Req #51531 [Com]: Adding additional backreferencing indicators for use with PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE

2010-04-10 Thread mrjminer at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID:   51531
 Comment by:   mrjminer at gmail dot com
 Reported by:  mrjminer at gmail dot com
 Summary:  Adding additional backreferencing indicators for use
 Status:   Open
 Type: Feature/Change Request
 Package:  *Regular Expressions
 Operating System: All (AFAIK)
 PHP Version:  Irrelevant

 New Comment:

By the way, "backreferencing indicator" is not a technical term, as far
as I know.  I mean something along the lines of how '?:' indicates no
backreference should be captured.

Thanks for reading!

Previous Comments:

[2010-04-11 03:43:16] mrjminer at gmail dot com


This suggestion is related to PREG_MATCH_ALL when using

When specifying PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE as a flag, each subpattern matched
results in the return of the subpatterned matched and the offset of the
subpattern matched in the $matches array.  Yet, there are instances
where I may only need one of these pieces of information for a
particular subpattern match, but want the other piece (or both pieces)
of information for a different particular subpattern match within the
expression.  In these instances, resources are being unnecessarily
wasted to store undesired information in the $matches array.

My suggestion is to add two additional indicators for backreference
capturing that can be used when the PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE flags is
specified.  These indicators would tell the engine to set the results of
either the offset or the subpattern string in the $matches array to
null.  I believe this change would reduce the space required to hold the
information in $matches, while extending the typical functional use of
PREG_MATCH_ALL when used with PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE (the same could also

Test script:
Take, for instance, the following preg_match_all expressions to match
opening tags of BBCode:



foreach($openers as $key => $val) {

foreach($val as $key2 => $val2) {

foreach($val2 as $key3 => $val3) {

echo '$openers['.$key.']['.$key2.']['.$key3.'] = 






foreach($openers as $key => $val) {

foreach($val as $key2 => $val2) {

foreach($val2 as $key3 => $val3) {

echo '$openers['.$key.']['.$key2.']['.$key3.'] = 




Expected result:

In expression 1, the subpattern '(?=\\s*?[^\\s])' is used to check for
basic validity of an opening tag.  The beginning of the contents of the
opening tag would have to be found using the offset of the whole match
($matches[#][0][1]) plus the length of the whole match
($matches[#][0][0]):  $matches[#][0][1] + strlen($matches[#][0][0]) =

In expression 2, the subpattern '(?=(\\s*?[^\\s]))' is used to check for
basic validity of an opening tag AND capture the position of where the
content starts in order to prevent performing a mathematical equation
and a strlen in order to find the starting position of the content: 
$matches[#][3][1] = $contentstartposition.

In terms of processing power involved, expression 2 is superior to
expression 1, as it is merely relaying information already gathered and
known by the engine instead of performing addition and a strlen(). 
However, in terms of the resources required to store the match
information, expression 1 is superior to expression 2 and still ensures
a valid tag is found (but will require additional processing to get a
piece of information returned by expression 2).

The commonalities among both of these expressions:

-Neither requires the offsets for subpattern [1] or [2], merely the
contents of it (for parsing / filtering).  The offsets are returned at
the expense of memory resources to store these unneeded offsets.  The
only other alternative to obtaining only the contents of the match
without using the memory is to spend significant processing resources to
parse for the same contents the subpattern match returns in $matches.

-Neither requires the contents of the last subpattern (captured or not)
-- the offset is the only desired portion.  In expression 1, the offset
must be attained by comprimising processing resources; in expression 2,
the offset is attained by comprimising memory resources.

If there were additional indicators to restrict the returned value in
$matches for each subpattern, the $matches array returned could requ

[PHP-BUG] Req #51531 [NEW]: Adding additional backreferencing indicators for use with PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE

2010-04-10 Thread mrjminer at gmail dot com
Operating system: All (AFAIK)
PHP version:  Irrelevant
Package:  *Regular Expressions
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Bug description:Adding additional backreferencing indicators for use with 


This suggestion is related to PREG_MATCH_ALL when using

When specifying PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE as a flag, each subpattern matched
results in the return of the subpatterned matched and the offset of the
subpattern matched in the $matches array.  Yet, there are instances where I
may only need one of these pieces of information for a particular
subpattern match, but want the other piece (or both pieces) of information
for a different particular subpattern match within the expression.  In
these instances, resources are being unnecessarily wasted to store
undesired information in the $matches array.

