Req #62043 [Com]: new operator

2012-05-15 Thread reeze dot xia at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 62043
 Comment by: reeze dot xia at gmail dot com
 Reported by:piotrekz5 at wp dot pl
 Summary:new operator
 Status: Open
 Type:   Feature/Change Request
 Package:PHP options/info functions
 Operating System:   any
 PHP Version:Irrelevant
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Do you mean this operator?

$a = $a ?: "default value");

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-16 00:31:03] phpmpan at mpan dot pl

function ifNull($var, $value, $null = NULL) {
return ($var !== $null)? $var : $value;

Or even simpler to use and, unlike previous, working fine with undefined 

function unNull(&$var, $value, $null = NULL) {
if ($var === $null) {
$var = $value;
return $var;

If we drop the last argument even multiple operands version can be achieved:
function nonNull() {
return array_reduce(func_get_args(), function(&$a, $e) {
return ($a === NULL && $e !== NULL)? $e : $a;
Any reason to not do this in userland?

[2012-05-15 23:23:20] piotrekz5 at wp dot pl


Let's implement a new operator - '??' (used in c#).

The ?? operator is called the null-coalescing operator and is used to define a 
default value. It returns the left-hand operand if the operand is not null; 
otherwise it returns the right operand.

Test script:
$var1 = null;
$var2 = null;
$var3 = $var1 ?? $var2; //$var3==null
$var4 = $var1 ?? 'default1'; //$var4=='default1'
$var5 = $var1 ?? $var2 ?? 'default2'; //$var5=='default2'
$var6 = $var2 ?? $var3 ?? $var4 ?? 'default3'; //$var6=='default1' since the 
first non-null value is $var4=='default1'

Edit this bug report at

Req #52000 [Com]: Exception thrown in autload handler does not prevents other handlers from execu

2012-05-15 Thread reeze dot xia at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 52000
 Comment by: reeze dot xia at gmail dot com
 Reported by:starach at gmail dot com
 Summary:Exception thrown in autload handler does not
 prevents other handlers from execu
 Status: Feedback
 Type:   Feature/Change Request
 Package:SPL related
 Operating System:   Windows XP SP3
 PHP Version:5.3.2
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Hi, starach:
   This is not a bug, but a FEATURE :), it was intentional, please see: 


Previous Comments:

[2010-06-05 15:59:13]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a short but complete example script to be able to reproduce
this bug ourselves. 

A proper reproducing script starts with ,
is max. 10-20 lines long and does not require any external 
resources such as databases, etc. If the script requires a 
database to demonstrate the issue, please make sure it creates 
all necessary tables, stored procedures etc.

Please avoid embedding huge scripts into the report.

[2010-06-05 15:51:34] starach at gmail dot com


If there are two class loaders registered second one will be executed even if 
throw exception in first one.

Edit this bug report at

[PHP-BUG] Req #62044 [NEW]: Short object syntax request

2012-05-15 Thread pravdin at vl dot ru
Operating system: 
PHP version:  5.4.3
Package:  Scripting Engine problem
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Bug description:Short object syntax request


Thanks for short arrays syntax! :) Now it's a time to create short object
syntax for simple creatation of anonymous objects with custom fields. The
current shortest way is: 

$obj = (object)['field1' => 'value1', 'field2' => 'value2'];

Think it isn't beautiful :) I suggest the following syntax similar to
JavaScript (which is very handly):

$obj = {{field1: 'value1', field2: 'value2'}};

or, if it possible, the same as JavaScript:

$obj = {field1: 'value1', field2: 'value2'};

Edit bug report at
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Need Reproduce Script:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:
PHP 4 support discontinued:
Daylight Savings:
IIS Stability:
Install GNU Sed:
Floating point limitations:
No Zend Extensions:
MySQL Configuration Error:

Req #62043 [Com]: new operator

2012-05-15 Thread phpmpan at mpan dot pl
Edit report at

 ID: 62043
 Comment by: phpmpan at mpan dot pl
 Reported by:piotrekz5 at wp dot pl
 Summary:new operator
 Status: Open
 Type:   Feature/Change Request
 Package:PHP options/info functions
 Operating System:   any
 PHP Version:Irrelevant
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

function ifNull($var, $value, $null = NULL) {
return ($var !== $null)? $var : $value;

Or even simpler to use and, unlike previous, working fine with undefined 

function unNull(&$var, $value, $null = NULL) {
if ($var === $null) {
$var = $value;
return $var;

If we drop the last argument even multiple operands version can be achieved:
function nonNull() {
return array_reduce(func_get_args(), function(&$a, $e) {
return ($a === NULL && $e !== NULL)? $e : $a;
Any reason to not do this in userland?

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 23:23:20] piotrekz5 at wp dot pl


Let's implement a new operator - '??' (used in c#).

The ?? operator is called the null-coalescing operator and is used to define a 
default value. It returns the left-hand operand if the operand is not null; 
otherwise it returns the right operand.

Test script:
$var1 = null;
$var2 = null;
$var3 = $var1 ?? $var2; //$var3==null
$var4 = $var1 ?? 'default1'; //$var4=='default1'
$var5 = $var1 ?? $var2 ?? 'default2'; //$var5=='default2'
$var6 = $var2 ?? $var3 ?? $var4 ?? 'default3'; //$var6=='default1' since the 
first non-null value is $var4=='default1'

Edit this bug report at

[PHP-BUG] Req #62043 [NEW]: new operator

2012-05-15 Thread piotrekz5 at wp dot pl
Operating system: any
PHP version:  Irrelevant
Package:  PHP options/info functions
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Bug description:new operator


Let's implement a new operator - '??' (used in c#).

The ?? operator is called the null-coalescing operator and is used to
define a default value. It returns the left-hand operand if the operand is
not null; otherwise it returns the right operand.

Test script:
$var1 = null;
$var2 = null;
$var3 = $var1 ?? $var2; //$var3==null
$var4 = $var1 ?? 'default1'; //$var4=='default1'
$var5 = $var1 ?? $var2 ?? 'default2'; //$var5=='default2'
$var6 = $var2 ?? $var3 ?? $var4 ?? 'default3'; //$var6=='default1' since
the first non-null value is $var4=='default1'

Edit bug report at
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Need Reproduce Script:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:
PHP 4 support discontinued:
Daylight Savings:
IIS Stability:
Install GNU Sed:
Floating point limitations:
No Zend Extensions:
MySQL Configuration Error:

Bug #62032 [Opn]: filter_var incorrectly strips characters from strings after "<"

2012-05-15 Thread iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 62032
 User updated by:iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
 Reported by:iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
 Summary:filter_var incorrectly strips characters from
 strings after "<"
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Filter related
 Operating System:   Mac OS X
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

@anon I agree with many of your sentiments :)

Just wanted to point out one thing.  The issue of unclosed script tags or other 
would not be a problem assuming the output is escaped which it should be.  
if you had "Well I can understand stripping it if there is a closing > somewhere, but if 
>it is 
a < that is not followed by a matching > then it should be allowed in the 
and not stripped.
In that case:
(1) Unclosed tags will eat extra page content, breaking page layout.
(2) Pages consist of many echo statements. By your logic, "", we need 
to implement a delayed-choice quantum eraser to make all the parallel universes 
in which the earlier echo statement occurred cease to exist.

>I think it is more expected behavior to display this string as "This is NOT 
No. Display what users type. Don't delete text from their posts based on the 
quirks of what just happens to be the underlying display format on a particular 
day. Suppose your hypothetical forum also displays posts in another format, 
e.g., it has a Flash or iPhone-based app, or it tweets posts, or a few years 
from now we're all using a completely different markup language. Should it then 
also strip HTML-like tags from all text in perpetuity from all media just 
because HTML happened to be a relevant format to someone somewhere once upon a 
time, or should user-submitted text throw integrity to the wind and change 
depending on what kind of device someone is attempting to use to view it, 
whether or not that device's markup was invented when the post was made? What 
if someone is trying to use text that legitimately resembles an HTML tag (it 
happens), or, more likely, they're trying to quote or talk about HTML -- no 
filter can handle this. No no no no no. Display what they type and don't 
confuse the poor souls. I.e., use htmlspecialchars() if outputting to HTML; or 
if not, use whatever other escaping method is appropriate to the particular 
output format that still preserves the integrity of the user-typed text in that 
format, while making exception for the formatting markup that is legitimately 
supported and documented to be supported by the forum, such as markdown or 
bbcode syntax (and probably not HTML, since besides the fact that HTML is ugly 
and over-complicated for most forum post needs, strip_tags with an allowed tags 
parameter is the most dangerous of the lot and allows blatant abuse via 

And don't get me started on entities.

tl;dr: no amount of wrapping it in flashy filter functions changes the fact 
that strip_tags confuses countless souls, is brain-damaged, and ought to be 
deprecated to death.

[2012-05-15 15:06:26] iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com

@pajoye I agree with you, but there is a use case that encoding will not solve.

Let's say there is a forum where users are posting.  If the user posts:

"This is NOT good!" and the tags get encoded then that means 
HTML tags will be displayed in the forum as plain text.  I think it is more 
behavior to display this string as "This is NOT good!".

So one option would be encoding the < only if it is not followed by a > but 
that is a 
lot of extra work to figure that out.

At the end of the day the point is that no matter how you look at it I still 
this is a bug.

$string = 'This is true: 2<5';
strip_tags($string); and filter_var($string, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

Should not strip out <5 since that is not an HTML tag.

[2012-05-15 14:51:09] aleksey dot v dot korzun at gmail dot com

How is stripping anything after < with a space is a valid operation? That seems 
like a lazy man's html stripper.

Let's just blindly strip everything that can possibly be made into an html tag 
any sort. Not.

[2012-05-15 14:49:02]

> or < should be encoded then, see

btw, any option should be added using the option array or defaults, as it is 
case already.

[2012-05-15 14:45:27] iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com

So in that case I think strip_tags and filter_var are both broken.  In this 
"It is true that 5<10"
"It is true that 5 < 10"  

Neither of th

Bug #62032 [Com]: filter_var incorrectly strips characters from strings after "<"

2012-05-15 Thread anon at anon dot anon
Edit report at

 ID: 62032
 Comment by: anon at anon dot anon
 Reported by:iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
 Summary:filter_var incorrectly strips characters from
 strings after "<"
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Filter related
 Operating System:   Mac OS X
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Well I never heard of this "SANITIZE_STRING" filter before, but it looks just 
as retarded as it sounds, and about as retarded as strip_tags. 99.99% of the 
time, strip_tags just should not be used at all because it's horribly broken. 
The real bugs are (1) strip_tags exists, and (2) that PHP should imply that any 
kind of magical all-purpose "string sanitization" process could exist.

>Well I can understand stripping it if there is a closing > somewhere, but if 
>it is 
a < that is not followed by a matching > then it should be allowed in the 
and not stripped.
In that case:
(1) Unclosed tags will eat extra page content, breaking page layout.
(2) Pages consist of many echo statements. By your logic, "", we need 
to implement a delayed-choice quantum eraser to make all the parallel universes 
in which the earlier echo statement occurred cease to exist.

