busy wait

[no prompt, you have to ctrl-c to exit]

Last part of strace:
recv(3, "C\0\0\0\21CREATE TABLE\0G\0\0\0\t\0\0\1\0\0", 16384, 0) = 28
write(1, "And now he hangs in a busy wait\n", 32And now he hangs in a
busy wait
) = 32
close(6)= 0
close(5)= 0
close(4)= 0

He probably wants to do a close(3) here as that is the postgresql
connection, but it never closes, and netstat will show an open
Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
Proto RefCnt Flags   Type   State I-Node PID/Program
unix  3  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 549701   -   
unix  3  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 549700   26884/php

Tested with PHP 5.2.0-8 (debian package) and PHP 4.4.2


#40756 [NEW]: ODBC Oracle Connection

2007-03-07 Thread norm dot pence at gmail dot com
From: norm dot pence at gmail dot com
Operating system: Windows Server 2003 Standard x64
PHP version:  4.4.6
PHP Bug Type: Oracle related
Bug description:  ODBC Oracle Connection


ODBC Oracle connection is never attempted using Apache 2.0.59. 

Removing \m's does not resolve the issue.

[ODBC 32 bit Data Sources]
DMS=Oracle in OraClient10g_home32 (32 bit)

Reproduce code:
   echo "The Current Date and Time is: ";
   echo date("g:i A l, F j Y.");
   echo "\n";

   $db_conn = odbc_connect("DMS", "username_here", "password_here");
   if( $db_conn == 0 ) {
   echo "Connection failed to System DNS=DMS.\n";
   } else {
   $cmdstr = "select * from my_tbl";
   $results = odbc_exec($db_conn, $cmdstr);
   $nrows = odbc_result_all($results, "border=1");
   echo "Found: $nrows results\n";
   odbc_pclose( $db_conn );


Expected result:

ORACLE ODBC connection attempted and successful. SQLNET Trace kicked off
from c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe test connection below:

(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] --- TRACE CONFIGURATION INFORMATION
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] New trace stream is
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] New trace level is 6
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] --- TRACE CONFIGURATION INFORMATION ENDS
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] --- PARAMETER SOURCE INFORMATION FOLLOWS
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] Attempted load of system pfile source
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] Parameter source loaded successfully
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] 
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] Attempted load of local pfile source
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] Parameter source was not loaded
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] 
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198]  -> PARAMETER TABLE LOAD RESULTS FOLLOW
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] Successful parameter table load
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198]  -> PARAMETER TABLE HAS THE FOLLOWING
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198]   TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENT = ADMIN
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198]   NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH = (TNSNAMES)
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198]   TRACE_DIRECTORY_CLIENT =
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198]   SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES =
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198]   TRACE_FILE_CLIENT = SQLNET.TRC
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198]   TRACE_UNIQUE_CLIENT = OFF
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198]   NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN = mydomain.com
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] --- PARAMETER SOURCE INFORMATION ENDS
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] --- LOG CONFIGURATION INFORMATION
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] Log stream will be
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] Log stream validation not requested
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] --- LOG CONFIGURATION INFORMATION ENDS

(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nlstdipi: entry
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nlstdipi: exit
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nigini: entry
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nigini: Count in the NL global area is
now 1
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nigini: Count in NI global area now: 1
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nrigbi: entry
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nrigbni: entry
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nrigbni: Unable to get data from
navigation file tnsnav.ora
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nrigbni: exit
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nrigbi: exit
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nigini: exit
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] niqname: Hst is already an NVstring.
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] niqname: Inserting CID.
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] niotns: entry
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] niotns: Not trying to enable dead
connection detection.
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] niotns: Calling address:
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nsmal: 212 bytes at 0x2597168
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nscall: connecting...
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nladini: entry
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nladini: exit
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nladget: entry
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nladget: exit
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nsc2addr:
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] nttbnd2addr: entry
(1380) [07-MAR-2007 20:02:02:198] 

#40755 [NEW]: Increment/Decrement operator calculation oddity

2007-03-07 Thread henson dot garth at gmail dot com
From: henson dot garth at gmail dot com
Operating system: Linux
PHP version:  5.2.1
PHP Bug Type: Math related
Bug description:  Increment/Decrement operator calculation oddity


The increment/decrement operators seem to calculate out of order compared
to other languages and even previous versions of PHP. I compared this
report numerous times against a 4.3.11 install that I am running to verify
the inconsistency. In the case of PHP 5.2.x, the increment operator seems
to be processed in an inappropriate order to the rest of the statement. In
4.3.11, everything is presented just as expected (as my Expected results
display below).

Reproduce code:
$a = array(); // Begin Test 1
$b = 0;
$a[$b++] = $b;

$a = array(); // Begin Test 2
$b = 0;
$a[$b] = $b++;

$a = array(); // Begin Test 3
$b = 10;
$a[$b--] = $b;

$a = array(); // Begin Test 4
$b = 10;
$a[$b] = $b--;

Expected result:

array(1){[0] => int(1)}
array(1){[0] => int(0)}
array(1){[10] => int(9)}
array(1){[10] => int(10)}

Actual result:
array(1){[0] => int(1)}
array(1){[1] => int(0)}
array(1){[10] => int(9)}
array(1){[9] => int(10)}

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40755&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40755&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40755&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40755&r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40755&r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40755&r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40755&r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40755&r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40755&r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40755&r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40755&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40755&r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40755&r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40755&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40755&r=mysqlcfg

#40552 [NoF->Opn]: is php crap ?

2007-03-07 Thread lepage at grm dot polymtl dot ca
 ID:   40552
 User updated by:  lepage at grm dot polymtl dot ca
-Summary:  upgrade from 5.15 to 5.2x
 Reported By:  lepage at grm dot polymtl dot ca
-Status:   No Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: Solaris 9
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

I am loosing fate in the php team. They have no test bench or what?
No longer looking for '.' in the path is a pretty serious stupid bug.

I was looking every where for a solution only thing I found looking for
those keyword where site that are actually down..!

I was even told here it's not a bug, I had to do coding to prove that
include ./file does not work.

hakkarainen, thank for tesing the latest version for me, I have no more
time to test all the latest php crap.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 13:18:57] hakkarainen at cs dot joensuu dot fi

I have the very same problem with php5.2-200703060530 and Solaris 9
(php5.2-200611160530 did not had this problem).

[2007-03-07 01:00:00] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".

[2007-02-27 18:31:17] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2007-02-22 01:44:10] lepage at grm dot polymtl dot ca

note that if I use 
it does work while using 
does not work.

It was woking fine in php-5.1.5 and not in php-5.2.0 nor php-5.2.1, I
see in change log :

- Removed current working directory from the php.ini search path for
CLI and re-added it for other SAPIs (restore to pre 5.1.x behavior).

may be it was not well restore... I don't know. Can you please help me
fix this. it cause many problem with user installed phpBB and phpAlbum.

[2007-02-22 01:21:53] lepage at grm dot polymtl dot ca

Here is the error, While it is not working in a user directory it does
in the web root directory.

=== file info.php ===

=== file include.inc ===


Warning: include(./include.inc) [function.include]: failed to open
stream: No such file or directory in /home/lepage/HTML/info.php on line

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening './include.inc'
for inclusion
(include_path='/usr/local_9/opt/php/lib/php:/php/includes:.') in
/home/lepage/HTML/info.php on line 3
and then the php_info() output.

I found odd that I have to code since I am a sysAdmin trying to update
php to latest, I am not a php coder and therefore it should be easier
for SysAdmin to update php to the latest...

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40552&edit=1

#40754 [NEW]: substr() checks overflow

2007-03-07 Thread christopher dot jones at oracle dot com
From: christopher dot jones at oracle dot com
Operating system: Enterprise Linux
PHP version:  5CVS-2007-03-08 (CVS)
PHP Bug Type: Strings related
Bug description:  substr() checks overflow


Related to the problems fixes in today's patches for substr_count() and
substr_compare() there are issues with substr() and substr_replace().
Also there might be return value inconsistencies with strspn() and

Reproduce code:
var_dump(substr_compare("abcde", "abc", $v, $v));  # crashes <= 5.2.1.
Fixed by Stanislav http://news.php.net/php.cvs/43453

# Other tests (currently working)
var_dump(stripos("abcde", "abc", $v));
var_dump(substr_count("abcde", "abc", $v, 1));
var_dump(substr_count("abcde", "abc", 1, $v));
var_dump(strpos("abcde", "abc", $v));
var_dump(stripos("abcde", "abc", $v));
var_dump(strrpos("abcde", "abc", $v));
var_dump(strripos("abcde", "abc", $v));
var_dump(strncmp("abcde", "abc", $v));
var_dump(chunk_split("abcde", $v, "abc"));
var_dump(substr("abcde", $v, $v));
var_dump(str_repeat("a", $v+1));


Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40754&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40754&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40754&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40754&r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40754&r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40754&r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40754&r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40754&r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40754&r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40754&r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40754&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40754&r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40754&r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40754&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40754&r=mysqlcfg

#40752 [Opn->Csd]: parse_ini_file() segfaults when a scalar setting is redeclared as an array

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:  40752
 Updated by:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By: hubert dot roksor at gmail dot com
-Status:  Open
+Status:  Closed
 Bug Type:Reproducible crash
 PHP Version: 5.2.1
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-08 00:13:41] hubert dot roksor at gmail dot com


Using [] in a key name can result in a crash if the corresponding
setting was previously set to a scalar value.

Reproduce code:
// Not relevant to the bug
$file = tempnam('./', '');
file_put_contents($file, '
foo  =1;

// Will make PHP crash

Expected result:

In the attached reproduce code we create a ini file which has 2 keys,
"foo" and "foo[]" then we execute parse_ini_file() on the newly-created

Because "Characters {}|&~![()" must not be used anywhere in the key"
(dixit the manual) I'd expect an error message, or at least a Strict

Actual result:
PHP segfaults/crashes

(tested on 5.2.1 on WinXP and 5.1.2 on Ubuntu 6.06)

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40752&edit=1

#40753 [Opn->Asn]: IIS6 ISAPI Install fails (Error 1722)

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40753
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  jonnyregistration at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: IIS related
 Operating System: Vista Home Premium
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  jmertic

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-08 00:18:44] jonnyregistration at gmail dot com


I used the windows installer (php-5.2.1-win32-installer).  Installation
failed.  A dialog box read "There is a problem with this Windows
Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as
expected.  Contact your support personnel or package vendor."  My full
error log (using msiexec /i php-5.2.1-win32-installer.msi /l*v
c:\error.txt) can be accessed at http://www.jonnymd.com/error.txt.  Any
attempt to load a php using the IIS6 server results in a 404.3 error,
dealing with an inappropriate MIME type, as is to be expected since the
installation failed.  Any help would be appreciated.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40753&edit=1

#40753 [NEW]: IIS6 ISAPI Install fails (Error 1722)

2007-03-07 Thread jonnyregistration at gmail dot com
From: jonnyregistration at gmail dot com
Operating system: Vista Home Premium
PHP version:  5.2.1
PHP Bug Type: IIS related
Bug description:  IIS6 ISAPI Install fails (Error 1722)


I used the windows installer (php-5.2.1-win32-installer).  Installation
failed.  A dialog box read "There is a problem with this Windows Installer
package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. 
Contact your support personnel or package vendor."  My full error log
(using msiexec /i php-5.2.1-win32-installer.msi /l*v c:\error.txt) can be
accessed at http://www.jonnymd.com/error.txt.  Any attempt to load a php
using the IIS6 server results in a 404.3 error, dealing with an
inappropriate MIME type, as is to be expected since the installation
failed.  Any help would be appreciated.

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40753&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40753&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40753&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40753&r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40753&r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40753&r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40753&r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40753&r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40753&r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40753&r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40753&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40753&r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40753&r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40753&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40753&r=mysqlcfg

#40752 [NEW]: parse_ini_file() segfaults when a scalar setting is redeclared as an array

2007-03-07 Thread hubert dot roksor at gmail dot com
From: hubert dot roksor at gmail dot com
Operating system: 
PHP version:  5.2.1
PHP Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Bug description:  parse_ini_file() segfaults when a scalar setting is 
redeclared as an array


Using [] in a key name can result in a crash if the corresponding setting
was previously set to a scalar value.

Reproduce code:
// Not relevant to the bug
$file = tempnam('./', '');
file_put_contents($file, '
foo  =1;

// Will make PHP crash

Expected result:

In the attached reproduce code we create a ini file which has 2 keys,
"foo" and "foo[]" then we execute parse_ini_file() on the newly-created

Because "Characters {}|&~![()" must not be used anywhere in the key"
(dixit the manual) I'd expect an error message, or at least a Strict

Actual result:
PHP segfaults/crashes

(tested on 5.2.1 on WinXP and 5.1.2 on Ubuntu 6.06)

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40752&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40752&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40752&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40752&r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40752&r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40752&r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40752&r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40752&r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40752&r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40752&r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40752&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40752&r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40752&r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40752&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40752&r=mysqlcfg

#40544 [Com]: PostgreSQL connection hangs after die()

2007-03-07 Thread yohgaki at ohgaki dot net
 ID:   40544
 Comment by:   yohgaki at ohgaki dot net
 Reported By:  kees at tweakers dot net
 Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: PostgreSQL related
 Operating System: Linux (Debian)
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 Assigned To:  yohgaki
 New Comment:

Since COPY is not a actual SQL statement, PostgreSQL waits forever
until COPY ends because the input is STDIN. (SQL Statements like
SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT will be aborted if there is deadlock)

Since PQfinish() (Used while shutting down pgsql connections) does not
have option to wait certain amount of time to force closing connection,
I'm not sure if it is feasible shutting down w/o waiting to finish COPY,
etc. It's possible to force close connection manually using internal
PGconn strucutre's connection parameter, but there would be portability
issues if it use PGconn internal parameters.

I'll see if there is I can do about this in feasible manner.

Previous Comments:

[2007-02-19 15:52:58] kees at tweakers dot net

tested with the snapshot:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/php5.2-200702191330$ sapi/cli/php test.3.php
And now he hangs in a busy wait


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/php5.2-200702191330$ sapi/cli/php -v
PHP 5.2.2-dev (cli) (built: Feb 19 2007 16:49:22)
Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Zend Technologies

ldd sapi/cli/php
libpq.so.5 => /usr/lib/libpq.so.5 (0xa7f3c000)

[2007-02-19 15:19:10] acm at tweakers dot net

Btw, when hanging gdb to the php-process and type 'bt' you get this:

#0  0xa7ba88c0 in free () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#1  0xa7ec8ea7 in PQclear () from /usr/lib/libpq.so.5
#2  0x08086fc8 in _close_pgsql_link (rsrc=0x81e43ec) at
#3  0x08139fb2 in list_entry_destructor (ptr=0x81e43ec) at
#4  0x08137977 in zend_hash_apply_deleter (ht=0x81a49e0, p=0x81e43b4)
at /usr/src/php-4.4.2/Zend/zend_hash.c:611
#5  0x08137b97 in zend_hash_graceful_reverse_destroy (ht=0x81a49e0)
at /usr/src/php-4.4.2/Zend/zend_hash.c:677
#6  0x0812b9ed in shutdown_executor () at
#7  0x08133801 in zend_deactivate () at
#8  0x08107862 in php_request_shutdown (dummy=0x0) at
#9  0x0814ee56 in main (argc=2, argv=0xafb6d114) at

[2007-02-19 15:10:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2007-02-19 14:57:19] kees at tweakers dot net


After opening a db connection to postgresql and executing a query, and
after that query a 'die()' php doesnt return to the CLI but hangs

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ php test.3.php
And now he hangs in a busy wait

Actual result:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ php test.3.php
And now he hangs in a busy wait

[no prompt, you have to ctrl-c to exit]

Last part of strace:
recv(3, "C\0\0\0\21CREATE TABLE\0G\0\0\0\t\0\0\1\0\0", 16384, 0) = 28
write(1, "And now he hangs in a busy wait\n", 32And now he hangs in a
busy wait
) = 32
close(6)= 0
close(5)= 0
close(4)= 0

He probably wants to do a close(3) here as that is the postgresql
connection, but it never closes, and netstat will show an open
Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
Proto RefCnt Flags   Type   State I-Node PID/Program
unix  3  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 549701   -   
unix  3  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 549700   26884/php

Tested with PHP 5.2.0-8 (debian package) and PHP 4.4.2

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40544&edit=1

#40750 [Opn->Bgs]: fsockopen timeout parameter overwrites timeout for reading

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40750
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  andreas dot rieber at 2e-systems dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: Network related
 Operating System: OpenSuse
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

>The manual says for fsockopen:
> Note: If you need to set a timeout for reading/writing data over the
> socket, use stream_set_timeout(), as the timeout parameter to
> fsockopen() only applies while connecting the socket.