My suggestion is to add two additional indicators for backreference
capturing that can be used when the PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE flags is specified.
 These indicators would tell the engine to set the results of either the
offset or the subpattern string in the $matches array to null.  I believe
this change would reduce the space required to hold the information in
$matches, while extending the typical functional use of PREG_MATCH_ALL when
used with PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE (the same could also be done for PREG_SPLIT

Test script:
Take, for instance, the following preg_match_all expressions to match
opening tags of BBCode:



foreach($openers as $key => $val) {

foreach($val as $key2 => $val2) {

foreach($val2 as $key3 => $val3) {

echo '$openers['.$key.']['.$key2.']['.$key3.'] = 






foreach($openers as $key => $val) {

foreach($val as $key2 => $val2) {

foreach($val2 as $key3 => $val3) {

echo '$openers['.$key.']['.$key2.']['.$key3.'] = 




Expected result:

In expression 1, the subpattern '(?=\\s*?[^\\s])' is used to check for
basic validity of an opening tag.  The beginning of the contents of the
opening tag would have to be found using the offset of the whole match
($matches[#][0][1]) plus the length of the whole match ($matches[#][0][0]):
 $matches[#][0][1] + strlen($matches[#][0][0]) = $contentstartposition.

In expression 2, the subpattern '(?=(\\s*?[^\\s]))' is used to check for
basic validity of an opening tag AND capture the position of where the
content starts in order to prevent performing a mathematical equation and a
strlen in order to find the starting position of the content: 
$matches[#][3][1] = $contentstartposition.

In terms of processing power involved, expression 2 is superior to
expression 1, as it is merely relaying information already gathered and
known by the engine instead of performing addition and a strlen(). 
However, in terms of the resources required to store the match information,
expression 1 is superior to expression 2 and still ensures a valid tag is
found (but will require additional processing to get a piece of information
returned by expression 2).

The commonalities among both of these expressions:

-Neither requires the offsets for subpattern [1] or [2], merely the
contents of it (for parsing / filtering).  The offsets are returned at the
expense of memory resources to store these unneeded offsets.  The only
other alternative to obtaining only the contents of the match without using
the memory is to spend significant processing resources to parse for the
same contents the subpattern match returns in $matches.

-Neither requires the contents of the last subpattern (captured or not) --
the offset is the only desired portion.  In expression 1, the offset must
be attained by comprimising processing resources; in expression 2, the
offset is attained by comprimising memory resources.

If there were additional indicators to restrict the returned value in
$matches for each subpattern, the $matches array returned could require
substantially less resources to store, while retaining its current
functionality and adding functionality to situations where it would not be
feasible to comprimise an increased use of memory resources for a decreased
use of CPU resources.

Thanks for your time!

Edit bug report at
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.2):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (PHP 6.0):

[PHP-BUG] Bug #51530 [NEW]: DOMDocument::createElement() does not handle correctly

2010-04-10 Thread jameswithers89 at googlemail dot com
Operating system: Fedora 12 GNU/Linux
PHP version:  5.3.2
Package:  DOM XML related
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:DOMDocument::createElement() does not handle  correctly


DOMDocument::createElement() does not add a closing  tag with
DOMDocument::createElement('link'). It outputs  rather than

I am using php-5.3.2-1.fc12.i686 and php-xml-5.3.2-1.fc12.i686 installed
using Yellowdog Updater, Modified Package Manager. All other DOM methods
tried so far work fine.

Test script:
createDocument(null, null,

$html = $document->createElement('html');

$head = $document->createElement('head');

$stylesheet = $document->createElement('link');

$title = $document->createElement('title', 'Possible link error');

$body = $document->createElement('body');

$html->setAttribute('xmlns', '');









echo $document->saveHTML();

Expected result:";>

Possible link error

Actual result:

Possible link error

Edit bug report at
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.2):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (PHP 6.0):
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Need Reproduce Script:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:
PHP 4 support discontinued:
Daylight Savings:
IIS Stability:
Install GNU Sed:
Floating point limitations:
No Zend Extensions:
MySQL Configuration Error:

Bug #51344 [Com]: FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE flag automatically set in filter_input() functions.

2010-04-10 Thread mats dot lindh at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID:   51344
 Comment by:   mats dot lindh at gmail dot com
 Reported by:  pravila at alumni dot calpoly dot edu
 Summary:  FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE flag automatically set in
   filter_input() functions.
 Status:   Open
 Type: Bug
 Package:  Filter related
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:  5.2.13

 New Comment:

Patch to solve issue has been added. Patch is against current trunk but
can probably be applied cleanly against 5.2 and 5.3 too. Issue stems
from a simple error where RETURN_NULL(); and RETURN_FALSE; statements
seems to have gotten mixed up.