>I think it is more expected behavior to display this string as "This is NOT 
No. Display what users type. Don't delete text from their posts based on the 
quirks of what just happens to be the underlying display format on a particular 
day. Suppose your hypothetical forum also displays posts in another format, 
e.g., it has a Flash or iPhone-based app, or it tweets posts, or a few years 
from now we're all using a completely different markup language. Should it then 
also strip HTML-like tags from all text in perpetuity from all media just 
because HTML happened to be a relevant format to someone somewhere once upon a 
time, or should user-submitted text throw integrity to the wind and change 
depending on what kind of device someone is attempting to use to view it, 
whether or not that device's markup was invented when the post was made? What 
if someone is trying to use text that legitimately resembles an HTML tag (it 
happens), or, more likely, they're trying to quote or talk about HTML -- no 
filter can handle this. No no no no no. Display what they type and don't 
confuse the poor souls. I.e., use htmlspecialchars() if outputting to HTML; or 
if not, use whatever other escaping method is appropriate to the particular 
output format that still preserves the integrity of the user-typed text in that 
format, while making exception for the formatting markup that is legitimately 
supported and documented to be supported by the forum, such as markdown or 
bbcode syntax (and probably not HTML, since besides the fact that HTML is ugly 
and over-complicated for most forum post needs, strip_tags with an allowed tags 
parameter is the most dangerous of the lot and allows blatant abuse via 

And don't get me started on entities.

tl;dr: no amount of wrapping it in flashy filter functions changes the fact 
that strip_tags confuses countless souls, is brain-damaged, and ought to be 
deprecated to death.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 15:06:26] iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com

@pajoye I agree with you, but there is a use case that encoding will not solve.

Let's say there is a forum where users are posting.  If the user posts:

"This is NOT good!" and the tags get encoded then that means 
HTML tags will be displayed in the forum as plain text.  I think it is more 
behavior to display this string as "This is NOT good!".

So one option would be encoding the < only if it is not followed by a > but 
that is a 
lot of extra work to figure that out.

At the end of the day the point is that no matter how you look at it I still 
this is a bug.

$string = 'This is true: 2<5';
strip_tags($string); and filter_var($string, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

Should not strip out <5 since that is not an HTML tag.

[2012-05-15 14:51:09] aleksey dot v dot korzun at gmail dot com

How is stripping anything after < with a space is a valid operation? That seems 
like a lazy man's html stripper.

Let's just blindly strip everything that can possibly be made into an html tag 
any sort. Not.

[2012-05-15 14:49:02]

> or < should be encoded then, see

btw, any option should be added using the option array or defaults, as it is 
case already.

[2012-05-15 14:45:27] ia

Bug #53881 [Wfx]: IPv6 broken

2012-05-15 Thread danbrown
Edit report at

 ID: 53881
 Updated by:
 Reported by:tozz at kijkt dot tv IPv6 broken
 Status: Wont fix
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System:   Irrelevant
 PHP Version:Irrelevant
 Assigned To:danbrown
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

While I do appreciate your suggestions, this is still not something we're going 
to fix at this stage.

Also, sometime after you originally submitted this bug, was removed 
from our network.

Finally, for anyone using IPv6 as their exclusive (or even primary) network 
routing, I'm sure there are far greater issues than an occasionally-broken PHP 
mirror.  Again, we will address this at a point, just not this point.

Thanks again.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 21:11:39] tozz at kijkt dot tv

I understand IPv6 is not a requirement. However, some mirrors do have an 
-Address but fail to provide working connectivity to that address. The net 
result is that the PHP website is down for anyone with IPv6 connectivity if 
he/she is redirected to a mirror with bad IPv6 connectivity.

So either the  records should be removed or should require mirrors 
to have decent IPv6 connectivity.

[2012-05-15 21:04:28]

At this time, we do not require IPv6 capabilities on official mirrors.  
We will begin to phase-in this requirement once the majority of the ISPs and 
which host the official mirrors have IPv6 support permanently enabled, and 
to see an increase in that number on 6 June, 2012 (World IPv6 Day), as is the 
norm each year.

Thank you for submitting this report.

[2011-01-30 00:04:33] tozz at kijkt dot tv

IPv6 traceroute to the SinnerG broken mirror (to indicate its not a routing 
issue on my side):

# traceroute6 2a00:f10:111::1337:1000
traceroute to 2a00:f10:111::1337:1000 (2a00:f10:111::1337:1000) from 
2a01:1b0:7999:402::3, 30 hops max, 24 byte packets
 1  2a01:1b0:7999:402::e (2a01:1b0:7999:402::e)  0.854 ms  0.952 ms  0.99 ms
 2  2a01:1b0:2:6::1 (2a01:1b0:2:6::1)  4.985 ms  4.979 ms  4.991 ms
 3 (2001:7f8:13::a501:2859:2)  5.987 ms  5.968 ms  
5.99 ms
 4 (2001:7f8:1::a502:5525:1)  6.987 ms  
5.974 ms  5.988 ms
 5  2001:16f8:bb2:197:0:a504:8635:2 (2001:16f8:bb2:197:0:a504:8635:2)  6.989 ms 
 7.972 ms  6.99 ms
 6  2a00:f10:10a:2::4 (2a00:f10:10a:2::4)  6.987 ms  6.977 ms  6.99 ms
 7  2a00:f10:10a:2::4 (2a00:f10:10a:2::4)  3010.85 ms !H  3010.81 ms !H  
3007.83 ms !H

[2011-01-29 23:58:16] tozz at kijkt dot tv

Description: has some  records which are very often broken (currently 2 out 
of 3 are broken). From what I've read PHP checks its mirrors on regular 
intervals, but apparently does not check if both IP4 and IP6 work. The lack of 
this IPv6 check causes the PHP website to load very slow as it waits a few 
seconds for a timeout on v6 and then falls back to v4.

Perhaps this check can be extended to also check for correct IPv6 function and 
remove the mirror if its IPv6 connectivity is broken.

Test script:
# date
Sat Jan 29 23:20:16 CET 2011

# telnet -6 80
Trying 2a01:448:1::1036:64:164...
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

# telnet -6 80 
Trying 2a00:f10:111::1337:1000...
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host

Expected result:

I would expect that the PHP mirror check removes mirrors that have broken v6 

Edit this bug report at

Bug #53881 [Wfx]: IPv6 broken

2012-05-15 Thread tozz at kijkt dot tv
Edit report at

 ID: 53881
 User updated by:tozz at kijkt dot tv
 Reported by:tozz at kijkt dot tv IPv6 broken
 Status: Wont fix
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System:   Irrelevant
 PHP Version:Irrelevant
 Assigned To:danbrown
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

I understand IPv6 is not a requirement. However, some mirrors do have an 
-Address but fail to provide working connectivity to that address. The net 
result is that the PHP website is down for anyone with IPv6 connectivity if 
he/she is redirected to a mirror with bad IPv6 connectivity.

So either the  records should be removed or should require mirrors 
to have decent IPv6 connectivity.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 21:04:28]

At this time, we do not require IPv6 capabilities on official mirrors.  
We will begin to phase-in this requirement once the majority of the ISPs and 
which host the official mirrors have IPv6 support permanently enabled, and 
to see an increase in that number on 6 June, 2012 (World IPv6 Day), as is the 
norm each year.

Thank you for submitting this report.

[2011-01-30 00:04:33] tozz at kijkt dot tv

IPv6 traceroute to the SinnerG broken mirror (to indicate its not a routing 
issue on my side):

# traceroute6 2a00:f10:111::1337:1000
traceroute to 2a00:f10:111::1337:1000 (2a00:f10:111::1337:1000) from 
2a01:1b0:7999:402::3, 30 hops max, 24 byte packets
 1  2a01:1b0:7999:402::e (2a01:1b0:7999:402::e)  0.854 ms  0.952 ms  0.99 ms
 2  2a01:1b0:2:6::1 (2a01:1b0:2:6::1)  4.985 ms  4.979 ms  4.991 ms
 3 (2001:7f8:13::a501:2859:2)  5.987 ms  5.968 ms  
5.99 ms
 4 (2001:7f8:1::a502:5525:1)  6.987 ms  
5.974 ms  5.988 ms
 5  2001:16f8:bb2:197:0:a504:8635:2 (2001:16f8:bb2:197:0:a504:8635:2)  6.989 ms 
 7.972 ms  6.99 ms
 6  2a00:f10:10a:2::4 (2a00:f10:10a:2::4)  6.987 ms  6.977 ms  6.99 ms
 7  2a00:f10:10a:2::4 (2a00:f10:10a:2::4)  3010.85 ms !H  3010.81 ms !H  
3007.83 ms !H

[2011-01-29 23:58:16] tozz at kijkt dot tv

Description: has some  records which are very often broken (currently 2 out 
of 3 are broken). From what I've read PHP checks its mirrors on regular 
intervals, but apparently does not check if both IP4 and IP6 work. The lack of 
this IPv6 check causes the PHP website to load very slow as it waits a few 
seconds for a timeout on v6 and then falls back to v4.

Perhaps this check can be extended to also check for correct IPv6 function and 
remove the mirror if its IPv6 connectivity is broken.

Test script:
# date
Sat Jan 29 23:20:16 CET 2011

# telnet -6 80
Trying 2a01:448:1::1036:64:164...
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

# telnet -6 80 
Trying 2a00:f10:111::1337:1000...
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host

Expected result:

I would expect that the PHP mirror check removes mirrors that have broken v6 

Edit this bug report at

[PHP-BUG] Bug #62042 [NEW]: Fatal error when merging files due to class/function/symbol name collision

2012-05-15 Thread phplists at stanvassilev dot com
Operating system: All
PHP version:  5.3.13
Package:  Unknown/Other Function
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:Fatal error when merging files due to class/function/symbol 
name collision


These two namespaces work as expected when in two separate files, and when

included together at runtime work as expected as well, but once they're
in the same file they result in a Fatal Error:

namespace Foo {
class Bar {}

namespace Foo {
use Bar;

Fatal error: Cannot use Bar as Bar because the name is already in use.

I understand this behavior was introduced with good intentions, but all it
is break working code when files are merged together. The alternative
construct was introduced specifically to support merging of multiple files

together without side effects, and this is such a side effect.

Expected result:

I expect that "use" statements should override default resolutions, and no
Error should be produced (the EXACT behavior we have right now when the
above is 
spread in two files which are required() at runtime).

Actual result:
Fatal Error when merging code.

Edit bug report at
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Need Reproduce Script:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:
PHP 4 support discontinued:
Daylight Savings:
IIS Stability:
Install GNU Sed:
Floating point limitations:
No Zend Extensions:
MySQL Configuration Error:

Bug #53881 [Opn->Wfx]: IPv6 broken

2012-05-15 Thread danbrown
Edit report at

 ID: 53881
 Updated by:
 Reported by:tozz at kijkt dot tv IPv6 broken
-Status: Open
+Status: Wont fix
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System:   Irrelevant
 PHP Version:Irrelevant
-Assigned To:
+Assigned To:danbrown
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

At this time, we do not require IPv6 capabilities on official mirrors.  
We will begin to phase-in this requirement once the majority of the ISPs and 
which host the official mirrors have IPv6 support permanently enabled, and 
to see an increase in that number on 6 June, 2012 (World IPv6 Day), as is the 
norm each year.

Thank you for submitting this report.