That's still correct, there were no changes to this behavior.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 20:00:16] andreas dot rieber at 2e-systems dot com

I want to use the default connection timeout for read/write but a
shorter timeout to connect (here 5 seconds). What happens is that the
first fgets gets also the 5 seconds timeout and so my header is empty.

The manual says for fsockopen:

 Note: If you need to set a timeout for reading/writing data over the
 socket, use stream_set_timeout(), as the timeout parameter to
 fsockopen() only applies while connecting the socket.

and thats absolut ok and what i want. It worked with php 5.2.0 and
before but not with 5.2.1.

[2007-03-07 18:41:56] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I get "Header OK".
Also I don't understand what the expected result has to do with the

[2007-03-07 18:29:03] andreas dot rieber at 2e-systems dot com


The timeout parameter of fsockopen overwrites the general read/write
timeout. Without the timeout parameter in fsockopen or if you use
stream_set_timeout after fsockopen it works.

I created scipt a.php which opens b.php. the connection has a timeout
of 5 seconds. b.php sleeps for 7 seconds. The first fgets fails and
stream_get_meta_data shows that it timed out.

It works with php 5.2.0.

Reproduce code:
code a.php

code b.php

Expected result:

Header OK

Actual result:
Header failed

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40750&edit=1

#40751 [Opn->Fbk]: Apache segmentation fault

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40751
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  sti-pe2 at online dot no
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Session related
 Operating System: FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE
 PHP Version:  4.4.6
 New Comment:

After 10 thousands requests with ab I still can't see anything except
"does this work?".
--enable-versioning - could you please remove this option?

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 21:39:16] sti-pe2 at online dot no


When running some of my php-pages, I get segmentation faults in Apache.

I think I have narrowed it down to session-handling in php, see
reproduce code. Pages not including sessions works fine.
I have upgraded both Apache, PHP and MySQL lately, but don't know if
this is related to the errors I experience.

Apache 1.3.37
PHP 4.4.6
ZendOptimizer 3.2.2 (disabled for now)
MySQL 4.1.22 

Tests with register_globals=off does not make any difference.

PHP compile options:
./configure --enable-versioning --enable-memory-limit --with-layout=GNU
--with-config-file-scan-dir=/usr/local/etc/php --disable-all
--with-regex=php --with-apxs=/usr/local/sbin/apxs --disable-ipv6

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

Output to screen/browser: 
does this work?

Actual result:
The browser returns a blank page, command line returns "Segmentation
fault (core dumped)".

kernel: pid 459 (httpd), uid 80: exited on signal 11 

Apache's error.log:
child pid 458 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) 

# gdb php
GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and
you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for
This GDB was configured as "i386-marcel-freebsd"...
(gdb) run test.php
Starting program: /usr/local/bin/php test.php

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x080cae9a in _zval_ptr_dtor (zval_ptr=0x282e7928) at
287 (*zval_ptr)->refcount--;

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40751&edit=1

#40751 [NEW]: Apache segmentation fault

2007-03-07 Thread sti-pe2 at online dot no
From: sti-pe2 at online dot no
Operating system: FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE
PHP version:  4.4.6
PHP Bug Type: Session related
Bug description:  Apache segmentation fault


When running some of my php-pages, I get segmentation faults in Apache. 
I think I have narrowed it down to session-handling in php, see reproduce
code. Pages not including sessions works fine.
I have upgraded both Apache, PHP and MySQL lately, but don't know if this
is related to the errors I experience.

Apache 1.3.37
PHP 4.4.6
ZendOptimizer 3.2.2 (disabled for now)
MySQL 4.1.22 

Tests with register_globals=off does not make any difference.

PHP compile options:
./configure --enable-versioning --enable-memory-limit --with-layout=GNU
--with-config-file-scan-dir=/usr/local/etc/php --disable-all
--with-regex=php --with-apxs=/usr/local/sbin/apxs --disable-ipv6

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

Output to screen/browser: 
does this work?

Actual result:
The browser returns a blank page, command line returns "Segmentation fault
(core dumped)".

kernel: pid 459 (httpd), uid 80: exited on signal 11 

Apache's error.log:
child pid 458 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) 

# gdb php
GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for
This GDB was configured as "i386-marcel-freebsd"...
(gdb) run test.php
Starting program: /usr/local/bin/php test.php

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x080cae9a in _zval_ptr_dtor (zval_ptr=0x282e7928) at
287 (*zval_ptr)->refcount--;

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40751&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40751&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40751&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40751&r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40751&r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40751&r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40751&r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40751&r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40751&r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40751&r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40751&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40751&r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40751&r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40751&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40751&r=mysqlcfg

#40750 [Fbk->Opn]: fsockopen timeout parameter overwrites timeout for reading

2007-03-07 Thread andreas dot rieber at 2e-systems dot com
 ID:   40750
 User updated by:  andreas dot rieber at 2e-systems dot com
 Reported By:  andreas dot rieber at 2e-systems dot com
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Network related
 Operating System: OpenSuse
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

I want to use the default connection timeout for read/write but a
shorter timeout to connect (here 5 seconds). What happens is that the
first fgets gets also the 5 seconds timeout and so my header is empty.

The manual says for fsockopen:

 Note: If you need to set a timeout for reading/writing data over the
 socket, use stream_set_timeout(), as the timeout parameter to
 fsockopen() only applies while connecting the socket.

and thats absolut ok and what i want. It worked with php 5.2.0 and
before but not with 5.2.1.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 18:41:56] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I get "Header OK".
Also I don't understand what the expected result has to do with the

[2007-03-07 18:29:03] andreas dot rieber at 2e-systems dot com


The timeout parameter of fsockopen overwrites the general read/write
timeout. Without the timeout parameter in fsockopen or if you use
stream_set_timeout after fsockopen it works.

I created scipt a.php which opens b.php. the connection has a timeout
of 5 seconds. b.php sleeps for 7 seconds. The first fgets fails and
stream_get_meta_data shows that it timed out.

It works with php 5.2.0.

Reproduce code:
code a.php

code b.php

Expected result:

Header OK

Actual result:
Header failed

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40750&edit=1

#40474 [Opn->Csd]: Segmentation fault during install-pear-installer

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40474
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  zesigur at free dot fr
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: Compile Failure
 Operating System: Redhat 7.3 (2.4.29)
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

Great news, thanks.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 18:32:53] zesigur at free dot fr

It's OK with this snapshot! ;)

Thank you very much

[2007-03-06 12:06:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2007-02-14 17:19:33] zesigur at free dot fr

I've deleted the directory and rerun that :

root : h195-114 - /var/tmp/apache_1.3.34/php5.2-200702141130> rm -rf
root : h195-114 - /var/tmp/apache_1.3.34/php5.2-200702141130>
USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 valgrind --tool=memcheck ./sapi/cli/php -n
-dshort_open_tag=0 -dsafe_mode=0 -dopen_basedir=
-derror_reporting=E_ALL -dmemory_limit=-1 -ddetect_unicode=0
pear/install-pear-nozlib.phar -d "/usr/local/lib/php" -b
==23326== Memcheck, a memory error detector.
==23326== Copyright (C) 2002-2007, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et
==23326== Using LibVEX rev 1732, a library for dynamic binary
==23326== Copyright (C) 2004-2007, and GNU GPL'd, by OpenWorks LLP.
==23326== Using valgrind-3.2.3, a dynamic binary instrumentation
==23326== Copyright (C) 2000-2007, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et
==23326== For more details, rerun with: -v

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 720

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 720

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 740

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 1207

Notice: Undefined variable: ret in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 1269

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 1207

Notice: Undefined variable: ret in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 1269

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 757

Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 766

Notice: Undefined index:  pearinstaller in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 777

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 720

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 1207

Notice: Undefined variable: ret in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 1269

Warning: fopen(/usr/local/lib/php/.depdb): failed to open stream: No
such file or directory in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/DependencyDB.php on line 510

Warning: fopen(/usr/local/lib/php/.depdb): failed to open stream: No
such file or directory in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/DependencyDB.php on line 510

Fatal error: Cannot use object of type PEAR_Error as array in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/DependencyDB.php on line 198
==23326== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 65 from
==23326== malloc/free: in use at exit: 63,249 bytes in 502 blocks.
==23326== malloc/free: 250,636 allocs, 250,134 frees, 40,886,451 bytes
==23326== For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v
==23326== searching for pointers to 502 not-freed blocks.
==23326== checked 2,048,056 bytes.
==23326== LEAK SUMMARY:
==23326==definitely lost: 57,087 bytes in 338 blocks.
==23326==  possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==23326==still reachable: 6,162 bytes in 164 blocks.
==23326== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==23326== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory.

[2007-02-14 17:03:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, no idea about the "correct" way, but I guess `rm -rf
/usr/local/lib/php` will do.

[2007-02-14 17:01:10] zesigur at free dot fr

Can you tell me how to uninstall pear properly?


#40750 [Opn->Fbk]: fsockopen timeout parameter overwrites timeout for reading

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40750
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  andreas dot rieber at 2e-systems dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Network related
 Operating System: OpenSuse
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

I get "Header OK".
Also I don't understand what the expected result has to do with the

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 18:29:03] andreas dot rieber at 2e-systems dot com


The timeout parameter of fsockopen overwrites the general read/write
timeout. Without the timeout parameter in fsockopen or if you use
stream_set_timeout after fsockopen it works.

I created scipt a.php which opens b.php. the connection has a timeout
of 5 seconds. b.php sleeps for 7 seconds. The first fgets fails and
stream_get_meta_data shows that it timed out.

It works with php 5.2.0.

Reproduce code:
code a.php

code b.php

Expected result:

Header OK

Actual result:
Header failed

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40750&edit=1

#40474 [Fbk->Opn]: Segmentation fault during install-pear-installer

2007-03-07 Thread zesigur at free dot fr
 ID:   40474
 User updated by:  zesigur at free dot fr
 Reported By:  zesigur at free dot fr
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Compile Failure
 Operating System: Redhat 7.3 (2.4.29)
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

It's OK with this snapshot! ;)

Thank you very much

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-06 12:06:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2007-02-14 17:19:33] zesigur at free dot fr

I've deleted the directory and rerun that :

root : h195-114 - /var/tmp/apache_1.3.34/php5.2-200702141130> rm -rf
root : h195-114 - /var/tmp/apache_1.3.34/php5.2-200702141130>
USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 valgrind --tool=memcheck ./sapi/cli/php -n
-dshort_open_tag=0 -dsafe_mode=0 -dopen_basedir=
-derror_reporting=E_ALL -dmemory_limit=-1 -ddetect_unicode=0
pear/install-pear-nozlib.phar -d "/usr/local/lib/php" -b
==23326== Memcheck, a memory error detector.
==23326== Copyright (C) 2002-2007, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et
==23326== Using LibVEX rev 1732, a library for dynamic binary
==23326== Copyright (C) 2004-2007, and GNU GPL'd, by OpenWorks LLP.
==23326== Using valgrind-3.2.3, a dynamic binary instrumentation
==23326== Copyright (C) 2000-2007, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et
==23326== For more details, rerun with: -v

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 720

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 720

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 740

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 1207

Notice: Undefined variable: ret in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 1269

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 1207

Notice: Undefined variable: ret in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 1269

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 757

Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 766

Notice: Undefined index:  pearinstaller in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 777

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 720

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 1207

Notice: Undefined variable: ret in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php on
line 1269

Warning: fopen(/usr/local/lib/php/.depdb): failed to open stream: No
such file or directory in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/DependencyDB.php on line 510

Warning: fopen(/usr/local/lib/php/.depdb): failed to open stream: No
such file or directory in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/DependencyDB.php on line 510

Fatal error: Cannot use object of type PEAR_Error as array in
phar://install-pear-nozlib.phar/PEAR/DependencyDB.php on line 198
==23326== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 65 from
==23326== malloc/free: in use at exit: 63,249 bytes in 502 blocks.
==23326== malloc/free: 250,636 allocs, 250,134 frees, 40,886,451 bytes
==23326== For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v
==23326== searching for pointers to 502 not-freed blocks.
==23326== checked 2,048,056 bytes.
==23326== LEAK SUMMARY:
==23326==definitely lost: 57,087 bytes in 338 blocks.
==23326==  possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==23326==still reachable: 6,162 bytes in 164 blocks.
==23326== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==23326== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory.

[2007-02-14 17:03:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, no idea about the "correct" way, but I guess `rm -rf
/usr/local/lib/php` will do.

[2007-02-14 17:01:10] zesigur at free dot fr

Can you tell me how to uninstall pear properly?

[2007-02-14 16:56:51] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You probably need to remove the existing PEAR installation first.

#40750 [NEW]: fsockopen timeout parameter overwrites timeout for reading

2007-03-07 Thread andreas dot rieber at 2e-systems dot com
From: andreas dot rieber at 2e-systems dot com
Operating system: OpenSuse
PHP version:  5.2.1
PHP Bug Type: Network related
Bug description:  fsockopen timeout parameter overwrites timeout for reading


The timeout parameter of fsockopen overwrites the general read/write
timeout. Without the timeout parameter in fsockopen or if you use
stream_set_timeout after fsockopen it works.

I created scipt a.php which opens b.php. the connection has a timeout of 5
seconds. b.php sleeps for 7 seconds. The first fgets fails and
stream_get_meta_data shows that it timed out.

It works with php 5.2.0.

Reproduce code:
code a.php

code b.php

Expected result:

Header OK

Actual result:
Header failed

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40750&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40750&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40750&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40750&r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40750&r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40750&r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40750&r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40750&r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40750&r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40750&r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40750&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40750&r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40750&r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40750&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40750&r=mysqlcfg

#40746 [Asn]: PHP <= 4.4.6 mssql_connect() & mssql_pconnect() local buffer overflow

2007-03-07 Thread fmk
 ID:   40746
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  youza at post dot cz
 Status:   Assigned
 Bug Type: MSSQL related
 Operating System: Windows
 PHP Version:  4.4.6
 Assigned To:  fmk
 New Comment:

This is a problem with the dbopen() function in Microsofts ntdblib
library, and not a problem within the PHP extension.

I'll add some length checks to the host parameter for mssql_connect()
and mssql_pconnect() to prevent this from happening.

The problem does not exists in php_dblib.dll (the same extension
compiled with FreeTDS version of the dblib library).

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 09:45:54] youza at post dot cz


PHP <= 4.4.6 mssql_connect() & mssql_pconnect() local buffer overflow
and safe_mode bypass

Reproduce code:
original url:

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40746&edit=1

#40749 [NEW]: pack and unpack erroneous behavior on 64bits hosts

2007-03-07 Thread ben at ateor dot com
From: ben at ateor dot com
Operating system: OpenBSD amd64 and sparc64
PHP version:  5.2.1
PHP Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Bug description:  pack and unpack erroneous behavior on 64bits hosts


This is a follow-up on #40543 (http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=40543,
that bug is closed, I can't add comments). 
Please note : it's not identical to #4053 (other weird behaviors 
are demonstrated).

Not sure why you suggest to use little endian or host conversions
but in my standpoint if you reverse twice a number's byte ordering
then you should get the original number back (assuming the number don't
overflows php's internals).

At least, that's the standard behavior for perl and python.

Beside, I can't see why php should handles those endianness conversions
differently on an i386 (32 bits) and on an x86_64 (64 bits), both
having the same byte order.