Test is also attached in patch, based on the example in the bug report.

Previous Comments:

[2010-03-21 18:02:46] pravila at alumni dot calpoly dot edu


* This is different than bug *

The filter_var() vs. the filter_input() behave differently when using

FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN filter when the variable/input doesn't exist.

More specifically, it seems as if the FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE flag is set

automatically in the filter_input() function.

(Note: same behavior for filter_var_array() vs. filter_input_array()).

>From PHPINFO():

filter.default = unsafe_raw

filter.default_flags = no value


Test script:

Expected result:

As per the documentation, we expect the output of the code above to be:







Actual result:
Even though the FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE flag is NOT set, we DO get a NULL
value in 

the output:







Edit this bug report at

Bug #43834 [Com]: zend_mm_shutdown - Apache Crash

2010-04-10 Thread qq12345 at web dot de
Edit report at

 ID:   43834
 Comment by:   qq12345 at web dot de
 Reported by:  jaco at jump dot co dot za
 Summary:  zend_mm_shutdown - Apache Crash
 Status:   No Feedback
 Type: Bug
 Package:  Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: Windows 2003
 PHP Version:  5.2CVS-2008-01-14 (snap)

 New Comment:

For me the same:

Since update to PHP 5.3.1 in conjunction with Apache 2.2.14

We have only 100 page impressions per day.

By random per day around 4 crashes.

Modul: php5ts.dll

In the dump:

Funktion: php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown

00dcc1b1 45   inc ebp

00dcc1b2 14ba adc al,0xba

00dcc1b4 0100 add [eax],eax

00dcc1b6  add [eax],al

00dcc1b8 8bcf mov ecx,edi

00dcc1ba d3e2 shl edx,cl

00dcc1bc f7d2 not edx

00dcc1be 23c2 and eax,edx

00dcc1c0 894514   mov [ebp+0x14],eax

00dcc1c3 e90d01   jmp php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065

00dcc1c8 8b4f18   mov ecx,[edi+0x18]

00dcc1cb 33c0 xor eax,eax

00dcc1cd 85c9 testecx,ecx

00dcc1cf 0f95c0   setne   al

00dcc1d2 8b4c8714 mov ecx,[edi+eax*4+0x14]

00dcc1d6 8d448714 lea eax,[edi+eax*4+0x14]

00dcc1da 85c9 testecx,ecx

00dcc1dc 741a jz  php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xf88

00dcc1de 8bf9 mov edi,ecx

00dcc1e0 8bd0 mov edx,eax

00dcc1e2 33c9 xor ecx,ecx

00dcc1e4 8b4718   mov eax,[edi+0x18]

00dcc1e7 85c0 testeax,eax

00dcc1e9 0f95c1   setne   cl

00dcc1ec 8d448f14 lea eax,[edi+ecx*4+0x14]

00dcc1f0 8b4c8f14 mov ecx,[edi+ecx*4+0x14]

00dcc1f4 85c9 testecx,ecx

00dcc1f6 75e6 jnz php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xf6e

00dcc1f8 c702 mov dword ptr [edx],0x0

00dcc1fe eb6a jmp php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xffa

FEHLER ->00dcc200 395f0c   cmp [edi+0xc],ebx

00dcc203 7505 jnz php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xf9a

00dcc205 395908   cmp [ecx+0x8],ebx

00dcc208 7411 jz  php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xfab

00dcc20a 68c4cc1301   push0x113ccc4

00dcc20f e85cf6   callphp5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x600

00dcc214 8b4c2418 mov ecx,[esp+0x18]

00dcc218 83c404   add esp,0x4

00dcc21b 894f0c   mov [edi+0xc],ecx

00dcc21e 897908   mov [ecx+0x8],edi

00dcc221 8b03 mov eax,[ebx]

00dcc223 3d1001   cmp eax,0x110

00dcc228 7339 jnb php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xff3

00dcc22a 3bf9 cmp edi,ecx

00dcc22c 0f85a300 jne php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065

00dcc232 c1e803   shr eax,0x3

00dcc235 83e802   sub eax,0x2

00dcc238 8b94c5d000   mov edx,[ebp+eax*8+0xd0]