Previous Comments:

[2011-01-30 00:04:33] tozz at kijkt dot tv

IPv6 traceroute to the SinnerG broken mirror (to indicate its not a routing 
issue on my side):

# traceroute6 2a00:f10:111::1337:1000
traceroute to 2a00:f10:111::1337:1000 (2a00:f10:111::1337:1000) from 
2a01:1b0:7999:402::3, 30 hops max, 24 byte packets
 1  2a01:1b0:7999:402::e (2a01:1b0:7999:402::e)  0.854 ms  0.952 ms  0.99 ms
 2  2a01:1b0:2:6::1 (2a01:1b0:2:6::1)  4.985 ms  4.979 ms  4.991 ms
 3 (2001:7f8:13::a501:2859:2)  5.987 ms  5.968 ms  
5.99 ms
 4 (2001:7f8:1::a502:5525:1)  6.987 ms  
5.974 ms  5.988 ms
 5  2001:16f8:bb2:197:0:a504:8635:2 (2001:16f8:bb2:197:0:a504:8635:2)  6.989 ms 
 7.972 ms  6.99 ms
 6  2a00:f10:10a:2::4 (2a00:f10:10a:2::4)  6.987 ms  6.977 ms  6.99 ms
 7  2a00:f10:10a:2::4 (2a00:f10:10a:2::4)  3010.85 ms !H  3010.81 ms !H  
3007.83 ms !H

[2011-01-29 23:58:16] tozz at kijkt dot tv

Description: has some  records which are very often broken (currently 2 out 
of 3 are broken). From what I've read PHP checks its mirrors on regular 
intervals, but apparently does not check if both IP4 and IP6 work. The lack of 
this IPv6 check causes the PHP website to load very slow as it waits a few 
seconds for a timeout on v6 and then falls back to v4.

Perhaps this check can be extended to also check for correct IPv6 function and 
remove the mirror if its IPv6 connectivity is broken.

Test script:
# date
Sat Jan 29 23:20:16 CET 2011

# telnet -6 80
Trying 2a01:448:1::1036:64:164...
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

# telnet -6 80 
Trying 2a00:f10:111::1337:1000...
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host

Expected result:

I would expect that the PHP mirror check removes mirrors that have broken v6 

Edit this bug report at

Bug #18556 [Com]: Setting locale to 'tr_TR' lowercases class names

2012-05-15 Thread inet dot alper at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 18556
 Comment by: inet dot alper at gmail dot com
 Reported by:spud at nothingness dot org
 Summary:Setting locale to 'tr_TR' lowercases class names
 Status: Assigned
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System:   Linux (RedHat 7.2)
 PHP Version:5CVS, 4CVS (2005-10-04)
 Assigned To:dmitry
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:
this patch does not break other locales, check it out.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-05 15:33:55] wim at powerassist dot nl

Sorry, I was to quick to comment. I see that there's an internal mailing going 

[2012-05-04 19:10:58] wim at powerassist dot nl

Why is this bug still not fixed? Not only class names are affected but function 
names aswell:

[2011-12-07 20:13:24] cankoy at ymail dot com

> This will probably break a lot of existing PHP Code.
Existing code is already broken for those suffering from this problem, don't 
you get it? 
I'm not suggesting a permanent turn-off, I'm suggesting a command-line option/a 
php.ini directive/whatever fits the design of Php engine to implement this as 
an option.

> Why not performing the lookup case-sensitive and if not found fall back to 
> case-insensitive? And if found case-insensitive throw a deprecation warning.
You're suggesting more ceremony, where I suggest optionally skipping a 
ceremony. Php is an interpreter, performance is important.

[2011-12-07 20:01:07] gerd dot katzenbeisser at gmail dot com

This will probably break a lot of existing PHP Code. Why not performing the 
case-sensitive and if not found fall back to case-insensitive? And if found 
insensitive throw a deprecation warning.

[2011-12-07 18:01:37] cankoy at ymail dot com

This, practically, can't be fixed. Mainly because there's no way to know if 'I' 
is uppercase of 'i' or 'ı' since there's not a separate place for Turkish 'I' 
in code tables. The same holds for 'i' (can't be known if it's lowercase of 'I' 
or 'Ä°').
I told 2 years ago and will say it again: PHP should provide a way to turn off 
case-insensitive function/class name lookup. No good programmer uses this Basic 
language feature since identifiers are case-sensitive in all real languages 
like Python, Ruby, C#, Java.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at

[PHP-BUG] Bug #62041 [NEW]: Fails when recursive group comes before reference

2012-05-15 Thread michael at squiloople dot com
Operating system: Windows Vista
PHP version:  5.4.3
Package:  PCRE related
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:Fails when recursive group comes before reference


When the recursive subpattern is captured after it is referenced:


It works fine. But when the capture comes before the reference it doesn't:


The problem is the final ":" as other characters work fine. Replacing it
with "\:" 
or "[:]" does not help.

Test script:
// Test 1

// Test 2

// Test 3

Expected result:

// Test 1

// Test 2

// Test 3

Actual result:
// Test 1

// Test 2

// Test 3

Edit bug report at
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Need Reproduce Script:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:
PHP 4 support discontinued:
Daylight Savings:
IIS Stability:
Install GNU Sed:
Floating point limitations:
No Zend Extensions:
MySQL Configuration Error:

Bug #61777 [Com]: Cannot bind parameters with pdo_odbc and SQL Server Native Client 11.0

2012-05-15 Thread burnhamrobertp at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 61777
 Comment by: burnhamrobertp at gmail dot com
 Reported by:frozen at frozen-solid dot net
 Summary:Cannot bind parameters with pdo_odbc and SQL Server
 Native Client 11.0
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:PDO related
 Operating System:   Ubuntu 12.04
 PHP Version:5.3.10
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Debian Squeeze 2.6.32-5-amd64
PHP 5.3.3 (also reproducible under PHP 5.4.0-3)

The test case and error information are exactly the same.

Previous Comments:

[2012-04-19 18:45:03] frozen at frozen-solid dot net


When trying to bind parameters to a prepared statement, bindValue() and 
bindParam() both return false with the error code HY004, [SQL Server Native 
11.0]Invalid SQL data type (SQLBindParameter[0] at /build/buildd/php5-

It does not matter whether you pass in PDO::PARAM_STR or PARAM_INT or no data 
specification, the error is the same every time.

Using parameters with odbc_connect() and odbc_prepare() work as expected, so 
issue is directly related to PDO, not to ODBC or Microsoft's driver.

Test script:
$db = new PDO('odbc:sqltest', 'wwwuser', 'btsb');

$strSql = 'select top 10 * from oltmaster where titleno = :no';

$q = $db->prepare($strSql);

var_dump($q->bindValue(':no', '029803'));

Expected result:

boolean true

  0 => string '' (length=0)
  1 => int 0
  2 => string ' ((null)[0] at (null):0)' (length=24)
  3 => string '' (length=0)

Actual result:
boolean false

  0 => string 'HY004' (length=5)
  1 => int 0
  2 => string '[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Invalid SQL data type 
(SQLBindParameter[0] at 
  3 => string 'HY004' (length=5)

Edit this bug report at

Bug #62037 [Opn->Fbk]: .user.ini ignores open_basedir parameter

2012-05-15 Thread sixd
Edit report at

 ID: 62037
 Updated by:
 Reported by:karlis dot kisis at gmail dot com
 Summary:.user.ini ignores open_basedir parameter
-Status: Open
+Status: Feedback
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Safe Mode/open_basedir
 Operating System:   CentOS 6.2 x86_64
 PHP Version:5.3.13
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 15:17:13] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

Please refer:

“As of PHP 5.3.0 open_basedir can be tightened at run-time”

This means you can only make the path more deep but can't move back.
if not there will be security problem.

Maybe this is your problem

[2012-05-15 15:01:40] karlis dot kisis at gmail dot com

turns out that if the master value for open_basedir is None, then .user.ini 
value works!

seems that .user.ini cannot override the master value from php.ini if 
open_basedir is defined.

still a bug in my opinion.

[2012-05-15 14:33:52] karlis dot kisis at gmail dot com


open_basedir parameter is ignored in .user.ini:
max_input_time = 333 
open_basedir = "/home"
display_errors = On
include_path = "/home"

the rest of the parameters from above work fine.

php is run as fcgi on apache 2.2.22 with mod_fcgid.c.

according to the docs, open_basedir should be configurable anywhere since 
version 5.3

Test script:
changed parameters are shown in phpinfo(), except open_basedir which remains 

Expected result:

open_basedir setting from .user.ini to be in effect.

Edit this bug report at

Bug #62039 [Opn->Nab]: When multiple cookies are received, $Version=0 is badly concatened

2012-05-15 Thread sixd
Edit report at

 ID: 62039
 Updated by:
 Reported by:laurent dot perez at backelite dot com
 Summary:When multiple cookies are received, $Version=0 is
 badly concatened
-Status: Open
+Status: Not a bug
 Type:   Bug
 Package:HTTP related
-Operating System:   PHP 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.7
+Operating System:   Linux
-PHP Version:master-Git-2012-05-15 (Git)
+PHP Version:PHP 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.7
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Thank you for taking the time to report a problem with PHP.
Unfortunately you are not using a current version of PHP -- 
the problem might already be fixed. Please download a new
PHP version from

If you are able to reproduce the bug with one of the latest
versions of PHP, please change the PHP version on this bug report
to the version you tested and change the status back to "Open".
Again, thank you for your continued support of PHP.

Please reopen if it occurs in a recent version of PHP.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 16:11:11] laurent dot perez at backelite dot com



I'm sending the following cookies to a PHP 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.7 page :

>> "Cookie: $Version=0; applicookie=monappli[\r][\n]"
>> "Cookie: $Version=0; monautrecookie=autrevaleur[\r][\n]"

When I dump them using print_r($_COOKIE);, the value of the first one 
(applicookie) gets concatenated with a comma plus $Version=0 string :

<< "[applicookie] => monappli, $Version=0[\n]"
<< "[monautrecookie] => autrevaleur[\n]"

It looks like a concatenation bug. The value of applicookie should not be 

Test script:
Get Firebug, install Firecookie, forge two cookies as HttpOnly, send them,  will display a wrong value for the first one received.

Expected result:

Unmodified cookie values

Actual result:
The first cookie value gets concatenated with comma + $Version=0 string

Edit this bug report at

[PHP-BUG] Bug #62039 [NEW]: When multiple cookies are received, $Version=0 is badly concatened

2012-05-15 Thread laurent dot perez at backelite dot com
Operating system: PHP 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.7
PHP version:  master-Git-2012-05-15 (Git)
Package:  HTTP related
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:When multiple cookies are received, $Version=0 is badly 



I'm sending the following cookies to a PHP 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.7 page :

>> "Cookie: $Version=0; applicookie=monappli[\r][\n]"
>> "Cookie: $Version=0; monautrecookie=autrevaleur[\r][\n]"

When I dump them using print_r($_COOKIE);, the value of the first one
(applicookie) gets concatenated with a comma plus $Version=0 string :

<< "[applicookie] => monappli, $Version=0[\n]"
<< "[monautrecookie] => autrevaleur[\n]"

It looks like a concatenation bug. The value of applicookie should not be

Test script:
Get Firebug, install Firecookie, forge two cookies as HttpOnly, send them,
 will display a wrong value for the first one received.