The following on a 64bit, little endian host :
x86_64$ uname -mprsv
OpenBSD 4.0 GENERIC#0 amd64 AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 3400+

x86_64$ perl -e 'print unpack("N", pack("N", 41445)) ."\n"'

x86_64$ python
Python 2.4.3 (#1, Sep  6 2006, 20:33:08)
[GCC 3.3.5 (propolice)] on openbsd4
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from struct import *
>>> unpack('>L', pack('>L', 41445))

And, indeed :
int main(void)
u_int32_t x, y, z; /* 32 bits unsigned longs */
x = 41445;
/* conv host (little) to network (big endian) long : pack("N",
41445) */
y = htonl(x);
/* conv network (big endian) to host (little) long : unpack("N",
...) */
z = ntohl(y);
printf("Host : %li\nBig : %li\nHost : %li\n", x, y, z);
return 0;

x86_64$ gcc conv.c -o conv ; ./conv
Host : 41445
Big : -442433536
Host : 41445

But still (PHP 5.2.2-dev (cli) (built: Feb 27 2007 22:10:11)) :
x86_64$ php -r 'print_r(unpack("N", pack("N", 41445)));'
[1] => -2147442203

While on a plain old x86 little endian host (PHP 4.4.0), we get
a different result :
i386_32$ uname -mprsv
OpenBSD 3.9 GENERIC#0 i386 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.70GHz
("GenuineIntel" 686-class)
i386_32$ php -r 'print_r(unpack("N", pack("N", 41445)));'
[1] => 41445

Still on the 64 bits little endian host :
x86_64$ php -r '$a = unpack("N", pack("N", 65536)); printf("$a[1]\n");'
65536   # Ok
x86_64$ php -r '$a = unpack("N", pack("N", 65535)); printf("$a[1]\n");'
-2147418113 # Weird

x86_64$ php -r '$a = unpack("N", pack("N", 0x1234)); printf("0x%x\n",
0x1234 # Ok
x86_64$ php -r '$a = unpack("L", pack("N", 0x1234)); printf("0x%x\n",
0x3412 # Ok
x86_64$ php -r '$a = unpack("L", pack("L", 0x)); printf("0x%x\n",
0x # Ok
x86_64$ php -r '$a = unpack("N", pack("N", 0x)); printf("0x%x\n",
0x8000 # The doc says "N" gives you "always 32 bit", and we
   # 8 bytes. No wonder why we overflow.
x86_64$ php -r '$a = unpack("N", pack("N", 0xff )); printf("0x%x\n",
0x80ff # Same. Don't tell me 0xff is too large.

And now, all the following tests are on a 64 bits _big endian_ host
(sparc64, running php-5.2.1) :
sparc64$ uname -mprsv
OpenBSD 3.8 GENERIC#607 sparc64 SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi @ 440 MHz, version 0
sparc64$ php -r '$a = unpack("N", pack("N", 0x)); printf("0x%x\n",
0x # Ok
# The same, but prefixing  to the argument :
sparc64$ php -r '$a = unpack("N", pack("N", 0x)); printf("0x%x\n",
# Weird (and with "N", we stayed on the host byte order this time).
# Shouldn't 0x == 0x, even on big endian ? Apparently, yes :
sparc64$ php -r 'printf("0x%x\n", 0x);'

# Also, look at this :
sparc64$ php -r '$a = unpack("N", pack("N", 41445)); printf("$a[1]\n");'
# And now let's just remove the line feed (\n) from the above printf :
sparc64$ php -r '$a = unpack("N", pack("N", 41445)); printf("$a[1]");'

# Same for 2^16 -1 / 65535 / 0xfff :
sparc64$ php -r '$a = unpack("N", pack("N", 65535)); printf("$a[1]\n");'
sparc64$ php -r '$a = unpack("N", pack("N", 65535)); printf("$a[1]");'

# We get the opposite (bogus with \n, correct without) when converting
# to little endian and back to host :
sparc64$ php -r '$a = unpack("L", pack("L", 0x)); printf( $a[1]);'
sparc64$ php -r '$a = unpack("L", pack("L", 0x)); printf(

This doesn't help :
SKIP Generic pack()/unpack() tests [ext/standard/tests/strings/pack.phpt]
reason: 32bit test only

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40749&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: htt

#34440 [Opn->Bgs]: COM Error confuse with [] ()

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   34440
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  anecdote at yahoo dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: COM related
 Operating System: win32
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 Assigned To:  wez
 New Comment:


Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 16:56:03] anecdote at yahoo dot com

I'm a user who reported this bug sinc 9 Sep 2005.

2 years ago...The PHP team always said...Please try using this CVS...

I tried many CVS but nothing changed, many people say the same in other
bug reports.

This means maybe the bug checking and report system of php have no the

Like a child, dissatisfied no fix(repeat -> php absolute free!) must
praise only.

Waste time, wait wait wait.

Now, even ASP not better than PHP, but ASP has no problem in the same

Thank you PHP team for making many things in php better.
And hope someday many things in php will better too.

Must be fixed in PHP10.x.x


[2007-01-01 01:00:00] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".

[2006-12-24 12:35:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

should be fixed in CVS - please try your custom COM object

[2006-11-24 09:33:03] june2004 at yahoo dot com

1 year ago, nothing changed - -'

PHP Team...please tell me for the other ways to avoid this problem.

No seriously talking about this bug on internet.

Now I use 5.2.0 everything are OK but this problem.

Thank you PHP Team for making PHP better.

[2006-04-18 13:53:45] srabol at mail dot tele dot dk

The erorr is still in version 5.1.2

If you have the fix, why not implement it?
Do you really want all to move to .NET ?

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=34440&edit=1

#34440 [NoF->Opn]: COM Error confuse with [] ()

2007-03-07 Thread anecdote at yahoo dot com
 ID:   34440
 User updated by:  anecdote at yahoo dot com
 Reported By:  anecdote at yahoo dot com
-Status:   No Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: COM related
 Operating System: win32
-PHP Version:  5CVS-2005-09-11
+PHP Version:  5.2.1
 Assigned To:  wez
 New Comment:

I'm a user who reported this bug sinc 9 Sep 2005.

2 years ago...The PHP team always said...Please try using this CVS...

I tried many CVS but nothing changed, many people say the same in other
bug reports.

This means maybe the bug checking and report system of php have no the

Like a child, dissatisfied no fix(repeat -> php absolute free!) must
praise only.

Waste time, wait wait wait.

Now, even ASP not better than PHP, but ASP has no problem in the same

Thank you PHP team for making many things in php better.
And hope someday many things in php will better too.

Must be fixed in PHP10.x.x


Previous Comments:

[2007-01-01 01:00:00] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".

[2006-12-24 12:35:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

should be fixed in CVS - please try your custom COM object

[2006-11-24 09:33:03] june2004 at yahoo dot com

1 year ago, nothing changed - -'

PHP Team...please tell me for the other ways to avoid this problem.

No seriously talking about this bug on internet.

Now I use 5.2.0 everything are OK but this problem.

Thank you PHP Team for making PHP better.

[2006-04-18 13:53:45] srabol at mail dot tele dot dk

The erorr is still in version 5.1.2

If you have the fix, why not implement it?
Do you really want all to move to .NET ?

[2005-11-25 14:29:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Send a patch to fix it if you're so interested.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=34440&edit=1

#40701 [Fbk->Opn]: Memory allocation error

2007-03-07 Thread michaeldaly at magma dot ca
 ID:   40701
 User updated by:  michaeldaly at magma dot ca
 Reported By:  michaeldaly at magma dot ca
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: Win XP Pro
 PHP Version:  5.2.2
 New Comment:

> It _does_ report 8Mb - "PHP Fatal error:  Out of memory (allocated
> 8388608) (tried to allocate 393216 bytes)".

It also reports from 786KB to 9.2MB, so it appears that if the problem
is a limit set externally, that limit is floating dynamically.

> Yes, please search for "memory_limit" in your scripts,.htacess
> and httpd.conf.

I searched for "memory" in the entire Apache directory tree and found
nothing that resembles a limit.  I looked through httpd.conf and
httpd_vhosts.conf visually and can find nothing else that looks like a
memory restriction.  The only limit I can find is in PHP.ini.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 09:13:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>PHP does _not_ report 8MB - it reports 512MB as per the php.ini
It _does_ report 8Mb - "PHP Fatal error:  Out of memory (allocated
8388608) (tried to allocate 393216 bytes)".

>This is reported in phpinfo.php.
memory_limit can be changed per-virtualhost, per-directory and
Therefore phpinfo() might show you 512Mb, but the real script might use
different value.

>Is there a way for me to capture some kind of debug information 
>that can help you? 
Yes, please search for "memory_limit" in your scripts,.htacess and

[2007-03-06 20:54:33] michaeldaly at magma dot ca

Is there a way for me to capture some kind of debug information that
can help you?  I downloaded the debug files along with the latest snap
and they were just PDB files and I don't know what to do with them.

[2007-03-06 18:10:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cannot reproduce anything like that.

[2007-03-06 18:02:56] michaeldaly at magma dot ca

I can find no other mechanism for setting a memory limit.

PHP does _not_ report 8MB - it reports 512MB as per the php.ini
setting.  This is reported in phpinfo.php.

This allocation error is occurring at many different allocation levels.
 For example, the following occurred yesterday.  The first column is the
allocated amount, the second is the amount attempted and the third is
the number of times it occurred.

Allocated   AddFreq
1048576  6144  1
1835008 98304  2
2359296 98304  2
2883584 24576  3
3407872 24576  2
3670016 24576  2
4456448  6144  1
5242880393216  1
5505024 98304  1
5767168   1572864  3
5767168 98304  1
6029312393216  1
6291456   1572864  2
6291456 98304  1
6553600   1572864  1
6553600 24576  1
6553600393216  8
6815744393216  4
7077888   1572864 11
7340032   1572864  5
7602176   1572864  1
7602176393216  1
 786432 24576  4
 786432  6144  3
9175040   1572864  2

All these values are well below the 512MB limit.

[2007-03-05 10:02:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Make sure you didn't set the memory limit in any other way (windows
registry, httpd.conf, htaccess etc.).
If PHP says your limit is set to 8Mb, I see no reason why I shouldn't
trust PHP.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40701&edit=1

#40728 [Opn->Fbk]: configure won't identify apache version

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40728
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  sheezes at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: *Compile Issues
 Operating System: AIX 5.3
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

>my shell is tcsh
your shell or /bin/sh ?

>but before solving the problem i tried working with the csh env as
does that mean you tried to change /bin/sh to csh?

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 14:38:52] sheezes at gmail dot com

my shell is tcsh
but before solving the problem i tried working with the csh env as well

[2007-03-07 13:30:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>I think the PHP team should look into that bug
PHP team IS looking into the bug, but we can't fix it without your

What kind of shell are you using? I mean /bin/sh - what is it?

[2007-03-07 13:18:59] sheezes at gmail dot com

Finally I can say.WORKING :D
I forgot that on the last compile I changed something on the apxs
script. Well, I changed it back and run the configure and make commands
and now the libphp5.so is working and not crashing my apache server! 

If someone has the same problems as I have, add to the APACHE_VERSION
expression 200 (on the php configure script) and then the script
won't crash saying the apache version is 1.3 and should use normal apxs
instead of the apxs2. 

I think the PHP team should look into that bug, as you said, it should
discover my version alone without those changes

and thanks for your help Tony! :)

[2007-03-07 12:02:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I added 200 to the expresion
This shouldn't be required.
What kind of shell are you using? I mean /bin/sh.

>When I try to start apache it quits and dump a core file.
A GDB backtrace would tell why.

[2007-03-07 11:56:00] sheezes at gmail dot com

the APACHE_VERSION var value is 61 (added an echo and an exit command
on the configure script). I added 200 to the expresion and now I
managed to run configure with the apxs2 option that I couldn't before!
Well, it runs fine and even compiling the libphp5.so file! It's a great
progress but I'm not sure the compilation is 100% working :/ When I try
to start apache it quits and dump a core file. When I remove the PHP
AddModule statement from the httpd.conf, apache is fine again :/

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40728&edit=1

#40747 [Opn->Fbk]: Reproducible Crash

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40747
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  th at domainbox dot de
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: Debian Sarge
 PHP Version:  4.4.6
 New Comment:

This code snippet works perfectly fine.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 14:22:23] th at domainbox dot de

The problem seems to be that xt::Commerce's configuration variable
SESSION_WRITE_DIRECTORY is set to an emtpy value.
The problem can be reduced to this code snippet:

[2007-03-07 10:15:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a short but complete example script to be able to reproduce
this bug ourselves. 

A proper reproducing script starts with ,
is max. 10-20 lines long and does not require any external 
resources such as databases, etc. If the script requires a 
database to demonstrate the issue, please make sure it creates 
all necessary tables, stored procedures etc.

Please avoid embedding huge scripts into the report.

[2007-03-07 10:12:25] th at domainbox dot de


We are experiencing a repoducible crash of an xt:Commerce installation
since the server was upgraded from PHP 4.4.4 to PHP 4.4.5. This was
neither resolved by upgrading to 4.4.6 nor by upgrading to snapshot

Reproduce code:
The failing Code seems to be in xt:Commerce's sessions.php, i'm not
able to detect this any further at the moment. The Version is 

$Id: sessions.php,v 1.1 2003/09/06 22:13:54 fanta2k Exp $

Actual result:
(gdb) bt
#0  0xb7ae907b in _efree (ptr=0x0, __zend_filename=0xb7b29a20

__zend_lineno=283, __zend_orig_filename=0x0, __zend_orig_lineno=0)
at /opt/confixx-pakete/php4-STABLE-200703070730/Zend/zend_alloc.c:256
#1  0xb7a1c71c in ps_close_files (mod_data=0xb7ba2e90) at
#2  0xb7a1b8f5 in php_rshutdown_session_globals () at
#3  0xb7a1baa1 in zm_deactivate_session (type=1, module_number=6) at
#4  0xb7afe9af in module_registry_cleanup (module=0x928ea90) at
#5  0xb7b0194c in zend_hash_apply (ht=0xb7ba7280, apply_func=0xb7afe96c
#6  0xb7afad75 in zend_deactivate_modules () at
#7  0xb7ac2f4a in php_request_shutdown (dummy=0x0) at
#8  0xb7b15124 in apache_php_module_main (r=0x812f194,
#9  0xb7b15e57 in send_php (r=0x812f194, display_source_mode=0,
filename=0x8130d34 "/var/www/web46/html/shop/index.php")
#10 0xb7b15ecd in send_parsed_php (r=0x812f194) at
#11 0x08054ece in ap_invoke_handler ()
#12 0x0806b8de in process_request_internal ()
#13 0x0806b93b in ap_process_request ()
#14 0x08062177 in child_main ()
#15 0x08062426 in make_child ()
#16 0x08062794 in perform_idle_server_maintenance ()
#17 0x08062e35 in standalone_main ()
#18 0x080634aa in main ()
(gdb) frame 1
#1  0xb7a1c71c in ps_close_files (mod_data=0xb7ba2e90) at
283 efree(data->basedir);
(gdb) frame 2
#2  0xb7a1b8f5 in php_rshutdown_session_globals () at
(gdb) frame 3
#3  0xb7a1baa1 in zm_deactivate_session (type=1, module_number=6) at
(gdb) frame 4
#4  0xb7afe9af in module_registry_cleanup (module=0x928ea90) at
module->request_shutdown_func(module->type, module->module_number

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40747&edit=1

#40728 [Fbk->Opn]: configure won't identify apache version

2007-03-07 Thread sheezes at gmail dot com
 ID:   40728
 User updated by:  sheezes at gmail dot com
 Reported By:  sheezes at gmail dot com
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: *Compile Issues
 Operating System: AIX 5.3
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

my shell is tcsh
but before solving the problem i tried working with the csh env as well

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 13:30:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>I think the PHP team should look into that bug
PHP team IS looking into the bug, but we can't fix it without your

What kind of shell are you using? I mean /bin/sh - what is it?

[2007-03-07 13:18:59] sheezes at gmail dot com

Finally I can say.WORKING :D
I forgot that on the last compile I changed something on the apxs
script. Well, I changed it back and run the configure and make commands
and now the libphp5.so is working and not crashing my apache server! 

If someone has the same problems as I have, add to the APACHE_VERSION
expression 200 (on the php configure script) and then the script
won't crash saying the apache version is 1.3 and should use normal apxs
instead of the apxs2. 