00dcc23f 8b8cc5d400   mov ecx,[ebp+eax*8+0xd4]

00dcc246 3bd1 cmp edx,ecx

00dcc248 0f858700 jne php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065

00dcc24e ba0100   mov edx,0x1

00dcc253 8bc8 mov ecx,eax

00dcc255 8b4510   mov eax,[ebp+0x10]

00dcc258 d3e2 shl edx,cl

00dcc25a f7d2 not edx

00dcc25c 23c2 and eax,edx

00dcc25e 894510   mov [ebp+0x10],eax

00dcc261 eb72 jmp php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065

00dcc263 8b4310   mov eax,[ebx+0x10]

00dcc266 85c0 testeax,eax


Anwendungsausnahme aufgetreten:

Anwendung: \xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe (pid=2804)

Wann: 31.03.2010 @ 04:58:57.478

Ausnahmenummer: c005 (Zugriffsverletzung)

Funktion: php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown

00dcc2a0 cc   int 3

00dcc2a1 f5   cmc

00dcc2a2  ???

00dcc2a4 83c404   add esp,0x4

00dcc2a7 8b5714   mov edx,[edi+0x14]

00dcc2aa 8d4714   lea eax,[edi+0x14]

00dcc2ad 894210   mov [edx+0x10],eax

00dcc2b0 8b4318   mov eax,[ebx+0x18]

00dcc2b3 83c718   add

Bug #51523 [Opn->Csd]: Memory leak on fread()

2010-04-10 Thread evilzluk at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID:   51523
 User updated by:  evilzluk at gmail dot com
 Reported by:  evilzluk at gmail dot com
 Summary:  Memory leak on fread()
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Closed
 Type: Bug
 Package:  Performance problem
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:  Irrelevant

 New Comment:

resolved adding to cronjob:


echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches


Previous Comments:

[2010-04-10 17:05:17] evilzluk at gmail dot com


The problem is the fread() uses a normal amount of a memory. But there
are too many unallocated anonymous memory pages.

So if the file size >2G the script may cause eating up to 2G of RAM. But
the script's runtime memory is 5M.

The problem is occured even if:

$fp = fopen($file, "rb");


fread($fp, 1024);


After that the memory isn't released so we have a garbadge in the

Test script:


Expected result:

The total amount of a memory usage should be at least  + 1024 (+ some buffer (up to 8192)). But not
almost all the physical memory (0...unlimited)

[2010-04-10 01:06:50] evilzluk at gmail dot com


The problem is the fread() uses a normal amount of a memory. But there
are too many unallocated anonymous memory pages.

So if the file size >2G the script may cause eating up to 2G of RAM. But
the script's runtime memory is 5M.

The problem is occured even if:

$fp = fopen($file, "rb");


fread($fp, 1024);


After that the memory isn't released so we have a garbadge in the

Test script:

Expected result:

The total amount of a memory usage should be at least  + 1024 (+ some buffer (up to 8192)). But not
almost all the physical memory (0...unlimited)

Edit this bug report at

Bug #51527 [Com]: is_callable() returning true for non-static callbacks

2010-04-10 Thread
Edit report at

 ID:   51527
 Comment by:
 Reported by:
 Summary:  is_callable() returning true for non-static callbacks
 Status:   Bogus
 Type: Bug
 Package:  Class/Object related
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:  5.3.2

 New Comment:

@johannes Perhaps an optional "strict" flag to is_callable() would
address this? 

That would keep BC, while allowing for better checking for >= PHP-5
apps. Usage 

would be:

$callback = array('Foo', 'bar');

if (is_callable($callback, true)) {

// Passed strict check

} else {

// failed strict check



Previous Comments:

[2010-04-10 17:55:25]

The method can always be called statically. The access to $this might be
forbidden but the method itself can be called. is_callable() doesn't
mean it will execute properly. (the $this error is basically the same as
a call to an undefined funciton in there or such)

To change this the only way would be to forbid calling non-static
methods statically. Maybe this can be done nowadays (we needed the
behavior for PHP 4 compatibility) but that's no bug but requires a RFC
and discussion on internals as this might break quite a few applications
(many PEAR-based things, many legacy applications not fully "converted"
to PHP 5 )

[2010-04-10 16:43:31]

@pajoye: Yes, this particular example was callable. However, if the
method is 

actually an instance method, and has references to $this, is_callable()

returns true -- making it an invalid test to use to determine whether or
not it's 

safe to then call call_user_func(). Instead, to really determine if the

is valid, you have to start doing a bunch of reflection -- checking to
see if the 

method is defined and static, or if there is a __callStatic defined that

intercept the call.