Expected result:

Unmodified cookie values

Actual result:
The first cookie value gets concatenated with comma + $Version=0 string

Edit bug report at
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Need Reproduce Script:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:
PHP 4 support discontinued:
Daylight Savings:
IIS Stability:
Install GNU Sed:
Floating point limitations:
No Zend Extensions:
MySQL Configuration Error:

[PHP-BUG] Bug #62038 [NEW]: apache2 + fpm is incompatible with mod_cache, mod_mem_cache

2012-05-15 Thread svecpetr at svecpetr dot com
Operating system: Linux
PHP version:  5.3.13
Package:  FPM related
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:apache2 + fpm is incompatible with mod_cache, mod_mem_cache


when you install apache2 and configure php5-fpm

and now so execute
a2enmod mem_cache

modul will be loaded

but apache cache didn't work with FPM

(all request will be handeled by FPM... none where use mem_cache)

Test script:
after setup try this

Edit bug report at
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Need Reproduce Script:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:
PHP 4 support discontinued:
Daylight Savings:
IIS Stability:
Install GNU Sed:
Floating point limitations:
No Zend Extensions:
MySQL Configuration Error:

Bug #62037 [Com]: .user.ini ignores open_basedir parameter

2012-05-15 Thread reeze dot xia at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 62037
 Comment by: reeze dot xia at gmail dot com
 Reported by:karlis dot kisis at gmail dot com
 Summary:.user.ini ignores open_basedir parameter
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Safe Mode/open_basedir
 Operating System:   CentOS 6.2 x86_64
 PHP Version:5.3.13
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Please refer:

“As of PHP 5.3.0 open_basedir can be tightened at run-time”

This means you can only make the path more deep but can't move back.
if not there will be security problem.

Maybe this is your problem

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 15:01:40] karlis dot kisis at gmail dot com

turns out that if the master value for open_basedir is None, then .user.ini 
value works!

seems that .user.ini cannot override the master value from php.ini if 
open_basedir is defined.

still a bug in my opinion.

[2012-05-15 14:33:52] karlis dot kisis at gmail dot com


open_basedir parameter is ignored in .user.ini:
max_input_time = 333 
open_basedir = "/home"
display_errors = On
include_path = "/home"

the rest of the parameters from above work fine.

php is run as fcgi on apache 2.2.22 with mod_fcgid.c.

according to the docs, open_basedir should be configurable anywhere since 
version 5.3

Test script:
changed parameters are shown in phpinfo(), except open_basedir which remains 

Expected result:

open_basedir setting from .user.ini to be in effect.

Edit this bug report at

Bug #62032 [Com]: filter_var incorrectly strips characters from strings after "<"

2012-05-15 Thread iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 62032
 Comment by: iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
 Reported by:iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
 Summary:filter_var incorrectly strips characters from
 strings after "<"
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Filter related
 Operating System:   Mac OS X
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

@pajoye I agree with you, but there is a use case that encoding will not solve.

Let's say there is a forum where users are posting.  If the user posts:

"This is NOT good!" and the tags get encoded then that means 
HTML tags will be displayed in the forum as plain text.  I think it is more 
behavior to display this string as "This is NOT good!".

So one option would be encoding the < only if it is not followed by a > but 
that is a 
lot of extra work to figure that out.

At the end of the day the point is that no matter how you look at it I still 
this is a bug.

$string = 'This is true: 2<5';
strip_tags($string); and filter_var($string, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

Should not strip out <5 since that is not an HTML tag.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 14:51:09] aleksey dot v dot korzun at gmail dot com

How is stripping anything after < with a space is a valid operation? That seems 
like a lazy man's html stripper.

Let's just blindly strip everything that can possibly be made into an html tag 
any sort. Not.

[2012-05-15 14:49:02]

> or < should be encoded then, see

btw, any option should be added using the option array or defaults, as it is 
case already.

[2012-05-15 14:45:27] iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com

So in that case I think strip_tags and filter_var are both broken.  In this 
"It is true that 5<10"
"It is true that 5 < 10"  

Neither of these are html tags so the string should not be touched regardless 
of if 
there is a space or not.

[2012-05-15 14:42:47] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

PS: the reason why strip_tags() didn't strip it is '<' is followed by a
space char but not without ending '>', this is the key point.

look deep into the source code, there difference is switch whether or 
not to trait '<' followed by a(or more) spaces a tag or not.

[2012-05-15 14:36:26] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

strip_tags will strip it even without the ending '>' if  '<' followed by a
non-space char.

If we need to check whether is a closed tag it is a feature request to change 
behavior. it will break BC.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at

Bug #62037 [Opn]: .user.ini ignores open_basedir parameter

2012-05-15 Thread karlis dot kisis at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 62037
 User updated by:karlis dot kisis at gmail dot com
 Reported by:karlis dot kisis at gmail dot com
 Summary:.user.ini ignores open_basedir parameter
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Safe Mode/open_basedir
 Operating System:   CentOS 6.2 x86_64
 PHP Version:5.3.13
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

turns out that if the master value for open_basedir is None, then .user.ini 
value works!

seems that .user.ini cannot override the master value from php.ini if 
open_basedir is defined.

still a bug in my opinion.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 14:33:52] karlis dot kisis at gmail dot com


open_basedir parameter is ignored in .user.ini:
max_input_time = 333 
open_basedir = "/home"
display_errors = On
include_path = "/home"

the rest of the parameters from above work fine.

php is run as fcgi on apache 2.2.22 with mod_fcgid.c.

according to the docs, open_basedir should be configurable anywhere since 
version 5.3

Test script:
changed parameters are shown in phpinfo(), except open_basedir which remains 

Expected result:

open_basedir setting from .user.ini to be in effect.

Edit this bug report at

Bug #62032 [Com]: filter_var incorrectly strips characters from strings after "<"

2012-05-15 Thread aleksey dot v dot korzun at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 62032
 Comment by: aleksey dot v dot korzun at gmail dot com
 Reported by:iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
 Summary:filter_var incorrectly strips characters from
 strings after "<"
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Filter related
 Operating System:   Mac OS X
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

How is stripping anything after < with a space is a valid operation? That seems 
like a lazy man's html stripper.

Let's just blindly strip everything that can possibly be made into an html tag 
any sort. Not.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 14:49:02]

> or < should be encoded then, see

btw, any option should be added using the option array or defaults, as it is 
case already.

[2012-05-15 14:45:27] iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com

So in that case I think strip_tags and filter_var are both broken.  In this 
"It is true that 5<10"
"It is true that 5 < 10"  

Neither of these are html tags so the string should not be touched regardless 
of if 
there is a space or not.

[2012-05-15 14:42:47] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

PS: the reason why strip_tags() didn't strip it is '<' is followed by a
space char but not without ending '>', this is the key point.

look deep into the source code, there difference is switch whether or 
not to trait '<' followed by a(or more) spaces a tag or not.

[2012-05-15 14:36:26] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

strip_tags will strip it even without the ending '>' if  '<' followed by a
non-space char.

If we need to check whether is a closed tag it is a feature request to change 
behavior. it will break BC.

[2012-05-15 14:26:52] iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com

Well I can understand stripping it if there is a closing > somewhere, but if it 
a < that is not followed by a matching > then it should be allowed in the 
and not stripped.  I think strip_tags works as expected.

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at

Bug #62032 [Opn]: filter_var incorrectly strips characters from strings after "<"

2012-05-15 Thread pajoye
Edit report at

 ID: 62032
 Updated by:
 Reported by:iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
 Summary:filter_var incorrectly strips characters from
 strings after "<"
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Filter related
 Operating System:   Mac OS X
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

> or < should be encoded then, see

btw, any option should be added using the option array or defaults, as it is 
case already.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 14:45:27] iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com

So in that case I think strip_tags and filter_var are both broken.  In this 
"It is true that 5<10"
"It is true that 5 < 10"  

Neither of these are html tags so the string should not be touched regardless 
of if 
there is a space or not.

[2012-05-15 14:42:47] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

PS: the reason why strip_tags() didn't strip it is '<' is followed by a
space char but not without ending '>', this is the key point.

look deep into the source code, there difference is switch whether or 
not to trait '<' followed by a(or more) spaces a tag or not.

[2012-05-15 14:36:26] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

strip_tags will strip it even without the ending '>' if  '<' followed by a
non-space char.

If we need to check whether is a closed tag it is a feature request to change 
behavior. it will break BC.

[2012-05-15 14:26:52] iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com

Well I can understand stripping it if there is a closing > somewhere, but if it 
a < that is not followed by a matching > then it should be allowed in the 
and not stripped.  I think strip_tags works as expected.

[2012-05-15 14:24:14] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

  I think it's a document problem. you could refer this commit:

strip_tags() didn't allow space after < so strip_tags didn't trait it as a 
tag so it didn't get striped.

filter_var allow space after < so,  it striped everything after <.

I think we could add an extra paramater to strip_tags() allow space after <
and document it eg:

string strip_tags(string str [, string allowable_tags = null [, bool 
allow_tag_spaces = false]])

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at

Bug #62032 [Opn]: filter_var incorrectly strips characters from strings after "<"

2012-05-15 Thread iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 62032
 User updated by:iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
 Reported by:iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
 Summary:filter_var incorrectly strips characters from
 strings after "<"
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Filter related
 Operating System:   Mac OS X
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

So in that case I think strip_tags and filter_var are both broken.  In this 
"It is true that 5<10"
"It is true that 5 < 10"  

Neither of these are html tags so the string should not be touched regardless 
of if 
there is a space or not.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 14:42:47] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

PS: the reason why strip_tags() didn't strip it is '<' is followed by a
space char but not without ending '>', this is the key point.

look deep into the source code, there difference is switch whether or 
not to trait '<' followed by a(or more) spaces a tag or not.

[2012-05-15 14:36:26] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

strip_tags will strip it even without the ending '>' if  '<' followed by a
non-space char.

If we need to check whether is a closed tag it is a feature request to change 
behavior. it will break BC.

[2012-05-15 14:26:52] iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com

Well I can understand stripping it if there is a closing > somewhere, but if it 
a < that is not followed by a matching > then it should be allowed in the 
and not stripped.  I think strip_tags works as expected.

[2012-05-15 14:24:14] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

  I think it's a document problem. you could refer this commit:

strip_tags() didn't allow space after < so strip_tags didn't trait it as a 
tag so it didn't get striped.

filter_var allow space after < so,  it striped everything after <.

I think we could add an extra paramater to strip_tags() allow space after <
and document it eg:

string strip_tags(string str [, string allowable_tags = null [, bool 
allow_tag_spaces = false]])

[2012-05-14 17:19:48] iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com


Noticed that for strings with < in them outside of html tags, filter_var will 
strip out all characters that come after the <.

Test script:

Bug #62032 [Com]: filter_var incorrectly strips characters from strings after "<"

2012-05-15 Thread reeze dot xia at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 62032
 Comment by: reeze dot xia at gmail dot com
 Reported by:iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
 Summary:filter_var incorrectly strips characters from
 strings after "<"
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Filter related
 Operating System:   Mac OS X
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

PS: the reason why strip_tags() didn't strip it is '<' is followed by a
space char but not without ending '>', this is the key point.

look deep into the source code, there difference is switch whether or 
not to trait '<' followed by a(or more) spaces a tag or not.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 14:36:26] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

strip_tags will strip it even without the ending '>' if  '<' followed by a
non-space char.

If we need to check whether is a closed tag it is a feature request to change 
behavior. it will break BC.

[2012-05-15 14:26:52] iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com

Well I can understand stripping it if there is a closing > somewhere, but if it 
a < that is not followed by a matching > then it should be allowed in the 
and not stripped.  I think strip_tags works as expected.

[2012-05-15 14:24:14] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

  I think it's a document problem. you could refer this commit:

strip_tags() didn't allow space after < so strip_tags didn't trait it as a 
tag so it didn't get striped.

filter_var allow space after < so,  it striped everything after <.