I think the PHP team should look into that bug, as you said, it should
discover my version alone without those changes

and thanks for your help Tony! :)

[2007-03-07 12:02:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I added 200 to the expresion
This shouldn't be required.
What kind of shell are you using? I mean /bin/sh.

>When I try to start apache it quits and dump a core file.
A GDB backtrace would tell why.

[2007-03-07 11:56:00] sheezes at gmail dot com

the APACHE_VERSION var value is 61 (added an echo and an exit command
on the configure script). I added 200 to the expresion and now I
managed to run configure with the apxs2 option that I couldn't before!
Well, it runs fine and even compiling the libphp5.so file! It's a great
progress but I'm not sure the compilation is 100% working :/ When I try
to start apache it quits and dump a core file. When I remove the PHP
AddModule statement from the httpd.conf, apache is fine again :/

[2007-03-07 08:26:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The other possible cause might be broken shell used in configure,
though I haven't ever heard of such problems.
PHP uses this macro to extract Apache version:

  ac_output=`/path/to/httpd -v 2>&1 | grep version`
IFS="- /.
  set $ac_output

  APACHE_VERSION=`expr $4 \* 100 + $5 \* 1000 + $6`

Make sure it works for you.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40728&edit=1

#40747 [Fbk->Opn]: Reproducible Crash

2007-03-07 Thread th at domainbox dot de
 ID:   40747
 User updated by:  th at domainbox dot de
 Reported By:  th at domainbox dot de
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: Debian Sarge
 PHP Version:  4.4.6
 New Comment:

The problem seems to be that xt::Commerce's configuration variable
SESSION_WRITE_DIRECTORY is set to an emtpy value.
The problem can be reduced to this code snippet:

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 10:15:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a short but complete example script to be able to reproduce
this bug ourselves. 

A proper reproducing script starts with ,
is max. 10-20 lines long and does not require any external 
resources such as databases, etc. If the script requires a 
database to demonstrate the issue, please make sure it creates 
all necessary tables, stored procedures etc.

Please avoid embedding huge scripts into the report.

[2007-03-07 10:12:25] th at domainbox dot de


We are experiencing a repoducible crash of an xt:Commerce installation
since the server was upgraded from PHP 4.4.4 to PHP 4.4.5. This was
neither resolved by upgrading to 4.4.6 nor by upgrading to snapshot

Reproduce code:
The failing Code seems to be in xt:Commerce's sessions.php, i'm not
able to detect this any further at the moment. The Version is 

$Id: sessions.php,v 1.1 2003/09/06 22:13:54 fanta2k Exp $

Actual result:
(gdb) bt
#0  0xb7ae907b in _efree (ptr=0x0, __zend_filename=0xb7b29a20

__zend_lineno=283, __zend_orig_filename=0x0, __zend_orig_lineno=0)
at /opt/confixx-pakete/php4-STABLE-200703070730/Zend/zend_alloc.c:256
#1  0xb7a1c71c in ps_close_files (mod_data=0xb7ba2e90) at
#2  0xb7a1b8f5 in php_rshutdown_session_globals () at
#3  0xb7a1baa1 in zm_deactivate_session (type=1, module_number=6) at
#4  0xb7afe9af in module_registry_cleanup (module=0x928ea90) at
#5  0xb7b0194c in zend_hash_apply (ht=0xb7ba7280, apply_func=0xb7afe96c
#6  0xb7afad75 in zend_deactivate_modules () at
#7  0xb7ac2f4a in php_request_shutdown (dummy=0x0) at
#8  0xb7b15124 in apache_php_module_main (r=0x812f194,
#9  0xb7b15e57 in send_php (r=0x812f194, display_source_mode=0,
filename=0x8130d34 "/var/www/web46/html/shop/index.php")
#10 0xb7b15ecd in send_parsed_php (r=0x812f194) at
#11 0x08054ece in ap_invoke_handler ()
#12 0x0806b8de in process_request_internal ()
#13 0x0806b93b in ap_process_request ()
#14 0x08062177 in child_main ()
#15 0x08062426 in make_child ()
#16 0x08062794 in perform_idle_server_maintenance ()
#17 0x08062e35 in standalone_main ()
#18 0x080634aa in main ()
(gdb) frame 1
#1  0xb7a1c71c in ps_close_files (mod_data=0xb7ba2e90) at
283 efree(data->basedir);
(gdb) frame 2
#2  0xb7a1b8f5 in php_rshutdown_session_globals () at
(gdb) frame 3
#3  0xb7a1baa1 in zm_deactivate_session (type=1, module_number=6) at
(gdb) frame 4
#4  0xb7afe9af in module_registry_cleanup (module=0x928ea90) at
module->request_shutdown_func(module->type, module->module_number

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40747&edit=1

#40510 [Com]: Add multicast support in sockets.c

2007-03-07 Thread daniel at rozsnyo dot com
 ID:   40510
 Comment by:   daniel at rozsnyo dot com
 Reported By:  lew dot payne at gmail dot com
 Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: FreeBSD 6.2-REL
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

  I've changed the patch to support the php-5.2.1 too. (this version
appeared in my gentoo in these days..). It was just some & and *
shifted at arg4.  

Download from http://diary.rozsnyo.com/2006/06/16/php-multicast/ .

Previous Comments:

[2007-02-16 17:46:25] lew dot payne at gmail dot com


To date, PHP does not offer multicast support, mainly due to some
constants and structures missing in sockets.c.  I'd like to propose
that the following patch be incorporated into the code, to fully
support multicast:


A full explanation of the patch can be found here:


Reproduce code:

Expected result:

Multicast constants and the necessary structures to support them exist
and are now recognized by the socket_set_option and socket_get_option
language constructs.

Actual result:
- none needed -

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40510&edit=1

#40728 [Opn->Fbk]: configure won't identify apache version

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40728
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  sheezes at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: *Compile Issues
 Operating System: AIX 5.3
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

>I think the PHP team should look into that bug
PHP team IS looking into the bug, but we can't fix it without your

What kind of shell are you using? I mean /bin/sh - what is it?

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 13:18:59] sheezes at gmail dot com

Finally I can say.WORKING :D
I forgot that on the last compile I changed something on the apxs
script. Well, I changed it back and run the configure and make commands
and now the libphp5.so is working and not crashing my apache server! 

If someone has the same problems as I have, add to the APACHE_VERSION
expression 200 (on the php configure script) and then the script
won't crash saying the apache version is 1.3 and should use normal apxs
instead of the apxs2. 

I think the PHP team should look into that bug, as you said, it should
discover my version alone without those changes

and thanks for your help Tony! :)

[2007-03-07 12:02:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I added 200 to the expresion
This shouldn't be required.
What kind of shell are you using? I mean /bin/sh.

>When I try to start apache it quits and dump a core file.
A GDB backtrace would tell why.

[2007-03-07 11:56:00] sheezes at gmail dot com

the APACHE_VERSION var value is 61 (added an echo and an exit command
on the configure script). I added 200 to the expresion and now I
managed to run configure with the apxs2 option that I couldn't before!
Well, it runs fine and even compiling the libphp5.so file! It's a great
progress but I'm not sure the compilation is 100% working :/ When I try
to start apache it quits and dump a core file. When I remove the PHP
AddModule statement from the httpd.conf, apache is fine again :/

[2007-03-07 08:26:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The other possible cause might be broken shell used in configure,
though I haven't ever heard of such problems.
PHP uses this macro to extract Apache version:

  ac_output=`/path/to/httpd -v 2>&1 | grep version`
IFS="- /.
  set $ac_output

  APACHE_VERSION=`expr $4 \* 100 + $5 \* 1000 + $6`

Make sure it works for you.

[2007-03-07 08:15:44] sheezes at gmail dot com

yea, i saw that bug report. I reported it actually
but this case is a bit diffrent. I decided to leave the other machine
running aix 5.2 and IBMIHS (IBM's httpd) because the problem I
Anyway, this machine is running AIX 5.3 and original apache 2.0.59 (not
that IBM httpd modification) and this time I'm not getting exactly the
same errors I got in the other machine (LIBPATH etc).

You saw the config.log? you saw anything unusual in it?

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40728&edit=1

#40728 [Fbk->Opn]: configure won't identify apache version

2007-03-07 Thread sheezes at gmail dot com
 ID:   40728
 User updated by:  sheezes at gmail dot com
 Reported By:  sheezes at gmail dot com
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: *Compile Issues
 Operating System: AIX 5.3
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

Finally I can say.WORKING :D
I forgot that on the last compile I changed something on the apxs
script. Well, I changed it back and run the configure and make commands
and now the libphp5.so is working and not crashing my apache server! 

If someone has the same problems as I have, add to the APACHE_VERSION
expression 200 (on the php configure script) and then the script
won't crash saying the apache version is 1.3 and should use normal apxs
instead of the apxs2. 

I think the PHP team should look into that bug, as you said, it should
discover my version alone without those changes

and thanks for your help Tony! :)

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 12:02:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I added 200 to the expresion
This shouldn't be required.
What kind of shell are you using? I mean /bin/sh.

>When I try to start apache it quits and dump a core file.
A GDB backtrace would tell why.

[2007-03-07 11:56:00] sheezes at gmail dot com

the APACHE_VERSION var value is 61 (added an echo and an exit command
on the configure script). I added 200 to the expresion and now I
managed to run configure with the apxs2 option that I couldn't before!
Well, it runs fine and even compiling the libphp5.so file! It's a great
progress but I'm not sure the compilation is 100% working :/ When I try
to start apache it quits and dump a core file. When I remove the PHP
AddModule statement from the httpd.conf, apache is fine again :/

[2007-03-07 08:26:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The other possible cause might be broken shell used in configure,
though I haven't ever heard of such problems.
PHP uses this macro to extract Apache version:

  ac_output=`/path/to/httpd -v 2>&1 | grep version`
IFS="- /.
  set $ac_output

  APACHE_VERSION=`expr $4 \* 100 + $5 \* 1000 + $6`

Make sure it works for you.

[2007-03-07 08:15:44] sheezes at gmail dot com

yea, i saw that bug report. I reported it actually
but this case is a bit diffrent. I decided to leave the other machine
running aix 5.2 and IBMIHS (IBM's httpd) because the problem I
Anyway, this machine is running AIX 5.3 and original apache 2.0.59 (not
that IBM httpd modification) and this time I'm not getting exactly the
same errors I got in the other machine (LIBPATH etc).

You saw the config.log? you saw anything unusual in it?

[2007-03-06 15:42:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's clearly incorrect.
Use --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs instead.

>read again my 1st post for more details
I did, that's why I asked you to copy/paste error messages instead of

>Server version: Apache/2.0.59 
>Server built:   Mar  5 2007 16:33:35 
Are you sure you're running ./configure in the same environment and
under the same account?
As I've said your problem looks exactly like bug #40638.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40728&edit=1

#40552 [Com]: upgrade from 5.15 to 5.2x

2007-03-07 Thread hakkarainen at cs dot joensuu dot fi
 ID:   40552
 Comment by:   hakkarainen at cs dot joensuu dot fi
 Reported By:  lepage at grm dot polymtl dot ca
 Status:   No Feedback
 Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: Solaris 9
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

I have the very same problem with php5.2-200703060530 and Solaris 9
(php5.2-200611160530 did not had this problem).

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 01:00:00] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".

[2007-02-27 18:31:17] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2007-02-22 01:44:10] lepage at grm dot polymtl dot ca

note that if I use 
it does work while using 
does not work.

It was woking fine in php-5.1.5 and not in php-5.2.0 nor php-5.2.1, I
see in change log :

- Removed current working directory from the php.ini search path for
CLI and re-added it for other SAPIs (restore to pre 5.1.x behavior).

may be it was not well restore... I don't know. Can you please help me
fix this. it cause many problem with user installed phpBB and phpAlbum.

[2007-02-22 01:21:53] lepage at grm dot polymtl dot ca

Here is the error, While it is not working in a user directory it does
in the web root directory.

=== file info.php ===

=== file include.inc ===


Warning: include(./include.inc) [function.include]: failed to open
stream: No such file or directory in /home/lepage/HTML/info.php on line

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening './include.inc'
for inclusion
(include_path='/usr/local_9/opt/php/lib/php:/php/includes:.') in
/home/lepage/HTML/info.php on line 3
and then the php_info() output.

I found odd that I have to code since I am a sysAdmin trying to update
php to latest, I am not a php coder and therefore it should be easier
for SysAdmin to update php to the latest...

[2007-02-21 08:06:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a short but complete example script to be able to reproduce
this bug ourselves. 

A proper reproducing script starts with ,
is max. 10-20 lines long and does not require any external 
resources such as databases, etc. If the script requires a 
database to demonstrate the issue, please make sure it creates 
all necessary tables, stored procedures etc.

Please avoid embedding huge scripts into the report.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40552&edit=1

#40728 [Opn->Fbk]: configure won't identify apache version

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40728
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  sheezes at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: *Compile Issues
 Operating System: AIX 5.3
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

> I added 200 to the expresion
This shouldn't be required.
What kind of shell are you using? I mean /bin/sh.

>When I try to start apache it quits and dump a core file.
A GDB backtrace would tell why.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 11:56:00] sheezes at gmail dot com

the APACHE_VERSION var value is 61 (added an echo and an exit command
on the configure script). I added 200 to the expresion and now I
managed to run configure with the apxs2 option that I couldn't before!
Well, it runs fine and even compiling the libphp5.so file! It's a great
progress but I'm not sure the compilation is 100% working :/ When I try
to start apache it quits and dump a core file. When I remove the PHP
AddModule statement from the httpd.conf, apache is fine again :/

[2007-03-07 08:26:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The other possible cause might be broken shell used in configure,
though I haven't ever heard of such problems.
PHP uses this macro to extract Apache version:

  ac_output=`/path/to/httpd -v 2>&1 | grep version`
IFS="- /.
  set $ac_output

  APACHE_VERSION=`expr $4 \* 100 + $5 \* 1000 + $6`

Make sure it works for you.

[2007-03-07 08:15:44] sheezes at gmail dot com

yea, i saw that bug report. I reported it actually
but this case is a bit diffrent. I decided to leave the other machine
running aix 5.2 and IBMIHS (IBM's httpd) because the problem I
Anyway, this machine is running AIX 5.3 and original apache 2.0.59 (not
that IBM httpd modification) and this time I'm not getting exactly the
same errors I got in the other machine (LIBPATH etc).

You saw the config.log? you saw anything unusual in it?

[2007-03-06 15:42:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's clearly incorrect.
Use --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs instead.

>read again my 1st post for more details
I did, that's why I asked you to copy/paste error messages instead of

>Server version: Apache/2.0.59 
>Server built:   Mar  5 2007 16:33:35 
Are you sure you're running ./configure in the same environment and
under the same account?
As I've said your problem looks exactly like bug #40638.

[2007-03-06 15:32:14] sheezes at gmail dot com

i already said my configure line on my 1st own.
quick remind: ./configure
read again my 1st post for more details

>`/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs -q SBINDIR`/`/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
-q TARGET` -v 
Server version: Apache/2.0.59 
Server built:   Mar  5 2007 16:33:35 

this is the output i get on my screen from the configure script:

Generating files 
creating ./config.status 
creating php5.spec 
creating main/build-defs.h 
creating scripts/phpize 
creating scripts/man1/phpize.1 
creating scripts/php-config 
creating scripts/man1/php-config.1 
creating sapi/cli/php.1 
creating main/php_config.h 
main/php_config.h is unchanged 
creating main/internal_functions.c 
creating main/internal_functions_cli.c 


| WARNING: Your /usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs script is most likely

| Please go read http://www.php.net/faq.build#faq.build.apxs |

| and make the changes described there and try again.|


| License:   |

| This software is subject to the PHP License, available in this |

| distribution in the file LICENSE.  By continuing this installation |

| process, you are bound by the terms of this license agreement. |

| If you do not agree with the terms of this license, you must abort |

| the installation process at this point.|


Thank you for using PHP. 

and i want to thank you for your help till now :)

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40728&edit=1

#40728 [Fbk->Opn]: configure won't identify apache version

2007-03-07 Thread sheezes at gmail dot com
 ID:   40728
 User updated by:  sheezes at gmail dot com
 Reported By:  sheezes at gmail dot com
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: *Compile Issues
 Operating System: AIX 5.3
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

the APACHE_VERSION var value is 61 (added an echo and an exit command
on the configure script). I added 200 to the expresion and now I
managed to run configure with the apxs2 option that I couldn't before!
Well, it runs fine and even compiling the libphp5.so file! It's a great
progress but I'm not sure the compilation is 100% working :/ When I try
to start apache it quits and dump a core file. When I remove the PHP
AddModule statement from the httpd.conf, apache is fine again :/

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 08:26:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The other possible cause might be broken shell used in configure,
though I haven't ever heard of such problems.
PHP uses this macro to extract Apache version:

  ac_output=`/path/to/httpd -v 2>&1 | grep version`
IFS="- /.
  set $ac_output

  APACHE_VERSION=`expr $4 \* 100 + $5 \* 1000 + $6`

Make sure it works for you.