That's the more serious implication of the behavior, and why it needs to


[2010-04-10 16:29:12]

It is actually callable. But calling it statically breaks the strict
standards, but the strict standards will break BC in many situations.

I would suggest to make this change in trunk only.

[2010-04-10 16:07:17]


is_callable() is returning a false-positive for callbacks that reference

static methods. As an example, if I have defined a class 'Foo' with an

(i.e., non-static) method 'bar', and define the callback "array('Foo',

is_callable() will falsely return true.

Additionally, if you then pass this callback to call_user_func(), this

function will actually try to call the method statically -- and raise an

E_STRICT about the callback being invalid. If the method has any
references to 

$this, it then fails with an E_FATAL, but otherwise it will run the
method as if 

it were static.

This behavior is unexpected, and unintuitive. Calling non-static methods
as if 

they were static, even when they do not reference $this, violates
visibility. I 

would expect is_callable() to return false in these instances, and for 

call_user_func() to immediately raise an E_FATAL if the method is not
defined as 


Test script:
class Foo


public function bar()


return 'foo bar';



$callback = array('Foo', 'bar');

if (is_callable($callback)) {

echo call_user_func($callback);


Expected result:

No output.

Actual result:
PHP Strict Standards:  call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a

callback, non-static method Foo::bar() should not be called statically

Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid

non-static method Test\Foo::bar() should not be called statically

foo bar

Edit this bug report at

Bug #51524 [Com]: Class static method confusion

2010-04-10 Thread david71rj at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID:   51524
 Comment by:   david71rj at gmail dot com
 Reported by:  david71rj at gmail dot com
 Summary:  Class static method confusion
 Status:   Open
 Type: Bug
 Package:  Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: Windows 7/64
 PHP Version:  5.3.2

 New Comment:

Not make sense, a call static is call static, don't can exist $this. In

counterpart, if the user need pass a object reference, he must be to

how a parameter.

public function x($object = null){


  && get_class($object) == 'B') {

// Now make sense, but not is $this




Previous Comments:

[2010-04-10 18:06:02]

Not sure you can simply bogus it "because that's the way php4 works" :)

Should we not fix it in trunk instead? Or at least leave that request
open until we have a decision.

[2010-04-10 17:49:31]

If a static method is called from an object context the callers $this is
sent. This i due to compatibility with the way PHP 4 worked.

[2010-04-10 03:37:23] david71rj at gmail dot com


If I use public method as static in a method of a second function, this
send $this 

from second class, don't of the first.

Test script:

Expected result:


  0 => string 'static' (length=6)

  1 => int 1


  0 => string 'object' (length=6)

  1 => 


  2 => int 1


  0 => string 'static' (length=6)

  1 => int 1


  0 => string 'object' (length=6)

  1 => 

object(test)[3] <<< OKAY

  2 => int 1

Actual result:

  0 => string 'static' (length=6)

  1 => int 1


  0 => string 'object' (length=6)

  1 => 


  2 => int 1


  0 => string 'static' (length=6)

  1 => int 1


  0 => string 'object' (length=6)

  1 => 

object(test2)[3] < WHY "test2" IF DON'T?

  2 => int 1

Edit this bug report at

Bug #50071 [Com]: Not honored: display_errors = stderr

2010-04-10 Thread ahollosi at xmp dot net
Edit report at

 ID:   50071
 Comment by:   ahollosi at xmp dot net
 Reported by:  rank1seeker at gmail dot com
 Summary:  Not honored: display_errors = stderr
 Status:   Bogus
 Type: Bug
 Package:  *Configuration Issues
 Operating System: FreeBSD 7.2
 PHP Version:  5.3SVN-2009-11-03 (snap)

 New Comment:

This bug is NOT bogus.

I can confirm it for PHP 5.3.2 on IIS 7.5 running on Windows Server 2008
R2 (I'm using the precompiled binaries from

display_errors=stderr is ignored, output goes to STDOUT, if
log_errors=On and error_log is set to a file.

And yes: I checked that the correct php.ini file is loaded.

(On a side note: I don't think that bug #28349 is bogus either. If I set
display_errors=Off I excpect it to mean "Off" and not "Well, mostly off,
unless you set some other configuration options to wrong values.")