I think we could add an extra paramater to strip_tags() allow space after <
and document it eg:

string strip_tags(string str [, string allowable_tags = null [, bool 
allow_tag_spaces = false]])

[2012-05-14 17:19:48] iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com


Noticed that for strings with < in them outside of html tags, filter_var will 
strip out all characters that come after the <.

Test script:

Bug #62032 [Com]: filter_var incorrectly strips characters from strings after "<"

2012-05-15 Thread reeze dot xia at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 62032
 Comment by: reeze dot xia at gmail dot com
 Reported by:iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
 Summary:filter_var incorrectly strips characters from
 strings after "<"
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Filter related
 Operating System:   Mac OS X
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

strip_tags will strip it even without the ending '>' if  '<' followed by a
non-space char.

If we need to check whether is a closed tag it is a feature request to change 
behavior. it will break BC.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 14:26:52] iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com

Well I can understand stripping it if there is a closing > somewhere, but if it 
a < that is not followed by a matching > then it should be allowed in the 
and not stripped.  I think strip_tags works as expected.

[2012-05-15 14:24:14] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

  I think it's a document problem. you could refer this commit:

strip_tags() didn't allow space after < so strip_tags didn't trait it as a 
tag so it didn't get striped.

filter_var allow space after < so,  it striped everything after <.

I think we could add an extra paramater to strip_tags() allow space after <
and document it eg:

string strip_tags(string str [, string allowable_tags = null [, bool 
allow_tag_spaces = false]])

[2012-05-14 17:19:48] iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com


Noticed that for strings with < in them outside of html tags, filter_var will 
strip out all characters that come after the <.

Test script:

[PHP-BUG] Bug #62037 [NEW]: .user.ini ignores open_basedir parameter

2012-05-15 Thread karlis dot kisis at gmail dot com
Operating system: CentOS 6.2 x86_64
PHP version:  5.3.13
Package:  Safe Mode/open_basedir
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:.user.ini ignores open_basedir parameter


open_basedir parameter is ignored in .user.ini:
max_input_time = 333 
open_basedir = "/home"
display_errors = On
include_path = "/home"

the rest of the parameters from above work fine.

php is run as fcgi on apache 2.2.22 with mod_fcgid.c.

according to the docs, open_basedir should be configurable anywhere since
version 5.3

Test script:
changed parameters are shown in phpinfo(), except open_basedir which
remains unchanged.

Expected result:

open_basedir setting from .user.ini to be in effect.

Edit bug report at
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Need Reproduce Script:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:
PHP 4 support discontinued:
Daylight Savings:
IIS Stability:
Install GNU Sed:
Floating point limitations:
No Zend Extensions:
MySQL Configuration Error:

Bug #62032 [Opn]: filter_var incorrectly strips characters from strings after "<"

2012-05-15 Thread iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 62032
 User updated by:iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
 Reported by:iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
 Summary:filter_var incorrectly strips characters from
 strings after "<"
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Filter related
 Operating System:   Mac OS X
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Well I can understand stripping it if there is a closing > somewhere, but if it 
a < that is not followed by a matching > then it should be allowed in the 
and not stripped.  I think strip_tags works as expected.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 14:24:14] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

  I think it's a document problem. you could refer this commit:

strip_tags() didn't allow space after < so strip_tags didn't trait it as a 
tag so it didn't get striped.

filter_var allow space after < so,  it striped everything after <.

I think we could add an extra paramater to strip_tags() allow space after <
and document it eg:

string strip_tags(string str [, string allowable_tags = null [, bool 
allow_tag_spaces = false]])

[2012-05-14 17:19:48] iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com


Noticed that for strings with < in them outside of html tags, filter_var will 
strip out all characters that come after the <.

Test script:

Bug #62032 [Com]: filter_var incorrectly strips characters from strings after "<"

2012-05-15 Thread reeze dot xia at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 62032
 Comment by: reeze dot xia at gmail dot com
 Reported by:iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com
 Summary:filter_var incorrectly strips characters from
 strings after "<"
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Filter related
 Operating System:   Mac OS X
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

  I think it's a document problem. you could refer this commit:

strip_tags() didn't allow space after < so strip_tags didn't trait it as a 
tag so it didn't get striped.

filter_var allow space after < so,  it striped everything after <.

I think we could add an extra paramater to strip_tags() allow space after <
and document it eg:

string strip_tags(string str [, string allowable_tags = null [, bool 
allow_tag_spaces = false]])

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-14 17:19:48] iamcraigcampbell at gmail dot com


Noticed that for strings with < in them outside of html tags, filter_var will 
strip out all characters that come after the <.

Test script:

Bug #60817 [Csd]: stream_get_line() incorrectly blocks

2012-05-15 Thread cataphract
Edit report at

 ID: 60817
 Updated by:
 Reported by:landeholm at gmail dot com
 Summary:stream_get_line() incorrectly blocks
 Status: Closed
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Streams related
 Operating System:   Linux/Ubuntu
 PHP Version:5.3.9
 Assigned To:cataphract
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

This fix is only on 5.3.11, so it's normal you're experiencing the problem in 

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 12:23:04] olouvignes at gmail dot com

Just migrated from 11.10 w/ php5.3.6-13 to 12.04 w/ php5.3.10-1 and this new 
version broken a beanstalkd socket. It does not stop on "\r\n" anymore and 
till timeout, while it works correctly on 5.3.6-13.

[2012-04-18 09:46:27]

Automatic comment on behalf of cataphract
Log: - Further fix for bug #60455 (stream_get_line misbehaves if EOF is not 
detected   together with the last read). - Fixed bug #60817 (stream_get_line() 
reads from stream even when there is   already sufficient data buffered). 
stream_get_line() now behaves more like   fgets(), as is documented. #withheld 
commit to 5.4

[2012-03-06 14:47:41] john dot papaioannou at gmail dot com

I am still seeing this issue using the code given by landeholm at gmail dot com 
(broken down into two scripts because I 'm on Windows). Specifically, referring 
to this line:

print "server got line: " . stream_get_line($socket2, 1024, "\r\n") . "\n";

* with a buffer size of 1024, the read times out
* with buffer sizes smaller or equal to the lines actually being written from 
the client (e.g. tried 5 and 8 bytes) the read works

Windows 7 x64, PHP 5.3.10 x86 on Apache 2.2.21

[2012-03-05 01:56:18]

Re-opened to track 5.4. Please merge to 5.4 and close.

[2012-01-22 20:57:19]

This bug has been fixed in SVN.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at

 For Windows:
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Fixed, now the function doesn't try to fill the buffer with $length bytes; it 
behaves more like fgets() typically returning false in the last iteration (if 
file ends with the delimiter).

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at

Bug #60817 [ReO->Csd]: stream_get_line() incorrectly blocks

2012-05-15 Thread cataphract
Edit report at

 ID: 60817
 Updated by:
 Reported by:landeholm at gmail dot com
 Summary:stream_get_line() incorrectly blocks
-Status: Re-Opened
+Status: Closed
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Streams related
 Operating System:   Linux/Ubuntu
 PHP Version:5.3.9
 Assigned To:cataphract
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 12:23:04] olouvignes at gmail dot com

Just migrated from 11.10 w/ php5.3.6-13 to 12.04 w/ php5.3.10-1 and this new 
version broken a beanstalkd socket. It does not stop on "\r\n" anymore and 
till timeout, while it works correctly on 5.3.6-13.

[2012-04-18 09:46:27]

Automatic comment on behalf of cataphract
Log: - Further fix for bug #60455 (stream_get_line misbehaves if EOF is not 
detected   together with the last read). - Fixed bug #60817 (stream_get_line() 
reads from stream even when there is   already sufficient data buffered). 
stream_get_line() now behaves more like   fgets(), as is documented. #withheld 
commit to 5.4

[2012-03-06 14:47:41] john dot papaioannou at gmail dot com

I am still seeing this issue using the code given by landeholm at gmail dot com 
(broken down into two scripts because I 'm on Windows). Specifically, referring 
to this line:

print "server got line: " . stream_get_line($socket2, 1024, "\r\n") . "\n";

* with a buffer size of 1024, the read times out
* with buffer sizes smaller or equal to the lines actually being written from 
the client (e.g. tried 5 and 8 bytes) the read works

Windows 7 x64, PHP 5.3.10 x86 on Apache 2.2.21

[2012-03-05 01:56:18]

Re-opened to track 5.4. Please merge to 5.4 and close.

[2012-01-22 20:57:19]

This bug has been fixed in SVN.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at

 For Windows:
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Fixed, now the function doesn't try to fill the buffer with $length bytes; it 
behaves more like fgets() typically returning false in the last iteration (if 
file ends with the delimiter).

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at

Bug #19451 [Opn->Nab]: Fucking Guestbook!, Please help me, It's very important for me

2012-05-15 Thread pajoye
Edit report at

 ID: 19451
 Updated by:
 Reported by:ikez2605 at gmail dot com
 Summary:Fucking Guestbook!, Please help me, It's very
 important for me
-Status: Open
+Status: Not a bug
 Type:   Bug
 Package:*General Issues
 Operating System:   Win 98 SE
 PHP Version:4.2.3
 Block user comment: Y
 Private report: N

 New Comment:


Previous Comments:

[2002-09-17 07:40:46]

Sorry, but the bug system is not the appropriate forum for asking
support questions. Your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.
For a list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP,
please visit

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

[2002-09-17 07:37:10] kazworks at t-online dot de


[2002-09-17 07:36:43]

In PHP 4.2.0, the 'register_globals' setting default changed to
'off'. See for more info.
We are sorry about the inconvenience, but this change was a necessary
part of our efforts to make PHP scripting more secure and portable.

[2002-09-17 07:35:31] ikez2605 at gmail dot com

Look here, this is the sourcetext of my guestbook, but if i tried to use, there 
is the notice:

Undefined variable 'message'

 !Sorry for my bad English!


  //Eingaben überprüfen
  //Kein richtiger Name eingegeben
  $error_msg="Bitte geben Sie Ihren Namen an";
  //Kein Eintrag vorgenommen
  $error_msg.="Bitte geben Sie auch etwas in das Gästebuch ein.";
  //Mailadresse korrekt angegeben - Name entsprechend formatieren
  $name="mailto:"; . $email . ">" . $name . "";
  //Es wurde auch eine Homepageadresse angegeben - entsprechende Formatierung 
//http:// fehlt in der Angabe der Adresse - hier ergänzen
$homepage="http://"; . $homepage;
  $hp_format="Homepage: " . 
$homepage . "";
  //Ende Eingaben überprüfen

  //Fehlerhafte Angaben - Hinweis ausgeben und keinen Eintrag vornehmen
 $message ="Ihr Eintrag konnte leider nicht in unser Gästebuch 
aufgenommen werden:";
 $message.="Klicken Sie auf zurück.";


 //Neuen Gästebucheintrag vornehmen
 //Neuen Gästebucheintrag formatieren
 $new_entry ="\n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="Name: " . $name . 
$hp_format . "\n";
 $new_entry.="" . date("d.m.Y H:i") . 
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="  " . $eintrag . "\n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";


 //Zuerst alte Einträge auslesen
 if(file_exists($guestfile)) {

 //Gästebucheinträge neu anlegen und den neuen an den Beginn schreiben
 if(isset($guest_data))  fputs($fp,$guest_data);

 //Mail verschicken
 $subject="Neuer Eintrag im Gaestebuch";
 $mail_body="Neuer Eintrag im Gaestebuch";



P.S If you want to help me, you will need the files guestbook_data.html and 
guestbook_data.html is a empty .html-file,
and here is the source text of guestbook_new.php:

Name :

E-Mail :

Homepage :


 Kommentar :itschoritly


Edit this bug report at

Bug #60817 [Com]: stream_get_line() incorrectly blocks

2012-05-15 Thread olouvignes at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 60817
 Comment by: olouvignes at gmail dot com
 Reported by:landeholm at gmail dot com
 Summary:stream_get_line() incorrectly blocks
 Status: Re-Opened
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Streams related
 Operating System:   Linux/Ubuntu
 PHP Version:5.3.9
 Assigned To:cataphract
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Just migrated from 11.10 w/ php5.3.6-13 to 12.04 w/ php5.3.10-1 and this new 
version broken a beanstalkd socket. It does not stop on "\r\n" anymore and 
till timeout, while it works correctly on 5.3.6-13.