[2007-03-07 08:15:44] sheezes at gmail dot com

yea, i saw that bug report. I reported it actually
but this case is a bit diffrent. I decided to leave the other machine
running aix 5.2 and IBMIHS (IBM's httpd) because the problem I
Anyway, this machine is running AIX 5.3 and original apache 2.0.59 (not
that IBM httpd modification) and this time I'm not getting exactly the
same errors I got in the other machine (LIBPATH etc).

You saw the config.log? you saw anything unusual in it?

[2007-03-06 15:42:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's clearly incorrect.
Use --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs instead.

>read again my 1st post for more details
I did, that's why I asked you to copy/paste error messages instead of

>Server version: Apache/2.0.59 
>Server built:   Mar  5 2007 16:33:35 
Are you sure you're running ./configure in the same environment and
under the same account?
As I've said your problem looks exactly like bug #40638.

[2007-03-06 15:32:14] sheezes at gmail dot com

i already said my configure line on my 1st own.
quick remind: ./configure
read again my 1st post for more details

>`/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs -q SBINDIR`/`/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
-q TARGET` -v 
Server version: Apache/2.0.59 
Server built:   Mar  5 2007 16:33:35 

this is the output i get on my screen from the configure script:

Generating files 
creating ./config.status 
creating php5.spec 
creating main/build-defs.h 
creating scripts/phpize 
creating scripts/man1/phpize.1 
creating scripts/php-config 
creating scripts/man1/php-config.1 
creating sapi/cli/php.1 
creating main/php_config.h 
main/php_config.h is unchanged 
creating main/internal_functions.c 
creating main/internal_functions_cli.c 


| WARNING: Your /usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs script is most likely

| Please go read http://www.php.net/faq.build#faq.build.apxs |

| and make the changes described there and try again.|


| License:   |

| This software is subject to the PHP License, available in this |

| distribution in the file LICENSE.  By continuing this installation |

| process, you are bound by the terms of this license agreement. |

| If you do not agree with the terms of this license, you must abort |

| the installation process at this point.|


Thank you for using PHP. 

and i want to thank you for your help till now :)

[2007-03-06 15:20:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What exactly was you configure line and what exactly did you get?
(copy/paste please).

What is the output of the command below?
`/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs -q SBINDIR`/`/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
-q TARGET` -v

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40728&edit=1

#40718 [WFx]: PHP with GD2 and FreeType 1.x

2007-03-07 Thread pajoye
 ID:   40718
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  public at milindur dot de
 Status:   Wont fix
 Bug Type: *Configuration Issues
 Operating System: Linux (Ubuntu 6.10)
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

Why don't you use freetype2?

This option was about fixing issues with old libgd versions and to
always provide ttf support. It is really not something you should use
unless you have a very good reason.

About freetype1, it is broken, old and unmaintained. You better have to
upgrade to freetype2 instead. As soon as I can, I will drop freetype1
(or add warning in the configure) about freetype1 usage.

I'm sorry, but I do not have the time to investigate and fix this
problem. I do not think it is worth the effort either :)

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 08:51:38] public at milindur dot de

> In short, you should really use only freetype2.
Okay, but unfortunately my webhoster does not want this. He just uses
freetype1 (--with-ttf). But he also uses the option

> "--enable-gd-native-ttf" 
> Enable gdImageStringTTF function instead of 
> gdImageStringFT/gdImageStringFTEx (both freetype2).

Sure? I think that this option actually enforces the use of the
libgd-ttf-functions (gdImageStringTTF, gdImageStringFT or

I looked into the configure-script. The option --enable-gd-native-ttf
sets PHP_GD_NATIVE_TTF which enables "#define USE_GD_IMGSTRTTF 1".

I find the macro USE_GD_IMGSTRTTF again in ext/gd/gd.c:

if (extended) {
error = gdImageStringFTEx(...);
# endif

error = gdImageStringFT(...);
error = gdImageStringTTF(...);
# endif

#else /* !USE_GD_IMGSTRTTF */
error = gdttf(...);

If USE_GD_IMGSTRTTF is set only gdImageStringFTEx, gdImageStringFT or
gdImageStringTTF would be executed. But if HAVE_GD_STRINGFTEX,
HAVE_GD_STRINGFT and HAVE_GD_STRINGTTF are not set (freetype1) no code
would be executed. The function gdttf provides ttf-functionality with
GD2/freetype1 (as far as I understand this function) but it is not

> Freetype1 support is already abandoned in HEAD (php6).
Right, but PHP4/5 are still widely spread.

If you do not want to fix this than just tell me if I am right
regarding --enable-gd-native-ttf with GD2/freetype1.

[2007-03-04 22:39:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"I am trying to compile PHP (5.2.1 and/or 4.4.6) with bundled libgd
(2.0.28) but *without* FreeType 2. Is it right that I am not allowed
use the configure-option "--enable-gd-native-ttf" in this case?"

Define the prefix of freetype2

Enable gdImageStringTTF function instead of 
gdImageStringFT/gdImageStringFTEx (both freetype2).

Define the prefix of freetype2

In short, you should really use only freetype2.

Freetype1 support is already abandoned in HEAD (php6).

We keep the option around as some users keep rely on the old functions.
But that's all I can do, keeping them around > won't fix.

[2007-03-04 22:02:24] public at milindur dot de



I am trying to compile PHP (5.2.1 and/or 4.4.6) with bundled libgd
(2.0.28) but *without* FreeType 2. Is it right that I am not allowed to
use the configure-option "--enable-gd-native-ttf" in this case?

If I add --enable-gd-native-ttf the function imagettftext does not work
(text is not added to image). If I remove this option imagettftext

The source of this behaviour seems to be that using
--enable-gd-native-ttf enables the macro USE_GD_IMGSTRTTF. This
prevents ext/gd/gd.c from executing any function to draw the string:
gdImageStringFT/gdImageStringFTEx/gdImageStringTTF are not available
because GD2 is used without FreeType 2. For this case gdttf should be
called but --enable-gd-native-ttf / USE_GD_IMGSTRTTF prevents this.

I think that this case should be avoided by the configure-script (using
GD2, FreeType2 not available => refuse --enable-gd-native-ttf). 

Code below is from

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

black box with white text

Actual result:
black box without text, when using --enable-gd-native-ttf with GD2 and
without FreeType 2.x

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40718&edit=1

#40425 [Opn->Fbk]: php_getuid() always return 1.

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40425
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  priappub at yahoo dot fr
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Safe Mode/open_basedir
 Operating System: Solaris 10
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

What's the difference between Sun Apache and the one compiled from

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 10:13:40] priappub at yahoo dot fr

Same problem with the snapshot. But it seems that the problem is the 
apache provided by SUN because if I compile apache from the source, 
safe_mode is OK.

[2007-03-06 12:07:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2007-02-11 09:34:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Then we will have to wait for someone with Solaris 10 to reproduce and
fix it.

[2007-02-10 01:35:19] priappub at yahoo dot fr

Unfortunately, this machine is on a private network.

It'a a solaris 10 update 3 with apache 2.0.58 included in 
solaris. PHP is 5.2.1 compiled with:

CFLAGS='-I/usr/sfw/src/mysql/include' \
CC='cc' \
'./configure' \
'--with-apxs2=/usr/apache2/bin/apxs' \
'--with-mysql=/usr/sfw' \
'--enable-dbase' \
'--with-ldap' \
'--enable-ftp' \
'--with-bzip2' \
'--with-openssl=/usr/sfw' \
'--with-jepg' \
'--with-png' \
'--with-zlib' \
'--with-imap' \
'--enable-fastcgi' \
'--enable-mbstring' \
'--with-config-file-path=/etc/apache2' \
'--without-iconv' \
'--with-gettext' \
'--enable-magic-quotes' \
'--enable-safe-mode' \
'--prefix=/usr' \
'--exec-prefix=/usr' \
'--sysconfdir=/etc' \
'--localstatedir=/var' \

I'm using Sun Studio 11 but same result with GCC. I don't 
know if the problem is on x86 too, I have only solaris with 

NB: bug 12683 suggests a problem with mod_perl but no 
mod_perl here.

[2007-02-10 00:52:28] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cannot reproduce. Please provide an account on this machine.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40425&edit=1

#40747 [Opn->Fbk]: Reproducible Crash

2007-03-07 Thread derick
 ID:   40747
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  th at domainbox dot de
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Reproducible crash
 Operating System: Debian Sarge
 PHP Version:  4.4.6
 New Comment:

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a short but complete example script to be able to reproduce
this bug ourselves. 

A proper reproducing script starts with ,
is max. 10-20 lines long and does not require any external 
resources such as databases, etc. If the script requires a 
database to demonstrate the issue, please make sure it creates 
all necessary tables, stored procedures etc.

Please avoid embedding huge scripts into the report.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 10:12:25] th at domainbox dot de


We are experiencing a repoducible crash of an xt:Commerce installation
since the server was upgraded from PHP 4.4.4 to PHP 4.4.5. This was
neither resolved by upgrading to 4.4.6 nor by upgrading to snapshot

Reproduce code:
The failing Code seems to be in xt:Commerce's sessions.php, i'm not
able to detect this any further at the moment. The Version is 

$Id: sessions.php,v 1.1 2003/09/06 22:13:54 fanta2k Exp $

Actual result:
(gdb) bt
#0  0xb7ae907b in _efree (ptr=0x0, __zend_filename=0xb7b29a20

__zend_lineno=283, __zend_orig_filename=0x0, __zend_orig_lineno=0)
at /opt/confixx-pakete/php4-STABLE-200703070730/Zend/zend_alloc.c:256
#1  0xb7a1c71c in ps_close_files (mod_data=0xb7ba2e90) at
#2  0xb7a1b8f5 in php_rshutdown_session_globals () at
#3  0xb7a1baa1 in zm_deactivate_session (type=1, module_number=6) at
#4  0xb7afe9af in module_registry_cleanup (module=0x928ea90) at
#5  0xb7b0194c in zend_hash_apply (ht=0xb7ba7280, apply_func=0xb7afe96c
#6  0xb7afad75 in zend_deactivate_modules () at
#7  0xb7ac2f4a in php_request_shutdown (dummy=0x0) at
#8  0xb7b15124 in apache_php_module_main (r=0x812f194,
#9  0xb7b15e57 in send_php (r=0x812f194, display_source_mode=0,
filename=0x8130d34 "/var/www/web46/html/shop/index.php")
#10 0xb7b15ecd in send_parsed_php (r=0x812f194) at
#11 0x08054ece in ap_invoke_handler ()
#12 0x0806b8de in process_request_internal ()
#13 0x0806b93b in ap_process_request ()
#14 0x08062177 in child_main ()
#15 0x08062426 in make_child ()
#16 0x08062794 in perform_idle_server_maintenance ()
#17 0x08062e35 in standalone_main ()
#18 0x080634aa in main ()
(gdb) frame 1
#1  0xb7a1c71c in ps_close_files (mod_data=0xb7ba2e90) at
283 efree(data->basedir);
(gdb) frame 2
#2  0xb7a1b8f5 in php_rshutdown_session_globals () at
(gdb) frame 3
#3  0xb7a1baa1 in zm_deactivate_session (type=1, module_number=6) at
(gdb) frame 4
#4  0xb7afe9af in module_registry_cleanup (module=0x928ea90) at
module->request_shutdown_func(module->type, module->module_number

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40747&edit=1

#40425 [Fbk->Opn]: php_getuid() always return 1.

2007-03-07 Thread priappub at yahoo dot fr
 ID:   40425
 User updated by:  priappub at yahoo dot fr
 Reported By:  priappub at yahoo dot fr
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Safe Mode/open_basedir
 Operating System: Solaris 10
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

Same problem with the snapshot. But it seems that the problem is the 
apache provided by SUN because if I compile apache from the source, 
safe_mode is OK.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-06 12:07:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2007-02-11 09:34:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Then we will have to wait for someone with Solaris 10 to reproduce and
fix it.

[2007-02-10 01:35:19] priappub at yahoo dot fr

Unfortunately, this machine is on a private network.

It'a a solaris 10 update 3 with apache 2.0.58 included in 
solaris. PHP is 5.2.1 compiled with:

CFLAGS='-I/usr/sfw/src/mysql/include' \
CC='cc' \
'./configure' \
'--with-apxs2=/usr/apache2/bin/apxs' \
'--with-mysql=/usr/sfw' \
'--enable-dbase' \
'--with-ldap' \
'--enable-ftp' \
'--with-bzip2' \
'--with-openssl=/usr/sfw' \
'--with-jepg' \
'--with-png' \
'--with-zlib' \
'--with-imap' \
'--enable-fastcgi' \
'--enable-mbstring' \
'--with-config-file-path=/etc/apache2' \
'--without-iconv' \
'--with-gettext' \
'--enable-magic-quotes' \
'--enable-safe-mode' \
'--prefix=/usr' \
'--exec-prefix=/usr' \
'--sysconfdir=/etc' \
'--localstatedir=/var' \

I'm using Sun Studio 11 but same result with GCC. I don't 
know if the problem is on x86 too, I have only solaris with 

NB: bug 12683 suggests a problem with mod_perl but no 
mod_perl here.

[2007-02-10 00:52:28] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cannot reproduce. Please provide an account on this machine.

[2007-02-10 00:44:39] priappub at yahoo dot fr


On solaris 10 (update 3) on sparc with PHP 5.1.6 or 5.1.2, 
safe mode doesn't work.  I have the message:
SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid/gid 
is 1/10076 is not allowed to access /sites/toto.php owned 
by uid/gid 10076/1000 in Unknown on line 0

The script and the directory have the same UID/GID. It 
seems like in safe_mode.c, php-getuid() always returns 1 
and php_getgid() returns the UID.