Previous Comments:

[2009-11-04 13:50:12] rank1seeker at gmail dot com

Of course it is loaded: I already use phpinfo() script

Loaded Configuration File   /usr/local/etc/php.ini

I even tried:

display_errors = stderr

display_errors = Stderr

display_errors = "stderr"

display_errors = "Stderr"

All behaves as:

display_errors = On

[2009-11-04 09:54:22]

It works fine when your ini file is actually loaded.

Check phpinfo() for "Loaded Configuration file" line..

[2009-11-03 23:18:29] rank1seeker at gmail dot com


display_errors = stderr, acts like display_errors = On

Reproduce code:
In php.ini:

display_errors = stderr

Expected result:

Errors displayed to STDERR

Actual result:
Errors displayed to STDOUT (visible in browser)

Some page[phpinfo();] parsed by fcgi


display_errors  On(Local Value) On(Master Value)

Edit this bug report at

Bug #51524 [Bgs->Opn]: Class static method confusion

2010-04-10 Thread pajoye
Edit report at

 ID:   51524
 Updated by:
 Reported by:  david71rj at gmail dot com
 Summary:  Class static method confusion
-Status:   Bogus
+Status:   Open
 Type: Bug
 Package:  Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: Windows 7/64
 PHP Version:  5.3.2

 New Comment:

Not sure you can simply bogus it "because that's the way php4 works" :)

Should we not fix it in trunk instead? Or at least leave that request
open until we have a decision.

Previous Comments:

[2010-04-10 17:49:31]

If a static method is called from an object context the callers $this is
sent. This i due to compatibility with the way PHP 4 worked.

[2010-04-10 03:37:23] david71rj at gmail dot com


If I use public method as static in a method of a second function, this
send $this 

from second class, don't of the first.

Test script:

Expected result:


  0 => string 'static' (length=6)

  1 => int 1


  0 => string 'object' (length=6)

  1 => 


  2 => int 1


  0 => string 'static' (length=6)

  1 => int 1


  0 => string 'object' (length=6)

  1 => 

object(test)[3] <<< OKAY

  2 => int 1

Actual result:

  0 => string 'static' (length=6)

  1 => int 1


  0 => string 'object' (length=6)

  1 => 


  2 => int 1


  0 => string 'static' (length=6)

  1 => int 1


  0 => string 'object' (length=6)

  1 => 

object(test2)[3] < WHY "test2" IF DON'T?

  2 => int 1

Edit this bug report at

Bug #51527 [Opn->Bgs]: is_callable() returning true for non-static callbacks

2010-04-10 Thread johannes
Edit report at

 ID:   51527
 Updated by:
 Reported by:
 Summary:  is_callable() returning true for non-static callbacks
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Type: Bug
 Package:  Class/Object related
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:  5.3.2

 New Comment:

The method can always be called statically. The access to $this might be
forbidden but the method itself can be called. is_callable() doesn't
mean it will execute properly. (the $this error is basically the same as
a call to an undefined funciton in there or such)

To change this the only way would be to forbid calling non-static
methods statically. Maybe this can be done nowadays (we needed the
behavior for PHP 4 compatibility) but that's no bug but requires a RFC
and discussion on internals as this might break quite a few applications
(many PEAR-based things, many legacy applications not fully "converted"
to PHP 5 )

Previous Comments:

[2010-04-10 16:43:31]

@pajoye: Yes, this particular example was callable. However, if the
method is 

actually an instance method, and has references to $this, is_callable()

returns true -- making it an invalid test to use to determine whether or
not it's 

safe to then call call_user_func(). Instead, to really determine if the

is valid, you have to start doing a bunch of reflection -- checking to
see if the 

method is defined and static, or if there is a __callStatic defined that

intercept the call.

That's the more serious implication of the behavior, and why it needs to


[2010-04-10 16:29:12]

It is actually callable. But calling it statically breaks the strict
standards, but the strict standards will break BC in many situations.

I would suggest to make this change in trunk only.

[2010-04-10 16:07:17]


is_callable() is returning a false-positive for callbacks that reference

static methods. As an example, if I have defined a class 'Foo' with an

(i.e., non-static) method 'bar', and define the callback "array('Foo',

is_callable() will falsely return true.

Additionally, if you then pass this callback to call_user_func(), this

function will actually try to call the method statically -- and raise an

E_STRICT about the callback being invalid. If the method has any
references to 

$this, it then fails with an E_FATAL, but otherwise it will run the
method as if 

it were static.