Previous Comments:

[2012-04-18 09:46:27]

Automatic comment on behalf of cataphract
Log: - Further fix for bug #60455 (stream_get_line misbehaves if EOF is not 
detected   together with the last read). - Fixed bug #60817 (stream_get_line() 
reads from stream even when there is   already sufficient data buffered). 
stream_get_line() now behaves more like   fgets(), as is documented. #withheld 
commit to 5.4

[2012-03-06 14:47:41] john dot papaioannou at gmail dot com

I am still seeing this issue using the code given by landeholm at gmail dot com 
(broken down into two scripts because I 'm on Windows). Specifically, referring 
to this line:

print "server got line: " . stream_get_line($socket2, 1024, "\r\n") . "\n";

* with a buffer size of 1024, the read times out
* with buffer sizes smaller or equal to the lines actually being written from 
the client (e.g. tried 5 and 8 bytes) the read works

Windows 7 x64, PHP 5.3.10 x86 on Apache 2.2.21

[2012-03-05 01:56:18]

Re-opened to track 5.4. Please merge to 5.4 and close.

[2012-01-22 20:57:19]

This bug has been fixed in SVN.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at

 For Windows:
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Fixed, now the function doesn't try to fill the buffer with $length bytes; it 
behaves more like fgets() typically returning false in the last iteration (if 
file ends with the delimiter).

[2012-01-22 20:30:38]

Automatic comment from SVN on behalf of cataphract
Log: - Further fix for bug #60455 (stream_get_line misbehaves if EOF is not 
  together with the last read).
- Fixed bug #60817 (stream_get_line() reads from stream even when there is
  already sufficient data buffered). stream_get_line() now behaves more like
  fgets(), as is documented.
#withheld commit to 5.4

The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at

Bug #19451 [->Opn]: Fucking Guestbook!, Please help me, It's very important for me

2012-05-15 Thread pajoye
Edit report at

 ID: 19451
 Updated by:
 Reported by:ikez2605 at gmail dot com
 Summary:Fucking Guestbook!, Please help me, It's very
 important for me
+Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:*General Issues
 Operating System:   Win 98 SE
 PHP Version:4.2.3
-Block user comment: No
+Block user comment: Yes
 Private report: N

Previous Comments:

[2002-09-17 07:40:46]

Sorry, but the bug system is not the appropriate forum for asking
support questions. Your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.
For a list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP,
please visit

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

[2002-09-17 07:37:10] kazworks at t-online dot de


[2002-09-17 07:36:43]

In PHP 4.2.0, the 'register_globals' setting default changed to
'off'. See for more info.
We are sorry about the inconvenience, but this change was a necessary
part of our efforts to make PHP scripting more secure and portable.

[2002-09-17 07:35:31] ikez2605 at gmail dot com

Look here, this is the sourcetext of my guestbook, but if i tried to use, there 
is the notice:

Undefined variable 'message'

 !Sorry for my bad English!


  //Eingaben überprüfen
  //Kein richtiger Name eingegeben
  $error_msg="Bitte geben Sie Ihren Namen an";
  //Kein Eintrag vorgenommen
  $error_msg.="Bitte geben Sie auch etwas in das Gästebuch ein.";
  //Mailadresse korrekt angegeben - Name entsprechend formatieren
  $name="mailto:"; . $email . ">" . $name . "";
  //Es wurde auch eine Homepageadresse angegeben - entsprechende Formatierung 
//http:// fehlt in der Angabe der Adresse - hier ergänzen
$homepage="http://"; . $homepage;
  $hp_format="Homepage: " . 
$homepage . "";
  //Ende Eingaben überprüfen

  //Fehlerhafte Angaben - Hinweis ausgeben und keinen Eintrag vornehmen
 $message ="Ihr Eintrag konnte leider nicht in unser Gästebuch 
aufgenommen werden:";
 $message.="Klicken Sie auf zurück.";


 //Neuen Gästebucheintrag vornehmen
 //Neuen Gästebucheintrag formatieren
 $new_entry ="\n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="Name: " . $name . 
$hp_format . "\n";
 $new_entry.="" . date("d.m.Y H:i") . 
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="  " . $eintrag . "\n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";


 //Zuerst alte Einträge auslesen
 if(file_exists($guestfile)) {

 //Gästebucheinträge neu anlegen und den neuen an den Beginn schreiben
 if(isset($guest_data))  fputs($fp,$guest_data);

 //Mail verschicken
 $subject="Neuer Eintrag im Gaestebuch";
 $mail_body="Neuer Eintrag im Gaestebuch";



P.S If you want to help me, you will need the files guestbook_data.html and 
guestbook_data.html is a empty .html-file,
and here is the source text of guestbook_new.php:

Name :

E-Mail :

Homepage :


 Kommentar :itschoritly


Edit this bug report at

Bug #19451 [Nab]: Fucking Guestbook!, Please help me, It's very important for me

2012-05-15 Thread ikez2605 at gmail dot com
Edit report at

 ID: 19451
 User updated by:ikez2605 at gmail dot com
 Reported by:ikez2605 at gmail dot com
 Summary:Fucking Guestbook!, Please help me, It's very
 important for me
 Status: Not a bug
 Type:   Bug
 Package:*General Issues
 Operating System:   Win 98 SE
 PHP Version:4.2.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:>coach outlet coach outlet 
NIykdWndzkpDIH>coach purses 
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outlet store online coach shoes

Previous Comments:

[2002-09-17 07:40:46]

Sorry, but the bug system is not the appropriate forum for asking
support questions. Your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.
For a list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP,
please visit

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

[2002-09-17 07:37:10] kazworks at t-online dot de


[2002-09-17 07:36:43]

In PHP 4.2.0, the 'register_globals' setting default changed to
'off'. See for more info.
We are sorry about the inconvenience, but this change was a necessary
part of our efforts to make PHP scripting more secure and portable.

[2002-09-17 07:35:31] ikez2605 at gmail dot com

Look here, this is the sourcetext of my guestbook, but if i tried to use, there 
is the notice:

Undefined variable 'message'

 !Sorry for my bad English!


  //Eingaben überprüfen
  //Kein richtiger Name eingegeben
  $error_msg="Bitte geben Sie Ihren Namen an";
  //Kein Eintrag vorgenommen
  $error_msg.="Bitte geben Sie auch etwas in das Gästebuch ein.";
  //Mailadresse korrekt angegeben - Name entsprechend formatieren
  $name="mailto:"; . $email . ">" . $name . "";
  //Es wurde auch eine Homepageadresse angegeben - entsprechende Formatierung 
//http:// fehlt in der Angabe der Adresse - hier ergänzen
$homepage="http://"; . $homepage;
  $hp_format="Homepage: " . 
$homepage . "";
  //Ende Eingaben überprüfen

  //Fehlerhafte Angaben - Hinweis ausgeben und keinen Eintrag vornehmen
 $message ="Ihr Eintrag konnte leider nicht in unser Gästebuch 
aufgenommen werden:";
 $message.="Klicken Sie auf zurück.";


 //Neuen Gästebucheintrag vornehmen
 //Neuen Gästebucheintrag formatieren
 $new_entry ="\n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="Name: " . $name . 
$hp_format . "\n";
 $new_entry.="" . date("d.m.Y H:i") . 
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="  " . $eintrag . "\n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";
 $new_entry.="  \n";


 //Zuerst alte Einträge auslesen
 if(file_exists($guestfile)) {

 //Gästebucheinträge neu anlegen und den neuen an den Beginn schreiben
 if(isset($guest_data))  fputs($fp,$guest_data);

 //Mail verschicken
 $subject="Neuer Eintrag im Gaestebuch";
 $mail_body="Neuer Eintrag im Gaestebuch";



P.S If you want to help me, you will need the files guestbook_data.html and 
guestbook_data.html is a empty .html-file,
and here is the source text of guestbook_new.php:

Name :

E-Mail :

Homepage :


 Kommentar :itschoritly


Edit this bug report at

Bug #53185 [Com]: PDO_MYSQL constructor, PHP warning w/ Exception error mode

2012-05-15 Thread jach at wayf dot dk
Edit report at

 ID: 53185
 Comment by: jach at wayf dot dk
 Reported by:alexc223 at googlemail dot com
 Summary:PDO_MYSQL constructor, PHP warning w/ Exception
 error mode
 Status: Assigned
 Type:   Bug
 Package:PDO related
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:5.3.3
 Assigned To:kalle
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Same error on OSX version 3.5.10

Previous Comments:

[2010-12-22 17:19:46] alexc223 at googlemail dot com

Maybe there needs to be a way for it to know? Either way, it's highly annoying 
since there is very little ways to handle it.

[2010-11-02 22:12:57]

The warning come from mysqlnd_connect() call that nothing knows about such PDO 

[2010-10-27 17:17:23] alexc223 at googlemail dot com


A PHP warning is generated even though I've explicitly set the PDO error mode 
use exceptions. This warning occurs when the MySQL socket does not exist (for 
example, if MySQL is not yet started).

This makes it quite impossible to handle.

Test script:
   } catch ( PDOException $e ) {
  echo 'unable to connect';

Expected result:

unable to connect

Actual result:
Warning: PDO::__construct(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to 
via unix:///var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock) in php shell code on line 2
unable to connect

Edit this bug report at

[PHP-BUG] Bug #62036 [NEW]: CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER] returns both boolean and response

2012-05-15 Thread ken dot depelchin at gmail dot com
Operating system: N/A
PHP version:  5.3.13
Package:  cURL related
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER] returns both boolean and response


When calling a API and converting the response to an associative array, the
returned response can not be converted because of the extra boolean in the
response. Only viewable when exit($response)

The options of the cURL operation are set using the @curl_setopt_array($ch,

When checked for the header, it does not indicate any problem and it
outputs the correct content (with content length)

When dumped the boolean is dumped with the correct response.

Test script:
// check if curl is available
if(!function_exists('curl_init')) throw new Exception('This method requires
cURL (, it seems like the extension isn\'t
$url =

// set options
//  $options[CURLOPT_URL] = (string) $url;
//  $options[CURLOPT_USERAGENT] = 'PlonkHTTP '. self::version;
//  $options[CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION] = true;
//  $options[CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER] = true;
//  $options[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT] = 20;
//  $options[CURLOPT_HEADER] = true;
// init
$curl = @curl_init();
//  @curl_setopt_array($curl, $options);
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_URL, (string) $url);
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
// execute
$response = @curl_exec($curl);
// fetch errors
$errorNumber = @curl_errno($curl);
$errorMessage = @curl_error($curl);
// close

Expected result:

The script will result in a decent response on a local webserver. In a
production environment, it gives the extra boolean when outputted.