NB: same bug as http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=7744 or 
http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=18500 (they are old and for 

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40425&edit=1

#40747 [NEW]: Reproducible Crash

2007-03-07 Thread th at domainbox dot de
From: th at domainbox dot de
Operating system: Debian Sarge
PHP version:  4.4.6
PHP Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Bug description:  Reproducible Crash


We are experiencing a repoducible crash of an xt:Commerce installation
since the server was upgraded from PHP 4.4.4 to PHP 4.4.5. This was
neither resolved by upgrading to 4.4.6 nor by upgrading to snapshot

Reproduce code:
The failing Code seems to be in xt:Commerce's sessions.php, i'm not able
to detect this any further at the moment. The Version is 

$Id: sessions.php,v 1.1 2003/09/06 22:13:54 fanta2k Exp $

Actual result:
(gdb) bt
#0  0xb7ae907b in _efree (ptr=0x0, __zend_filename=0xb7b29a20
__zend_lineno=283, __zend_orig_filename=0x0, __zend_orig_lineno=0) at
#1  0xb7a1c71c in ps_close_files (mod_data=0xb7ba2e90) at
#2  0xb7a1b8f5 in php_rshutdown_session_globals () at
#3  0xb7a1baa1 in zm_deactivate_session (type=1, module_number=6) at
#4  0xb7afe9af in module_registry_cleanup (module=0x928ea90) at
#5  0xb7b0194c in zend_hash_apply (ht=0xb7ba7280, apply_func=0xb7afe96c
at /opt/confixx-pakete/php4-STABLE-200703070730/Zend/zend_hash.c:708
#6  0xb7afad75 in zend_deactivate_modules () at
#7  0xb7ac2f4a in php_request_shutdown (dummy=0x0) at
#8  0xb7b15124 in apache_php_module_main (r=0x812f194,
#9  0xb7b15e57 in send_php (r=0x812f194, display_source_mode=0,
filename=0x8130d34 "/var/www/web46/html/shop/index.php")
#10 0xb7b15ecd in send_parsed_php (r=0x812f194) at
#11 0x08054ece in ap_invoke_handler ()
#12 0x0806b8de in process_request_internal ()
#13 0x0806b93b in ap_process_request ()
#14 0x08062177 in child_main ()
#15 0x08062426 in make_child ()
#16 0x08062794 in perform_idle_server_maintenance ()
#17 0x08062e35 in standalone_main ()
#18 0x080634aa in main ()
(gdb) frame 1
#1  0xb7a1c71c in ps_close_files (mod_data=0xb7ba2e90) at
283 efree(data->basedir);
(gdb) frame 2
#2  0xb7a1b8f5 in php_rshutdown_session_globals () at
(gdb) frame 3
#3  0xb7a1baa1 in zm_deactivate_session (type=1, module_number=6) at
(gdb) frame 4
#4  0xb7afe9af in module_registry_cleanup (module=0x928ea90) at
module->request_shutdown_func(module->type, module->module_number

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40747&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40747&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40747&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40747&r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40747&r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40747&r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40747&r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40747&r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40747&r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40747&r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40747&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40747&r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/

#40741 [Bgs]: Change mysql compilation

2007-03-07 Thread d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl
 ID:   40741
 User updated by:  d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl
-Summary:  ldd ./sapi/cli/php
 Reported By:  d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl
 Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: MySQL related
 Operating System: FreeBSD
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

Well I do think it's important that when one specifies
--with-mysql=/path/to/mysql/to/be/used those libs are actually used and
 not another lib as is the case now.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 09:06:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ah, so it DOES work when you fix the mess with MySQL libs.
Ok, then I don't see any sense to keep this report open.

[2007-03-07 08:53:22] d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl

After a day compiling, I found out that when I renamed the directory 
/usr/local/mysql to /usr/local/mysql3 and than used
--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql5 (my other mysql installation) id worked.
Therefore I do not have a 'old' ./sapi/cli/php, but I'm quite sure it
linked against libmysqlclient.so.10 not libmysqlclient.so.15 


ldd php
libcrypt.so.2 => /lib/libcrypt.so.2 (0x284f5000)
libexslt.so.8 => /usr/local/lib/libexslt.so.8 (0x2850d000)
libz.so.2 => /lib/libz.so.2 (0x2851d000)
libm.so.3 => /lib/libm.so.3 (0x2852d000)
libpanel.so.2 => /usr/lib/libpanel.so.2 (0x28547000)
libncurses.so.5 => /lib/libncurses.so.5 (0x2854b000)
libmhash.so.2 => /usr/local/lib/libmhash.so.2 (0x2858a000)
libmcrypt.so.8 => /usr/local/lib/libmcrypt.so.8 (0x285be000)
libltdl.so.4 => /usr/local/lib/libltdl.so.4 (0x285ee000)
libintl.so.6 => /usr/local/lib/libintl.so.6 (0x285f6000)
libfreetype.so.9 => /usr/local/lib/libfreetype.so.9
libpng.so.5 => /usr/local/lib/libpng.so.5 (0x28663000)
libbz2.so.1 => /usr/lib/libbz2.so.1 (0x28685000)
libcurl.so.4 => /usr/local/lib/libcurl.so.4 (0x28694000)
libssl.so.3 => /usr/lib/libssl.so.3 (0x286c8000)
libcrypto.so.3 => /lib/libcrypto.so.3 (0x286f6000)
libmysqlclient.so.15 =>
/usr/local/mysql5/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.15 (0x287eb000)
libxslt.so.2 => /usr/local/lib/libxslt.so.2 (0x28848000)
libxml2.so.5 => /usr/local/lib/libxml2.so.5 (0x28879000)
libiconv.so.3 => /usr/local/lib/libiconv.so.3 (0x28991000)
libc.so.5 => /lib/libc.so.5 (0x28a7e000)

[2007-03-07 08:28:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ldd ./sapi/cli/php ?

[2007-03-07 08:16:05] d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl

-rw-r--r--  1 mysql  wheel  33723 Mar  6 14:49 mysql.h

[2007-03-07 07:36:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ls -l /usr/local/mysql5/include/mysql.h

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40741&edit=1

#40746 [Opn->Asn]: PHP <= 4.4.6 mssql_connect() & mssql_pconnect() local buffer overflow

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40746
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  youza at post dot cz
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Assigned
-Bug Type: MySQL related
+Bug Type: MSSQL related
 Operating System: Windows
 PHP Version:  4.4.6
-Assigned To:  
+Assigned To:  fmk

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 09:45:54] youza at post dot cz


PHP <= 4.4.6 mssql_connect() & mssql_pconnect() local buffer overflow
and safe_mode bypass

Reproduce code:
original url:

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40746&edit=1

#40746 [NEW]: PHP <= 4.4.6 mssql_connect() & mssql_pconnect() local buffer overflow

2007-03-07 Thread youza at post dot cz
From: youza at post dot cz
Operating system: Windows 
PHP version:  4.4.6
PHP Bug Type: MySQL related
Bug description:  PHP <= 4.4.6 mssql_connect() & mssql_pconnect() local buffer 


PHP <= 4.4.6 mssql_connect() & mssql_pconnect() local buffer overflow and
safe_mode bypass

Reproduce code:
original url:

Edit bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40746&edit=1
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2): 
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0): 
Fixed in CVS: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40746&r=fixedcvs
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40746&r=needtrace
Need Reproduce Script:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40746&r=needscript
Try newer version:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40746&r=oldversion
Not developer issue:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40746&r=support
Expected behavior:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40746&r=notwrong
Not enough info:  
Submitted twice:  
register_globals: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40746&r=globals
PHP 3 support discontinued:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40746&r=php3
Daylight Savings: http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40746&r=dst
IIS Stability:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40746&r=isapi
Install GNU Sed:  http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40746&r=gnused
Floating point limitations:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40746&r=float
No Zend Extensions:   http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40746&r=nozend
MySQL Configuration Error:http://bugs.php.net/fix.php?id=40746&r=mysqlcfg

#40701 [Opn->Fbk]: Memory allocation error

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40701
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  michaeldaly at magma dot ca
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: Win XP Pro
 PHP Version:  5.2.2
 New Comment:

>PHP does _not_ report 8MB - it reports 512MB as per the php.ini
It _does_ report 8Mb - "PHP Fatal error:  Out of memory (allocated
8388608) (tried to allocate 393216 bytes)".

>This is reported in phpinfo.php.
memory_limit can be changed per-virtualhost, per-directory and
Therefore phpinfo() might show you 512Mb, but the real script might use
different value.

>Is there a way for me to capture some kind of debug information 
>that can help you? 
Yes, please search for "memory_limit" in your scripts,.htacess and

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-06 20:54:33] michaeldaly at magma dot ca

Is there a way for me to capture some kind of debug information that
can help you?  I downloaded the debug files along with the latest snap
and they were just PDB files and I don't know what to do with them.

[2007-03-06 18:10:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cannot reproduce anything like that.

[2007-03-06 18:02:56] michaeldaly at magma dot ca

I can find no other mechanism for setting a memory limit.

PHP does _not_ report 8MB - it reports 512MB as per the php.ini
setting.  This is reported in phpinfo.php.

This allocation error is occurring at many different allocation levels.
 For example, the following occurred yesterday.  The first column is the
allocated amount, the second is the amount attempted and the third is
the number of times it occurred.

Allocated   AddFreq
1048576  6144  1
1835008 98304  2
2359296 98304  2
2883584 24576  3
3407872 24576  2
3670016 24576  2
4456448  6144  1
5242880393216  1
5505024 98304  1
5767168   1572864  3
5767168 98304  1
6029312393216  1
6291456   1572864  2
6291456 98304  1
6553600   1572864  1
6553600 24576  1
6553600393216  8
6815744393216  4
7077888   1572864 11
7340032   1572864  5
7602176   1572864  1
7602176393216  1
 786432 24576  4
 786432  6144  3
9175040   1572864  2

All these values are well below the 512MB limit.

[2007-03-05 10:02:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Make sure you didn't set the memory limit in any other way (windows
registry, httpd.conf, htaccess etc.).
If PHP says your limit is set to 8Mb, I see no reason why I shouldn't
trust PHP.

[2007-03-04 20:21:23] michaeldaly at magma dot ca

Additional thought - may be unrelated.

On my old server (Apache 1.6.3, PHP 5.0) I never saw this problem but
had another, possibly related.

There was a frequent bug that I fixed with Win32DisableAcceptEx in
httpd.conf.  This then introduced a memory allocation bug in Apache. 
Apparently, that situation was relatively common on Windows machines
with not a lot of RAM - mine was 512MB.

With current server, I have 2GB Ram and the Apache allocation bug
hasn't shown up.  However, now PHP has allocation errors.  Is it
possible one was "hiding" the other?  Is it possible the two situations
are related?

I only mention this in the hope it might twig one of you PHP wizards.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40701&edit=1

#40741 [Opn->Bgs]: ldd ./sapi/cli/php

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40741
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Bug Type: MySQL related
 Operating System: FreeBSD
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

Ah, so it DOES work when you fix the mess with MySQL libs.
Ok, then I don't see any sense to keep this report open.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 08:53:22] d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl

After a day compiling, I found out that when I renamed the directory 
/usr/local/mysql to /usr/local/mysql3 and than used
--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql5 (my other mysql installation) id worked.
Therefore I do not have a 'old' ./sapi/cli/php, but I'm quite sure it
linked against libmysqlclient.so.10 not libmysqlclient.so.15 


ldd php
libcrypt.so.2 => /lib/libcrypt.so.2 (0x284f5000)
libexslt.so.8 => /usr/local/lib/libexslt.so.8 (0x2850d000)
libz.so.2 => /lib/libz.so.2 (0x2851d000)
libm.so.3 => /lib/libm.so.3 (0x2852d000)
libpanel.so.2 => /usr/lib/libpanel.so.2 (0x28547000)
libncurses.so.5 => /lib/libncurses.so.5 (0x2854b000)
libmhash.so.2 => /usr/local/lib/libmhash.so.2 (0x2858a000)
libmcrypt.so.8 => /usr/local/lib/libmcrypt.so.8 (0x285be000)
libltdl.so.4 => /usr/local/lib/libltdl.so.4 (0x285ee000)
libintl.so.6 => /usr/local/lib/libintl.so.6 (0x285f6000)
libfreetype.so.9 => /usr/local/lib/libfreetype.so.9
libpng.so.5 => /usr/local/lib/libpng.so.5 (0x28663000)
libbz2.so.1 => /usr/lib/libbz2.so.1 (0x28685000)
libcurl.so.4 => /usr/local/lib/libcurl.so.4 (0x28694000)
libssl.so.3 => /usr/lib/libssl.so.3 (0x286c8000)
libcrypto.so.3 => /lib/libcrypto.so.3 (0x286f6000)
libmysqlclient.so.15 =>
/usr/local/mysql5/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.15 (0x287eb000)
libxslt.so.2 => /usr/local/lib/libxslt.so.2 (0x28848000)
libxml2.so.5 => /usr/local/lib/libxml2.so.5 (0x28879000)
libiconv.so.3 => /usr/local/lib/libiconv.so.3 (0x28991000)
libc.so.5 => /lib/libc.so.5 (0x28a7e000)

[2007-03-07 08:28:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ldd ./sapi/cli/php ?

[2007-03-07 08:16:05] d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl

-rw-r--r--  1 mysql  wheel  33723 Mar  6 14:49 mysql.h

[2007-03-07 07:36:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ls -l /usr/local/mysql5/include/mysql.h

[2007-03-06 23:10:15] d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl

I installed the mysql.h into both /usr/local/mysql/include/... for
mysql 3.x and for mysql 5.x into /usr/local/mysql5/include/


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40741&edit=1

#40727 [Opn->Csd]: Apache 2.2.4 + PHP/5.2.1 (same #40229)

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40727
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  t_wiedmann at t-online dot de
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Closed
 Bug Type: PDO related
 Operating System: window server 2003
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 08:34:09] t_wiedmann at t-online dot de

I build a little sample to show my problem. 

If Line "(1)" is aktiv anything is ok. 
If you comment Line "(1)" Apache will crash and restart.
You need some Oracle-DB and PDO extension.

Hope this helps.
Regards Thomas

 // Init
 $stmt = null;  
 $df_nWorkflow_id = 0;
 $df_nGroup_id = 0;
 $nStatus = null; 
 // ORACLE PLSQL Package
 $sQuery = '';
 $sQuery .=  'DECLARE '; 
 $sQuery .=  ' g_nStatus NUMBER := 0; ';
 $sQuery .=  ' g_nGroup_id NUMBER := NULL; ';  
 $sQuery .=  ' g_nWorkflow_id NUMBER := NULL; ';
 $sQuery .=  ' ';
 $sQuery .=  ' PROCEDURE Init ';  
 $sQuery .=  ' IS';
 $sQuery .=  ' BEGIN';
 $sQuery .=  '  g_nWorkflow_id := 10;';  
 $sQuery .=  '  g_nGroup_id := 20;';
 $sQuery .=  ' END; ';
 $sQuery .=  ' ';  
 $sQuery .=  ' PROCEDURE GetnGroup_id ( p_nGroup_id OUT  NUMBER  ) ';
 $sQuery .=  ' IS';
 $sQuery .=  ' BEGIN ';  
 $sQuery .=  '  p_nGroup_id :=  g_nGroup_id;';
 $sQuery .=  ' END; ';
 $sQuery .=  ' ';  
 $sQuery .=  ' PROCEDURE GetnWorkflow_id ( p_nWorkflow_id OUT  NUMBER 
 $sQuery .=  ' IS';  
 $sQuery .=  ' BEGIN '; 
 $sQuery .=  '  p_nWorkflow_id :=  g_nWorkflow_id;';  
 $sQuery .=  ' END; '; 
 $sQuery .=  ' ';  
 $sQuery .=  ' PROCEDURE GetnStatus (p_nStatus OUT NUMBER)';  
 $sQuery .=  ' IS';  
 $sQuery .=  ' BEGIN';  
 $sQuery .=  '  p_nStatus :=  g_nStatus;';  
 $sQuery .=  ' END;';  
 $sQuery .=  ' ';  
 $sQuery .=  'BEGIN ';  
 $sQuery .=  ' Init;';   
 $sQuery .=  ' GetnWorkflow_id(:p1);';  
 $sQuery .=  ' GetnGroup_id(:p2);';   
 // $sQuery .=  ' GetnStatus(:p12);';   // (1) comment this line ->
Apache crash
 $sQuery .=  'END; ';   

 $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sQuery);
 if ($stmt) { 
  $stmt->bindParam(':p1', $df_nWorkflow_id, PDO::PARAM_INT |
  $stmt->bindParam(':p2', $df_nGroup_id, PDO::PARAM_INT |
  $stmt->bindParam(':p12', $nStatus, PDO::PARAM_INT |

  $stmt = null;
 // -- values
 echo 'values';  
 echo ''.$df_nWorkflow_id; 
 echo ''.$df_nGroup_id;  
 echo ''.$nStatus;  
 // -- expected
 echo 'expected'; 
 echo '10';
 echo '20';
 echo '0';


[2007-03-06 12:04:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a short but complete example script to be able to reproduce
this bug ourselves. 

A proper reproducing script starts with ,
is max. 10-20 lines long and does not require any external 
resources such as databases, etc. If the script requires a 
database to demonstrate the issue, please make sure it creates 
all necessary tables, stored procedures etc.

Please avoid embedding huge scripts into the report.

[2007-03-06 12:03:59] t_wiedmann at t-online dot de

sorry, but I cannot show you this code, PLSQL, tables..