This behavior is unexpected, and unintuitive. Calling non-static methods
as if 

they were static, even when they do not reference $this, violates
visibility. I 

would expect is_callable() to return false in these instances, and for 

call_user_func() to immediately raise an E_FATAL if the method is not
defined as 


Test script:
class Foo


public function bar()


return 'foo bar';



$callback = array('Foo', 'bar');

if (is_callable($callback)) {

echo call_user_func($callback);


Expected result:

No output.

Actual result:
PHP Strict Standards:  call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a

callback, non-static method Foo::bar() should not be called statically

Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid

non-static method Test\Foo::bar() should not be called statically

foo bar

Edit this bug report at

Bug #51524 [Opn->Bgs]: Class static method confusion

2010-04-10 Thread johannes
Edit report at

 ID:   51524
 Updated by:
 Reported by:  david71rj at gmail dot com
 Summary:  Class static method confusion
-Status:   Open
+Status:   Bogus
 Type: Bug
 Package:  Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: Windows 7/64
 PHP Version:  5.3.2

 New Comment:

If a static method is called from an object context the callers $this is
sent. This i due to compatibility with the way PHP 4 worked.

Previous Comments:

[2010-04-10 03:37:23] david71rj at gmail dot com


If I use public method as static in a method of a second function, this
send $this 

from second class, don't of the first.

Test script:

Expected result:


  0 => string 'static' (length=6)

  1 => int 1


  0 => string 'object' (length=6)

  1 => 


  2 => int 1


  0 => string 'static' (length=6)

  1 => int 1


  0 => string 'object' (length=6)

  1 => 

object(test)[3] <<< OKAY

  2 => int 1

Actual result:

  0 => string 'static' (length=6)

  1 => int 1


  0 => string 'object' (length=6)

  1 => 


  2 => int 1


  0 => string 'static' (length=6)

  1 => int 1


  0 => string 'object' (length=6)

  1 => 

object(test2)[3] < WHY "test2" IF DON'T?

  2 => int 1

Edit this bug report at

Bug #51523 [Opn]: Memory leak on fread()

2010-04-10 Thread evilzluk at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID:   51523
 User updated by:  evilzluk at gmail dot com
 Reported by:  evilzluk at gmail dot com
 Summary:  Memory leak on fread()
 Status:   Open
 Type: Bug
 Package:  Performance problem
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:  Irrelevant

 New Comment:


The problem is the fread() uses a normal amount of a memory. But there
are too many unallocated anonymous memory pages.

So if the file size >2G the script may cause eating up to 2G of RAM. But
the script's runtime memory is 5M.

The problem is occured even if:

$fp = fopen($file, "rb");


fread($fp, 1024);


After that the memory isn't released so we have a garbadge in the

Test script:


Expected result:

The total amount of a memory usage should be at least  + 1024 (+ some buffer (up to 8192)). But not
almost all the physical memory (0...unlimited)

Previous Comments:

[2010-04-10 01:06:50] evilzluk at gmail dot com


The problem is the fread() uses a normal amount of a memory. But there
are too many unallocated anonymous memory pages.

So if the file size >2G the script may cause eating up to 2G of RAM. But
the script's runtime memory is 5M.

The problem is occured even if:

$fp = fopen($file, "rb");


fread($fp, 1024);


After that the memory isn't released so we have a garbadge in the

Test script:

Expected result:

The total amount of a memory usage should be at least  + 1024 (+ some buffer (up to 8192)). But not
almost all the physical memory (0...unlimited)

Edit this bug report at

Bug #51527 [Com]: is_callable() returning true for non-static callbacks

2010-04-10 Thread
Edit report at

 ID:   51527
 Comment by:
 Reported by:
 Summary:  is_callable() returning true for non-static callbacks
 Status:   Open
 Type: Bug
 Package:  Class/Object related
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:  5.3.2

 New Comment:

@pajoye: Yes, this particular example was callable. However, if the
method is 

actually an instance method, and has references to $this, is_callable()

returns true -- making it an invalid test to use to determine whether or
not it's 

safe to then call call_user_func(). Instead, to really determine if the

is valid, you have to start doing a bunch of reflection -- checking to
see if the 

method is defined and static, or if there is a __callStatic defined that

intercept the call.

That's the more serious implication of the behavior, and why it needs to


Previous Comments:

[2010-04-10 16:29:12]

It is actually callable. But calling it statically breaks the strict
standards, but the strict standards will break BC in many situations.

I would suggest to make this change in trunk only.