Actual result:

Edit bug report at
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Need Reproduce Script:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:
PHP 4 support discontinued:
Daylight Savings:
IIS Stability:
Install GNU Sed:
Floating point limitations:
No Zend Extensions:
MySQL Configuration Error:

Bug #62022 [Asn]: Minor fixes to tests

2012-05-15 Thread
Edit report at

 ID: 62022
 User updated
 Summary:Minor fixes to tests
 Status: Assigned
 Type:   Bug
 Package:Testing related
 Operating System:   Any
 PHP Version:5.4Git-2012-05-14 (Git)
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Tests updated except:

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-14 12:32:38]


A few tests with very minor errors, caught by new run tests code.

ext/dom/tests/DOMAttr_value_basic_001.phpt - change CREDIT to CREDITS
ext/dom/tests/DOMAttr_value_basic_002.phpt ditto
ext/dom/tests/DOMCharacterData_data_error_002.phpt ditto
ext/dom/tests/DOMCharacterData_length_error_001.phpt ditto
ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_options_openbasedir.phpt remove empty INI section
ext/posix/tests/posix_setgid_error.phpt remove empty CREDITS
ext/reflection/tests/bug47254.phpt remove empty CLEAN section
ext/standard/tests/file/windows_links/bug48746.phpt chenge CREDiT to CREDITS
ext/standard/tests/file/windows_links/bug48746_1.phpt ditto
ext/standard/tests/file/windows_links/bug48746_2.phpt ditto
ext/standard/tests/file/windows_links/bug48746_3.phpt ditto
ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities15.phpt COMMENT? check run-tests.php.

Edit this bug report at

Bug #21260 [Opn->NoF]: phpBB fails to work with GD turned on

2012-05-15 Thread pajoye
Edit report at

 ID: 21260
 Updated by:
 Reported by:cmsaspopup at mail dot ru
 Summary:phpBB fails to work with GD turned on
-Status: Open
+Status: No Feedback
 Type:   Bug
 Package:*General Issues
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:4.3.0
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

Previous Comments:

[2003-01-13 18:18:54]

No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to "Open". Thank you.

[2002-12-28 22:35:24]

Please run the following test on your system:

1) Create a file named "testgd.php" in the document root of your webserver with 
the following content:

2) Browse the URL for that page (i.e.: )

3) Tell us if a white square with a black frame appears.

If the image shows properly then the problem is likely with PHPBB and there's 
nothing anyone here can do.  If not, then there may be a problem with your GD 

[2002-12-28 21:56:17] cmsaspopup at mail dot ru

I use PHPbb on my web site(I have also already reported this problem to them) 
when I install PHP without the new GD support in 4.3.0 turned on everything 
works fine, however if I turn the GD support on the PHPbb fails to load and all 
I get is a blank errors no anything

The following are my configure lines

PHPbb works
./configure --with-mysql=/mysql --with-apxs 

PHPbb doesn't work...
./configure --with-mysql=/mysql --with-apxs --with-gd 

I should mention that I also use phpMyAdmin...and that works fine either way

Edit this bug report at

Bug #21260 [->Opn]: phpBB fails to work with GD turned on

2012-05-15 Thread pajoye
Edit report at

 ID: 21260
 Updated by:
 Reported by:cmsaspopup at mail dot ru
 Summary:phpBB fails to work with GD turned on
+Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:*General Issues
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:4.3.0
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 10:05:25] cmsaspopup at mail dot ru

Всем привет! 
Если вы хотите собственный рекламный 
бизнес в сети Интернет, тогда вам будет 
интересна эта статья!
В начале 2007 года началась разработка 
скрипта рекламного сервиса PopUp v1.0, 
компанией Minatrix. В то время это был самый пик 
подобной рекламы. Сам скрипт был очень 
простой и имел минимальный набор функций, 
но не смотря на это, стал лидирующим 
продуктом в рекламном бизнесе. С того 
времени, велись постоянные доработки и 
внедрения новых видов рекламы, прошёл 
множество стадий тестирования. Были учтины 
все пожелания клиентов и в итоге получился 
мощнейший скрипт в данном направлении. На 
данный момент с гордостью можем сообщить, 
что на данный момент - это самый 
функциональный, не имеющий уязвимостей, 
хорошо защищён от взломов и накруток, 
постоянно-обновляемый продукт. 
Стоимость скрипта в соотношении: 
качество/цена поражают многих, тем более, 
что мы всегда идём на встречу клиента и 
предлогаем гибкие условия покупки в 
рассрочку. Вложенные средства в скрипт 
быстро и легко окупаются! Всё зависит 
только от ваших возможностей, желания и 
стратегии развития!

В продаже появилась новая версия скрипта 
рекламного сервиса: CMS AdminStation + PopUp v4.0 pro.
Сейчас уже сложно назвать этот скрипт PopUp, 
т.к. в нём уже 9 популярных в сети видов 
рекламы, а именно:
1. PopUp - реклама
2. Баннерная реклама
3. Контекстная реклама
4. Тизерная реклама
5. BodyClick (ClickUnder)
6. Peel-down (уголок)
7. Плавающий блок ссылок
8. Расстяжка (Top-line)
9. ICQ-window

Более подробно вы можете узнать на сайте:

[2003-01-13 18:18:54]

No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to "Open". Thank you.

[2002-12-28 22:35:24]

Please run the following test on your system:

1) Create a file named "testgd.php" in the document root of your webserver with 
the following content:

2) Browse the URL for that page (i.e.: )

3) Tell us if a white square with a black frame appears.

If the image shows properly then the problem is likely with PHPBB and there's 
nothing anyone here can do.  If not, then there may be a problem with your GD 

[2002-12-28 21:56:17] cmsaspopup at mail dot ru

I use PHPbb on my web site(I have also already reported this problem to them) 
when I install PHP without the new GD support in 4.3.0 turned on everything 
works fine, however if I turn the GD support on the PHPbb fails to load and all 
I get is a blank errors no anything

The following are my configure lines

PHPbb works
./configure --with-mysql=/mysql --with-apxs 

PHPbb doesn't work...
./configure --with-mysql=/mysql --with-apxs --with-gd 

I should mention that I also use phpMyAdmin..

Bug #21260 [NoF]: phpBB fails to work with GD turned on

2012-05-15 Thread cmsaspopup at mail dot ru
Edit report at

 ID: 21260
 User updated by:cmsaspopup at mail dot ru
 Reported by:cmsaspopup at mail dot ru
 Summary:phpBB fails to work with GD turned on
 Status: No Feedback
 Type:   Bug
-Package:GD related
+Package:*General Issues
 Operating System:   Linux
 PHP Version:4.3.0
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Всем привет! 
Если вы хотите собственный рекламный 
бизнес в сети Интернет, тогда вам будет 
интересна эта статья!
В начале 2007 года началась разработка 
скрипта рекламного сервиса PopUp v1.0, 
компанией Minatrix. В то время это был самый пик 
подобной рекламы. Сам скрипт был очень 
простой и имел минимальный набор функций, 
но не смотря на это, стал лидирующим 
продуктом в рекламном бизнесе. С того 
времени, велись постоянные доработки и 
внедрения новых видов рекламы, прошёл 
множество стадий тестирования. Были учтины 
все пожелания клиентов и в итоге получился 
мощнейший скрипт в данном направлении. На 
данный момент с гордостью можем сообщить, 
что на данный момент - это самый 
функциональный, не имеющий уязвимостей, 
хорошо защищён от взломов и накруток, 
постоянно-обновляемый продукт. 
Стоимость скрипта в соотношении: 
качество/цена поражают многих, тем более, 
что мы всегда идём на встречу клиента и 
предлогаем гибкие условия покупки в 
рассрочку. Вложенные средства в скрипт 
быстро и легко окупаются! Всё зависит 
только от ваших возможностей, желания и 
стратегии развития!

В продаже появилась новая версия скрипта 
рекламного сервиса: CMS AdminStation + PopUp v4.0 pro.
Сейчас уже сложно назвать этот скрипт PopUp, 
т.к. в нём уже 9 популярных в сети видов 
рекламы, а именно:
1. PopUp - реклама
2. Баннерная реклама
3. Контекстная реклама
4. Тизерная реклама
5. BodyClick (ClickUnder)
6. Peel-down (уголок)
7. Плавающий блок ссылок
8. Расстяжка (Top-line)
9. ICQ-window

Более подробно вы можете узнать на сайте:

Previous Comments:

[2003-01-13 18:18:54]

No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to "Open". Thank you.

[2002-12-28 22:35:24]

Please run the following test on your system:

1) Create a file named "testgd.php" in the document root of your webserver with 
the following content:

2) Browse the URL for that page (i.e.: )

3) Tell us if a white square with a black frame appears.

If the image shows properly then the problem is likely with PHPBB and there's 
nothing anyone here can do.  If not, then there may be a problem with your GD 

[2002-12-28 21:56:17] cmsaspopup at mail dot ru

I use PHPbb on my web site(I have also already reported this problem to them) 
when I install PHP without the new GD support in 4.3.0 turned on everything 
works fine, however if I turn the GD support on the PHPbb fails to load and all 
I get is a blank errors no anything

The following are my configure lines

PHPbb works
./configure --with-mysql=/mysql --with-apxs 

PHPbb doesn't work...
./configure --with-mysql=/mysql --with-apxs --with-gd 

I should mention that I also use phpMyAdmin...and that works fine either way


Bug #62035 [Opn]: Problem with ProFTPd hard quotas

2012-05-15 Thread incidencias at ultreia dot es
Edit report at

 ID: 62035
 User updated by:incidencias at ultreia dot es
 Reported by:incidencias at ultreia dot es
 Summary:Problem with ProFTPd hard quotas
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:FTP related
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Ah, and here is my compilation information:

PHP Version => 5.4.3--pl0-gentoo

System => Linux jperez 3.2.0-sabayon #1 SMP Sat Feb 11 08:52:29 UTC 2012 x86_64
Build Date => May 15 2012 10:51:31
Configure Command =>  './configure'  '--prefix=/usr' 
'--build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu' '--host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu' 
'--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--datadir=/usr/share' 
'--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var/lib' '--prefix=/usr/lib64/php5.4' 
'--mandir=/usr/lib64/php5.4/man' '--infodir=/usr/lib64/php5.4/info' 
'--libdir=/usr/lib64/php5.4/lib' '--with-libdir=lib64' '--without-pear' 
'--disable-maintainer-zts' '--enable-bcmath' '--with-bz2' '--enable-calendar' 
'--enable-ctype' '--with-curl' '--without-curlwrappers' '--enable-dom' 
'--without-enchant' '--enable-exif' '--enable-fileinfo' '--enable-filter' 
'--enable-ftp' '--with-gettext' '--with-gmp' '--enable-hash' '--with-mhash' 
'--with-iconv' '--enable-intl' '--enable-ipv6' '--enable-json' 
'--with-kerberos=/usr' '--enable-libxml' '--enable-mbstring' '--with-mcrypt' 
'--without-mssql' '--with-onig=/usr' '--with-openssl' '--with-openssl-dir=/usr' 
'--enable-pcntl' '--enable-phar' '--enable-pdo' '--without-pgsql' 
'--enable-posix' '--with-pspell' '--without-recode' '--enable-simplexml' 
'--disable-shmop' '--with-snmp' '--enable-soap' '--enable-sockets' 
'--with-sqlite3=/usr' '--without-sybase-ct' '--disable-sysvmsg' 
'--disable-sysvsem' '--disable-sysvshm' '--with-tidy' '--enable-tokenizer' 
'--enable-wddx' '--enable-xml' '--disable-xmlreader' '--disable-xmlwriter' 
'--without-xmlrpc' '--with-xsl' '--enable-zip' '--with-zlib' '--disable-debug' 
'--enable-dba' '--without-cdb' '--with-db4' '--disable-flatfile' '--with-gdbm' 
'--disable-inifile' '--without-qdbm' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr' 
'--with-t1lib=/usr' '--enable-gd-jis-conv' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' 
'--with-png-dir=/usr' '--with-xpm-dir=/usr' '--with-gd' '--with-imap' 
'--with-imap-ssl' '--with-mysql=mysqlnd' 
'--with-mysql-sock=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' '--with-mysqli=mysqlnd' 
'--without-pdo-dblib' '--with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd' '--without-pdo-pgsql' 
'--with-pdo-sqlite=/usr' '--without-pdo-odbc' '--with-readline' 
'--without-libedit' '--without-mm' '--with-pcre-regex=/usr' 
'--with-pcre-dir=/usr' '--with-config-file-path=/etc/php/cli-php5.4' 
'--with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/cli-php5.4/ext-active' '--disable-embed' 
'--enable-cli' '--disable-cgi' '--disable-fpm' '--without-apxs2'
Server API => Command Line Interface
Virtual Directory Support => disabled
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc/php/cli-php5.4
Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php/cli-php5.4/php.ini
Scan this dir for additional .ini files => /etc/php/cli-php5.4/ext-active
Additional .ini files parsed => (none)
PHP API => 20100412
PHP Extension => 20100525
Zend Extension => 220100525
Zend Extension Build => API220100525,NTS
PHP Extension Build => API20100525,NTS
Debug Build => no
Thread Safety => disabled
Zend Signal Handling => disabled
Zend Memory Manager => enabled
Zend Multibyte Support => provided by mbstring
IPv6 Support => enabled
DTrace Support => disabled

I've also tried with latest snapshot with the same result:

PHP Version => 5.5.0-dev

System => Linux jperez 3.2.0-sabayon #1 SMP Sat Feb 11 08:52:29 UTC 2012 x86_64
Build Date => May 15 2012 11:18:19
Configure Command =>  './configure'  '--prefix=/usr' 
'--build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu' '--host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu' 
'--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--datadir=/usr/share' 
'--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var/lib' '--prefix=/usr/lib64/php5.4' 
'--mandir=/usr/lib64/php5.4/man' '--infodir=/usr/lib64/php5.4/info' 
'--libdir=/usr/lib64/php5.4/lib' '--with-libdir=lib64' '--without-pear' 
'--disable-maintainer-zts' '--enable-bcmath' '--with-bz2' '--enable-calendar' 
'--enable-ctype' '--with-curl' '--without-curlwrappers' '--enable-dom' 
'--without-enchant' '--enable-exif' '--enable-fileinfo' '--enable-filter' 
'--enable-ftp' '--with-gettext' '--with-gmp' '--enable-hash' '--with-mhash' 
'--with-iconv' '--enable-intl' '--enable-ipv6' '--enable-json' 
'--with-kerberos=/usr' '--enable-libxml' '--enable-mbstring' '--with-mcrypt' 
'--without-mssql' '--with-onig=/usr' '--with-openssl' '--with-openssl-dir=/usr' 
'--enable-pcntl' '--enable-phar' '--enable-pdo' '--without-pgsql' 
'--enable-posix' '--with-pspell' '--without-recode' '--enable-simplexml' 
'--disable-shmop' '--with-snmp' '--enable-soap' '--enable-sockets' 
'--with-sqlite3=/usr' '--without-sybase-ct' '--disable-sysvmsg' 
'--disable-sysvsem' '--disable-sysvshm' '--with-tidy' '--en

Bug #62035 [Opn]: Problem with ProFTPd hard quotas

2012-05-15 Thread incidencias at ultreia dot es
Edit report at

 ID: 62035
 User updated by:incidencias at ultreia dot es
 Reported by:incidencias at ultreia dot es
 Summary:Problem with ProFTPd hard quotas
 Status: Open
 Type:   Bug
 Package:FTP related
 PHP Version:5.4.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Well, you may realize that I swapped expected result and actual result.
It should be:

Expected result:

PHP Warning:  ftp_put(): Transfer aborted. Disk quota exceeded.

Actual result:
PHP Warning:  ftp_put(): Opening BINARY mode data connection

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 09:37:36] incidencias at ultreia dot es


If you try to upload a file to an FTP account in a ProFTPD server with hard 
quotas and available space is less than file size, transfer will be accepted 
receiving a "150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for " response. But 
as soon as used space reaches quota, ProFTPD will interrupt transfer sending a 
"552-Transfer aborted. Disk quota exceeded." message followed by "552 STOR: 
notice: quota reached: '' removed".
PHP will know that transfer has failed but will return the first message 
("Opening BINARY mode data connection") as error message instead of one of the 
552 real error messages.
If there is no free disk space in FTP account (which can happen if, for 
example, you are using ProFTPD soft quotas), ProFTPD will no initially accept 
the transfer sending the 150 response, so it will directly send the 552 
response and everything will work OK with PHP.

Test script:

[PHP-BUG] Bug #62035 [NEW]: Problem with ProFTPd hard quotas

2012-05-15 Thread incidencias at ultreia dot es
Operating system: 
PHP version:  5.4.3
Package:  FTP related
Bug Type: Bug
Bug description:Problem with ProFTPd hard quotas


If you try to upload a file to an FTP account in a ProFTPD server with hard
quotas and available space is less than file size, transfer will be
accepted receiving a "150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for "
response. But as soon as used space reaches quota, ProFTPD will interrupt
transfer sending a "552-Transfer aborted. Disk quota exceeded." message
followed by "552 STOR: notice: quota reached: '' removed".
PHP will know that transfer has failed but will return the first message
("Opening BINARY mode data connection") as error message instead of one of
the 552 real error messages.
If there is no free disk space in FTP account (which can happen if, for
example, you are using ProFTPD soft quotas), ProFTPD will no initially
accept the transfer sending the 150 response, so it will directly send the
552 response and everything will work OK with PHP.

Test script:
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):
Fixed in SVN:
Fixed in SVN and need be documented:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Need Reproduce Script:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:
PHP 4 support discontinued:
Daylight Savings:
IIS Stability:
Install GNU Sed:
Floating point limitations:
No Zend Extensions:
MySQL Configuration Error:

Req #61602 [Opn->Csd]: Allow access to name of constant used as default value

2012-05-15 Thread sebastian
Edit report at

 ID: 61602
 Updated by:
 Summary:Allow access to name of constant used as default
-Status: Open
+Status: Closed
 Type:   Feature/Change Request
 Package:Reflection related
 Operating System:   Irrelevant
 PHP Version:5.4Git-2012-04-02 (Git)
-Assigned To:
+Assigned To:sebastian
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in SVN.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at

 For Windows:
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 07:11:29]

Updated example script that uses new method names:

➜  ~  cat test.php 

foreach ($p as $_p) {

if ($_p->isDefaultValueConstant()) {

➜  ~  php test.php 
string(9) "self::bar"

[2012-04-25 06:10:22]

Can we at least merge the patch into master? Once it's there we can think about 
merging it into PHP 5.4 for PHP 5.4.2.

[2012-04-08 00:45:21]

Not very likely for 5.4.1, doesn't seem to be a critical bug. For 5.4.2, maybe.

[2012-04-03 09:22:42]

Any chance this pull request will be merged into PHP 5.4.1? Thanks.

[2012-04-03 06:07:04] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com


@pierrick pull request is here


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at

Bug #60761 [Asn->Csd]: zlib.output_compression fails on refresh

2012-05-15 Thread mike
Edit report at

 ID: 60761
 Updated by:
 Reported by:valentiny510 at yahoo dot es
 Summary:zlib.output_compression fails on refresh
-Status: Assigned
+Status: Closed
 Type:   Bug
 Package:*Compression related
 Operating System:   xp
 PHP Version:5.4.0RC5
-Assigned To:mattficken
+Assigned To:mike
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Should be fixed in 5.4 and master.

Previous Comments:

[2012-05-15 07:45:37]

Automatic comment on behalf of mike
Log: fix bug #60761 zlib.output_compression fails on refresh

[2012-05-12 13:42:53] pierre at archlinux dot de

I can still reproduce this bug on Arch Linux using PHP 5.4.3 (php-fpm). Which 
additional information do you guys need? It seems pretty obvious to me.

[2012-04-15 02:27:15] adunar at gmail dot com

The bug also happens with the cli-server SAPI (both Windows and Ubuntu).

Here are a few (bash) commands that will reproduce this bug (assumes 
zlib.output_compression = On in your php.ini)

echo " bug.php

php -S > /dev/null 2>&1 &

curl --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip" http://localhost:/bug.php 2> 
/dev/null | wc -m

curl --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip" http://localhost:/bug.php 2> 
/dev/null | wc -m

# fg, then ctrl+c to kill php -S

If output_compression is working correctly, the two curl commands should print 
the same number (approx. 16). 

However with PHP 5.4, the second (and subsequent) curl commands print the size 
of the original uncompressed output (31).

[2012-04-14 23:56:24] adunar at gmail dot com

I am experiencing the same problem, using PHP 5.4.0 with the PHP-FPM 
SAPI on Ubuntu.

zlib appears to only compress the output for the first request from 
a particular worker process.

With the default settings it takes a few refreshes to run into the bug. 
To reproduce immediately, set pm.start_servers = 1 in php-fpm.conf.

Afterwards, running "/etc/init.d/php5-fpm reload" allows another 
request to be compressed before it stops working again.

[2012-04-09 12:50:09]

Matt, please take a look at this bug.

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Edit this bug report at

Req #61602 [Opn]: Allow access to name of constant used as default value

2012-05-15 Thread sebastian
Edit report at

 ID: 61602
 Updated by:
 Summary:Allow access to name of constant used as default
 Status: Open
 Type:   Feature/Change Request
 Package:Reflection related
 Operating System:   Irrelevant
 PHP Version:5.4Git-2012-04-02 (Git)
 Block user comment: N
 Private report: N

 New Comment:

Updated example script that uses new method names:

➜  ~  cat test.php 

foreach ($p as $_p) {

if ($_p->isDefaultValueConstant()) {

➜  ~  php test.php 
string(9) "self::bar"

Previous Comments:

[2012-04-25 06:10:22]

Can we at least merge the patch into master? Once it's there we can think about 
merging it into PHP 5.4 for PHP 5.4.2.

[2012-04-08 00:45:21]

Not very likely for 5.4.1, doesn't seem to be a critical bug. For 5.4.2, maybe.

[2012-04-03 09:22:42]

Any chance this pull request will be merged into PHP 5.4.1? Thanks.

[2012-04-03 06:07:04] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com


@pierrick pull request is here


[2012-04-03 05:56:12] reeze dot xia at gmail dot com

Hi, pierrick & sebastian:
   I have create another patch for this request. it differ's in:

   - rename defaultValueIsConstant to isDefaultValueConstant to match bool 
return values's is* method naming.
   - handle global constant.
   - refactor code to remove duplicate.
   - add 3 tests for it.

and I've make test everything looks fine.

please review it for me.


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