I think, it's some PDO problem if there is

$stmt->bindParam(':p12', $nStatus, PDO::PARAM_INT |

without any correspondent named parameters (':p12') 
in $sQuery.

Many thanks

[2007-03-06 10:45:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't see any crash there and your code does not work - I don't have
your PL/SQL procedures, tables etc.

[2007-03-06 08:20:58] t_wiedmann at t-online dot de

Please look a this sample. It shows some ORACLE/PLSQL access.

Maybe I fix the problem. There are two mistakes in the code:

(1) without this, Apache will crash
(2) maybe some problem, first use of $nStatus without $nStatus = null;

Hope this helps,

$sQuery = '';
$sQuery = $sQuery . 'BEGIN ';
$sQuery = $sQuery . ' myTable.Read(:p1); ';   
$sQuery = $sQuery . ' myTable.GetnGroup_id(:p2); ';
$sQuery = $sQuery . ' myTable.GetnStatus(:p12); '; // (1) I forgot
this Line  
$sQuery = $sQuery . 'END; ';  
$stmt = $dbh->prepare($sQuery);
if ($stmt) { 
 $stmt->bindParam(':p1', $df_nWorkfl

#33839 [Com]: Warning: Problem with method call - please report this bug (works with PHP 5.1)

2007-03-07 Thread buatnipuorang at yahoo dot com
 ID:   33839
 Comment by:   buatnipuorang at yahoo dot com
 Reported By:  kamil at markowicz dot info
 Status:   No Feedback
 Bug Type: Class/Object related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:  4CVS-2005-07-23
 Assigned To:  derick
 New Comment:

Thanks for the reviews!

- http://triplexxx.bravehost.com -

Previous Comments:

[2006-01-01 01:00:06] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".

[2005-12-24 02:28:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:

For Windows:

[2005-08-01 00:46:45] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP 5 give a proper error with this..

[2005-08-01 00:45:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yet another bug caused by the reference "fix"..

[2005-07-24 01:31:02] kamil at markowicz dot info

Here is the url to this example:

I marked the line that causes all the problems :). I hope you will
figure out how this could be fixed.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=33839&edit=1

#40741 [Fbk->Opn]: ldd ./sapi/cli/php

2007-03-07 Thread d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl
 ID:   40741
 User updated by:  d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl
-Summary:  Permissions of mysql.h
 Reported By:  d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: MySQL related
 Operating System: FreeBSD
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

After a day compiling, I found out that when I renamed the directory 
/usr/local/mysql to /usr/local/mysql3 and than used
--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql5 (my other mysql installation) id worked.
Therefore I do not have a 'old' ./sapi/cli/php, but I'm quite sure it
linked against libmysqlclient.so.10 not libmysqlclient.so.15 


ldd php
libcrypt.so.2 => /lib/libcrypt.so.2 (0x284f5000)
libexslt.so.8 => /usr/local/lib/libexslt.so.8 (0x2850d000)
libz.so.2 => /lib/libz.so.2 (0x2851d000)
libm.so.3 => /lib/libm.so.3 (0x2852d000)
libpanel.so.2 => /usr/lib/libpanel.so.2 (0x28547000)
libncurses.so.5 => /lib/libncurses.so.5 (0x2854b000)
libmhash.so.2 => /usr/local/lib/libmhash.so.2 (0x2858a000)
libmcrypt.so.8 => /usr/local/lib/libmcrypt.so.8 (0x285be000)
libltdl.so.4 => /usr/local/lib/libltdl.so.4 (0x285ee000)
libintl.so.6 => /usr/local/lib/libintl.so.6 (0x285f6000)
libfreetype.so.9 => /usr/local/lib/libfreetype.so.9
libpng.so.5 => /usr/local/lib/libpng.so.5 (0x28663000)
libbz2.so.1 => /usr/lib/libbz2.so.1 (0x28685000)
libcurl.so.4 => /usr/local/lib/libcurl.so.4 (0x28694000)
libssl.so.3 => /usr/lib/libssl.so.3 (0x286c8000)
libcrypto.so.3 => /lib/libcrypto.so.3 (0x286f6000)
libmysqlclient.so.15 =>
/usr/local/mysql5/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.15 (0x287eb000)
libxslt.so.2 => /usr/local/lib/libxslt.so.2 (0x28848000)
libxml2.so.5 => /usr/local/lib/libxml2.so.5 (0x28879000)
libiconv.so.3 => /usr/local/lib/libiconv.so.3 (0x28991000)
libc.so.5 => /lib/libc.so.5 (0x28a7e000)

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 08:28:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ldd ./sapi/cli/php ?

[2007-03-07 08:16:05] d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl

-rw-r--r--  1 mysql  wheel  33723 Mar  6 14:49 mysql.h

[2007-03-07 07:36:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ls -l /usr/local/mysql5/include/mysql.h

[2007-03-06 23:10:15] d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl

I installed the mysql.h into both /usr/local/mysql/include/... for
mysql 3.x and for mysql 5.x into /usr/local/mysql5/include/


[2007-03-06 19:02:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

These lines are incorrect:
  --with-zlib-dir=/usr/include \
  --with-freetype-dir=/usr/local/include/freetype2 \
  --with-libxml-dir=/usr/local/include/libxml2 \
  --with-curl=/usr/local/include/curl/ \
The values are supposed to be prefixes, i.e. /usr or /usr/local.

Where did you install MySQL headers? (mysql.h particularly)

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40741&edit=1

#40718 [WFx]: PHP with GD2 and FreeType 1.x

2007-03-07 Thread public at milindur dot de
 ID:   40718
 User updated by:  public at milindur dot de
 Reported By:  public at milindur dot de
 Status:   Wont fix
 Bug Type: *Configuration Issues
 Operating System: Linux (Ubuntu 6.10)
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

> In short, you should really use only freetype2.
Okay, but unfortunately my webhoster does not want this. He just uses
freetype1 (--with-ttf). But he also uses the option

> "--enable-gd-native-ttf" 
> Enable gdImageStringTTF function instead of 
> gdImageStringFT/gdImageStringFTEx (both freetype2).

Sure? I think that this option actually enforces the use of the
libgd-ttf-functions (gdImageStringTTF, gdImageStringFT or

I looked into the configure-script. The option --enable-gd-native-ttf
sets PHP_GD_NATIVE_TTF which enables "#define USE_GD_IMGSTRTTF 1".

I find the macro USE_GD_IMGSTRTTF again in ext/gd/gd.c:

if (extended) {
error = gdImageStringFTEx(...);
# endif

error = gdImageStringFT(...);
error = gdImageStringTTF(...);
# endif

#else /* !USE_GD_IMGSTRTTF */
error = gdttf(...);

If USE_GD_IMGSTRTTF is set only gdImageStringFTEx, gdImageStringFT or
gdImageStringTTF would be executed. But if HAVE_GD_STRINGFTEX,
HAVE_GD_STRINGFT and HAVE_GD_STRINGTTF are not set (freetype1) no code
would be executed. The function gdttf provides ttf-functionality with
GD2/freetype1 (as far as I understand this function) but it is not

> Freetype1 support is already abandoned in HEAD (php6).
Right, but PHP4/5 are still widely spread.

If you do not want to fix this than just tell me if I am right
regarding --enable-gd-native-ttf with GD2/freetype1.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-04 22:39:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"I am trying to compile PHP (5.2.1 and/or 4.4.6) with bundled libgd
(2.0.28) but *without* FreeType 2. Is it right that I am not allowed
use the configure-option "--enable-gd-native-ttf" in this case?"

Define the prefix of freetype2

Enable gdImageStringTTF function instead of 
gdImageStringFT/gdImageStringFTEx (both freetype2).

Define the prefix of freetype2

In short, you should really use only freetype2.

Freetype1 support is already abandoned in HEAD (php6).

We keep the option around as some users keep rely on the old functions.
But that's all I can do, keeping them around > won't fix.

[2007-03-04 22:02:24] public at milindur dot de



I am trying to compile PHP (5.2.1 and/or 4.4.6) with bundled libgd
(2.0.28) but *without* FreeType 2. Is it right that I am not allowed to
use the configure-option "--enable-gd-native-ttf" in this case?

If I add --enable-gd-native-ttf the function imagettftext does not work
(text is not added to image). If I remove this option imagettftext

The source of this behaviour seems to be that using
--enable-gd-native-ttf enables the macro USE_GD_IMGSTRTTF. This
prevents ext/gd/gd.c from executing any function to draw the string:
gdImageStringFT/gdImageStringFTEx/gdImageStringTTF are not available
because GD2 is used without FreeType 2. For this case gdttf should be
called but --enable-gd-native-ttf / USE_GD_IMGSTRTTF prevents this.

I think that this case should be avoided by the configure-script (using
GD2, FreeType2 not available => refuse --enable-gd-native-ttf). 

Code below is from

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

black box with white text

Actual result:
black box without text, when using --enable-gd-native-ttf with GD2 and
without FreeType 2.x

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40718&edit=1

#40727 [Fbk->Opn]: Apache 2.2.4 + PHP/5.2.1 (same #40229)

2007-03-07 Thread t_wiedmann at t-online dot de
 ID:   40727
 User updated by:  t_wiedmann at t-online dot de
 Reported By:  t_wiedmann at t-online dot de
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: PDO related
 Operating System: window server 2003
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

I build a little sample to show my problem. 

If Line "(1)" is aktiv anything is ok. 
If you comment Line "(1)" Apache will crash and restart.
You need some Oracle-DB and PDO extension.

Hope this helps.
Regards Thomas

 // Init
 $stmt = null;  
 $df_nWorkflow_id = 0;
 $df_nGroup_id = 0;
 $nStatus = null; 
 // ORACLE PLSQL Package
 $sQuery = '';
 $sQuery .=  'DECLARE '; 
 $sQuery .=  ' g_nStatus NUMBER := 0; ';
 $sQuery .=  ' g_nGroup_id NUMBER := NULL; ';  
 $sQuery .=  ' g_nWorkflow_id NUMBER := NULL; ';
 $sQuery .=  ' ';
 $sQuery .=  ' PROCEDURE Init ';  
 $sQuery .=  ' IS';
 $sQuery .=  ' BEGIN';
 $sQuery .=  '  g_nWorkflow_id := 10;';  
 $sQuery .=  '  g_nGroup_id := 20;';
 $sQuery .=  ' END; ';
 $sQuery .=  ' ';  
 $sQuery .=  ' PROCEDURE GetnGroup_id ( p_nGroup_id OUT  NUMBER  ) ';
 $sQuery .=  ' IS';
 $sQuery .=  ' BEGIN ';  
 $sQuery .=  '  p_nGroup_id :=  g_nGroup_id;';
 $sQuery .=  ' END; ';
 $sQuery .=  ' ';  
 $sQuery .=  ' PROCEDURE GetnWorkflow_id ( p_nWorkflow_id OUT  NUMBER 
 $sQuery .=  ' IS';  
 $sQuery .=  ' BEGIN '; 
 $sQuery .=  '  p_nWorkflow_id :=  g_nWorkflow_id;';  
 $sQuery .=  ' END; '; 
 $sQuery .=  ' ';  
 $sQuery .=  ' PROCEDURE GetnStatus (p_nStatus OUT NUMBER)';  
 $sQuery .=  ' IS';  
 $sQuery .=  ' BEGIN';  
 $sQuery .=  '  p_nStatus :=  g_nStatus;';  
 $sQuery .=  ' END;';  
 $sQuery .=  ' ';  
 $sQuery .=  'BEGIN ';  
 $sQuery .=  ' Init;';   
 $sQuery .=  ' GetnWorkflow_id(:p1);';  
 $sQuery .=  ' GetnGroup_id(:p2);';   
 // $sQuery .=  ' GetnStatus(:p12);';   // (1) comment this line ->
Apache crash
 $sQuery .=  'END; ';   

 $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sQuery);
 if ($stmt) { 
  $stmt->bindParam(':p1', $df_nWorkflow_id, PDO::PARAM_INT |
  $stmt->bindParam(':p2', $df_nGroup_id, PDO::PARAM_INT |
  $stmt->bindParam(':p12', $nStatus, PDO::PARAM_INT |

  $stmt = null;
 // -- values
 echo 'values';  
 echo ''.$df_nWorkflow_id; 
 echo ''.$df_nGroup_id;  
 echo ''.$nStatus;  
 // -- expected
 echo 'expected'; 
 echo '10';
 echo '20';
 echo '0';


Previous Comments:

[2007-03-06 12:04:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a short but complete example script to be able to reproduce
this bug ourselves. 

A proper reproducing script starts with ,
is max. 10-20 lines long and does not require any external 
resources such as databases, etc. If the script requires a 
database to demonstrate the issue, please make sure it creates 
all necessary tables, stored procedures etc.

Please avoid embedding huge scripts into the report.

[2007-03-06 12:03:59] t_wiedmann at t-online dot de

sorry, but I cannot show you this code, PLSQL, tables..

I think, it's some PDO problem if there is

$stmt->bindParam(':p12', $nStatus, PDO::PARAM_INT |

without any correspondent named parameters (':p12') 
in $sQuery.

Many thanks

[2007-03-06 10:45:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't see any crash there and your code does not work - I don't have
your PL/SQL procedures, tables etc.

[2007-03-06 08:20:58] t_wiedmann at t-online dot de

Please look a this sample. It shows some ORACLE/PLSQL access.

Maybe I fix the problem. There are two mistakes in the code:

(1) without this, Apache will crash
(2) maybe some problem, first use of $nStatus without $nStatus = null;

Hope this helps,

$sQuery = '';
$sQuery = $sQuery . 'BEGIN ';
$sQuery = $sQuery . ' myTable.Read(:p1); ';   
$sQuery = $sQuery . ' myTable.GetnGroup_id(:p2); ';
$sQuery = $sQuery . ' myTable.GetnStatus(:p12); '; // (1) I forgot
this Line  
$sQuery = $sQuery . 'END; ';  
$stmt = $dbh->prepare($sQuery);
if ($stmt) { 
 $stmt->bindParam(':p1', $df_nWorkflow_id, PDO::PARAM_INT |
 $stmt->bindParam(':p2', $df_nGroup_id, PDO::PARAM_INT |
 $stmt->bindParam(':p12', $nStatus, PDO::PARAM_INT |
PDO::PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT, 22 );  // (2) $nStatus no init to NULL

 $stmt = null;   

#40537 [Fbk->Opn]: move_uploaded_file - target directory's name problem

2007-03-07 Thread stloukal at programator dot cz
 ID:   40537
 User updated by:  stloukal at programator dot cz
 Reported By:  stloukal at programator dot cz
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Filesystem function related
 Operating System: FC4, 2.6.17
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

So I compiled PHP with options:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] php-5.2.1]$ cat config.nice
#! /bin/sh
# Created by configure

'./configure' \
'--prefix=/usr/local/php5' \
'--with-config-file-path=/etc/' \
'--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs' \
'--disable-all' \

and Apache:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] httpd-2.2.4]$ cat config.nice
#! /bin/sh
# Created by configure

"./configure" \
"--enable-ssl" \
"--enable-static-htpasswd" \
"--disable-cgi" \
"--enable-so" \
"--enable-rewrite" \
"--with-included-apr" \
"--with-ssl=/usr/local" \
"--with-mpm=worker" \

...and still the same behaviour. But with "--with-mpm=prefork" instead
of "--with-mpm=worker" it works fine.

When I start Apache (with worker module) with "-X" option (e.g.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# ./apachectl -X -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf -k
start), upload works fine too.

I can read files from the "tmp" when I access via URL (e.g.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-06 17:40:22] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please remove all configure options not required to reproduce it.
--disable-all --with-apxs2=.. is a good start.

[2007-03-06 17:09:11] stloukal at programator dot cz

I recompiled Apache with "worker" again (and PHP too) and I have the
same problem again. Here are some configs:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] php-5.2.1]# cat config.nice
#! /bin/sh
# Created by configure

'./configure' \
'--prefix=/usr/local/php5' \
'--with-config-file-path=/etc/' \
'--enable-magic-quotes' \
'--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs' \
'--enable-safe-mode' \
'--enable-debug' \
'--with-openssl=/usr/local/' \
'--with-zlib' \
'--enable-bcmath' \
'--enable-calendar' \
'--with-curl' \
'--enable-ftp' \
'--enable-exif' \
'--with-gd' \
'--enable-gd-native-ttf' \
'--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local/' \
'--with-png-dir=/usr/local/' \
'--with-freetype-dir' \
'--with-imap' \
'--with-imap-ssl' \
'--with-gettext' \
'--with-zlib=/usr/local/' \
'--with-mcrypt=/usr/local/' \
'--with-mhash=/usr/local/' \
'--with-mysqli=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config' \
'--with-iodbc=/usr/local' \
'--with-pdo-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' \
'--with-pdo-pgsql=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config' \
'--with-pgsql=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config' \
'--enable-soap' \
'--enable-sockets' \
'--without-sqlite' \
'--enable-wddx' \
'--enable-zip' \
'--with-pear' \
'--with-zend-vm' \
'--enable-zend-multibyte' \
'--with-kerberos' \
'--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' \
'--with-iconv=/usr/local' \

[EMAIL PROTECTED] httpd-2.2.4]# cat config.nice
#! /bin/sh
# Created by configure

"./configure" \
"--enable-auth-digest" \
"--enable-proxy" \
"--enable-proxy-connect" \
"--enable-proxy-ftp" \
"--enable-proxy-http" \
"--enable-proxy-balancer" \
"--enable-ssl" \
"--enable-log-forensic" \
"--enable-static-htpasswd" \
"--disable-cgi" \
"--enable-so" \
"--enable-rewrite" \
"--with-included-apr" \
"--with-ssl=/usr/local" \
"--with-mpm=worker" \

[EMAIL PROTECTED] httpd-2.2.4]# uname -a
Linux shaman 2.6.17-1.2142_FC4 #1 Tue Jul 11 22:41:14 EDT 2006 i686
athlon i386 GNU/Linux

[2007-03-06 12:03:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was testing it with Apache 2.2.4 *worker*.
So I'm still unable to reproduce it.

[2007-03-02 02:01:15] stloukal at programator dot cz

With "prefork" without problems!!

[2007-03-01 14:40:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What if you change MPM to "prefork" ?

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40537&edit=1

#40741 [Opn->Fbk]: Permissions of mysql.h

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40741
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: MySQL related
 Operating System: FreeBSD
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

ldd ./sapi/cli/php ?

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 08:16:05] d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl

-rw-r--r--  1 mysql  wheel  33723 Mar  6 14:49 mysql.h

[2007-03-07 07:36:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ls -l /usr/local/mysql5/include/mysql.h

[2007-03-06 23:10:15] d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl

I installed the mysql.h into both /usr/local/mysql/include/... for
mysql 3.x and for mysql 5.x into /usr/local/mysql5/include/


[2007-03-06 19:02:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

These lines are incorrect:
  --with-zlib-dir=/usr/include \
  --with-freetype-dir=/usr/local/include/freetype2 \
  --with-libxml-dir=/usr/local/include/libxml2 \
  --with-curl=/usr/local/include/curl/ \
The values are supposed to be prefixes, i.e. /usr or /usr/local.

Where did you install MySQL headers? (mysql.h particularly)

[2007-03-06 18:53:59] d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl


I've been trying to compile php-5.2.1 with mysql 5.1.x on my system
which also has mysql3.x.x installed in /usr/local/mysql. I installed
mysql-5.1.x into /usr/local/mysql5. Now, when I use
--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql5/ it still compiles to the libs in

I fixed this for my compilation by renaming the /usr/local/mysql into
/usr/local/mysql3 for the compilation time.

Reproduce code:
./configure \
  --disable-all \
  --enable-safe-mode \
  --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs \
  --prefix=/usr/local/apache2/php5 \
  --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/apache2/php5 \
  --enable-track-vars \
  --enable-ftp \
  --enable-pcre-regex=yes \
  --with-pdf-lib \
  --with-session \
  --enable-session \
  --with-zlib-dir=/usr/include \
  --with-freetype-dir=/usr/local/include/freetype2 \
  --with-bz2 \
  --with-xml \
  --with-libxml-dir=/usr/local/include/libxml2 \
  --with-curl=/usr/local/include/curl/ \
  --enable-curlwrappers \
  --enable-versioning \
  --enable-xml \
  --with-gd \
  --with-ttf \
  --with-xml-rpc \
  --enable-libxml \
  --with-dom \
  --with-mcrypt \
  --with-gettext \
  --enable-exif \
  --enable-bcmath \
  --enable-calendar \
  --enable-gd-native-ttf \
  --enable-gd-jis-conv \
  --with-kerberos \
  --enable-mbstring \
  --with-libmbfl \
  --with-mcve \
  --with-mhash \
  --with-mime-magic \
  --with-ncurses \
  --enable-shmop \
  --enable-dom \
  --enable-libxml \
  --enable-soap \
  --enable-sockets \
  --without-sqlite \
  --enable-sysvmsg \
  --enable-sysvmem \
  --enable-sysvshm \
  --with-iconv-dir \
  --with-xsl \

Expected result:

Just a correct compilation of php-5.2.1 which is linked against
/usr/local/mysql5 (a mysql 5.1.x installation)

Actual result:
PHP compiled against my older mysql3 installation that is found in

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40741&edit=1

#40728 [Opn->Fbk]: configure won't identify apache version

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40728
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  sheezes at gmail dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: *Compile Issues
 Operating System: AIX 5.3
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

The other possible cause might be broken shell used in configure,
though I haven't ever heard of such problems.
PHP uses this macro to extract Apache version:

  ac_output=`/path/to/httpd -v 2>&1 | grep version`
IFS="- /.
  set $ac_output

  APACHE_VERSION=`expr $4 \* 100 + $5 \* 1000 + $6`

Make sure it works for you.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 08:15:44] sheezes at gmail dot com

yea, i saw that bug report. I reported it actually
but this case is a bit diffrent. I decided to leave the other machine
running aix 5.2 and IBMIHS (IBM's httpd) because the problem I
Anyway, this machine is running AIX 5.3 and original apache 2.0.59 (not
that IBM httpd modification) and this time I'm not getting exactly the
same errors I got in the other machine (LIBPATH etc).

You saw the config.log? you saw anything unusual in it?

[2007-03-06 15:42:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's clearly incorrect.
Use --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs instead.

>read again my 1st post for more details
I did, that's why I asked you to copy/paste error messages instead of

>Server version: Apache/2.0.59 
>Server built:   Mar  5 2007 16:33:35 
Are you sure you're running ./configure in the same environment and
under the same account?
As I've said your problem looks exactly like bug #40638.

[2007-03-06 15:32:14] sheezes at gmail dot com

i already said my configure line on my 1st own.
quick remind: ./configure
read again my 1st post for more details

>`/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs -q SBINDIR`/`/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
-q TARGET` -v 
Server version: Apache/2.0.59 
Server built:   Mar  5 2007 16:33:35 

this is the output i get on my screen from the configure script:

Generating files 
creating ./config.status 
creating php5.spec 
creating main/build-defs.h 
creating scripts/phpize 
creating scripts/man1/phpize.1 
creating scripts/php-config 
creating scripts/man1/php-config.1 
creating sapi/cli/php.1 
creating main/php_config.h 
main/php_config.h is unchanged 
creating main/internal_functions.c 
creating main/internal_functions_cli.c 


| WARNING: Your /usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs script is most likely

| Please go read http://www.php.net/faq.build#faq.build.apxs |

| and make the changes described there and try again.|


| License:   |

| This software is subject to the PHP License, available in this |

| distribution in the file LICENSE.  By continuing this installation |

| process, you are bound by the terms of this license agreement. |

| If you do not agree with the terms of this license, you must abort |

| the installation process at this point.|


Thank you for using PHP. 

and i want to thank you for your help till now :)

[2007-03-06 15:20:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What exactly was you configure line and what exactly did you get?
(copy/paste please).

What is the output of the command below?
`/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs -q SBINDIR`/`/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
-q TARGET` -v

[2007-03-06 15:09:00] sheezes at gmail dot com

Sorry about rapidshare, I don't have any other place to put it
My server is in a private network without access to the internet

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40728&edit=1

#40745 [Opn->Fbk]: PHP has encountered an Access Violation

2007-03-07 Thread tony2001
 ID:   40745
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  murat at entegregroup dot com
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Feedback
 Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: Windows 2003
 PHP Version:  5CVS-2007-03-07 (snap)

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 08:07:44] murat at entegregroup dot com

I'll send it to night.

[2007-03-07 07:48:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a backtrace to see what is happening behind the scenes. To
find out how to generate a backtrace, please read
http://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace.php for *NIX and
http://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace-win32.php for Win32

Once you have generated a backtrace, please submit it to this bug
report and change the status back to "Open". Thank you for helping
us make PHP better.

[2007-03-07 07:44:54] murat at entegregroup dot com

Sometimes I don't recive "PHP has encountered an Access Violation at
018DA455" error.

[2007-03-07 07:43:29] murat at entegregroup dot com


PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 018DA455

I have recived this error. 

I have both of php4.4.4 and php5.2.2-dev


Reproduce code:

Expected result:

PHP Information

Actual result:
PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 018DA455

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40745&edit=1

#40741 [Fbk->Opn]: Permissions of mysql.h

2007-03-07 Thread d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl
 ID:   40741
 User updated by:  d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl
-Summary:  when --with-mysql used, it also takes the lib/includes
   from /usr/local/mysql ..
 Reported By:  d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: MySQL related
 Operating System: FreeBSD
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

-rw-r--r--  1 mysql  wheel  33723 Mar  6 14:49 mysql.h

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 07:36:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ls -l /usr/local/mysql5/include/mysql.h

[2007-03-06 23:10:15] d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl

I installed the mysql.h into both /usr/local/mysql/include/... for
mysql 3.x and for mysql 5.x into /usr/local/mysql5/include/


[2007-03-06 19:02:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

These lines are incorrect:
  --with-zlib-dir=/usr/include \
  --with-freetype-dir=/usr/local/include/freetype2 \
  --with-libxml-dir=/usr/local/include/libxml2 \
  --with-curl=/usr/local/include/curl/ \
The values are supposed to be prefixes, i.e. /usr or /usr/local.

Where did you install MySQL headers? (mysql.h particularly)

[2007-03-06 18:53:59] d dot huijbers at apollo-ict dot nl


I've been trying to compile php-5.2.1 with mysql 5.1.x on my system
which also has mysql3.x.x installed in /usr/local/mysql. I installed
mysql-5.1.x into /usr/local/mysql5. Now, when I use
--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql5/ it still compiles to the libs in

I fixed this for my compilation by renaming the /usr/local/mysql into
/usr/local/mysql3 for the compilation time.

Reproduce code:
./configure \
  --disable-all \
  --enable-safe-mode \
  --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs \
  --prefix=/usr/local/apache2/php5 \
  --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/apache2/php5 \
  --enable-track-vars \
  --enable-ftp \
  --enable-pcre-regex=yes \
  --with-pdf-lib \
  --with-session \
  --enable-session \
  --with-zlib-dir=/usr/include \
  --with-freetype-dir=/usr/local/include/freetype2 \
  --with-bz2 \
  --with-xml \
  --with-libxml-dir=/usr/local/include/libxml2 \
  --with-curl=/usr/local/include/curl/ \
  --enable-curlwrappers \
  --enable-versioning \
  --enable-xml \
  --with-gd \
  --with-ttf \
  --with-xml-rpc \
  --enable-libxml \
  --with-dom \
  --with-mcrypt \
  --with-gettext \
  --enable-exif \
  --enable-bcmath \
  --enable-calendar \
  --enable-gd-native-ttf \
  --enable-gd-jis-conv \
  --with-kerberos \
  --enable-mbstring \
  --with-libmbfl \
  --with-mcve \
  --with-mhash \
  --with-mime-magic \
  --with-ncurses \
  --enable-shmop \
  --enable-dom \
  --enable-libxml \
  --enable-soap \
  --enable-sockets \
  --without-sqlite \
  --enable-sysvmsg \
  --enable-sysvmem \
  --enable-sysvshm \
  --with-iconv-dir \
  --with-xsl \

Expected result:

Just a correct compilation of php-5.2.1 which is linked against
/usr/local/mysql5 (a mysql 5.1.x installation)

Actual result:
PHP compiled against my older mysql3 installation that is found in

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40741&edit=1

#40728 [Fbk->Opn]: configure won't identify apache version

2007-03-07 Thread sheezes at gmail dot com
 ID:   40728
 User updated by:  sheezes at gmail dot com
 Reported By:  sheezes at gmail dot com
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: *Compile Issues
 Operating System: AIX 5.3
 PHP Version:  5.2.1
 New Comment:

yea, i saw that bug report. I reported it actually
but this case is a bit diffrent. I decided to leave the other machine
running aix 5.2 and IBMIHS (IBM's httpd) because the problem I
Anyway, this machine is running AIX 5.3 and original apache 2.0.59 (not
that IBM httpd modification) and this time I'm not getting exactly the
same errors I got in the other machine (LIBPATH etc).

You saw the config.log? you saw anything unusual in it?

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-06 15:42:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's clearly incorrect.
Use --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs instead.

>read again my 1st post for more details
I did, that's why I asked you to copy/paste error messages instead of

>Server version: Apache/2.0.59 
>Server built:   Mar  5 2007 16:33:35 
Are you sure you're running ./configure in the same environment and
under the same account?
As I've said your problem looks exactly like bug #40638.

[2007-03-06 15:32:14] sheezes at gmail dot com

i already said my configure line on my 1st own.
quick remind: ./configure
read again my 1st post for more details

>`/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs -q SBINDIR`/`/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
-q TARGET` -v 
Server version: Apache/2.0.59 
Server built:   Mar  5 2007 16:33:35 

this is the output i get on my screen from the configure script:

Generating files 
creating ./config.status 
creating php5.spec 
creating main/build-defs.h 
creating scripts/phpize 
creating scripts/man1/phpize.1 
creating scripts/php-config 
creating scripts/man1/php-config.1 
creating sapi/cli/php.1 
creating main/php_config.h 
main/php_config.h is unchanged 
creating main/internal_functions.c 
creating main/internal_functions_cli.c 


| WARNING: Your /usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs script is most likely

| Please go read http://www.php.net/faq.build#faq.build.apxs |

| and make the changes described there and try again.|


| License:   |

| This software is subject to the PHP License, available in this |

| distribution in the file LICENSE.  By continuing this installation |

| process, you are bound by the terms of this license agreement. |

| If you do not agree with the terms of this license, you must abort |

| the installation process at this point.|


Thank you for using PHP. 

and i want to thank you for your help till now :)

[2007-03-06 15:20:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What exactly was you configure line and what exactly did you get?
(copy/paste please).

What is the output of the command below?
`/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs -q SBINDIR`/`/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
-q TARGET` -v

[2007-03-06 15:09:00] sheezes at gmail dot com

Sorry about rapidshare, I don't have any other place to put it
My server is in a private network without access to the internet

[2007-03-06 15:01:02] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And see bug #40638.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40728&edit=1

#40745 [Fbk->Opn]: PHP has encountered an Access Violation

2007-03-07 Thread murat at entegregroup dot com
 ID:   40745
 User updated by:  murat at entegregroup dot com
 Reported By:  murat at entegregroup dot com
-Status:   Feedback
+Status:   Open
 Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: Windows 2003
 PHP Version:  5CVS-2007-03-07 (snap)
 New Comment:

I'll send it to night.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-07 07:48:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a backtrace to see what is happening behind the scenes. To
find out how to generate a backtrace, please read
http://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace.php for *NIX and
http://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace-win32.php for Win32

Once you have generated a backtrace, please submit it to this bug
report and change the status back to "Open". Thank you for helping
us make PHP better.

[2007-03-07 07:44:54] murat at entegregroup dot com

Sometimes I don't recive "PHP has encountered an Access Violation at
018DA455" error.

[2007-03-07 07:43:29] murat at entegregroup dot com


PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 018DA455

I have recived this error. 

I have both of php4.4.4 and php5.2.2-dev


Reproduce code:

Expected result:

PHP Information

Actual result:
PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 018DA455

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=40745&edit=1