[2010-04-10 16:07:17]


is_callable() is returning a false-positive for callbacks that reference

static methods. As an example, if I have defined a class 'Foo' with an

(i.e., non-static) method 'bar', and define the callback "array('Foo',

is_callable() will falsely return true.

Additionally, if you then pass this callback to call_user_func(), this

function will actually try to call the method statically -- and raise an

E_STRICT about the callback being invalid. If the method has any
references to 

$this, it then fails with an E_FATAL, but otherwise it will run the
method as if 

it were static.

This behavior is unexpected, and unintuitive. Calling non-static methods
as if 

they were static, even when they do not reference $this, violates
visibility. I 

would expect is_callable() to return false in these instances, and for 

call_user_func() to immediately raise an E_FATAL if the method is not
defined as 


Test script:
class Foo


public function bar()


return 'foo bar';



$callback = array('Foo', 'bar');

if (is_callable($callback)) {

echo call_user_func($callback);


Expected result:

No output.

Actual result:
PHP Strict Standards:  call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a

callback, non-static method Foo::bar() should not be called statically

Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid

non-static method Test\Foo::bar() should not be called statically

foo bar

Edit this bug report at

Bug #51527 [Opn]: is_callable() returning true for non-static callbacks

2010-04-10 Thread pajoye
Edit report at

 ID:   51527
 Updated by:
 Reported by:
 Summary:  is_callable() returning true for non-static callbacks
 Status:   Open
 Type: Bug
 Package:  Class/Object related
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:  5.3.2

 New Comment:

It is actually callable. But calling it statically breaks the strict
standards, but the strict standards will break BC in many situations.

I would suggest to make this change in trunk only.

Previous Comments:

[2010-04-10 16:07:17]


is_callable() is returning a false-positive for callbacks that reference

static methods. As an example, if I have defined a class 'Foo' with an

(i.e., non-static) method 'bar', and define the callback "array('Foo',

is_callable() will falsely return true.

Additionally, if you then pass this callback to call_user_func(), this

function will actually try to call the method statically -- and raise an

E_STRICT about the callback being invalid. If the method has any
references to 

$this, it then fails with an E_FATAL, but otherwise it will run the
method as if 

it were static.

This behavior is unexpected, and unintuitive. Calling non-static methods
as if 

they were static, even when they do not reference $this, violates
visibility. I 

would expect is_callable() to return false in these instances, and for 

call_user_func() to immediately raise an E_FATAL if the method is not
defined as 


Test script:
class Foo


public function bar()


return 'foo bar';



$callback = array('Foo', 'bar');

if (is_callable($callback)) {

echo call_user_func($callback);


Expected result:

No output.

Actual result:
PHP Strict Standards:  call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a

callback, non-static method Foo::bar() should not be called statically

Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid

non-static method Test\Foo::bar() should not be called statically

foo bar

Edit this bug report at

[PHP-BUG] Bug #51527 [NEW]: is_callable() returning true for non-static callbacks

2010-04-10 Thread
From: weierophinney
Operating system: Linux
PHP version:  5.3.2
Package:  Class/Object related
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:is_callable() returning true for non-static callbacks


is_callable() is returning a false-positive for callbacks that reference

static methods. As an example, if I have defined a class 'Foo' with an

(i.e., non-static) method 'bar', and define the callback "array('Foo',

is_callable() will falsely return true.

Additionally, if you then pass this callback to call_user_func(), this

function will actually try to call the method statically -- and raise an 

E_STRICT about the callback being invalid. If the method has any references

$this, it then fails with an E_FATAL, but otherwise it will run the method
as if 

it were static.

This behavior is unexpected, and unintuitive. Calling non-static methods as

they were static, even when they do not reference $this, violates
visibility. I 

would expect is_callable() to return false in these instances, and for 

call_user_func() to immediately raise an E_FATAL if the method is not
defined as 


Test script:
class Foo


public function bar()


return 'foo bar';



$callback = array('Foo', 'bar');

if (is_callable($callback)) {

echo call_user_func($callback);


Expected result:

No output.

Actual result:
PHP Strict Standards:  call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid 

callback, non-static method Foo::bar() should not be called statically

Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid

non-static method Test\Foo::bar() should not be called statically

foo bar

Edit bug report at
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.2):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (PHP 6.0):
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Need Reproduce Script:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:
PHP 4 support discontinued:
Daylight Savings:
IIS Stability:
Install GNU Sed:
Floating point limitations:
No Zend Extensions:
MySQL Configuration Error: